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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 324x500, this_is_not_chick_lit.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
865146 No.865146 [Reply] [Original]

Why is is okay for chicklit to exist? I find it degrading and offensive because it assumes that women are vapid morons who are only interested in vampires, fucking handsome idiots, and shopping. Women read it because that is the only thing that is put out there for them, but they would read better books if they were available. I wish good female literature would be publishes.


>> No.865150

women would not read good books if they could. how do i know that? they choose to read chicklit instead of real books.

>> No.865154

Same reason action movies exist.

>> No.865156

I read real books.

>> No.865157

Sometimes you just don't feel like Proust.

>> No.865158

>it assumes that women are vapid morons who are only interested in vampires, fucking handsome idiots, and shopping

This is true for most women. No need to get angry just because it doesn't apply to you.

>> No.865159

Women have bad taste in most things. I'm not sure they have the natural curiosity than men have, they'll except and bland nonsense which comes their way.

Shit a turd, paint it pink and put sparkles on it, tell them it is empowering and most women would lap it up without question.

>> No.865172

Good for you.

>> No.865173

Misogyny threads are my favorite /lit/ related threads.
Who is your favorite Misogynist writer?
Mine is God.

>> No.865175


>> No.865181


Samefag here. I also love me some Warhammer and Nascar books.

>> No.865185

Subtle troll is subtle.

>> No.865186

my bad, accept*

>> No.865187

I'm glad these women exist. They make smart women seem even smarter.

>> No.865188

I don't think it does apply to most women, but even if it does, I don't want the books made for my demographic to be completely shitty.

>> No.865190

I'm just glad people are fucking reading. You people whine all too much.

>> No.865191



>> No.865192

If you don't like those books, ignore them, as well as the people who devour them. That's what I've always done, and it works.

>> No.865196

There is a 90% chance you are a dumb whore OP. Answer these questions

1. Who is your favorite philosopher? Explain your answer.
2. How many men have put their penises inside you?

>> No.865207

1. Hume. He may have been wrong about some things, but his way of looking at things really changed the way I think about philosophy, and the problem of induction is one of the most interesting philosophical problems ever. It's obvious once you realize that it's there, but I never thought about it before reading him.

2. I'm 24, and I have been with 4 men. I am currently married.

>> No.865208


There is a 99% chance you are a dumb douche. Answer these questions

1. Who is your favorite philosopher? Explain your answer.
2. How many diseased animal holes have you put your tiny penis in?

>> No.865210
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I'm glad Chick Lit exists, because it taught me that I shouldn't ever take women seriously, and that just about every stereotypical perception of women that I've been raised not to believe in is true.

>Women read it because that is the only thing that is put out there for them

No, they read it because they're morons who like to read about shopping, boys, love at first sight, destiny, and being a unique snowflake.

Better books are always available, but they don't care about it because they want relateable characters. That's why Twilight is popular.

>> No.865222

Twilight is popular because it is porn for women. I know that, since I have, eh, used it for its intended purpose.

Women read chicklit because it deals with women and female problems. It may deal with them in a childish way, but that doesn't change the fact that it does deal with them. Most books do not...They're written for men.

>> No.865230

I like chicklit OP. It's just mindless fun.

Stop being such a fucking elitist bitch and get the sand out of your panties.

>> No.865232

>it deals with women and female problems

In other words: not real problems. "Oh no, so and so is dating my ex-boyfriend!" "Oh no, I don't think so and so likes me!" "So and so backstabbed me by saying I wasn't pretty!" "Girl problems are hard!"

>> No.865235

>Implying men and women are not or should not be interested in each other's problems.

All this chick/guy thing is BS. It's a false oppositional setup. There are only human problems, and *everybody* has them.

>> No.865239

Be quiet you vapid slut.
Plenty of female problems qualify as "real problem"
1. I'm pregnant
2. Society doesn't value me for anything other than looks
3. I could be raped
4. I have to deal with discrimination and harassment
in society

and that's just for starters.

>> No.865242



Have you ever read any of the 200 or so Max Bolan: The Executioner "novels"?

Chick lit exists side by side with - what? - he-man lit? - testosterone pumped action fiction that, like a good football play, "drives home right up the middle."

I'm taking your question seriously and not as just another misogynist vapouring of 4chan.

