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/lit/ - Literature

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8659966 No.8659966 [Reply] [Original]

Better than last year's desu

>> No.8659994

/lit/, you're all right after all.

>> No.8659997

>5 (five!) Pynchon books

Nuke this board please

>> No.8660001

Am I blind, or is The Sound and The Fury not on this list?

>> No.8660007

Are you a dumb fuck or a dumb fuck?
There are ONLY FOUR Pynchon books there

>> No.8660009

49 my dude.

Could be worse.

>> No.8660015

ah, I missed it, thanks pal

>> No.8660027

>dazai over mishima
>don quixote only 11
>entry level english lit

>> No.8660034

I'm going to read every book on this list.

I will be /lit/ so help me God.

>> No.8660036

>oblomov that low
A shame

>> No.8660037

pleb list even though there are a few good titles
it's better than last year at least, I agree with that

>> No.8660038

neither dazai nor mishima are among the top Japanese authors, /lit/ only likes them because of their edgy themes. Mishima is pretty good but doesn't belong on the list over Oe, Kawabata, Natsume, etc.

>> No.8660039

If you haven't already read at least 70 of these, you're a hopeless pleb

>> No.8660042

>bottom's dream

>> No.8660049

What even is this book, I've never heard about it. Some new meme?

>> No.8660063

High school shit is slowly going away, but there aren't many changes as far as interesting authors getting in goes.
Sartre, Vonnegut, Huxley, Camus, Murakami and the occasional meme entry are offenders, but otherwise it's good.
There's a lot less sf and fantasy compared to the last years. Wolfe and Tolkien are solidified, but Lem is sadly out. Herbert is pretty high school tier too, never got what people like about it.

>> No.8660080

>no Middlemarch




>> No.8660096

no. 84

>> No.8660098

There are actually four, not five.

The Sound and the Fury is on there, actually, #49.

Mishima isn't ranked above those authors, actually, because he's not on the list of all.

Middlemarch is on there, actually, #84

Makes me wonder how much you guys miss when you read.

>> No.8660112

it's a book none of the fags here have read but put on the chart anyway to seem intellectual

>> No.8660133

i only read 39 books of the list (i counted, yes)

but here is my theory about the ones i read. things like Canterbury tales can´t be here if not for the "historical factor". i refuse to believe people really enjoy it without this historical thing rounded in her minds. basically the same with Don quixote, Divine Comedy, Faust, and of course The Bible.

brave new world it´s regular and nonchalant and her "ideas" are not that brilliant and unique. (like other anon said, maybe it´s the rests of high school wavers)

and two personal questions:
The Death of Ivan Illych is not just too soft and too little to even be on the list?.

why exactly you enjoy the crying of lot 49 to this level?. i feel like it´s voted for people that really dont read any "different" thing in her life. it´s pretty bland.

just opinions, man.

>> No.8660147

I think it's just that there is a dozen or so various authors and/or works which are memed around here so much so that a lot of people vote for them without ever even reading them.

>Bottom's Dream
>Holy Bible
>Don Quixote

>> No.8660153

>Canterbury tales can´t be here if not for the "historical factor". i refuse to believe people really enjoy it
I enjoyed reading it tremendously. If you refuse to believe that, then please at least accept a full fart from me

>same with Don quixote, Divine Comedy, Faust
>brave new world it´s regular and nonchalant and her "ideas"
Who the fuck posted a link on reddit AGAIN?

>> No.8660157

ok. it was just a theory. im not enjoy at all. what do you like exactly?. to me is something like in the future the people think rhanna and beyonce was the really good musicians of this era or something like that. i read it like something very simple and plain.

>even the people who like it admit Brave New World it´s not good prose.

i simply don´t get it.

>> No.8660159

>the bible
Is this a /lit/ meme, or something?Never been on this board til now.

