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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 338 KB, 500x775, He's back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8644935 No.8644935 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done being lazy. There are some problems, here is the conclusive poll.

What Books will Remain on the List - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDqGSLd0n1ku0EyM9_z85gEmvNhtd2patwkP6iCLih0x1Zyw/viewform

Results so Far - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6-b92dCuQKzH4Va2mKI3fy22Du0l3PxkybyPLqEX88/edit#gid=837279928

I may need some help setting up the original chart. Does anyone have any advice on how to set something like this up in GIMP?

>> No.8644941

One last note. You can vote as many times as you would like on the poll, due to the large number of possibilities.

>> No.8644945

Solid work OP, looks like the best of the last three years' lists.

>> No.8644947

And I mean that in the sense that you can choose as many entries as you would like.

>> No.8645161
File: 192 KB, 1152x648, louis theroux 1428720296512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8645180

Can someone just post the fucking top ten here.

>> No.8645198

r e m o v e j e r u s a l e m

>> No.8645205

Didn't you make that exact same poll already?

Stop shilling, it can't get any more votes now

>> No.8645231

Joyce Ulysses
Melville Moby Dick
Wallace Infinite Jest
Dostoevsky The Brothers Karamazov
Nabakov Lolita
Various Bible
Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow
McCarthy Blood Meridian
Borges Ficciones
Williams Stoner

>> No.8645233


>> No.8645241

The previous one apparently left out The Aeneid.

>> No.8645309

Don't make the image yourself if it's just gonna be some abortion made in gimp. Let someone else do it.

>> No.8646200


>> No.8646207

for fuck sake OP might as well use paint.
Don't even attempt unless you know how to use photoshop proficiently.

>> No.8646251

Can't we just solve it by disqualifying Jerusalem?

>> No.8646266

>Results so Far
Since you've only used the top 150 books instead of counting all the votes for it, it's better to just ditch the Authors column - it's way off past the top 10 or 15 names

>> No.8646309
File: 468 KB, 245x188, tumblr_inline_mu1d203LI51r8k3vf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a legend, OP!

>> No.8646317

It's /lit/core alright. I'm fine with this.

>> No.8646347

This OP

For example, I know Barth received at least four votes

>> No.8646410

can the guy making the chart not make it shit teir like last year's?

>> No.8646528

Alright, so you're telling me not to use GIMP. There were some people who were willing to help out, is there anyone with skill in photoshop or indesign or whatever around?

>> No.8647520

So far responses indicate that unbearable lightness of being is the least popular book on the list by a pretty significant margin, followed by Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Meanwhile the Aeneid, ironically enough, is the top dog.

>> No.8647546

>the Aeneid, ironically enough, is the top dog.
With unlimited choices it's unsurprising that it would be the least divisive one

>> No.8647628

I'm good with this

>> No.8647724


lets keep Sartre and Kundera out, come on people

>> No.8648038
File: 72 KB, 319x211, 1431489639781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no, as two books need to be dropped to bring it to 100.

We could just drop The Bible as well.

>> No.8648128

I'm trying to replicate previous year's chart in photoshop. Will post in the thread when I'm done.

>> No.8648750

>The Sun Also Rises
>No Huckleberry Finn

>> No.8648761

You should have voted then. The poll was open for a couple of weeks.

Twain got just one vote, and that was for The Mysterious Stranger.

>> No.8648888
File: 338 KB, 1043x892, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preview. I have no idea how to set a template hence all the retarded lines.
Author names and vote count are all that's left to do.
This took way too much time so I won't do the author list.
Don't count on me though. Anyone wants to do their own, please be my guest.

>> No.8648895


You have quads, we are counting on your holy mission right now anon.

>> No.8649491

Jerusalem placed 30th


>> No.8649524

looks nice, I can't help you with anything

>> No.8649625

You misspelled Wallace

>> No.8649646

It's 29th though, that's okay

>> No.8649655

Thank you very much. I would like to include a little blurb about the polling methodology. I'll write it up to you a little later, just save some space for now.

>> No.8649668

Also, polling is officially done; Vergil and Faulkner take 88th and 89th while Dick and Kundera are bumped off the list. I've removed the authors list due to reasonable concerns posted by other anons, and am about to set up a more cohesive looking top 100 list.

