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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 190x265, stefbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8653787 No.8653787 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8653794

thats not nick land

>> No.8653814

thats not Hideo Kojima

>> No.8653826
File: 91 KB, 801x648, STEF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these nonames

>> No.8653862

he's a secret jew

>> No.8653896

like most great philosphers

>> No.8654419

He's a pretty smart guy and i agree with him to some extent. Only watched his Trump videos though. What are some videos he talks about real philosophy?

>> No.8654429

He's a salesman selling you a product.

>> No.8654494

This, Nicky is our guy.

>> No.8654516

He basically only talked about philosophy history and psychology until recently when he started doing Trump and political videos.

Pretty much all his material from before 2010 was all philosphy or what he deemed directly related such as psychology history and some art

He wrote books as well, about anarchism and apparently a supposed proof of objective ethics

>> No.8654573
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>a supposed proof of objective ethics
What is it with these guys today?

>> No.8654581

This guy is a complete retard.

>> No.8654588
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Or a next level shitposter.

>> No.8654981
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not an argument

>> No.8655022
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Not to mention a complete fraud and a pseudointellectual.

>> No.8655030

Go back to 2006 videos when he just cruises around and talks. Mega comfy.
Not an argument

>> No.8655031

lit/ shares the same thoughts as most of him, and other virtual intellectual figures, like Harris, but with Stefbot they don't name drop him because it's embarrassing.

>> No.8655038
File: 8 KB, 480x360, steffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would they be embarrassed, are they cucks

>> No.8655058

Well, I just never hear any of these redpilled anons or Austrian school anons talk about him or post his videos. That's all. I think they suspect he's a fraud but feel if they name drop Von Hayek or Von Mises instead of him then everything will be fine.

>> No.8655073

So they name drop more fancy academic people so people dont question them?


>> No.8655109

>History B.A.
>two published papers
>less than 20 citations
>/pol/ meme

I doubt it.

>> No.8655119

>they don't name drop him because it's embarrassing
They don't name drop him because he doesn't write anything mostly. And the most notable thing he did write, UPB, which is basically just about moral game theory, has nothing to do with any of his videos which are pro-moral authority

>> No.8655122

>muh academic credibility

Femanized credentialist fag detected

>> No.8655129

any serious thinker will make ripples in academia
molyneux is a meme

>> No.8655130

This dude seems like a psycho, and his videos on putin are fucking conspiracy theory crap.

>> No.8655134

>le not serious
Not an argument, academia has no incentive to contribute to real life, its a bubble of effeminate faggots.

Ever since the 1960s higher education has been basically worthless.

>> No.8655138

>Not an argument
Most definitely an argument, specially when OP's assertion is so hyperbolic. He's a meme

>Ever since the 1960s higher education has been basically worthless
wow you really made me think

>> No.8655149

This wasn't a serious reply, any serious post would make a ripple in my favorite community

Your reply is a meme

>this is how stupid you are

>> No.8655157

>OP's assertion
It was a question. You are literally retarded and dont understand the basics of language

>> No.8655161

That's not an impressive record. My teachers at community college often have several published papers or books they've written.

>he doesn't write anything
So he's like Socrates then? Or Jesus.

>> No.8655169

False analogy. You should know what fallacies are since you like to spout "not an argument xD" so often

OP is clearly implying he actually is the greatest modern day philosopher

>> No.8655180

>Ever since the 1960s higher education has been basically worthless.
So I guess we look YouTube to produce the geniuses of our society.

>> No.8655191

>False analogy.
Your original comment implied that credentialist crap from the current academia is the best measure philosophical greatness, which is incorrect and absurd.

>OP is clearly implying he actually is the greatest modern day philosopher
No, I was asking a question.

>> No.8655198

Yes, a more free environment like the internet is more attractive to talented and original people than the restrictive feminized credential obsessed PC shithole of modern academia

>implying an intelligent person with great value to bring to the world would waste getting a 8 year PHD from a college that pushes cultural marxis propoganda

>> No.8655207

>Your original comment implied that credentialist crap from the current academia is the best measure philosophical greatness, which is incorrect and absurd.
No, it implied that there's no way the greatest modern day philosopher wouldn't be talked about in academia, which is true. His fame comes from a cult of personality, not actual credentials. Has he even written anything of worth?

>No, I was asking a question.
Okay. Even then, if your question was sincere and not ironic shitposting, you had to be implying that the assertion "Molyneux is the greatest modern day philosopher" is somehow tenable.