>> No.8660164

Mein gott the reddit is powerful in this one.
The Bible is dull if you read it for historical reasons, in fact I see little point in reading it pretending to be a secular scholar. It's a religious text, full of wisdom, beauty, exploration of sin in man, and as a text is so brilliantly woven it's hard to believe it was not made by 2-3 authors, but a dozen over a thousand years.
The Divine Comedy is likewise simply a gorgeous read and the historical value is irrelevant, there are very few things in it that are bound in time (his political commentary can easily be applied today or in any time really).
And Brave New World simply has dry and lifeless writing. There's nothing about his prose that one can actually like, it's just there to tell the story and doesn't enhance it in any way. At least it isn't actively ugly like it is in Dune.

>> No.8660165

Bottom's Dream is some gigantic German mindfuck that came out in English like four days ago. Kids here who can't make heads or tails of the first page of Finnegans Wake in English have proclaimed "Finnegans Wake but translated into English from German" to be their new favorite novel. They've posted photos of themselves hefting the massive hardcover in their local book store and displaying it proudly at home on a literal pedestal illuminated by heavenly rays of sunlight. It's amazing.

>> No.8660167

>never been on this board until now
i guess you really are new

>> No.8660171

>Mishima isn't ranked above those authors, actually, because he's not on the list of all.

Never said he was chief, just defending the notion that if he were to be on the list, he should not supersede a number of other authors from Japan

>> No.8660184

This list is identical to the past 3.

>> No.8660186





>> No.8660203

I'm not entirely sure if Alan Moore would be comfortable seeing his book ranking right above Hamlet

>> No.8660215

i talked to you about your opinions on canterbury tales (the one you really enjoyed). not on bible or divine comedy. (im really curious)
anyway, the historical factor was something more about the greatness in literature history of that books in particular not about the historical conditions they impress. and that historical greatness who tend to make the people venerate it without really enjoying it. (maybe im wrong)

brave new world dry and lifeless?, come on, you are a pedantic trickster on this one.

>> No.8660216

Canterbury Tales: the language and dialect is something I guess you could incorrectly consider to be part of "the historical factor", but the way of looking at things and spinning tales in the middle ages is interesting in its own right. Some stories are good stories if you don't already know them from their source, otherwise you have the poetics, and if someone isn't interested in that either, many parts are still simply hilarious.

>> No.8660222

is Jerusalem even good?

>> No.8660225

It's good but it wouldn't be on the list (or somewhere at the bottom) if it hadn't just come out

>> No.8660226

So happy to see bottom's dream on here <3 I voted for it. I think it deserves to be quite a bit higher, but I shouldn't expect such an amazing book to be appreciated by anyone other than an elite few.

>> No.8660231

did you even read it baiting cock-mongling faggot?

>> No.8660235

Lol no, I just like how it's really big and it's worded really funny, and I really enjoyed the discussion we had about the book on this board.

>> No.8660264

I haven't read Canterbury Tales, but I did read Boccacio upon whose work it is based on. There's nothing to not enjoy, they are short, entertaining well written stories. I don't think it's amazing, but they are certainly not hard to find a pleasing read.
Brave New World and 1984 are what I think of when I think lifeless prose. Can you find an excerpt from BNW that's not dry? Outside that one dialogue from the end.

>> No.8660268
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It sounds really fucking douchey to me

>> No.8660274
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okay here's what you've all been waiting for

>> No.8660275

>the way of looking at things and spinning tales in the middle ages is interesting in its own right
if that is true. why canterbury tales and not any other shitty tale of some middle age guy?. my question is serious. i really don´t know.

>> No.8660280

what do banana and guy mean?

>> No.8660282

>Blood Meridian 8th
Why is everyone so enamored with this book?

>> No.8660289

banana means
>had deep and thoughtful conversations with your mother about
nyet guy means
>would let your father use for his book-carving sculptures

>> No.8660290

why are you such a cunt?