>> No.8649697

>les miserables isn't in top 15 but placed 98th now

>> No.8649722

The poll was not for top 100 but rather for bottom 13, where there was some complications and so we polled for order and inclusion.

>> No.8650559

>Dick and Kundera are bumped off the list

Sounds good. I like some PKD books but DADOES is not top 100 material.

>> No.8650838

Here's the methodology blurb:

On the 30th of September 2016 polling began, and ended on October 13th. 496 responses were collected. For the first day or two it was possible, due to an oversight, to vote multiple times. It appears few people cast multiple votes and those that appeared to be illegal votes were removed. As well, votes that attempted to select the same book multiple times or appeared to be jokes were wholly deleted to prevent insincere votes from harming the purity of the poll.

Voters were allowed to enter five books. These were counted up and put in order. There was a second round of voting that entailed tiebreakers -- if two books had the same vote count there was a vote to see which book would come first and second. For final 15 places this was repeated due to an error involving the Aeneid, which had an extra vote and required a third poll.

Books were then put in order and made available to the public. The list of uncounted votes and books that had more than 3 votes are available here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6-b92dCuQKzH4Va2mKI3fy22Du0l3PxkybyPLqEX88/edit#gid=1044573736

>> No.8650874

>For the first day or two it was possible, due to an oversight, to vote multiple times. It appears few people cast multiple votes and those that appeared to be illegal votes were removed. As well, votes that attempted to select the same book multiple times or appeared to be jokes were wholly deleted to prevent insincere votes from harming the purity of the poll.
>Voters were allowed to enter five books. These were counted up and put in order. There was a second round of voting that entailed tiebreakers -- if two books had the same vote count there was a vote to see which book would come first and second. For final 15 places this was repeated due to an error involving the Aeneid, which had an extra vote and required a third poll.
total tldr

>> No.8650954

Don't include vote count. that was a mistake last time.

>> No.8651019

Why not anon?

>> No.8651029

I'd just cut it down to mentioning that where books had the same number of votes, there were tiebreaker polls done to determine the order. The rest of it doesn't need to go on the image itself.

>> No.8651253

People only voted Jerusalem as a vote plz delete it.

>> No.8651266

This list is so much worse than the previous one

>> No.8651295


>> No.8651307

> No Phillip Roth

> Jerusalem

Maybe people should stop pretending /lit/ has any value for discussing literature.

>> No.8651329

/Lit/ is kinda like /fit/. You go when you're just starting, get the basics down, then leave. it doesn't take long to start developing your own taste. Once you do that these boards just become shitposting boards for entertainment rather than discussion.

>> No.8651424
File: 155 KB, 1200x1633, 1476727952850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is postmodern crap shitting up the list!?!?!?

>> No.8651426

it wasnt. seeing the vote count demystified things

>> No.8651500


Best website full of people not so pedestrian?

>> No.8651513

Gives less ammo to shitposters.
>X got this many votes?
>X only got this many votes?
>X made it onto the list even though only this many people voted for it?

>> No.8651673
File: 81 KB, 500x679, Cyprien Eugene Boule - Woman with green shawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you visit the tinychat, dear polling anon?

>> No.8651899
File: 2.05 MB, 1820x4352, QUALITY-CHECK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please check for any error and post suggestion or whatever.
OP please see if there's anything you don't like.
I hope someone will do the author list.

>> No.8651965

#94 Delillo should be DeLillo.
#97 'Caroll' should be Carroll.

>> No.8652006

Wow Stoner is really high this year -
oh my god look at all the meme books

>> No.8652020

what's a meme book exactly?

>> No.8652028

Regarding Titles:

Hyphen Moby-Dick. Change &s to ands for all the Russian books. Use this ’ instead in Bottom's Dream. Add subtitle ": A Family Chronicle" to Ada, or Ador. There's a space between J R. Just call Beckett's entry "The Trilogy." Orwell should be Nineteen Eighty-Four. Change Hugo's to Les Misérables. Add ", Gentleman" to the end of Sterne's book. The rest of the titles look fine.

>> No.8652036

Regarding author's name: DeLillo. Capitalize the first l. The rest of the author's names look fine.