>> No.8655213

>all these /pol/ buzzwords and alt-right ideology

Molyneux is a meme and his disciples are bored teenagers

>> No.8655218
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>alt-right hack
>the greatest philosopher of our time
No, I don't think so. Even pic related is a better philosopher.

>> No.8655222
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>> No.8655224

>there's no way the greatest modern day philosopher wouldn't be talked about in academia
How so?

>His fame comes from a cult of personality
His personality is nothing special

>not actual credentials.
A modern day college PHD and citations and publications are meaningless garbage

>> No.8655234

>all these non-arguments

Cuck detected, let me guess you're also in academia right?

>> No.8655238


Not an argument buddy

>> No.8655251

Teach me how to argument pls.

>> No.8655262

No, Searle is.

>> No.8655269


>> No.8655285
File: 4 KB, 192x263, stefanmolymeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad you asked


>> No.8655290
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>they think Stefan is a better philosopher then me

>> No.8655302

Literally who?

>> No.8655305

>what is an argument?

guess I have a lot to learn

>> No.8655311
File: 69 KB, 566x571, reverse brendan fraser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8655313
File: 36 KB, 325x481, stef molynoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, and thats just the intro

Good luck, kid

>> No.8655327
File: 44 KB, 615x347, bostrom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Bostrom's a pretty smart man. A handsome one too, bonus points.

>> No.8655340


>> No.8655366
File: 27 KB, 480x360, zizpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8655837

I don't think so. He's just cozy because he talks about redpill stuff in a kind of a polished way that makes you feel better about hating degeneracy. He's a good talking head figure for the alt-right but he doesn't seem to have anything deep or substantial to say himself. I'd put him in charge of the propaganda/media department.

>> No.8656294

>encourages his fans to dissociate with all their family members (aka "deFOO") because having a biological family contradicts the anarcho-capitalist non-aggression principle by being involuntary

The autism is off the scale

>> No.8656353

haha... what the hell

>> No.8656363


He one of the few people who really warrant the term. He is completely unwilling to retract any arguments he makes if someone points out any flaws in them and makes no attempt to pre-empt the idea that he might be wrong in any way. He has no ideas or theories that are more sophisticated than anything someone might come up with after a few hits of a bong. He isn't strictly wrong, but where he is right there is so little substance to his ideas that there are no reasons for them to be published.

>> No.8656374
File: 2.47 MB, 348x230, NOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't defooed

>> No.8656402
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>> No.8656411

you shouldn't damage your property, that's just stupid

>> No.8656417

>My teachers at community college

>> No.8656433
File: 108 KB, 357x368, 1474771303221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nick Bostrom's a pretty smart man. A handsome one too
Understatement, he makes me feel bad about existing

>Author of over 200 publications
>He holds a B.A. in philosophy, mathematics, logic and artificial intelligence from the University of Gothenburg and master's degrees in philosophy and physics, and computational neuroscience from Stockholm University and King's College London, respectively. During his time at Stockholm University, he researched the relationship between language and reality by studying the analytic philosopher W. V. Quine.[13] In 2000, he was awarded a PhD in philosophy from the London School of Economics.

>> No.8656436

>He's just cozy because he talks about redpill stuff in a kind of a polished way that makes you feel better about hating degeneracy.
So you like him because he confirms your biases?

Not judging, a lot of people do it. Myself included sometimes but it's not to his credit as a """""philosopher""""""""

>> No.8656457

How many fuckin degrees do you need

>> No.8656463
File: 55 KB, 624x440, A_De_Botton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656676

Bostrom made me optimistic about the future by convincing me AI will wreck us all and end human history.

>> No.8656694
File: 42 KB, 512x511, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656703


>> No.8656714
File: 18 KB, 408x408, 1476990304567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656828

>videos are better than literature
>all academia is effeminate
Bet your the kind of fag that thinks free speech is dead because no one listens to your conspiracy theories.

>> No.8657207

>you cant put literature on the internet
>an institution of political correction and filled with women isnt effeminate
Conformed idiot

>> No.8657302

This needs to be a real movie.

>> No.8657304
File: 315 KB, 800x600, stefan_twistedfuckingpsychopath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8657390

Nice, fresh memes

>Before /pol/ and After /pol/

>> No.8657464
File: 1.38 MB, 1751x1648, 1465774158059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8657569
File: 185 KB, 468x500, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. And he articulates them and invites guests onto his show to discuss them. That's why I said that he's more of a talking head/pundit type rather than a philosopher. He doesn't really need to have big ideas of his own.