>> No.8660294

that's not within the scope of the picture to explain

>> No.8660296

Chaucer isn't about the tales it is about the characters in them and the characters that tell them. They are much more realistically drawn, with human faults and desires than most characters in fiction of the time.

>> No.8660330


>> No.8660331

>a book that nobody here has finished is in 61st

>> No.8660334
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you better start explaining anyway kid.

>> No.8660341


>> No.8660345


>> No.8660355

Wrong, it's only three.

>> No.8660358

Wrong, it's number 86.

>> No.8660378
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>displaying it proudly at home on a literal pedestal illuminated by heavenly rays of sunlight

I regret nothing.

>> No.8660383

This list is pure /plebbitinvasion/.

/lit/ was already dying from /mu/ and /r9k/ influx and now is truly dead

>> No.8660384

It's practically the same list as previous years.

>> No.8660387

im going to learn computer networking just so i can find you can slap you across that pale face of yours

>> No.8660412

If you think this board is anywhere close to what it was even a year ago, then you lack reading comprehension.

>> No.8660419


As if you=bitch : ▻ : could even >lift< it with your ((((scrawny)))!⍑: atrophied arms. > : ⏚

>> No.8660424
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The few changes are rather good, too, at least towards the top, surprising as it may be with regard to the continuous decline of the board. School shit like Catcher and Gatsby also fell halfway down the picture.

>> No.8660426

i lift any woman here that isn't obese i think i can lift that book

>> No.8660430


>> No.8660438


>i feel like it´s voted for people that really dont read any "different" thing in her life.
>dont read any "different" thing in her life.
>Refuses to believe that people read classics for fun and hasn't read said classics
>Thinks people don't read anything different
>Doesn't realize that he's the one that doesn't read anything different

>> No.8660450


Picking up little girls from the playground in the park doesn't count, that's easy.

>> No.8660457

just because the women here have infantile thoughts and ideas doesn't mean they are children

>> No.8660472

How do you not like Don Quixote? It literally has a part where Sancho and the honorable man of De la Mancha vomit on each other. It is one of the funniest books I have ever read. Plus both characters are incredible lovable. Sure The Don attacks the innocent a lot cause he is insane but he's good at heart and Sancho playing the straight man to Quixote's antics makes the book all the better. If you think Don Quixote is dry you i doubt you read anything but the stupid windmill scene they make everyone read in high school.

>> No.8660476

Almost every book ever takes inspiration from the bible. Richard Dawkins the most atheist man to ever exist thinks it should be taught in high school lit for its literary importance.

>> No.8660482

You mean books in the West. Eastern literature does not draw from the Bible.

>> No.8660490

Yes western my bad. But point is still valid it is a crazy important book to all western literature. It would be like not teaching the Odyssey because it's a religious text.

>> No.8660493

We truly have become mad

>> No.8660495

>implying eastern lit is worth more than the pile of shit it is

>> No.8660582

>No Oe
>No Babel
>No Grossman
>No Solzhenitsyn
>No Sebald

Pleb city, everyone

>> No.8660609

>No Canetti

>> No.8660624


>> No.8660776

i never forgetti

>> No.8660823

we should do just novels next year

>> No.8660881

how is this list any different from last year. fuck these lists. all the book on this list will be the ones I avoid thanks /lit you stupid fucks.

>> No.8660896
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>hasn't seen a Bible thread
you are brand fucking new my guy

>> No.8660899

>journey to the end of the night moved from 9th to 70th

>> No.8660969

Glad to see Under the Volcano making the list. Thanks for putting this together.

>> No.8661212

Where it belongs, glad to see less r9k voting.
Makes two of us.

>> No.8661374

next year Jerusalem in making top10

>> No.8661389


Sensible chuckle.

>> No.8661422

Is there a poll for authors only? Could one be made from the data, by order to mention? It would better reflect the tastes of lit IMO.

>> No.8661426

Wow, did people actually read it? I thought it was a running joke, like my twisted world.

