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/lit/ - Literature

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8669383 No.8669383 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book worth reading?

>> No.8669389

Yes /thread pls sage

>> No.8669390

It drags ass when they go on the roadtrips

>> No.8669460

Can somebody explain me why 20ish years old women love this book?

It is a about a obsesed guy raping a preteen!

>> No.8669464

100% yes.

>> No.8669467

Makes them nostalgic for their girlhood days when they fucked 40 year old men.

>> No.8669469

that has sense.

>> No.8669483

No it doesn't, that was the most enjoyable part to me.

Wait a second, is art subjective? – No, that can't be. Gotta keep up that elitism.

>> No.8669549

It was enjoyable but still the weakpoint of the book.
But art is pretty objective, you can have shit pleb taste and good taste.

>> No.8669551

>Recently voted one of /lit/'s 10 favorite books
>massively famous outside of /lit/
>taught in universities
Why did you make this thread?

>> No.8669554

>But art is pretty objective
I'm honestly not sure whether this is just another meme of /lit/. I can't believe so many people on here actually think in such bullshit ways. ""Quality"" of art is not objective.

>> No.8669561

>taught in universities

>> No.8669565

There are objectively better and worse tastes, don't kid yourself.

>> No.8669566

>""Quality"" of art is not objective.
He posted as he brought the Aladdin coffee cup to his lips from his mother's doily

>> No.8669579

There really are not. Art does not pursue a single, definable goal.
Art can function as entertainment, a way to deliver insight/ knowledge, convey emotions etc. - all of which are things completely subjectively transportable from person to person. Art is not maths.
I'm actually drinking cold hot wine punch that I didn't bother to heat up because I don't wanna go downstairs. I live with my grandma, not my Ma.

>> No.8669588
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Sure thing, kiddo.
There are obvious guidelines through which you can very easily rate the artistic merit of a drawing or book.

>> No.8669605

No, there aren't. If there were "obvious guidelines", then new waves of art forms and genres would have never happened. Sure there are certain agreed upon barriers (which are entirely different ones depending on the period of time you're looking at, which confirms its subjectivity). But they don't mean anything. All they do is limit artistic expression.

>> No.8669616
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All new waves of art is shit by 20 years old that try to be le unique xD instead of making good art.
Art can be very much objective.

>> No.8669622

Well, if it helps you sleep at night. Cheers buddy. What are you currently reading?

>> No.8669640
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"Art is objective" is a pathetic excuse by shitty artists and plebs.

>> No.8669648

I think you meant to say "subjective", but I'm done arguing.

Bist du Deutscher?

>> No.8669656
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I made a mistake, I'm posting on like 5 threads at the same time.
Natürlich bin ich Deutscher.

>> No.8669668

Wen würdest du zu deinen Lieblingsschriftstellern zählen; aus Deutschland, mein ich? Die meisten Leute hier auf /lit/ denken da an Hesse oder Mann. Ich finde deutsche Literatur wird hier gemeinhin unterschätzt.

Wie findest du Fallada?

>> No.8669676

>There are obvious guidelines through which you can very easily rate the artistic merit of a drawing or book.

what are they?

>> No.8669689
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Ich lese sehr wenige Bücher auf Deutsch, nur die wichtigsten. Ich lese meistens nur die Griechen auf Englisch oder andere Englische Authoren.

>> No.8669726

Fallada is a hack.. Grass ist besser, besonders mit Deutsch kleinstädtisch literatur. Aber mein lieblingsdeutschsprachiger Romancier ist Bernhard

ich habe nur Kleiner Mann, was nun? gelesen

>> No.8669849
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>> No.8670106
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>mein Gesicht wann ich das alles lesen kann

Meinen Studium diesem Sommer hat meinem Deutsch wirklich verbessert.

>> No.8670518

I hate this meme that all about art is subjective. How the fuck can we have standards according to which you judge art?

While a big part of art is in the eyes of the beholder, I honestly think the subjective meme is a product of our politically correct society which strives to make everyone feel important and good.

>> No.8670969

Where can i find the /lit/ 10 favourite books list?

>> No.8670985

Please no, corn father

>> No.8671002

*Mein Studium *diesen Sommer *mein Deutsch

Still gotta work on your articles and pronouns I guess

>> No.8671012

Well I hate the subjective = PC meme. It seems like a fundamental and deliberate misinterpretation of what subjectivity and PC really are. No one, not even hardcore pomos, are saying that all art is equal, just that there is no single agreed upon criteria to measure a urinal against the Sistine Chapel ceiling. There are multiple viewpoints on what makes good art that can't be resolved, it has nothing to do with offering consolation prizes to people who can't paint as well as Michelangelo.

