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8656102 No.8656102 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best metaphor/simile you can come up with about someone who drinks a lot?

>He drank like he was dying of thirst at every moment.
>He drank more than all the rain in winter.

Give me your best /lit/, I want to be convinced this board is full of talent!

>> No.8656107

really solid first one, he drank like he was really thirsty--what more do you need?

>> No.8656145

he drank like the antidote was in it.. which, in a way, it was.

>> No.8656150

He drank like he had a cup in his hand filled with liquid that he really wanted to drink.

>> No.8656168

He drank like he was addicted to alcohol.

>> No.8656177

this sounds really familiar, is it from something?

>> No.8656178

He drank until he drank some more.

>> No.8656179

he smelled like what he drank

>> No.8656185

He drank like he forgot everything;his life,his troubles and enjoyed every moment of estacy

>> No.8656218

He drank like a toothless old whore who was the only woman you ever had and who held your embarassing little cock like a bottle of liquor and swallowed your semen and fucking choked on it and whose face turned blue and who died with your cock in her mouth.
Help drank like your stepfathet used to, the one who beat you up every day after school, the one who fucked you up the ass one night in August, the one who made you the sick pathetic fuck you are today.

>> No.8656224


>> No.8656225

He drank like it was okay to be dank in public. He drank like a swelling in his neck needed to be accommodated. Liquid phased out of being when he wanted it. He drank as if to fill his emptiness that was himself. He drank like there was no more blood hounding him for his duties. He drank like he had friends, who cheered him on once but who were all dead now. He drank like he had honor he never had. He drank so that he could shrivel inward into this other corpse that he dreamed of wasting in forever. He drank like it was his job to drink all the leftover beers at the comedy club. He drank like he stank: he stank good, very good.

>> No.8656226

The drunk was drinking until he was drunk.

>> No.8656236


>He drank like OP's mom when she came to terms with the walking, talking embarrassment that her stanky-ass pussy wrought upon the world

>> No.8656239

Shoveling the remains of his drink down his throat, his mouth clamped shut, shuddering as the ice desolved with the last bit of taste.

>> No.8656435

He drank like a sad man in a happy hour, like an ocean doth a river, yes, indeed he did, drink like a fraught child wrangling at the teet of le goddess of vine, like a gutter suckling down salty rain, he held his chalice toward the heavens and prayed, I reckon, frankly, he drank like there was no today, he drank like he was the distilled, returning himself unto his truest form, was he seeking purity, was he corrupted, and seeking corruption more, of a wetter kind, did he want his spirit drenched, soaked in the divine oils of the calmed nerve, or the rambunctious howls of the prowled wolf, he drank, his friends said he drank like a champ, the legends say he drank like a legend, his wife said he drank like an asshole, an asshole... sucking up the soupy poop?

>> No.8656576

I hope that was ironic

>> No.8656617

He felt the sting of the liquor passing his throat, as natural to him as a sunrise and far more frequent in its passing.

>> No.8656622

He drank as if Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu deity, has stuck his mystic trunk deep into his mortal bowels and was siphoning the world's liquor through his frayed intestines and into the god's unquenchable gullet with the force of seventy-four hurricanes.

>> No.8656624

He drank as if he were already engulfed in the devil's fire.

>> No.8656638

he drank like he drowned in a waterfall

>> No.8657069
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The good ones

>> No.8657088


Poor word choice t b h. It ruins the whole sentence.

>> No.8657125

What word do you think would work better ? I agree that the metaphor is pretty good but 'shoveling' seems misplaced

>> No.8657138
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Only good one ITT desu.

>> No.8657146


>> No.8657155

He drank like a motherfucker
He drank like the scotch was called Mariana's
He drank as a whale breathes

He drank as I'm brilliant

>> No.8657161

he drank like an irish uncle tom

>> No.8657257

That's metonymy, not metaphor.

>> No.8657259

He drank like he was afraid he was missing out.
He drank because of tomorrow.

>> No.8657333
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A metaphor is communicating one idea in terms of another. Metonymy is a type of metaphor.

>> No.8657506

He drank as if he got it just far enough down his throat he would get it to finish, so that it would finally be over.

>> No.8658443

he was like a swollen, bursting wineskin as he sat there inflated with drink.

>> No.8658463

he drank hard: two-fisted white knuckled elbows akimbo with both hands on the jug. it was like he was tring to drown something inside him. drown or poison or pickle some thing that he feared was growing, spreading, reaching small red claws through the whites of his eyes and tussling with the fibers of his motor cortex so that his hands shivered and clenched and lost all knowledge. he drank like a man who would lose, and lose hard, and would not seek for blame.

>> No.8658477

he drank quite a bit.