>> No.8661439

>basically the same with Don quixote
stopped reading there, lowborn scoundrel and a whoreson

>> No.8661468

All my votes for the bible payed off

>> No.8661479
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Where is the list of all the votes? I want to finish the list I started of the 100 books that come after this list. after 50 or so the books only got 2-3 votes

>> No.8661487
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I feel so proud to be a Black educated man today.

>> No.8661520
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>> No.8661596

> Read Ulysses and Portrait
> Didn't read Dubliners

>> No.8661610
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Don't worry it's on my to read list.

>> No.8661624

how do i make an image like this?

>> No.8661627


>> No.8661631
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well i read just over half of them and honestly asides from the murakami they were all great

>> No.8661656

>man of the la mancha vomit on each other.
ok, this is what i saying. it´s not funny at all. and i dont say isn´t funny because is disagreeable or something. just not have any comedy impact in me. i dont feel like lovable the carachters, i feel they are totally artificial.
>reading it all. it was not a torture but it wasn´t funny or interesting time.

>> No.8661670
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>no leopard
>no i,claudius

>> No.8661678

bump because interest. i want that poster too.

>> No.8661694

>Lolita in the top 5

>> No.8661696

>The Death of Ivan Illych is not just too soft and too little to even be on the list?.

What do you mean? Are you saying it can't be on there because it's too short?

>> No.8661719

>implying Taoism isn't the greatest philosophy of all time

>> No.8661720

Is Finnegans Wake actually worth reading?

>> No.8661722

>Ulysses - 69 votes
>69 votes

>> No.8661728

The Quixote is funny as all fuck but that's not why it's so highly regarded.
If all you got from it is hobo wars then you need to read it again some other day and look past the obvious.

>> No.8661734

it´s not only the shortness. i feel like it´s not going too deep with the topic of death. something almost banal in the story . i don´t know. maybe im too dramatic with this.

>> No.8661738
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Is there any problem with this list not including more people of color/women? I'd say no but my friend says yes, wondering what the board thinks.

>> No.8661741


not him but it's a pretty bad choice and speaks to how ignorant most /lit/ posters are of tolstoy's late work. if you want large "epic" tolstoy you're going for war and peace/ak (which are on there), but if you want the late-style, ivan ilyich is relatively amateur foray in his late career and doesn't do the christian morality exploration nearly as well as other works. but it's famous so it's the most read.

>> No.8661743

As a piece of fiction? no
As an exercise in analysis? yeah sure if you've got a few weeks to spare

>> No.8661748

come on, man, the other guy told me this example. i say basically that is shit. why do you regard don quixote?.
i think i find the carachters too little introspective. it was like the mobile of the things are constantly the action. (actions that i find totally meh)

>> No.8661752
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leave this board right now pleb faggot

>> No.8661757
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What's the deal with the Bottom's Dream? Never heard about it before

>> No.8661758

it's just a list of people's favorite books, i dont think it matters too much desu

>> No.8661762

I don't think the book is actually as much about death, as it is about feeling empathy for others rather than muling over how others perceive your social position. In the book, Ivan is going insane because all the people he considered his friends and loved ones only care about him dying on a superficial level so they don't appear rude. Meanwhile, his servant seems to be the only one who can comfort Ivan.

>> No.8661771

it's the hottest new meme

>> No.8661776

Name good black authors

I'm serious though, I'm not well-read enough to name any

>> No.8661778

get off this fucking board and go back to r/books

whoever linked that shit in the last thread deserves to be shot

>> No.8661781
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>> No.8661783

there are good black authors. just not good enough for this list

>> No.8661805

yes, for that i doubt to put the "topic of death". (you are right, it´s not entirely of that)
but even if the topic complete with what you said, i feel like it´s not going too deep. all the book read it almost like some king of tale. (not totally superficial, but like other anon said, it´s like the moral exploration don´t reach to anything really surprising)

>> No.8661817
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Some great black authors (Mostly American):

James Baldwin
Toni Morrison
Ralph Ellison
Alice Walker
Richard Wright
Claudia Rankine
Chimmanda Ngozi Adichie
Chinua Achebe
Zadie Smith
Martin Luther King Jr.
Alex Haley
W.E.B Du Bois
Malcolm X
Lorraine Hansberry
Sonia Sanchez
Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
Maya Angelou
Countee Cullen
Langston Hughes
Gwendolyn Brooks
August Wilson
Zora Neale Hurston
Audre Lorde

And many more...