>> No.8652265

I made all the changes. Are you the polling anon?
I'll post this tomorrow evening in case some last minute change is needed. Please keep the thread bumped.

>> No.8652332

Yeah polling anon.
I remember that last year a suggested to do the infographic ln photoshop.
Good luck.

>> No.8652579

What is this picture?

>> No.8652810

The only potential issue with the vote numbers is that whenever this, inevitably, gets posted to tumblr and so on, the plebs will see how little it takes to push a book into 4chan's big official picture and think they can come on this little-frequented board to have the influence they're denied on their native forums

>> No.8652852

Change the cover for Book of the New Sun, this one is disgusting.

>> No.8652871

Remove Jerusalem for christ's sake
or replace it with Milton's

>> No.8652988

Polling anon here.


There were votes for Jersusalem that were obviously jokes, and those were deleted. If enough people feel strongly about it we could have a vote and if like 90% of people want Jerusalem gone I guess we could remove it and bump everything up. But for now it will stay.


I'm going to advocate for the inclusion of a vote count. If the chart maker wants to maybe there could be a vote-free edition but I want to make the data available rather than making a list of arbitrary books.

>> No.8652990


probably /lit/ is worse than it was a year ago.


That I do.

>> No.8652995

cont'd (won't let me post all the replies because 4chan thinks I'm spam for some reason)

Very nice, anon. Seems good to me. The changes the others suggested should probably be implemented.

>> No.8653070

someone with a leddit account, post it there. Would like to see the responses.

>> No.8653133

I'll post it to /r/books for the memes and /r/literature in hopes that maybe actual discussion can be generated. I don't know what subs have good lit discussion though.

>> No.8653150

I remember the Pynchon one being pretty comfy, that was 2+ years ago though

>> No.8653238



Seriously, I want to see how many people legitimately liked it.

>> No.8653261


>> No.8653269

If we remove Jerusalem we should also remove IJ and Lolita.

Take that as you will.

>> No.8653274

Even if 99% of voters wanted a book gone from the list, it wouldn't invalidate the votes of those who do want it in within this voting process. If you start any such poll it should only be fair to have one for all the controversial books on the list, ie Infinite Jest, the Bible, high school books...

>> No.8653293


I am saying this as someone whose favourite book is the Bible.

>> No.8653343

can we still vote or is that over

>> No.8653418
File: 11 KB, 908x101, The List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The results are in fellas.

>> No.8653447

wew, link to thread?

>> No.8653448

I see less than half of Pynchon's works in there and only a couple from DFW...
>redditors who think they're qualified literary experts
kekeke how appropriate

All over lad

>cannot into syntax
>thinks he's allowed an opinion on the author of such prestigious hits as Watchmen, Captain Marvelman and WildCATS
baka senpai

>> No.8653450
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8653456

New in /r/books my dude.
I thought it was a bit of banter, and went along with it. But it turned out he'd mixed up /lit/ with /r/literature.

>> No.8653461

Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/595anx/lit_top_100_2016_edition/
Oh wow, I thought he was one of us. That's depressing.

>> No.8653471

>I mean Gravitys Rainbow, I get it. Crying of Lot 49, OK sure. Mason and Dixon? V? Can't get there.
This is why you don't post these things over there. Seriously, please stop exposing our shithole to these illiterates.

>> No.8653473

But he's right.

>> No.8653483

Saying "yeah, OK" to GR and CoL49 but no to bloody Mason & Dixon is a sure sign of someone spouting back what they think is the academic consensus and basing their opinion as to what is or isn't great literature on status, rather than on their own (at this point hypothetical) reading experience.

>> No.8653489

Oh yeah. I meant the fact that there's too many works by the same author.

