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/lit/ - Literature

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8657966 No.8657966 [Reply] [Original]

In this ITT thread: hardest books to understand

I'll start

>> No.8657995

New Sun wasn't particularly hard, Wolfe makes his point clear.

>> No.8658010

It was convoluted until the end due the the narration style

>> No.8658028

It was confusing at times and needed piecing together, not convoluted.

>> No.8658032



>> No.8658059
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at least inaccessible books are still fun to read, well not this one

>> No.8658064

15th century Le Morte D'Arthur has been the hardest for me.

>> No.8658066

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?

>> No.8658077


finished hegel's phenomenology and its definitely the hardest but largely intelligible work ive ever read. seeing it all come together in the "preface" has been really rewarding.

i "made it" through derrida's difference and repetition but it was largely over my head. there were the occasional aha moments but im pretty sure i still misunderstood.

>> No.8658213

I don't actually think it's the hardest but Riddley Walker

>> No.8658273

Every book I've ever read
I've read 4 fro. Start to finish.
>The Martian
>The long walk
>The road

>> No.8658280

You've only read four books?

>> No.8658288

Yeah, I'm currently reading the amazingly written master piece, the Di Vinci Code

>> No.8658302
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I chuckled

In all seriousness, I had a high school gf back in I guess 08-09ish that talked me into reading that, as if Dan Brown was some masterpiece author. It was I think the most disappointing book I've ever read.

>> No.8658308

Although, in a way it was a somewhat hard book to understand for the simple reason that Dan Brown can't write

>> No.8658321
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In all seriousness I lost count of how many books I've read. the book is an over hyped piece of shit meme. My grandfather was telling me I'd like it because conspiracy. I was excited at first, then became angry I wasted a couple days of my life

>> No.8658348

Don Quixote

>> No.8658351

My dairy, to be honest desu

>> No.8658359

Le temps retrouvé

>> No.8658368

It was a puzzle, sure, but you should have a pretty clear idea of what's going on by the end of the fourth book.

>> No.8658374

Well sure. I'm not saying that was a bad thing; in fact, I really enjoyed how much work you had to put into it.

>> No.8658387

>Jay Are

>> No.8658392

what did you think of The Martian?

>> No.8658409
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I actually thought it was good for the dudes first book. Had a few laughs here and there. I thought I was interesting to see how the watney was able to survive on Mars for such a long time. I never knew you could live on potatos

>> No.8658418
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>I never knew you could live on potatos

>> No.8658429

Agreed. Its one of those books where you get more out of it the more you put into it.

>> No.8658432

>I never knew you could live on potatos
Shit, the Irish were right.

>> No.8658452

>`Once upon a time there were three little sisters,’ the Dormouse began in a great hurry; `and their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie; and they lived at the bottom of a well–‘

>`What did they live on?’ said Alice, who always took a great interest in questions of eating and drinking.

>`They lived on treacle,’ said the Dormouse, after thinking a minute or two.

>`They couldn’t have done that, you know,’ Alice gently remarked; `they’d have been ill.’

>`So they were,’ said the Dormouse; `VERY ill.’

^ pretty much "the martian" story outlined

>> No.8660062

Did you even read it?

>> No.8660578

aren't we getting a new movie?

>> No.8660721


>> No.8660737

>Riddley Walker
I honestly couldnt even finish it, didnt seem worth the amount of focussed required to understand anything

>> No.8661568

I loved IT. My favorite passages are the interludes written by Mike Hanlan.

>> No.8661572

I have to read every page four times over in the Recognitions whike taking notes in order to understand what the fuck is being said.

>> No.8661590

I fucking hope not

>> No.8662297

I had a two false starts with it, but now it's my favorite novel. After I got past the first couple of chapters it felt a lot less difficult.

>> No.8662330

I haven't read The Long Walk but the other 3 are pretty good. Shame The Martian was adapted into the most Reddit movie of all time.

>> No.8662598
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I challenge /lit/ to read the entire 'Biography of the Life of Manuel' and then explain what the fuck Cabbel was thinking.

>> No.8662607

We are.

>> No.8662799

i read these books a long time ago. what the fuck were they evne about again?

>> No.8663081

space jesus becoming a good person by learning the meaning of suffering

>> No.8664327


>> No.8664347

something by an eastern writer who never read a single book with a western language translation