I like listening to him because he has conversations with guests who are too controversial or fringe for MSM. I don't think he's very substantial and his whole weird family-raising shit seems extra-weird and culty. However, the fact that he is as popular as he is says something.

I don't know. I'm just a cat enjoying the pizza smell.

>> No.8657667

>whole weird family-raising shit seems extra-weird and culty.
Like what? people just say this with absolutly no evidence

He says that people can leave there family and if they were abused that might be the right thing to do

>> No.8657700

>Is x qualitatively good?
>Expects arguments in favor of subjective preferences

>> No.8657707


uneducated pleb

>> No.8657740

Meh, okay. I don't have a file full of evidence, just stuff that I've read on Wikipedia. It doesn't interest me all that much, but it doesn't make me think more highly of him, either. I'd prefer if my would-be gurus who I otherwise like don't have weird sections on their Wikipedia page about lawsuits and investigative documentaries. Is that crazy? All I want is a nice wholesome philosopher king to help me enjoy the red pill.

Anyways, it's clear that he's now all about MAGA and that stuff, so it doesn't really matter. That's the part that I actually want to hear about.

>> No.8657757

>muh academic credibility
>Ever since the 1960s higher education has been basically worthless.
>uneducated pleb

>> No.8657769
File: 54 KB, 1213x634, spunge bully pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a red pilled philosopher king
>I want him to be not controversial

??? Are you a naive idiot or something, do you honestly know any redpilled public person who hasnt been terribly slandered??

The lies about Molymeme are like the lies about Trump.

He told people that relationships are voluntary and if you try to fix your relationship with your parents but can't it might be a good idea to leave, thats it.

That was turned into "Wierd internet philosophy guy brainwashes children into abandoning their family"

Repeating the slanderous bullshit that targets people you consider "red pilled" is being a useful idiot to your enemies.

>> No.8657773

The fact that I see the modern academic institutions as rent seeking and cultural marxist pushing credentialist institutions is a testament to my educated patritianess

>> No.8657831

Not riding the /pol/ but I hate it when people think hating Trump is some huge intellectual stand and needs a 15 minute blog. Trump is made to be hated, he is a hate pinata, its the easiest thing to be a hater of Trump.

It takes actual intellectual rigor to actually find out why Hillary is/would be too terrible to vote for over the revolutionary clown.

It also takes a lot more brainpower to find ways to support Trump, its really obvious hes a bad guy.

>> No.8657850

I've been trying to think of a way to disagree with with this post, but I actually can't. So there you go, anon. You stumped me.

>> No.8658063

>not sitting back and shitposting on 4chan while passively listening to some pseud who confirms all your biases

anon step into the 21st century along with the rest of us, would you please

>> No.8658078

>It takes actual intellectual rigor to actually find out why Hillary is/would be too terrible to vote for over the revolutionary clown
turn on television or be online

>It also takes a lot more brainpower to find ways to support Trump
>its really obvious hes a bad guy
just reread this part anon

>> No.8658098

>youtube videos of bald middle aged men complaining about stuff is now literature
You wish it was that easy.
>women shouldn't be in academia
Okay Muhammad slow down.
>every thing is overly pc
Its really not. You would know if you actually did some research instead of watching videos all day.

>> No.8658253

very nice comment, yes!

>> No.8658296
File: 32 KB, 453x500, a9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.8658601

>completely mischaracterizing everything I said


>> No.8658624

Why is using a persons correct pronoun so hard for him? He literally sounds like Hitler i his speech.

>> No.8658671

I don't really understand that. There are black, brown and gray squirrels all over this fucking city. Maybe it's because I live in the Midwest.

Or maybe it's the Jews.

>> No.8658678

Oh god. Poor guy.

>> No.8658719


I avoid namedropping but do use some of his arguments and enjoy him. Mostly because if I do mention him and the person I'm talking to googles him they'll think like this guy: >>8655129
The most common possibility is that they don't know him.

I remember this conversation I had with some anarcho-capitalist (I lean towards libertarian) and he dismissed an argument on Molyneux because "he's a joke" people also use this to dismiss the person mentioning Molyneux.

>> No.8658723

I mean if you like Zizek you must be retarded. Even if you're lefty at least go with Chomsky or someone who isn't a charlatan.