>> No.8653542

>r/books is making fun of us again

>> No.8653582

Jerusalem makes us worse than REDDIT

>> No.8653622
File: 13 KB, 480x360, riise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't mind they're listing separate works. I'm Ok with that. But there's just waaaaaaaayy too many B-works by Pynchon, Kafka, Doestoevsky and DFW. I mean Gravitys Rainbow, I get it. Crying of Lot 49, OK sure. Mason and Dixon? V? Can't get there.
>Mason and Dixon? V? Can't get there.
>Mason and Dixon
>The Trial
>The Idiot

If /lit/ is a bunch of people circle jerking about liking "smart people books" then reddit is the exactly opposite where the circle jerk about how the greats are not really that good and Harry Potter is more worth your time than Pynchon because "people only read him to act smart"

>> No.8653654

>Unironically crossposting to reddit
>linking reddit directly to /lit/
fuck you faggots holy shit who cares what the fedoras think, we don't even have the final image yet

>> No.8653698

Reddit is genuinely a great resource for starting writers. It's the perfect, concentrated example of what not to ever do.

I'm not memeing; I mean it. It's helped me a lot.

>> No.8653725

Chart maker here, I still have class until the evening (burgerland time) so you guys should sort your shit out so I can update the graphic. Honestly I was a bit disappointing to see meme new releases like Jerusalem and Bottom's Dream making it into the chart and so high too, but what can I do, you voted for it.

All the typo and incorrect names were updated. The final image will come soon!

>> No.8653730

Jerusalem is no more disappointing than IJ and Lolita.

Your hypocrisy will be your ruin.

>> No.8653750

There's nothing wrong with any of IJ, Lolita or Jerusalem. Lolita being so high is more the sort of thing you'd expect from plebbit/lithub, IJ is the result of board culture and Jerusalem of its recent release, but the factors that brought all those 97 other books there are of no greater legitimacy.

>> No.8653752

Polling anon here. I'm going to go argue with these reddit people. This is my account. https://www.reddit.com/user/pollinganon2016

>> No.8653759

I mean that they're still too new and I doubt anybody has read or analyzed them all the way. IJ and Lolita are fine because they have existed for some time. It can be misleading for the infrequent lit users and newcomers.

>> No.8653769

So you agree it's disappointing?
They were all chosen out of memery, though I agree Jerry's Bottom is slightly worse for being newer.

>> No.8653775

>implying people have read more than 20 books on this list

>> No.8653780

Smart move.

>> No.8653784

People seem to think this is what we think are the best when it's supposed to be an aggregate of the litizen's favorites.

>> No.8653800

I'm halfway through Kafka on the Shore and I don't feel it belongs on this list

>> No.8653806


>> No.8653811

whoever posted this to reddit fuck you

>please stop exposing our shithole to these illiterates

>> No.8653813


how the fuck do they think it's a list made by redditors?

it's literally on 4chan everybody here hates reddit

>> No.8653815

Also mostly hated by the board (though thankfully a significant-ish minority supports it), meaning most of its votes were only memes.
Do not dis the edgardo.

>> No.8653822

Anon your posts are not appearing.

>> No.8653830

>Also mostly hated by the board
You're clueless. Few consider it one of the greatest english works but there's mostly mild appreciation, at least.

>> No.8653833

Same thing, when it comes to chan hyperbole and the extremely effective mix of "overratedness".

>> No.8653836
File: 16 KB, 876x281, homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please kill yourself

>> No.8653839

>Also mostly hated by the board (though thankfully a significant-ish minority supports it), meaning most of its votes were only memes.

Not really, most people agree it to be one of best english-written novels of the 20th century. IJ, not so much

>> No.8653844

Our guy gave it an A+. Lolita deserves to be in the top 10.

>> No.8653856

Someday, anon, someday.

>> No.8653860

M8 I'm literally called lostulysses. This is pretty autistic.

>> No.8653872
File: 150 KB, 1766x562, Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 21.30.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8653873

>actually going on Reddit
>actually going on 4chan
it seems the one who has been out-homoed, is you

>> No.8653874

That's not how this works, cunt.

I happen to agree with you, but still.

>> No.8653880

You the same pleb who mouthed off about books he didn't read >>8653483 >>8653622 and thought Eliot was a man? Autism isn't going to cut it, just fuck off.

>> No.8653892

How can I vote? Is this already over?

I'd add to The Waves, Under The Volcano, and Lolita. Yes they're somewhat popular, but its all deserved.

>> No.8653900


>> No.8653906

This is very autistic.