>> No.8658521

Drink alwayes and you shall never die: if I drink not, I am a ground dry, gravelled and spent, I am stark dead without drink, and my soul ready to flie into some marish amongst Frogs; the soul never dwells in a dry place, drouth kills it. O you butlers, creaters of new formes, make me of no drinking a drinker, a perennity and everlastingnesse of springkling, and bedewing me through these my parched and sinnewy bowels; he drinks in vaine, that feels not the pleasure of it. This entereth into my veines: the pissing tooles and urinal vessels shall have nothing of it. If came such liquor from my bullock, would you not willingly thereafter suck the udder whence it issued?

Gargantua chapter 5 is a huge list of jokes like this.

>> No.8658544

>majority of posts start with "he drank"

>> No.8659079
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Whats wrong with that exactly?

>> No.8659113

he drank for the hangover.

>> No.8659168

he was a thirsty-wirsty goo goo ga ga baby boy

>> No.8659257

Pouring. Dumb-ass

>> No.8659292

The more he drank, the more he shat, but the more he shat, the thirstier he grew.

>> No.8659375
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Oh lordy lord i like this one. Dat pathos tho

>> No.8659507

He didn't drink because he had to get drunk, or because he liked it, or for any other particular reason but that his thirst was unquenchable.

>> No.8660000

he was one of those bird thingies that sit on a cup or maybe a bucket and go up and down except the bird (which is fake) actually drank the water.

>> No.8660055

every barman in the town knew his name

>> No.8660075


>> No.8660076

the cunt would always froff a tinny... or six

>> No.8660109

Took shoveling as a reference to the ice, and more like he was pushing it in, with force, even though there was no more liquid within

>> No.8660143

>He drank because there was nothing else to do

>> No.8660194

He drank to completion as if a young plant in dire need of re-potting. This gave him the courage to drink some more.

>> No.8660211

That was awful

>> No.8660217

>He drank until he was half full, then he drank until he was half empty

>> No.8660332

he drank because God said so

>> No.8660348

he drank like ops mom during pregnancy

>> No.8660354

If the glass is full drink up (drink up) this may be the last time we see this cup, if God wanted us sober he'd knock the glass over so while it is full we drink up.

>> No.8661691
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best one so far

>> No.8661731
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Drinking became his habit, uncouncious as eye blinking,
Drowning in liquor, to forget, to rest, to feel human again so he could live everyday.

>> No.8661798

>He drank like sobriety was death itself, and in his case perhaps it was.

>Water was what he drank when all else was gone.

>It was always a glass half-empty with him, which he intended to empty entirely.

>It was not that he needed to drink, but why wouldn't he, when the alternative was sobriety?

>> No.8661815


>> No.8661823

He drank as if he was trying to catch the feeling, and it was always one step ahead of him.

>> No.8662096

>I am trying to bring all the [wine-dark] sea into this hole

>> No.8662138

He drank more than an alcoholic. An alcoholic drinks a lot

>> No.8662481

he drank too much : ^)

>> No.8662497

he drank so alot it afraid dionysus

>> No.8662578

why though? ;.;

>> No.8662934

He drank like a large bucket who hath said fuck it

>> No.8662952

He drank like a hungry person eats a lot

>> No.8662954

He drank like your mother.

>> No.8662981

He drank like the ocean gulps water from the world's rivers, and yet the ocean is never full.

>> No.8662988

>This stupid son-of-a-bitch liked to drink. A lot. He drank a lot. Sometimes he'd wake up in the middle of the night to pull open his nightstand and pour himself a glass of bourbon. Once, at a party, the host, his friend, asked the stupid son of a gun to leave because his drinking was ruining his relationship. His friend's relationship. Not his own...At his friend's daughter's birthday. This asshole was an alcoholic asshole. An unapologetic, alcoholic asshole. Fuck him too.

>> No.8662995

Holy... i want more

>> No.8662998

>he drank like he was howling at a moon at the back of the bottle.

>> No.8663007

He drank like a dog who drinks a lot

>> No.8663011



>> No.8663012


>> No.8663036

He drinks as though each shot drags him still closer to the inescapable doom he fell into years ago, and now impatiently he yearns for that tragic final throw.

>> No.8663099
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The real ones (after; >>8657069 ):
>>8659292 (???)

My favorites:

>> No.8663141

He drinks like he's swallowing himself, and not in small gulps.

>> No.8663165

He drank like he was watching the endless eight for the eightieth time

>> No.8663207
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>> No.8663219

He drank so much that he drowned, that is in a metaphorical sense.

>> No.8663232

>that is in a metaphorical sense

>> No.8663256

Why don't you try coming up with an original thought by yourself?

>> No.8663617
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It's not for a piece you douche, I just want to read them

>> No.8663651

He drank so much that the sentence describing him was drukn

>> No.8663653

4th wall is BROKEN!!!
Simply ebin.

>> No.8663667

Maybe i'm just stupid, but it makes no sense. Also it doesn't flow, as an image or in word. No hard feelings though.