>> No.8661825
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The Canterbury Tales are great. I even learned how to pronounce middle English so I could enjoy it as it was supposed to be enjoyed. I found a copy for £1 last week.

>> No.8661840
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Plebian spotted.

>> No.8661845

I the boxes are in the foreground and you just put a book cover behind it. I haven't added the text yet since the positions of the books are not final

>> No.8661852

I like reading it as like a 8D word meaning game. You really need something like Finnswake to understand just a little bit what kind of double and triple allusions are going on. Its alright just if you want a fun prose book too.

>> No.8661857

does it have modern english and middle english text? I was surprised how understandable the original still is

>> No.8661869

Dude are you kidding me lol. But you're kind of right, in terms of the cannon of the readers that you're referring to, European writers are more likely to be favored by European readers. So if there were more diverse folks on this board, there would be different writers from all across the world. It makes sense that the books that made it, made it.
It reflects more of a societal issue that you would even say something like that. I don't really care if you do this, but it's really up to you to read books by not only black authors, but by any non-white male heterosexual point of view. It will enhance not only your world view, but will also give you some finesse to what you say about non- Western literature.

>> No.8661956

If you feel like recounting the 500x5 votes without ignoring the books that only had 2-3 votes while looking up authors for those who didn't mention them... sure, you could do that

>> No.8662010



I have not read Jerusalem and Franny and Zooey.

>> No.8662025

and what was your election?

>> No.8662028

I agree with you mostly, although I genuinely enjoyed the divine comedy.

>> No.8662070
File: 500 KB, 813x5513, favs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#I did not vote for the list, but here are my 55 favourite books

>> No.8662102

I've read 28 of them, and I'm 19. I don't think that's too bad. I read a great deal of historical texts in Lain. I haven't had very much time to get to as many of these as I've wanted to thus far in my life's passing on account of this. I will certainly read all of these within the next five years, if that means anything to you (you judgmental prick).

>> No.8662107

What an insufferable cunt you must be in real life.

>> No.8662113

>being new
>showing it

>> No.8662118

You probably didn't read The Decameron in dialetto Toscano, did you?
Even in translation the Decameron's stories are simultaneously timeless, hilarious, and universal regarding the human condition.

>> No.8662129

Would you consider two years new? I've gotten through twenty something of these in the last two years (plus the ones that I already read in highschool) while reading a great deal for my classics and history majors. I don't understand what the issue is here.

>> No.8662135

The new is in your mind and in your (You)s

>> No.8662140

something tells me that you gonna be this insufferable when you read it all the list. (this internal competition with such a freak makes me think this)

>> No.8662143

>being this fucking new

Back2Reddit senpai.

>> No.8662169

Ah pseud in the making.
>trying this hard to fit in by reading a boards favourite 100 books

>> No.8662259

kys plebbit scum

>> No.8662360
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Hey /lit/,
I want to read psychology, but don't know where to start. Can you help me out with an advice or a booklist ?

>> No.8662366

What kind of psychology?

>> No.8662402

I want to learn about people relationships with each other. Group behaviour. Political relationships. Economical relationships. How we evolved to act the way we do. I don't know what's in the field, but prefer newer stuff. I am looking for textbooks, something like the /sci/wiki

>> No.8662406

Start with the greeks

>> No.8662421

Cool, give me their newest stuff.

