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/lit/ - Literature

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8651902 No.8651902 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: New Reader Thread

I started "seriously" reading at the start of this year (thank you /lit/) and have so far read:

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Bartleby the Scrivener
Cat's Cradle
The Catcher in the Rye
A Confederacy of Dunces
Fahrenheit 451
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
The Great Gatsby
The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose from Defeat to Create the New Majority
Holy Bible (KJV)
The Iliad
Moby Dick
Of Mice and Men
Pride and Prejudice
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Stranger

I got most of these from the charts on /lit/. My favorites are Moby Dick and the two Hesse books, Steppenwolf and Siddhartha. Any and all recommendations are welcome as I just finished Cat's Cradle (which I didn't enjoy very much to be honest, I liked Slaughterhouse-Five a lot more) and haven't started a new book yet.

>> No.8651906
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>Moby Dick

As if you understood any of it...

>> No.8651907

Read Middlemarch
and Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.8651910

Did you have a question?

>> No.8651917

Sure, have any recommendations?

>> No.8651922

Pretty sure I did. The book isn't that obtuse, especially when you know the few Biblical references, etc.

Cool suggestions, thanks!

>> No.8651939

I recommend my cock down your throat.

>> No.8651947


>> No.8651964

Read Wuthering Heights.

>> No.8651970

Try some Dostoevsky with either Crime and Punishment or Notes From Underground.

>> No.8651988

>Holy Bible (KJV)
don't. i hate to have to repeat this every thread but the king james bible is a protestant bible, which makes it trash. if you want ye olden speak, go for the douay-rheims.

>> No.8651993

>Implying the spirituality of Quakers and their descendants isn't sublime.

>> No.8652007

were the quakers responsible for the king james bible?

>> No.8652008

>To the Lighthouse
>Mrs. Dalloway
>The Waves
>As I Lay Dying
>The Sound and the Fury
>Absalom, Absalom!
>Light in August
>Crime and Punishment
>The Idiot
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8652043

they were protestants

>> No.8652044

Catch 22

>> No.8652144
File: 41 KB, 570x484, TWPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just about sounds like what I read during my latter years in high school.

>> No.8652742
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Haha sick burn! How will OP ever recover!?

>> No.8652745

I don't think he will

>> No.8652834

well done laddo

>> No.8653112

Not trying to be mean, but most of these are literally high school tier. Keep reading the greeks, then the romans