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8652695 No.8652695 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you do the majority of your reading on an ebook?

>> No.8652705
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>on an ebook

I do mostly use an e-reader desu. I ditched all my physical books except one.

>> No.8652708

I predominantly use my kindle for reading, pornography, and vidya

>> No.8652710
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What the fucks an ebook then?

>> No.8652716


This, for example.

>> No.8652718

Why the fuck would you buy a non-paperwhite kindle? Genuine question. I literally cannot imagine why you'd choose one of the less battery life, distraction filled, phone screen versions.

>> No.8652723

I have a pre-paperwhite version that's a decade old. battery lasts a week.

>> No.8652725
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OK fair enough. I've just bought a kindle e-reader for peanuts I'm hoping it helps me read more...ebooks.

>> No.8652733
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It's not a colour screen tablet model or I'd jyst use my phone. It's a refurbished 4th gen with 12 months warranty, I don't need a backlight light and I don't want to spend 3x what I paid.

I don't need the latest model to feel good about myself.

>> No.8652752

Wait so it's a black and white e-ink screen without a back light but you can watch videos and play games on it?

Also, no back light is the biggest deal breaker for me.

>he doesn't know the comfort of reading in the dark whilst in bed next to your sleeping girlfriend.

>> No.8652762

A Backlight is a light shining through your screen into your eye, like with a phone or tablet or monitor.

E-ink e-readers are front-lit.

>> No.8652801

I do. I use a Kindle Paperwhite for anything that renders well as an e-pub. For stuff I can only find in pdf or djvu, or ebooks that have things like footnotes or graphics, I use a larger tablet. I think it's from the Nexus series.

>> No.8652870
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Are you retarded?

>> No.8652956

Yeah sorry that's what I meant. I assumed that the post I was replying to was saying that his model lacked any form of lighting whatsoever, as many older models don't have the feature.

This is the post that's fucking confusing me

>I predominantly use my kindle for reading, pornography, and vidya

I'm asking what model this nig manages to play games and watch porn on if it's not one of the colour screen ones. And now I'm looking more and more autistic with these questions when in actual fact I'm being pretty direct and straightforward but just getting mutiple anons answering my specifically directed questions.

>> No.8652991

the majority, yes. but i also read physical books and listen to books on tape. i enjoy all three experiences.

>> No.8653339


My issue with ebooks is that often times the form and structure of what you're reading is wrong. This is due to the way books are scanned. I can't live with that.

>> No.8653352 [DELETED] 

i have a paperwhite
its invaluable because the books are cheaper and i dont need storage space

>> No.8655065

Yes. In fact, it's sort of sad because I have a rather large backlog of physical books due to most of my free reading time being at night.

This is why my Paperwhite is useful, but on the other hand I've given way too much money to Amazon.

>> No.8655074

>buying books

nigga step it up. you can find almost everything on libgen

>> No.8655088

I answered you here >>8652723
I don't play vidya

>> No.8655090


I do most of my reading with my phone. I've read more books than I ever would because I'm poor and my local library is two hours away.

>> No.8655092

Get an e-reader.
You´d prefer that rather than eye surgery

>> No.8655098


My eyes are already messed up to where I'll need surgery soon but also can't afford that. Haha.

>> No.8655965

Is Kobo the best e-reader brand for pirated epubs, etc? Does it matter which version I get? The Aura seems pretty good.

>> No.8656654

I have the H20 because I read underwater.

>> No.8656730
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