>> No.8662434

>tfw only read one of them
>its the bible
lol why am i here

>> No.8662471
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Where you at, folks?
blue's for stuff on deck

>> No.8662474

Pseuds trying to out-pseud each other: the chart

Kys -- all of you

>> No.8662564

No, I'm not Italian and I missed my chance to try to learn it in high school.

>> No.8662582

idek but I saw it recommended to me on my Amazon homepage. that's when I knew I spent too much time here

>> No.8663096

I have never seen a thread discuss Tristram Shandy. Even Under the Volcano I saw mentioned once on one of the image recommendation threads, but Tristram Shandy, has materialized on this list at #64 without me ever knowing about it

>> No.8663157

I'm 4 chapters into Stoner atm and I'm enjoying it.

I like the realistic style.Anything similar I should check out on the list?

>> No.8663162

I've tried starting it a few times over the past two months. It's a little difficult to read, Tbh. When it gets really cold out I'll give it more time, it does seem like one of those rare (dare I say it) quirky books.

>> No.8663164

oh hey the same books as every other top 100 books list so interesting and enlightening

>> No.8663171

>no Mao ll

trash list tbqhfam

>> No.8663201

yo fuck this list is always gonna be basically the same. we need the anti this list chart. like fuck these same 100 books. we should make a change so this fucking list isn't the same every year. if your on the list 2 years in a row you get retired from the list. congrats your sick but fuck off. we need to progress our taste. it changes at such a slow pace. your all sheep man. challenge the status quo. like fucking read some mcelroy you pussies. I VOTE RETIRE BOOKS AFTER 2 YEARS. they can have there own championship Retired lit books chart. NEW CHART NEW CHART NEW CHART NEW CHART FUCK THAT CHART FUCK THAT CHART

>> No.8663208

OP if your not a pussy you will get rid of the books that are same as last two years and redo poll

>> No.8663209

Too much Kafka, and what's with the absence of Voltaire?

>> No.8663214

well geewiz now isnt that a mighty swell idea. i think this here fellas onta sumthin if i do say so myself lmao you know what i mean hahaha oh man i crack myself up. im typing this to myself. this is a message to myself. YOUR ON SHROO<S MAN LMAK YOU TALKING TO YOURSELF L<AO CLICK THE STORE FRONTS

>> No.8663531

Good idea, if it doesnt change I can't discover new things.

>> No.8663771
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>> No.8663786

>My favourite books.
>Barely any are 5 stars.

Nigga, are you afraid of clicking the 5 stars rating? Its okay to give a book a high rating.

>> No.8663908
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Apparently I have a lot of work to do.

>> No.8663923
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>only one of your choices made the list
Am I still allowed to shitpost here?

>> No.8664060
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If by "on deck" you mean ones that you own but haven't read yet then here is mine. I've only read 19 which isn't a lot but it's probably more then most 22 year olds.

>> No.8664101

>Bottom's Dream

bollocks no one on this board has read either.

>> No.8664108

Where's "Based on a True Story" by Norm Macdonald?

>> No.8664113

Wrong; and Zettel's existed before the translation.

>> No.8664133

What is with this board's bias towards novels? First Shakespeare is at #30. Lmao.

>> No.8664142
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dont think youre special. youre aging and youre behind.

>> No.8664145



>> No.8664190

There's three poems ahead of Hamlet, anon.

>> No.8664201


From what I've read from it and reviews and blogposts about reading process, you'd have to have a lot of knowledge and have read plenty of not only Edgar Alan Poe but Ulysses and Finnegan's wake to understand many of the references and puns. So being on the list it's probably six anons on this board with buyer's remorse trying to justify their new xbobhueg slab.

>> No.8664356
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So what did reddit and imgur think of our top 100 now? :^)

>> No.8664656
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Are you a fan of any of the old school knight stories? Because if not it wouldn't be all that surprising you don't like Don Quixote. But Above the humor and everything it is the first modern novel it had a huge impact on how people wrote books as a whole.

