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/lit/ - Literature

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8666944 No.8666944 [Reply] [Original]

How well-read are ya?

>> No.8666946

I read Infinite Jest...

>> No.8666964

I don't subvocalize, so I'm extremely well read. Admittedly I dropped Finnegans wake earlier this year, but otherwise I have absorbed all of your memes.

>> No.8667025
File: 119 KB, 1152x864, 180px-Superweenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.8667036

>I don't subvocalize
Then you're clearly not well read if this is what you think it means to be well read.

>> No.8667042

I've read animal farm

>> No.8667046

dang that book is crazy, its like the animals are talking but you know its all a deeper meanin

>> No.8667052

I read clockwork orange...
...without looking anything up

>> No.8667057

The only writing that challenges me...
Is my own.

>> No.8667066

holy.... i want more....

>> No.8667069

Your not ready kid.

>> No.8667071

Yesterday I read The Phenomenology of Spirit in one sitting and understood everything. So you tell me :^)

>> No.8667074

It enables me to read faster, thus I read more.

>> No.8667076

>mfw the subvocalization meme still exists

Glad to see something from the good old days still exist on this decrepit board.

>> No.8667079
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hot damn

>> No.8667085

there's a deeper meaning?
I thought it was the novelization of the movie Babe.

>> No.8667093

I have been read twice in a row Moby Dick and War and peace (each separatly).

>> No.8667097

I get into taxis and say things like, "the library and step on it!"

>> No.8667146

I only read penguin edition... wyd

>> No.8667177

Good old days my nigga what are you on that was like 9 months ago

>> No.8667609


>> No.8667622

in a smaller amount of time however it depends on how much you actually read

>> No.8667633

I read Orkhon scripts..
in the original language and alphabet didn't understand fully of course, but more patrician this way

>> No.8667636

I'm so well read I occasionally recognize allusions... without having to check sparknotes.

>> No.8669166

I read and comprehended Ulysses without reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man first

>> No.8669191

It was implied that I spent a lot of time reading. Because I don't sub-vocalize, I do practically everything faster. My skill (and inheritance, let's be honest) lends me, by rough calculation, 6 hours a day to read, and I read at least 4 times faster than average.

>> No.8669200

I'm oil well-read.

>> No.8669499

i read it in english and german, same with kant

>> No.8669687

I've only just started reading seriously this year, and I have a feeling that I'm more /lit/ than a lot of people here

>> No.8669702


I've read the entire oeuvre of James Joyce without any milk

>> No.8669718
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I will save the white race from these evil spook slayers.

>> No.8669730

>mfw fucking 9 store fronts

>> No.8669760
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>> No.8669792

I'm so well-read, when people mention John Williams, I say, "The author?"

>> No.8669822
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>he doesn't take the time to appreciate the aesthetic the writer gives to his prose

>> No.8669839


>> No.8669861

I'm so unhip, that when you say Dylan, I think you're talking about Bob Dylan

>> No.8669866

formalism is for the unsophisticated

>> No.8669876

Sophistication is formalist.

>> No.8669903

did you read a lot as a kid, too? after reading a lot as a child i don't subvocalize and i think it makes me a quicker reader than those who didn't read as a child, though i do notice that if i don't read for a while that my speed goes down a bit when i'm getting back into it.

>> No.8669907

woops didnt mean to have that name

>> No.8670058

i read lolita and didnt want to tiddle little girls after

>> No.8670067


>> No.8670206


Babe actually has a lot of deeper stuff about Australian culture in it. For one, sheep have been constant within Australian popular cinema, as they represent some kind of European culture - large scale agriculture - thriving in the savage wasteleand of the Australian bush. Sheep are good too because they are infinite and bland ie nothing. For Babe to achieve autonomy and identity he has to use the sheep as a foil, turning them into something (nothing) to self actualise himself

>> No.8670420


>> No.8670428

Nothing, literally a visitor from /v/. Writing a short story right now though.

Hi guys!

>> No.8670437

you best leave that /v/ """"culture"""" behind

>> No.8670438

post what you've written, please.

>> No.8670450

>reading to read more

>> No.8670456

It's in Spanish, is that allowed on the board?

/v/ is pretty fun at times, but today I felt like lurking around for some reason. Probably not gonna become a regular, I know jack shit about literature and I haven't read stuff that isn't from school in ages.

>> No.8670459

i'm much better read than your average pleb, but less do than an actual well read intellectual. i've read a little of a lot of guys
i'm probably better read than a lot of /lit/ just because i'm in my thirties and have been reading for a lot longer than you young men

>> No.8670814

this is fucking funny

>> No.8670815

How well-read am I?

I read Being and Time in its original German, with no secondary/supporting material, and understood everything I read.

>> No.8670823

How well-read i am?

I once fully read a local newspaper while eating cereals without milk.

>> No.8670825

Underrated post

>> No.8670889
File: 2.51 MB, 3307x3437, Books I read that were released in the past 5 Years Part 2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700+ read books on goodreads

These are books I read that were released in the past 5 years

>> No.8670947

>he read past the Being section
fucking madman

>> No.8670961

How well-read am I?

I read Kant just for the prose.

>> No.8670963

I've read every Bob Dylan album at least twice.

>> No.8670993

Well I'm a native German speaker and I did this too, but I read it in English

>> No.8671107

These are some embarrassing books, lad.

>> No.8671527

You better be a book reviewer

>> No.8671537

Do you understand the principle that eating junk food makes you fat applies to your brain, too?

>> No.8671565

Hope you're trolling lad

>> No.8672097


Rare TPB rederence... nice....

>> No.8672116

I've read shakespeare's works with all the words and lines in reverse order

and it made sense

>> No.8672141

i make my own books