Oh, and >>865196: how many men have put their penises inside you?

>> No.865244


Dude, have you seen the rows and rows of car books or pick-up artist books? Guys are just as vapid.

>> No.865249

Clearly false.

>> No.865251

>assumes that women are vapid morons who are only interested in vampires, fucking handsome idiots, and shopping.
>Implying that's not all they're interested in
Oh U.

>> No.865259
File: 38 KB, 608x464, french kissing school girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. I'm stupid and didn't take precautions
>2. I'm just as shallow and vain and judge everyone by their looks, but they shouldn't judge me by my looks
>3. I'm stupid enough to put myself into dangerous situations
>5. I've got a nose bleed in my pants so I'll act like a bitch for five days!

>> No.865261

Agreed, but due to different (perceived) roles in society, some problems are more common for one sex than the other.

>> No.865264

I'm a vapid slut because I like chicklit? Please get over yourself you annoying cunt.

>> No.865268

There used to be a book club at my library. Well, it still exists but it's dissolved into middle-aged+ women reading chick-lit and bringing up the same points on feminism every time. It's disheartening.

But, I am curious about OP's pic. Is the book actually good and as advertised?

>> No.865272

As vapid as chick lit is, it's not much worse than much of the genre fiction /lit/ loves.

>> No.865278


Ok, go back to your room now and let the adults talk. And here, don't forget your Vatican blankie.

>> No.865280

Waaahhh! Real problems are men's problems, the end.

>> No.865281



>> No.865284

Why is there lad lit?

>> No.865286

>good female literature
Why can't it just be GOOD LITERATURE?

Fucking sage

>> No.865293

>>it assumes that women are vapid morons who are only interested in vampires, fucking handsome idiots, and shopping.
Protip: Businesses junk products that don't appeal to their target audience. If it appeals, they sell it - they don't have an elaborate scheme to make women useless because it's not profitable. Profit aside, it'd be redundantly redundant in a redundant way.

>>. Women read it because that is the only thing that is put out there for them, but they would read better books if they were available.
I suppose patriarchy prevents them from seeing any books without pink, glittery covers?

Learn2/classism/. Most of these women would have been illiterate baby factories and cooks for farm labourers three hundred years ago. The industrial revolution has made class differences less visible, while not changing the nature of the underclasses. Stop trying to absolve them of their stupidity just because you nowadays seems to be their equal.

>> No.865302
File: 44 KB, 640x474, Nathan Lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.865306
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>> No.865326

Walter...is that you?

>> No.865344

There need to be forms of entertainment for stupid people. Stupid women read stupid books. Stupid men just don't read at all.

>> No.865362


Hear, hear.

>> No.865387
File: 214 KB, 720x540, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it degrading and offensive because it assumes that women are vapid morons who are only interested in vampires, fucking handsome idiots, and shopping.
>Implying this is only an assumption

>> No.865405

fail troll or religious fundamentalist: which are you? i should have know you would show up when i made this thread

>> No.865422

nose bleed? oh my lawd, you men really are clueless.

>> No.865427

I resemble that remark.

>> No.865434

1. I'm pregnant (this is completely avoidable)
2. Society doesn't value me for anything other than looks (This is the same for everyone, pretty people get by easier then ugly people)
3. I could be raped (So could a man, or you know you could get stabbed, shot, hit by a car, but that wouldn't be as bad right?
4. I have to deal with discrimination and harassment
in society (Everyone does)
5. PERIODS (Ewwwww)

>> No.865435

women read, men do not unless they intend to bed the said women. most women are a leisure class and leisure classes prefer to be amused. they don't want primo levi and they don't want solzhenitsyn. the rare leisure class men are derided as metrosexuals.
also, karenin, the bell jar and the unbearable lightness are just that: chick lit. profound meaning is always on the side of the reader. If you need a special book to make you think you are a special (i.e. degenerate) person.

>> No.865439

periods are terrible. the only upshot is that they increase your sex drive before they happen.

>> No.865457


Plenty of MALE problems qualify as "real problem"
1. The chick I fucked lied about being on the pill
2. Society doesn't value me for anything other than looks
3. If she wakes up hating me, she'll call last night rape
4. I have to deal with discrimination and harassment
in society, and am blamed for any discrimination and harassment a woman thinks is occurring

>> No.865460

they're painful, yes. But on the upside you are interesting to most powerful people as mates. women are the dumb niggers of the world who constantly recreate patriarchy exactly by chosing the cozier paths.