>> No.8663690

In his opinion, the glass was neither "half full" nor "half empty." Rather, it was "in need of a refill."

>> No.8664211

Never could one claim that he was drinking, only that he had drunken.

>> No.8665831


>> No.8666745

Most of them belong there
>he drank because he drank hurhur

Good to see lots of people are taking it seriously though

>> No.8666753

He drank like someone cared

>> No.8666761

Crash! He's an alcoholic!

>> No.8666798

He came in barren, hollow, hoping the fullness of the cups and vials would diminish the condition. The vessels drained, and nothing was filled. Emptiness begot emptiness. The absurdity was fascinating, and so he persisted.

>> No.8666805

He drank like a man wanting to forget.

>> No.8666823

>"Humph !" resumed the voice, as I continued my survey, "you mus pe so dronk as de pig, den, for not zee me as I zit here at your zide."

(c) edgar poe

>> No.8666836

He handled the glass so casually that you'd almost forget to notice it, or to notice that you'd never seen him without it.

>> No.8666849

He drank as often as he wept, and he wept often with a drink in his hand.

>> No.8666955

Sunset found him sitting in the kitchen, groaning. Every thought was looser than the one before, and fouler. By the time the moon came up he was drinking brown water. The more he drank, the more he sat, but the more he sat, the thirstier he grew, and his thirst sent him crawling to the fridge for another beer.

>> No.8666963
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He drank like his vision was permanently affixed gazing upwards at the bottom of a bottle

pls tell me im not shit

>> No.8667006

Get over your fear of being shit; and yes, I'm sorry, that is pretty bad.

But there are constituent elements which show promise. I know you tried for some antithesis, "gazing upwards at the bottom". I know you wanted to convey the ironic sense of fixing one's gaze heavenward. These things don't actually come off in the way you've arranged them—it's awkward to read—but you're not entirely hopeless. Keep trying.

>> No.8667021
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which one did you write in this thread
im not a writer
but i do like to read

>> No.8667065 [DELETED] 

He drank as if he was a goose desperate for bread .

>> No.8667142

He drank so much his throat became an amber ravine, and a little further downstream the gulley pooled the warm ale up to it's brink.

>> No.8667295

He drank always, a habitual daily routine that keeps him ensnared in a vacuous lifestyle.

>> No.8667309

An uncouth fellow of the hop

>> No.8667348

drop the "in his opinion" and that's perfect

>> No.8667354

his arm, a crane dropping the poison from the galss tank into his throat.

>> No.8667477

Nice self insert, faggot.

>> No.8667529

Just read some Omar Khayyam.
Dude had a straight up drinking problem.

Modern Muslims are butthurt that he liked alcohol though.
>b-b-but wine is just a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment
Sure it is, buddy.

>> No.8667547

>what is sufism

Get educated, kid.

>> No.8667555

I know what it is.
The wine is literal though. Despite how much modern Muslim revisionists say that it's a spiritual metaphor.

Medieval Persia is one of the most hedonistic civilizations in world history.
Top kek if you think he wrote 500 quatrains using wine as a metaphor.

>> No.8669232



>> No.8669240
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>He drank as the earth orbits, ceaselessly and surrounded by emptiness.

>> No.8669354

So bad.

>> No.8669894
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>> No.8669925

He drank until he urinated

>> No.8670140

Homer pls

>> No.8670215
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He drank to the point of having been thusly drunk after drinking several drinks, of which he had partaken every day for many of the months , and having acquired the reputation of being a drunkard who drinks he rightly exclaimed, "It is I, the man who drinks, who drinks the man who does not drink the drink I drink, for in him is the man of which I am no friend. For when a man does not drink the drink of which I have drunken most everyday excluding certain days of the month when I am among familiars in the country side of this country, in my country club."

>> No.8670217

Who is this 'tism hism

>> No.8670219

I was thinking Gaddis when I copy-pasted those two together.

>> No.8670228
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>he drank like he was dying of thirst at every moment.

>> No.8670244

He drank like a guy who would say "wow i fuckin love to get drunk n shit it's cool as hell lmao im an alcoholic" but not in an ironic way he would say it dead serious because he really was an alcoholic and that's how he drank the alcohol which was in his hand that he liked a lot.

>> No.8670304

He drank so much he became a smoker again. She was still there. In fact, more so than before. Just out of reach. Just beyond the ridge. Winking eyes above. Lost like the little boy he tried to hide inside. How many more decades til he finally finds it? It's got to be soon. All those writers couldn't have been wrong. His grandpa was always such a bitter old man. Campfires always die by morning. The smell of wet leaves overcame him. Time to walk home.

>> No.8670422

He drank until he could drink no more and then some, letting his cup drop so he could suck from his fingers, lick them more dry than they were already--which they were. Bone dry. He knew this, but he couldn't have afforded to let go of the taste.

>> No.8670594

He drank like a pool drain