>> No.8664671

I never understood why some of you complain about "highschool" books. It doesn't make any sense. They are just part of school curricula, but were not written with that in mind, nor does that demerit their worth.

Is that some kind of American way of thinking?

>> No.8664692

most books selected for high school are done so because they have something to teach, not because they are easy.

>> No.8664713

I haven't read any Morrison but she seems well-regarded.

>> No.8664721

it's an american thing, just like the weird obsession with IQ and SAT scores.

>> No.8664792

They are brought up here among many others mainly because they are studied in school. Insofar as a book being mentioned as a personal favorite and given attention reflects its worth, this worth is one that is not here expressed through these books.
What of the great merits of the books that used to be studied in school a century ago? Why have they not perdured?

>> No.8664810

>They are just part of school curricula

that's precisely the point, people get to look down on them because they are liked by people who were forced into them, not who explored literature on their own.

it's a purist meme

>> No.8664814

So then what about all of the difficult books that have some of the most profound things to say?

>> No.8664819

In my opinion, it's because the US education system selects for who will be the best/hardest workers, not for those who might have the most significant contributions to their field.

>> No.8664824

All books have "something to teach". But I don't see how that relates to some people here disregarding them because thay are taught in school.

I couldn't understand the first part of your post. Could you rephrase it, please? As for the second part, could you give some examples of those books? I mean, just because they are not taught in school anymore, doesn't mean they are not great. Ovid was taught to children in Shakespeare's time. Now it isn't. That doesn't demerit its worth.

In other words, its le ebin patrician meme, no? That's very idiotic.

>> No.8664834

For the most part they just aren't very good.

>> No.8664844

yeah, its patrician memeist posturing

>> No.8664850


>> No.8664879

Of course difficult books do too. I think >>8664824
got confused on my point too; books for high school are selected because they have explicit themes that can easily be conveyed to students. ie: Scarlet Letter teaches symbolism

>> No.8664939

Rather you didn't explain it thoroughly.

I agree with you, but I still don't see how that demerits their worth in the eyes of some anons. I think >>8664844 got it right, though.

>> No.8664974

I had no idea you could read DQ and not view it as a huge multidimensional work.
Only good for its historical factor? Old school knight stories and humor? Are you guys even aware this book is meta as fuck?

>> No.8664984

>lol no
Tits or gtfo

>> No.8664992

The autism is real with this one.

>> No.8665004

does anyone have a list of all the books with 1 vote?
we could make a special snowflake chart of books that only one person on /lit/ liked enough to vote for, it'd probably be pretty interesting

>> No.8665018

I like this idea.

>> No.8665084

i only listed a couple things cause i got shit to do but i agree with your statement 100%

>> No.8665151

and by "we" you mean someone else
everything is still there

>> No.8665159 [DELETED] 
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>Infinite Jest beating The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8665162
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>> No.8665164


>> No.8665174

It's called a wiki, you can edit it yourself

>> No.8665176
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>Any book beating The Holy Bible

>> No.8665189

nigga I said an essentials chart.

how many newfags come here and ask "what's a good book?" and we give them a different chart every year that we fight over and none of us are satisfied with. Segregating our essentials from our favorites on two different charts would solve that problem and cement a list of titles as "/lit/ essential" so we can focus on the lesser known personal favorites

>> No.8665194

Another list full of retarded memes likely picked by people who don't even like reading. What a perfect way to showcase the taste of this board.

>> No.8665209

Really surprised Jerusalem is so high up and even that so many anons have read it. Does it hold up next to all these classics or is it just flavor of the month?

>> No.8665224

You know what I just realized?

I was wondering why people are complaining about the chart, when it's full of the best books of all time.

Then I realized it was made by pure democracy, and most of the posters here are American and British, and we have people here from other countries who are underrepresented and probably think it needs more this or that from their country.

>> No.8665233

It's flavor of the month and exposes how little most of this board actually reads.