>> No.8658726


>> No.8658801

Only real answer

>> No.8658850

Chomsky is a gatekeeper though, even if he is not nearly as bad as Jeejeck

>> No.8658860

Do you believe in objective reality?

>> No.8658885

You are a cynic selling nothing

>> No.8658893

not an argument

>> No.8659314
File: 50 KB, 600x380, 1461447803827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is using a persons correct pronoun so hard for him? He literally sounds like Hitler i his speech.

>Le pronouns
>Le hitler

>> No.8659648

He realized why we can't have nice things.

>> No.8659670

It really boggles my mind how can a clearly educated and intelligent person who thinks for himself not only believe, but actively spread the fabricated myth of global warming and mam-made climate change. This fact alone fully discredits just about everything he has to say in my eyes.

>> No.8660054
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>> No.8660069

>He told people that relationships are voluntary and if you try to fix your relationship with your parents but can't it might be a good idea to leave, thats it.
You're completely understating his weird obsession with """deFOOing". He actively encourages people to and it's clear he has a fucked up relationship with his parents. I've seen him do it in his videos anon, he's a fucking lunatic. You should watch his pre-trump videos, now all he does is political stuff but he used to be full on cult tier.

>> No.8660193

>backpedalling when he exposes you as just another redpill retard with a persecution complex

>> No.8660214

>wow I can't BELIEVE you even think that
>how can a person of equal or greater intelligence possibly disagree with my worldview

Climate change deniers are in the same ballpark as creationists, dude. You get shitty that the consensus of educated specialists in the field contradicts your opinion, so you resort to broad generalizations that call "academia" evil bullying retard meanies.

>> No.8661043

I think smart Youtubers like Leafyishere or Pyrocynical really have better insights for modern life in their commentary videos than any philosopher by a longshot.
The way philosophers talk their whole vocabulary is old words no one knows anymore and they're really just saying the same things as these Youtubers anyway just in weird old language.
It's all about being the most quick thinking and smartest in this community.
Idubbbz or Filthy Frank could also be considered modern philosophers in videos where they talk to the camera but they also do a lot of sketch comedies

>> No.8661592
File: 40 KB, 480x540, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the Plato to Patrice's Socrates.

>> No.8661777

wew lad

>> No.8662786


>> No.8662923

If the state did not exist no one would be teaching the fucking poor except for maybe the church, and even then they would be too busy toiling on their landlords land to go get a higher education.
And even though the government is doing an infinitely shitty job of this now, the government is what's supposed to stop financial conglomerates from crippling Americans with debt.

>> No.8662927
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>> No.8662961

>calling out lies is backpedalling

Stop deflecting

You probably have shitty parents and got freaked out when he started talking about it.

I've been a fan for years

>> No.8662982

>I'll just call him a liar for using slightly different phrasing and not explain at all how I've been mischaracterized

wew lad

>> No.8663057

>anything filled with women is effeminate
You know what else is filled with women?
Very effeminate.

>> No.8663068

>Very effeminate.
They are. But your completly missing the point.

Women make terrible intelecutals 99% of the time, so they destroyed the university experiance.

Ok faggot I just dont wont to waste my time, Ill just do the first one

>>>youtube videos of bald middle aged men complaining about stuff is now literature
I never said or implied htat videos are literature, and his age and lack of hair is obviously thrown in there as some type of insult or somthing idk why

>> No.8663082

>Women make terrible intelecutals 99% of the time, so they destroyed the university experiance.
Hey, you can't even spell intellectuals nor experience.
Maybe if you went to school...
Additionally your 99% is anecdotal at best and since we have already established you never went to school we can infer you just hate women for some other reason.
You're probably ugly.

>> No.8663087

>university experiance
I'm having a pretty universitary experiance (sic), constantly discussing with people I both agree and oppose, a lot of them women by the way.

It gets a lot easier when you're not an autist who understands "not an argument" is not an argument.

>> No.8663092

>Hey, you can't even spell intellectuals nor experience.
>Maybe if you went to school..
If you think spelling on a temporary thread on a small board is an indication of education than you are an idiot or just finding ways to put me down

>Additionally your 99% is anecdotal at best and since we have already established you never went to school we can infer you just hate women for some other reason.
>You're probably ugly.
All projection, I have a gf who I really like. Despite being intelligent, she is incapable of understanding philosophical thought or discussing ideas as facts and not whims.