>> No.865463

I'm not going to sit her and debate about how to solve these problem or whether everyone faces them. The fact is that these are the sorts of things that women deal with and care about; they want their books to do the same. also, you're a troll.

>> No.865469

Chick lit is better than this thread.

>> No.865481

i like the cozier path. i'm a housewife and i love it- i sit around, read, and play video games. at 3 I clean the house, work out, and then start dinner. it's much better than working.

>> No.865493


I want to rage at you, but you've achieved everything I want to. Lucky, lucky woman.

>> No.865498

being able to cry rape is just compensation for all of the power imbalances that exist between men and women.

>> No.865501
File: 17 KB, 400x522, simonebeauvoir2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your golden cage, bitch!

>> No.865506

are you a good cook?

has your husband ever fucked you in the kitchen? i have a fantasy where my wife is cooking my breakfast and i bend her over the kitchen table and fuck her.

>> No.865507

Given the choice between gold (leisure) and iron (work), the logical choice is gold.

>> No.865509

eh, i'm lazy, that sounds alright

>> No.865510

lol at cage. i'm much more free than the wage slaves who have to spend their time making money.

>> No.865512
File: 4 KB, 126x95, 1265605356751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.865514

In so doing, you're laughing at your husband.

>> No.865515

i'm a very good cook. my mom was a very traditional woman and she taught me to cook when i was a little girl.

eh, um, well, no comment

>> No.865520
File: 63 KB, 429x511, Engels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wife is the lowest of wage slaves, silly whore!

>> No.865522

I'm not laughing at him. I appreciate his hard work and I'm glad he is able to provide for me. I'm just being honest here....it's much better not to have to work.

>> No.865527

Op here

Please get out of my thread housewife. You are the reason women are oppressed men. You don't mind to be pet dog as long as you get enough treats and you get petted enough.

>> No.865537


> woman lives how she wants, which is as a housewife

>> No.865538

>You are the reason women are oppressed men

>> No.865539

How dare you exercise your right to choose how you want to live? How dare you not dress like a man and get a job in the corporate sector? How dare you cook for your man like you care about him?

>> No.865542

That's right. Women shouldn't do any work that women traditionally do. We should get our serfs to do it. Or in the case of raising children, that's what television and public school is for.

>> No.865548

You're sick in the head. The fact that you see my relationship with husband as one between master and dog proves that you don't understand most women at all. I hope you get married and find a man who can put up with your batshit insanity.

>> No.865557

If she wants to live as a pet dog that's her business. It's still repugnant. I wonder if her husband got her a treat today?
Women do not need to stay home in order to raise children. Women like OP are not the ones I want raising children anyway. You might as well let a dog teach kindergarten.

>> No.865558


>Women do not need to stay home in order to raise children.

Yes they do, you can only spend so much time at the park.

>> No.865561

Ah, that's a good girl, defending her master.

*scratches behind your ears*

>> No.865568

Leave her alone cunt. It's not her fault you can't find a man.

>> No.865581

And this is why nobody likes feminism. Because of people like this.

>> No.865582

Women like you get me so angry. I'm not less of a person because I decided to become a housewife. Fuck you, I'm not going to stay here and let you talk down to me.

>> No.865590


If she wants to stay at home, all the more power to her. That does not make her a pet dog in any way. She's decided that she wants to raise her children and not send them off to some daycare. That is fulfilling to her and makes her feel like she's playing a role in society.

There's a reason many women won't identify themselves as feminists anymore. Because cuntbags like you have taken the ideology and destroyed it by saying that any woman who does decide to stay at home is a traitor. Gender equality is about an individual of either gender being able to do what they want with their lives, whether it is working or staying at home. Feminazis have ruined that and continue to do so.

>> No.865592


You should be getting angry at men who make you prisoner to your biology.

>> No.865593
File: 11 KB, 128x132, milymily_react.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post vague personal details on 4chan
>get super butthurt when anon insults you.

>> No.865594

God, what a bitch.

>> No.865600

What's wrong with some women LIKING vampire stories and romance? Absolutely nothing. Nothing about "Chick Lit" but the name "Chick Lit" is degrading. Jesus fuck.

