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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 169 KB, 306x197, sasha_blurb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
862856 No.862856 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.862863

>porn's biggest star
I don't believe this

>> No.862882

I won't say biggest, but certainly a recent one that rose very quickly to one of the most popular.

/lit/ has a beef against her, I think.

>> No.862887

She's a vapid, pseudo-intellectual whore.

>> No.862889

There are too many things wrong with that image I don't even ugh fucking bitches and whores man bitches and mother fuckin whores.

>> No.862896

>mad because a woman smarter than him can fuck for a living and still retain her dignitiy

>> No.862904

If this wasn't a blue board, I'd show you a few of her dignified shots. She's proved absolutely nothing.

She's not even an intellectual. It's a marketing gimmick. Nerd culture is on the rise, so they found some moderately attractive whore, then they take a few shots of her holding Beyond Good and Evil. Cue idiots lapping that shit up.

>> No.863060


There is no dignity in sex. It is something you lose yourself in for brief periods of time, and then hope that the person you did it with is able to look past the occurrence enough to still respect you when it is over.

It is the same as anything fun, really.

>> No.863121

Have anyone in here ever read "Maison Lucrèce" by Mario Benedetti? It reminds me of this thread

>> No.863126

Wait, I thought we -liked- her for some reason.

>> No.863144


Consensus seems to be that she is insulting our intelligence (lol somehow) by possibly pretending to be of an intellectual bent.

>> No.863155

>/lit/ - pretending to be of an intellectual bent

>> No.863277


You've either never had sex or have never had good sex.

Quit projecting your jaundiced view of the human body, interaction and condition on others. The sooner you learn to appreciate your humanity (and that of everyone else), the better. Unless you subscribe to some anti-humanistic hocus pocus morality, in which case: enjoy your self-deprecation.

>> No.863314


Can't figure out if you're trolling or if you actually believe that. Not everything that's fun is also degrading (this being /lit/, reading comes to mind), and sex can be either degrading or not, depending on how you view it and how you view the person/people you're doing it with. In a healthy relationship, sex is connection-affirming and enjoyable for both parties. Many feminist philosophers consider even things like stripping and prostitution to be liberating, although I can't say I agree with them.

>> No.863325


There's more to sex than a relationship.

>> No.863332

Besides, who cares what she thinks? She's a whore.

I couldn't care less what she likes to read, as long as she's gargling thick wads of man mayo.

>> No.863334


Sex is by its very nature a kind of relationship. It is an interaction between two (or more) people, however brief. I did not mean to imply that sex is only meaningful within a certain kind of romantic relationship, however, which is kind of how my previous post reads now that I think about it.

>> No.863344

Sure is protestants in here..

>> No.863385

>reads Nietzsche

So does every stunted adolescent that wants to look cool. You'd think an intellectual like Sasha wouldn't need to own what is basically a 101 idiot's guide to the philosophy she adheres to.

>> No.864616

>>Besides, who cares what she thinks? She's a woman.


>> No.864799

Sex is an orgiastic ritual used in lieu of actual love blah blah blah you're up your own ass

>> No.864809 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 261x291, sasha jizzface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existentialism: no matter how many cocks I have stuffed into my orifices, I still feel empty.

>> No.865359

The misogynistic flipper babies of 4chan rag on Sasha Grey because she has sex for a living. Somehow that's insulting. She's a whore blah blah blah. She's empty blah blah blah.

What about the guys in the films (or in Miss Grey)? What exalts them above her to make them impervious to (adolescent/prurient/jealous/prudish) criticism?

Just asking. Sauce for the goose and all that - or not so?

>> No.865369

they don't pretend to be genius man-whores.

>> No.865487

whores don't think. not thinking is exactly what makes you a whore. politicians are whores, business people are whores, working people are whores, /lit/erate, per definition, can't be whores. if a literate does make a living in brothel by sucking, licking and squatting on pricks it is, still, not a whore.

>> No.865496

Men don't exist in porn except as a stand-in to the projected viewer.

>> No.865516

lock key blah blah blah

>> No.865517

Clearly you don't watch the kind of porn I do.