>> No.8663097

The thing is, sombody like you would not have made it to a university 125 years ago. You might be satisfied with it but people like me arent

University now caters to studious uncreative people with IQs between 105-120, fags, women, and shitskins. Because of the homosexuals, affirmitive action and women you cant talk about anything meaningful and the semi-intelligent people drag down the dialog to their level.

>> No.8663100
File: 53 KB, 1024x722, NevrnV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spelling phonetically in the English language is an indication that you are dumb as bricks brother.

Also, you apparently (though I have serious doubts -on account that you're ugly as hell) have a girlfriend that is dumber than you are.

>> No.8663103

How do you know?
Also, from your spelling and vocabulary, I highly doubt your IQ is over 120. I mean, you even care about IQ. You people look like boomboxes, Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.8663108

You do realize spelling in the english language constantly changes right? Language is fluid you know that right?

No you probably dont you autist.

Btw, the surest sign of projection is insisting that sombody you know almost nothing about has a certain charecteristic

>> No.8663110

>How would you know?
He doesn't, he spends all his free time watching YouTube videos instead of reading or going to school

>> No.8663112

>Btw, the surest sign of projection is insisting that sombody you know almost nothing about has a certain charecteristic
Oh my lord you are inarticulate.
Its like reading youtube comments on sonic amvs.

>> No.8663115

>muh spelling
>muh vocab

Are you people 10th grade english teachers or somthing?? Fucking pathetic, why would I construct a decent sentance for you

>You people look like boomboxes
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8663119

>I've been a fan for years
lel. Most people grow out of him after a couple of months.


>> No.8663120

>Oh my lord you are inarticulate.
>Its like reading youtube comments on sonic amvs.

This is literally all projection lol, and ridiculous nitpicking

>muh spelling


>> No.8663121

You're doing this on purpose, right? Committing the same mistake to show how dumb you are.

You sound like boomboxes because it's all the same, women are inferior, muh IQ, muh cultural marxism shit with you guys.

I wish I had the impulse to make a bingo.

>> No.8663124

>le im too mature argument


>> No.8663128
File: 57 KB, 577x560, numale studying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant prove me wrong
>complains about spelling, being repetitive and muh vocab
>trys to be snarky and witty, fails

Hello, numale

>> No.8663131

Well, I'm proving you wrong, I'm not a 10th grade teacher, I work at a gallery.

There, u glad now big boy?

>> No.8663137
File: 30 KB, 548x308, tfwyoujustbtfobeatlecucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i never said women were inferior, its that famous marxist projection

>he doesnt know what a rhetorical question or figurative language is
lol just lol, autistic numale confirmed

>working at a gallery
pic related

>> No.8663146

I'm not a marxist either, I'm more of a traditional liberal if anything.

Nice try though

>> No.8663155

No you're not, traditional liberals (like from the 18th and 19th centure) would hate modern universities and were very ""mysoginistic""

Your a cuck, dyed in the wool

>> No.8663156

>Watches kids media
>not ashamed
wew lad


>> No.8663167


However, in an ancap society, you would pay money only when you use the privatized roads, so somebody who never uses them wouldn't ever have to pay for roads, if I'm not mistaken.

t. an uneducated drunk guy on 4chan

>> No.8663206

>even after /his/ was made, /lit/ is still crowded with stoners and schoolchildren mumbling about youtubers
What went wrong?

>> No.8663227

More /pol/ buzzwords please you not meeting the quota.

>> No.8663282

Actually watched that.
This guy is full on retarded.
>thor hammer of thought
>does a weird bird sound that I suppose is for dramatic effect
>muh we are under attack
>some dude on the phone who enables his crazy rant
I cant believe people watch this garbage ironically.
He is WAY more tinfoil than I thought.
Some Alex Jones shit. Jesus and people think this philosophy. Jesus.

>> No.8663283

No. While he is a philospher I would compare him to Ayn Rand rather than a great philosphical mind. He is someone who promotes an ideaology which purely about the self and not one which would ensure the advancement of the world.

>> No.8663521

>However, in an ancap society, you would pay money only when you use the privatized roads

Why even have them when there's no logistically good way to have competing roads without massive structural inefficiency and redundancy? That's what I don't get about ancaps pushing shit like this? They want to imagine the world is elegant when it's not?

>> No.8663588
File: 9 KB, 247x249, 47525135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constantly warns about Sophists
>Sounds logical and clever all the time

>> No.8663874
File: 10 KB, 216x255, 741311f9498de628ea1633ca22ac812b26bf5bf7b4f4e4e9e5e257cc47aee6bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
