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8670121 No.8670121 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best philosopher and why is it Hegel?

>> No.8670125


>> No.8670130
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I agree

>> No.8670135

sleep tight kierkker

>> No.8670151

me and my magnum opus 'my diary, desu'

>> No.8670159

Just finishes writing this this morning. It's superb.

>> No.8670257

Probably some current Professor who has a really good memory that has read the most best philosophy texts desu

>> No.8670404
File: 80 KB, 1920x1080, renahasaball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hume. I get a sick sort of pleasure watching him ruin all hope for knowledge and certainty.

I don't get Hegel. I don't get what he's trying to accomplish. I don't get how his writing accomplishes anything. And I don't get how anyone can find him relevant today.

>> No.8670457

>reason can't be used to no nuffin!!
>I know because of reasoning

Empiricism is stupid.

>> No.8670945
File: 374 KB, 736x964, Frankfurt_Am_Main-Portraits-Arthur_Schopenhauer-1845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you stayed in Berlin, you fucking fraud.

Thank you Cholera-chan.

>> No.8670970
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People have misunderstood Hegel's last words "only one man has ever understood me and he didn't understand me" as referring to Hegel himself or his students but it was actually him admitting to being an obscurantist charlatan.

>> No.8671671

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -Albert Einstein

>> No.8671703

I blame Hegel for unleashing the plague of the SJW on this earth. Critical theory is worst meme of them all

>> No.8671733
File: 40 KB, 657x527, Hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hegel was actually surprisingly conservative, if you read his letters/correspondence outside of the actual philosophy itself.

I think the Left Hegelians got it all wrong. The Right Hegelians were probably closer to what Hegel was thinking, but it's too late now. Left Hegelians won the war.

>> No.8671767

Have any of you paueds actually read Hegel? How do you attack his dense bibliography? Do you read chronologically/what kind of work should you be familiar with prior to reading?

>> No.8671777

Have you?

>> No.8671784


I'm >>8671733, and yes to all 3. I've acquainted myself both with Hegel's main works and everything surrounding them.

I'm very glad I did, he introduced me to Winckelmann (among others).

>> No.8671835

He literally said that Philosophy of History and Aesthetics are for the casuals that are first gen literates.

>> No.8671846

Of course not, that's why I was asking how you read them.
Any recs for secondary sources/commentaries?
Literally thank you for filling me in.