>How the fuck can we have standards according to which you judge art?
That is where the problem lays, people are angry being told that "x is better than y" is meaningless and they should be more specific. But specifics aren't as comfortingly complete and universal.

>> No.8671015

I kek'd

>> No.8671029

Great prose, horrible subject. worth it

>> No.8671443


>> No.8671452

Please no, corn father

>> No.8671462

I knew I was gonna mess some of those up. I'm more concerned about reading than writing, though. Maybe I should hang out on krautchan to practice some more.

>> No.8671512

>horrible subject
What would be a good subject then?

>> No.8671577

Right after my GF broke up with me (we were 17) she read this book and then fucked a 30 year old married man lol

>> No.8671580

srs question: how abnormal is it to get physically aroused by many passages of this book?

>> No.8671590

As Sylvia Plath said "every woman loves a fascist".

Or in generic feminist terms, under patriarchy womans' only source of power is her sexuality, the ability to seduce and essentially dominate powerful or highly intelligent men because said men think with their cocks is their only means of exercising and leveraging power.

please no cornfather

>mfw good prose is using words like "Laodicean" and "Antediluvian" so /lit/ normies get B A M B O O Z L E D

>> No.8671610

If you think it is a book about child abuse don't bother, if you are intelligent enough to look past that, yes.

>> No.8671675

Good post.

>> No.8671686

She's an old hag, who cares.

>> No.8671692

Please no corn father

>> No.8671701

>the subjective meme
>being this solipsistic

Listen kid, if you think that the worth of art isn't subjective than it isn't physically possible that you're a worthwhile artist of any kind.

>> No.8671707
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>> No.8671710
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it's weird bc there are maybe two borderline explicit passages in the book, that one where she is sitting on his lap before she goes to camp and the one where H. Humbert recounts his first pubescent garden carousing, not bc you are an ephebophile

>> No.8671727

in addition to the ones you mention, the other ones that did it for me were:
the whole 'callipygean slave child climbing a column of onyx' part
when he has Lolita give him a hand-job in the classroom
also vaguely remember a moment where he masturbates to her while [watching a movie?] with the Hazes

>> No.8671782
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>callipygean slave child climbing a column of onyx

yeah his whole historical exegesis of the nymphette has some stellar, ultra vivid descripts of sexualized children

this one too was good, puppybodies is especially evocative I feel

>Here are two of King Akhnaten’s and Queen Nefertiti’s pre-nubile Nile daughters (that royal couple had a litter of six), wearing nothing but many necklaces of bright beads, relaxed on cushions, intact after three thousand years, with their soft brown puppybodies, cropped hair and long ebony eyes. Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum, the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship.

>> No.8671824
File: 1.55 MB, 500x280, 805806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Josephine" (1983) - Martine Voyeux

>For many years Martine Voyeux has been working on a photographic story that has taken her to the legendary cities of southern Europe. In her photographs she evokes what is unique about each place, bringing back the past in the faces of the present. She seeks the nature of the mystery by which life continues despite everything. Far from descriptive reportage, she tells a story involving emblematic figures reminiscent of tarot cards, using a range of colours redolent of purgatory. She walks a thin line between life and death, between truth and falsehood. Under the surface, an impression of what might lie beyond emerges.

David Hamilton, "The Age of Innocence" (Collection)

>The genius of David Hamilton is all too often overlooked. Too many people concentrate on the so-called "audacity" of his photographic subjects, and too few on his actual artistic method.
>His photographs are mesmerizing. In "The Age of Innocence", he captures in an instant what every man spends half his life trying to accomplish. Needless to say, however, Mr. Hamilton is an artist ahead of his time, and it will take some time for popular opinion to reflect that.

"As Far as the Eye Can See" (Collection) - Ron Oliver

etc., etc.

>> No.8671834

>Wait a second, is art subjective?

That's about as stupid as saying there are multiple meanings behind a book that the author didn't intend or know.

No, there is one fucking meaning. It's the meanings the author wrote. Your OPINION does not defeat FACTS.

>> No.8671894

please no, corn father.

>> No.8671969

please no, corn father

>> No.8671986

What are you trying to say?

>> No.8672379
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>authorial intent