>> No.8653908
File: 52 KB, 308x500, 51uNXM8eYlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding that Book of the New Sun's cover would be better as last year's

And I'm also not one to complain about useless things most of the time, but I prefer the Count of Monte Cristo's Everyman's cover for the book. The rest looks nice and professional

>> No.8653929
File: 66 KB, 620x465, sartre-omelettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nausea that low

Now you hold on a second you little shit, I'm a moustache.

>> No.8653973

Literally my 3 fav books, what else do you like anon?

>> No.8653997

IJ and Jerusalem.

>> No.8654000

I was shadowbanned for posting this:

>Too many middle-aged white males! Holy... WTF I'm TRIGGERD now. Mein Gott. How could you not include more 10 year olds or more 100 year old authors? WHERE's the diversity? WHERE?! WHERE?! You didn't include any fucking dragon-kins either you fucking dumb cis white male misognistic ableistic monosyballic shitbrain cuntcuck suck a duck. ASSHOLES. I'm FUCKING TRIGGERED!!!!!! YOU ARE WHITE MALES. You have privileges and a duty to represent every single walk of life including ALL RELIGIONS. Where's the Quran or Aleister Crowley's books? You insensitive pricks. AESTHETICS don't matter because I belong to the School of Resentment! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-

>> No.8654004

gee i wonder why

>> No.8654027

i got shadowbanned for posting the "Major Marvy sucks niggers" quote from GR

>> No.8654034

Linking /lit/ to r/books should be a bannable offense

>> No.8654054
File: 43 KB, 640x389, 1448415883247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is likely the one time when using plebeian as an insult is appropriate.

>> No.8654101

Having Sartre in your top 5 should be a bannable offence.

>> No.8654105

That's what's "wrong" with this poll. It's all about top fives. No wonder the Redditors are butthurt; we only vote for the western, male, great writers of literature...because they legitimately wrote the most influential (which to most people = best) works.

>> No.8654136


>> No.8654436

I'd rather have a cover in French for Le Comte de Monte Cristo desu

>> No.8654453
File: 88 KB, 285x424, blackmanwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the reddit elitists are bullying us.


>> No.8654466

I have lived a double life of shame.

Absolve me, /lit/. Call me a faggot.

>> No.8654480

4chan and Reddit have significant overlap since ~2011.

>> No.8654486
File: 363 KB, 5000x5000, eaZrosc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading /r/badliterature makes you feel bad about your taste in books

>> No.8654514

Why don't they understand that's based on popularity and not "literary merit"?

>> No.8654564

Not only do you spread this to reddit but you couldn't even wait for the one doing the actual work to finish the picture? kys

>> No.8654604

i like you're choice of covers

>> No.8654623
File: 40 KB, 995x130, Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 6.37.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8654651

We should make a new list and title it the most culturally relevant books ever written.
It can be the same list but with a different title even.

>> No.8654664

most of those books are fucking boring

>> No.8654779

I didn't post it. I just happened to find it there.

>> No.8654787

How can books be "culturally important" if nobody in the culture has read them or cares about them?

>> No.8654806

This board is a reddit colony, as are /v/, /tv/, and /pol/, though /pol/ is so inundated by newfags from all over the internet anymore it's hard to see the distinct reddit feel that the other colonies have.

>> No.8654825

what is your nickname there?
I can't remember.

I think you are >is this your waifu?

>> No.8654828

I've only read 8 books on that list (I've only just started getting into reading in general this year) and there's definitely a couple of those that shouldn't be there or should be lower, and other books I've read which feel should be up there

>> No.8654834

You realize a lot of that list is just memes? Joyce and DFW top the list basically every year because it's the most laughably pretentious choice you could make.

>> No.8654836

I think /pol/ will lose it reddit/wide net feel once the election is over. It's still very traditional /pol/ in the Syria general

>> No.8654848

Yes I figure some are memes but I don't know which ones because as I said I'm quite new to all this. I don't research books or find out what they are about before reading them, I like to read a book with a completely open mind