>> No.866781

I've read this before. It was amusing the first time, less so the second and so forth. Protip: imitation is not wit.

Dicks aren't keys; pussies aren't locks. False and self serving Clever Dick analogies just give vicious people permission to be mean.

>> No.866818


I think the whole 'people are objects' overtone is even more disturbing than implying that keys are analogous to dicks.

>> No.866822

Here's a hint:

Any thread with a Sasha Grey image on /lit/ is doomed to be terrible.

>> No.866846

This thread is pointless, yet hilarious.

>> No.866866

Jews promoting anti-White lifestyles on /lit? Nothing new.

>> No.866870


the guys in porn dont usually drink piss, get smacked around, to ass to mouth, get fucked by multiple guys at the same time, etc.........
shes selling her sexuality...something that to anyone with substance is a personal thing
if she were actually smart would she be doing this? no

>> No.866872

Protip: Sasha Grey is ugly.

>> No.866873


>the guys in porn dont usually drink piss, get smacked around, to ass to mouth, get fucked by multiple guys at the same time, etc..

You really need to watch gay porn.

>> No.866875

sasha grey, that's like porno's lady gaga, right

>> No.866878


>drink piss, get smacked around, to ass to mouth, get fucked by multiple guys at the same time

I'm pretty sure I just jerked off to that

>> No.866881

is gay porn mainstream? no
sorry but it is not relevant
i hate the new "sex positive" feminists that try to imply that personifying the patriarchal male fantasy of a subservient female whore/ sex object is empowering to women

>> No.866882

Watch more porn, bro.

>> No.866889

Gay porn is as mainstream as any other type of porn.

Just because you watch straight pornography with the desire to see a woman be degraded doesn't mean that is the only type of porn that exists.

>> No.866894

im sorry but no...gay porn is not as prevalent as straight porn...when you log onto /b/ do you see gay porn ads? no...if you see lesbian ones they are most certainly directed at a male audience...
im sorry but no seriously...the type of porn that is most popular, makes the most money, and is all over the place is heterosexual

>> No.866898


just because you don't like pleasure/fun doesn't mean the whole world is a bunch of masochistic, fucked up assholes

>> No.866900


>> No.866906

just so you gents know, this is the most absurd argument ever conducted on lit.

>> No.866912


/lit/ is just one big circus of absurdity.

>> No.866918

also i dont watch that type of porn for that reason exactly...im a girl and everytime i have tried to watch straight porn i could not exactly for that reason
there is nothing hot to me about some chick who is either too dumb to know shes being distrespected, blatantly crying, or reliving some horrible childhood experience

>> No.866926

I mean if you think about it for more than a second the internet is inherently pretty absurd

Not to say that the entirety of human existence on this stage is not one great circus, a pageant of absurdity and foolishness and irony

>> No.866927


Tell us about your father.

>> No.866937

its not about me, i was never molested but from the girls i have known that are into being treated like shit they almost always were or were easily taken advantage of because they didnt have a dad around and wanted male attention

>> No.866941

Sasha Grey is a slunt

>> No.866946
File: 78 KB, 950x692, freud_leans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.866952

I like being treated like shit in bed sometimes. I also like treating my boyfriend like shit, and he likes it too. Neither of us were molested or abused or have daddy problems. Sometimes it's just called having a fetish.

>> No.866956

theres a difference between being in a relationship with someone who you know respects you and doing bdsm

and being someone who gets paid to be degraded by random strangers

>> No.866957
File: 57 KB, 450x450, that_classy_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tell us more

>> No.866958

This thread sure does seem familiar.

>> No.866977

This terrible thread has taken a turn for the sexy.

>> No.867101
File: 33 KB, 410x303, 1273118738392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.867952


>> No.868711

It's nowhere near impossible or even strange to earn a living with sex and be an intellectual to whatever extent. However, based on what little can be derived from Grey's personality, she's likely just pretending for the most part.

The thing about liberating women or whatever is retarded, of course. You have to excuse me for not being properly familiar with her exact opinions, I just happen to NOT GIVE A SHIT.