>> No.8665234

There are a few memes (Jerusalem, Bottom's Dream) and the order isn't perfect, but there are not a ton of books on there whose immortality is not assured. Dune, American Psycho, 2666, a few more, sure, but the rest: pure classics. What's to complain about?

>> No.8665244

you expose yourself as one who talks about books he never read

>> No.8665251

If a list of favorites resembles a list of classics pulled from the canon then it's likely not a list of favorites in the honest sense of the word.

>> No.8665255

The books in the canon are in the canon because they're - get this - really good.

>> No.8665270

>underrepresented and probably think it needs more this or that from their country.
We empathise, but nobody expects any different from an english-language board - that mentality is really more of an american problem (see: the rest of the world doesn't give a shit when they don't get the Nobel)

>> No.8665331

that's not the same concept

>> No.8665349
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>tfw I voted for 5 Pynchon novels but only 4 made it

>> No.8665533

oh neat thanks
i am going to do this

stay tuned

>> No.8665657

total pleb reporting here. I'm on page 12 of Gravity's Rainbow. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on in this book?

>> No.8665699

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8665830
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eventually this.

also, has /lit/ read this? Seemed relevant enough to post here.

>> No.8665874

>White Noise

Jeez, it was like 20 last year. I wounder why no one voted for it this year.

>> No.8665907
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wat should i read after brothers

>> No.8665951

The list proves that you'd be hard-pressed to name ten books better than The Brothers Karamazov, this year.

>> No.8666095

do people here really think Dubliners is one of the best books ever?

>> No.8666348

>a selection
You paid for literal trash, the only thing that is good for is burning

>> No.8666401

japanese book to right corner, what's the title?

>> No.8666537

>Why don't people vote for books based on the author's ethnicity rather than their quality.

Fuck off back to Redddit.

>> No.8667059
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>tfw just one book I voted for made it

Ada btw

>> No.8667649
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> i refuse to believe people really enjoy Don quixote, Divine Comedy, Faust, and of course The Bible.

>> No.8667990

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

>> No.8668077

this board and 4chan as a whole is mostly american.
maybe try reading books based on quality and not the race/gender/sexuality of the writer.

>> No.8668102

I snorted ketamine the other day on a Borge's book.

shit was so cash man

>> No.8668183

lmfao. the pale king above woolf, kafka, fitz, eliot, faulkner

paradise lost @ #46

>> No.8668494

Thanks lit for redpiling me and getting me out of genre fiction.I made a poster out of this and hung it on my wall. I am at 2% hoping to get the pleb out of me soon enough

>> No.8668561

>Are you guys even aware this book is meta as fuck?

can you explain a little?. no, im not totally aware that dq was meta as fuck. (apart from the fact that you told meta like was something inherently good)

>> No.8668581

kill me

>> No.8668595

(why). areyou writing like a fking idiot?.

>> No.8668604

because im a fucking idiot. (really i am)

>> No.8668611

fair enough

>> No.8668626

This is fucking garbage and should never have been made

>> No.8668631

>no Lord of the Flies?

>> No.8669245

>White Noise
>no Underworld
what fucking world....

>> No.8669253

>I made a poster out of this and hung it on my wall

>> No.8669750

You said you'd do it yourself

>> No.8671019

What happens when you finish all 100 of them?

>> No.8671024

You look for your next book.

>> No.8671057

Middlemarch at 84, good lord you people.

>> No.8671357

>a person's background is more important than his work

>> No.8672520

You, come back here, don't run away like a coward and explain to me why you felt the need to reply to that post. Is this your first day on the internet? I need to understand what goes through the minds of you people.

>> No.8672625

liberals assume diversity of appearance is equivalent to diversity of background and ideas. cognitive dissonance if u ask me

>> No.8672636

>Better than last year's desu
it's almost the same fucking list as last year's, in slightly different order

nice to finally see the Aeneid though desu