>> No.8654863

Listen, friends: dis based on personal favourites and not a list of "the best." Ya'll are fucking dumbasses, you know. UGH!! I dislike ya'll ignoramuses and your retarded shit-tier opinions. I use these namecalling tactics in respect, though. Too many middle-aged white men you say?! Holy... W.T.F. I'm triggered now oh golly. Mein Gott, G-d, what will I ever do. How could these fags disclude all the 10-year-olds or 100-year-old authors? Where da diversity? WHERE?! You discluded fucking dragonfly-kin as well, you fucking retarded, cishet, white, male, misogynistic, ablest, monosyllabic, shit brain, cunt, cock, and other bad words; that's what you sound like. OH GOD, I AM FUCKING TRIGGERED! White males! oh no. You have privileges and a duty to represent every single walk of life including all 40,000 religions. Where's the Qumran or Blaster Crowley's books? Uh oh, we're being called insensitive pricks. Apparently, aesthetics don't matter because I belong to the School of Resentment! REEE-. . . . No. F**k off.

>> No.8654865

David Foster Wallace, author of Infinite Jest and other meme lit.

>> No.8654910

upboated twice.

>> No.8654939

What make his and Joyce's work meme lit in your opinion, I haven't read either of their works yet, but will do regardless

>> No.8654946

>He reads for the plot

>> No.8654953

"Laughably pretentious choice".

Honestly, that should give you a solid expectation.

>> No.8654966
File: 2.50 MB, 1820x4348, top2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is DFW's work a meme
I dunno m8, you should read it to find out. Or the fact that it was already number 1 two years ago

And Joyce may be a meme on this board (the fart letters and all), but that's not to say Ulysses doesn't hold great literary merit. And I can guarantee that anyone who picks up Ulysses just to be a pseud and read the meme books are gonna have a bad time. I know I did.

>> No.8654977

>Dorian Grey: 16
>Faust: 65
This is enough to explain why the list is a meme.

>> No.8654984

>Honestly, that should give you a solid expectation.
No it doesn't.

Can you be more specific? What makes it pretentious.

>> No.8654996

Harry Potter didn't tip you off?

>> No.8655099

Fucking hell i didn't realise lit thought Joyce was a meme, are you serious? Ulysses is the central modernist text and widely regarded by actual critics as one of the greatest novels of all time

>> No.8655107
File: 2.81 MB, 1820x4352, 2016-LIT-TOP-100-FINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final version.

I changed Book of New Sun and Monte Cristo's covers.

Please don't upload to imgur as it will degrade the image quality significantly. Any other image host is fine.

>> No.8655196

A book being good and being a meme aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.8655200

nice work

>> No.8655219

how the fuck did The Pale King end up there

>> No.8655225

>/lit/ only reads what's on the /lit/ chart
>/lit/ chart is essentially the same every fucking year
Holy fuck this place is such a shit hole

>> No.8655226

It was on older one's too iirc

>> No.8655233
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Sasuga anon!

>> No.8655408
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>Bottoms Dream
>Finnegans Wake
>Kafka on the Shore
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Brave New World
>Alice in Wonderland
Jesus Christ, guys. It's like we're in a state of perpetual newfaggotry.

I'm glad Mrs Dalloway made it.

>> No.8655451

Nice work!
40/100 Looks like I need to read some more /lit/.

>> No.8655471

5/100 for me :(

>> No.8655565

>bible lower than ij
what heresy is this

>> No.8655594

13 and 1/3 out of 100

>> No.8655608

Disagree entirely.

>> No.8655672

I don't get this. If you count all the authors the bible supposedly had (not counting the after editing and all), the majority of the authors on the entire list are poor sandniggers.

>> No.8655879

Great job, polling anon!

>> No.8656010

Look at the original votes - there's a wide variety of interesting books but because they have 1, 2 or 3 votes, they didn't make the final list. Many of the people who voted for a book or two that made the top 100 also voted for other ones that didn't make the final list.

Everyone's choosing just from the pool of books that they've read, so it tends to favour the best-known and more heavily-memed books.

>> No.8656059

That's less high school meme books than before actually.

>> No.8656095
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>LOTR, Bottom's Dream, American Psycho, Pale King
>above King Lear and the Canterbury Tales

>> No.8656103
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Bottom's dream should be top 5 easily.

>> No.8656115
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>anywhere near a list of great books
what memery is this?

>> No.8656136

Only 16 titles are high school core/memes/just shit (Murakami).
That's an improvement, even if the titles which get on the list are more homogeneous.