>> No.865601

Viktor trolling without a trip.

>> No.865603


Good point.

>> No.865604

>implying you are a person and not a dog

>> No.865607


>What's wrong with some women LIKING vampire stories and romance?

It's a sign of being dumb as shit is what is wrong with it.

>> No.865609
File: 32 KB, 240x352, Marisa Gina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick Lit is shit because women are shit.

Maybe when women pull their head out of their vaginas they can read some real literate and stop fantasizing about love at first sight and soul mates.

>> No.865618


this is retarded, men read as much bullshit 'man lit' about wars and whatever, and it's not like no women read 'classic' literature

you're stupid

>> No.865619

That's right. If it weren't for men, we would live in a utopia where the house cleans itself.

Seriously though, any task that is necessary is worth doing. Don't tell someone to stop doing something just because you don't like doing it.

>> No.865622
File: 458 KB, 520x600, Isaac_Asimov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying every man is like that.
I read a lot of scifi and have no desire
have intercourse with a woman. Sexual
drives serve only to hinder the mind and
must be suppressed at all cost.

>> No.865623


> implying war books aren't about the human condition and the cost of war within society and vampire romance books aren't worthless drivel

>> No.865632
File: 1.67 MB, 190x167, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.865633

Fuck you BuzzFeed! You keep
messing up my text!

>> No.865636
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Twilight fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'man lit' about wars and whatever

Yeah, wars are stupid. It's not like they happen all the time, are a natural part of life, society, and politics, and reshape the entire earth or anything.

As a matter of fact we'd all be better off if we just stopped thinking about World War 2 and all the other wars. Just forget about it, because there are no valuable lessons to be learned when we ponder death and mass murder.

>> No.865638

>I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

There, fixed it for you.

>> No.865639

Protip: Men don't care that you have a desk job. It's not impressive. You remain a woman. You're just a truculent clotheshorse who will die alone with the distinction of having paid for her own pension.

What's more, women who don't want to have children are necessarily an endangered species. You'll weed yourselves out.

>> No.865648

ITT: Cat Fight!

Gather round!

>> No.865657
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>implying people read war stories to reflect intelligently about war

>> No.865664

yeah, I'm sure "A Farewell to Arms" was only popular because of the explosions.

>> No.865672

Damn right, I read "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and I skipped to the fight scenes because that's the only part that could interest my tiny brain, developed for the simple tasks of cooking and cleaning.

Oh wait.

>> No.865680

>implying it's popular when compared to the war themed cultural industry.

>> No.865683


Generation Kill was a pretty good series and book

>> No.865694


>> No.865699

There are statistically more women in the workforce than men. They are also still expected to maintain the home and raise the children in spite of it. More leisure time than men? Try again.

>> No.865704

Are you still here, housewifechan? I'm sorry that the feminazi cunt was mean to you. I would never marry a girl who was not willing to consider the life of a housewife, fwiw.

>> No.865708

As a male I think the 'housewife' here is perfectly fine. I know a guy who stays at home while his wife rakes in 200-300k a year being a lawyer. Great guy. Always willing to help on projects in the neighborhood. His wife is insane, but that is another issue entirely.

Conversely I know a woman who stays at home and manages 2 kids while juggling most of the neighborhoods events. Her husband works at a major drug firm and makes 150ishk a year.

As long as the stay at home person is keeping things in order I see nothing wrong with this. I will say I find leeches who don't do jack shit repugnant, but that holds true for either gender.

This is the problem with the extreme cases of feminazis. I am never sure if they are legit or trolls. When you can say that about a position, there is something wrong with it.

>> No.865709

The thing about war is that when it is not even the focus of a film and is only in the background, it makes a film infinitely more relatable and interesting. Casablanca, Pan's Labyrinth, Schindler's List, Dr. Strangelove. I know that those are films but they're a testament to how war does not have to be directly shown in terms of explosions and guns to capture the imagination of an individual. In war-time the struggles of people and society to make it through capture the hearts of many readers, viewers, and listeners, and it's something engrained within us all. Yes, there are movies and books about explosions and guns, but even then much of the drama and entertainment comes from the relationships and struggles of the characters.

I don't see that being done with vampire-romance.