>> No.8656167

It's been moving steadily up the list. #6 this year, on 2015's list it was at #22, and on the 2014 list at #64.

Last year I thought maybe Bibleposters were just memesters, but now I'm not so sure - if you check the other votes of the people who voted for it, they look like ordinary /lit/ votes, though perhaps with even more of a liking for Dostoevsky than usual.

I now think it's probably just related to many posters being based in the United States. In other Western nations it's much less common to see Christianity so prevalent in daily life.

>> No.8656182


What's the first fantasy novel on here?

>> No.8656192

It's the most influential book in the Western Canon.... And the most influential authors of the Canon were most influenced by Christianity.

>> No.8656220

Book of the New Sun with 14 votes.

>> No.8656221

Can't wait to see reddit discuss this

>> No.8656228

They are already complaining about the lack of women who couldn't write like Plath (I'd have liked it to see Flannery O'Connor and Hannah Arendt on it personally).

>> No.8656235

The Bible with 51 votes.

>> No.8656250

Picking it as a favourite book is something of a political choice, though. Might not have been in the past, but it is now.

>> No.8656255

The list has inspired me to try Woolf. I don't normally find female-authored books very engaging, but Woolf getting 3 books on a male-dominated list makes me hopeful.

The Waves has a reputation for difficulty, so I guess I'd be better to start with To the Lighthouse or Mrs Dalloway.

>> No.8656259

I didn't like To the Lighthouse much so I never bothered checking out more of her.

>> No.8656270

Brave New Work, Dune and Alice deserves it though.

>> No.8656295

>Brave New World and Dune
>deserving it
I can maybe understand why you think so for Brave New World, but Dune is a piece of shit.

>> No.8656323

What I would be after reading the books in this list?

>> No.8656331

People would have voted for it because it's fun. Not a common reason for reading books on here, but a valid reason anyway.

>> No.8656410

My dude I voted for the Bible and I'm an egoist. It's just a really good book, regardless of faith.
I hope not. Look at the Bible threads; there's a lot of memeing on the excellent prose (it is excellent).
Dune is not a piece of shit.

You're like those redditors getting butthurt about LotR.

>> No.8656512
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>because it's fun. Not a common reason for reading books on here
See, now this is why I suspect you are trying too hard to impress someone or yourself IRL. People read for different reasons, but forcing yourself to do so without enjoyment reveals that you do so with other intents no less irrelevant. Some people one here like to project the idea that they don't do it for so and so but it's all apparatus to seem hip because Anhedonia is 'cool' and /lit/. In reality, we are in an image board were people come to discuss a common interest, which in this case is literature so disregarding the ideia that if you are interested in something and want to engage in discussion about it as activities devoid of pleasure or enjoyment is just a fucking meme people on here perpetuate

>> No.8656648

The person that uploads this to imgur and reposts it to /r/books should gtfo asap

>> No.8656649

That which you would be after reading the books on this list.

>> No.8656652


>> No.8656699

I like it how they have a shit meme taste in female authors that rightfully should not be on any list.

>> No.8656768

shame, To the Lighthouse stands with Ulysses as the two greatest works of modernist lit imo.

>> No.8656786

They aren't wrong about Austen though, she definitely deserves more attention from /lit/.

>> No.8656823

>Lolita just before the Bible
I chuckled

>> No.8656833


You are not fooling us redditor, your mask is slipping.

>> No.8656914

This list is so bad it sold fail to attract many redditors.

Then again it's so bad a lot of people will consider leaving now that they know how shit /lit/ is

>> No.8656956

>There's some good books on here. But I don't think this list could be any more white-male centric if we tried.

These people can't be real

>> No.8656958

Well, could it?

>> No.8656972

I'm sure we could find a way to rule out books written by authors who are not 100% Bavarian phenotype. Also we could ban American authors, seeing as they're not white.

>> No.8657089
File: 102 KB, 512x559, big doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who disagrees with [my opinion] is from [vilified outgroup]!

>> No.8657115

Kek, I thought you were making fun of a Reddit post like >>8656956.

>> No.8657408

>Wallace Infinite Jest

>> No.8658008
File: 26 KB, 540x416, sis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant make this shit up

>> No.8658019

The clue is in the title

>> No.8658072