>> No.865710


Good luck marrying your left hand then.

>> No.865716


[citation needed]

>> No.865717

At least I have a husband who loves me. I'm happy with my life, and when my baby is born I'll have the satisfaction of actually getting to spend time with it and play with it. Any children you have will be raised by an uncaring nanny or a poorly run daycare center.

>> No.865724

Hey now, that's not fair.

You can't have sex with a dog.

>> No.865726


>On November 2, Publishers Weekly released their list of Best Books of 2009. While the long list included many women writers the Top 10 was only men.

Because women can't write anything other than chick lit.

>> No.865728


I looked up the statistics. 1 percent more women in the workforce is nothing, and the majority of those women are struggling in part-time jobs while their husbands struggle in full-time jobs. Means nothing. Both husband and wife are trying to make ends meet.

>> No.865731
File: 29 KB, 315x488, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you all have never read a Natsuo Kirino book.

>> No.865735


I did, and it rocked!

>> No.865742
File: 42 KB, 450x370, 1267239346130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys. . . are really great.

>> No.865749

Housewife: What does your husband do? How often do you have sex?

>> No.865753

Oh hey guys, just trying to get back on topic. I want to call attention to this:

>Women read it because that is the only thing that is put out there for them

Whenever I go to the bookstore, I see the aisles upon aisles of chick lit, allegedly tailored to suit my preferences. However, by making this statement, it seems like you're asserting that any other literature is only directed toward men.

It's not. Women are perfectly entitled to read Kant, or Dostoevsky, or Palanufieunck, even (with his alpha as fuck, although admittedly sometimes trite topics/prose). Chick lit isn't around because it's an effort to keep women dumb, it's around because it's a commodity. That's capitalism, not gender bias.

>> No.865761

It was implied that women have more leisure time than men. Statistics don't back that up. Try to stay on target.

>> No.865768

The fact that there is sufficient demand for Chick Lit to be produced in the quantity that it is says a lot about the female gender in general.

>> No.865776
File: 76 KB, 646x650, hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Working a part-time job gives you more leisure time than working a full-time job. Derp.

Women who work full-time also work less than man who work full-time.

>> No.865780


less than men.

derp a diddly doo

>> No.865782

>implying books other than chick lit are meant only for men

>> No.865791


I didn't make the retarded argument about leisure so I never fell off target. I was only saying that the percentage is only 1 percent more and is relatively insignificant.

>> No.865793

That assumes that they use their off time for leisure though. Which is laughable....

>> No.865801


Hmm, right, and the men who work longer hours just come home and dick around. No, they come home and spend time with the kids, help to clean, and do lawn work. I know that in my family my dad did all of the work around the house while my mom did jack shit. It goes both ways.

>> No.865818

>[men] come home and spend time with the kids, help to clean

Lol. What planet do you live on? Maybe your dad was a fag. We don't do women's work, son.

>> No.865820

>It goes both ways.

Can we call this thread done now?

>> No.865822

This thread is getting boring. Most of you shut-ins don't know that many real people offline and can't seem to draw these common sense conclusions yourselves.

And no, it's not a great deal of time. But the POINT that was originally, badly made was that women have some obscene daily amount of leisure time that they have to fill with Twilight novels, while men have no leisure time at all so they can't read anything, even terrible books. But in reality women have slightly less leisure time than men, and this entire angle is wrong and very stupid.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go sort laundry because my husband's fingers are broken.

>> No.865828

\Yes, yes we can.

>> No.865829


It's the influence of feminism upon the male mind. Women run around and complain about being oppressed by the patriarchy so men have to do man's work and the women's work.

>> No.865833


>Because, surprisingly, the research does not count taking a bath, doing your hair, having a lie-in, going shopping or taking a long lunch as leisure.


>> No.865838

He does something mathy at an investment bank. I don't really understand it.

We have sex 5 times a week at least.

>> No.865844


> Because, surprisingly, the research does not count taking a bath, doing your hair, having a lie-in, going shopping or taking a long lunch as leisure.

And once the extra time women spend shopping and in the bathroom is added to the leisure hours count, British men have only ten minutes' more spare time a day than women.

> After the 22 minutes more British women spend than men each day on personal care is taken into account, men have only ten minutes more spare time than women.

>> No.868587

yeah wow