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/lit/ - Literature

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8651780 No.8651780 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is fucking worthless. In fact, it may be the most worthless branch of literature period. I can just see you, Anon, frantically trying to correct me on this; "b-but what about black literature?", you say, hoping I'll be even slightly amused. But all memes aside, there have been plenty of black writers that you can point to who have written works that, while cliched and preachy, have at least standard prose. I can name at least two at the top of my head. Who are these philosophers who supposedly have "good" prose? Oh right, the ones who are barely philosophers. At the end of the day, all you fuckers have is Nietzsche. Imagine that. What does Nietzsche have on Joyce, Shakespeare, Woolf, or Kafka? Beyond that, what does Kant, the worst writer I've ever read, have on even the most pseud of pseud college kids, let alone Pynchon or Mann?

Then you tell me that it equates to some kind of "learning", or that it helps society progress in some way. Where have we progressed? Oh right, edgy atheist materialism and SJW bullshit. Face it folks. You can carry around "you can't never not know nuffin" or "u need to b urself Anon" in your pocket protector, but you'll still be a fat narcissist, sitting in your bedroom, arguing to yourself about Schopenhauer, hoping that, one day, someone will want to listen to your incoherent babble, or that they'll care about your well-constructed dialectics. Philosophy is only worth something when placed in the context of actually great literature

>> No.8651801

Anything that is valued objectively has value, by definition Anon...

Worth is determined only by what people think, people think philosphy has worth so by definition it does.

This by the way is something entry level philosophy could teach you


>> No.8651813

You have no skill and no knowledge. Do you even have a truth methodology?

>> No.8651820

I don't think it's worth anything, so it isn't.

>> No.8651821

This is also exactly the type of post a lonely person who reads philosophy would find funny

>> No.8651822

4 u

>> No.8651828

this sure is a lot of effort just for poor bait
that entire first paragraph is you trying to judge non-fiction authors vs fiction authors on the merits of their prose, as if all of the NF authors were writing fiction
its entirely without sense
>Where have we progressed?
Well, there's math and science, the different forms of government and political ideologies.
>edgy atheist materialism
So, there's a god, there's such thing as the immaterial, and being an atheist is bad because [something something buzzword]? Wow, it would be nice if you could back up any of those statements, but that would be really fucking dangerously close to you using your brain and philosophizing. Obviously we can't let that happen, so you continue in your world lacking of any deep inquiry.
>great literature
ya know what it would be if you attempted to give any sort of explanation for what makes great literature

Why do I degrade myself by even pointing and laugh at you

>> No.8651829

Typical autist ""response""

>> No.8651833

>Typical autist ""response""
Typical autist ""response""

do you understand what kind of dialogue you create with your reply yet? assuming that you're even OP

>> No.8651835

>branch of literature

Oh wow, that's a new one.

>> No.8651841

you're a pleb and a child

>> No.8651848

>dude you should only read fiction lmao

3/10, made me reply

>> No.8651857

If you think Gold is worthless, you are wrong.

If you think philosophy (something valued by millions) is worthless, you are also wrong.

You hate philosophy because its very basic tenets destroys you.

>> No.8651870

Plato is a great stylist you chimp, nevermind Dostoevsky and, at times, Sartre and Camus.

You must hate having to read informational texts.

>uggghh why is this math textbook's prose so f'n BORING

Almost a decent troll, 4/10

>> No.8651968

>something valued by millions

Plenty of shit is "valued by millions", that doesn't mean it has value. Face it. You're in an endless pit of cuckoldry, desperately clinging to anything that will make your unending patheticism worth anything, trying to convince an Anon on the internet that there's something good at the bottom of the pit. Your name is Brian and you just took Philosophy 101 in college, and you're planning on rising up the ranks. You tell whatever friends you have about the many obscure philosophers you haven't read. You watch School of Life every day before bed, and as you drift off into sleep you whisper Alain de Botton's many platitudes to yourself, hoping that he will meet you in your dreams. He does, and when you see his shiny bald head gleaming in the sunlight you can't help it. In his boyish eyes, you see a lover not so immature as to be untalented, and not so stiff as to be conservative. And you immediately undress, and so does he, and you plow into his many caverns until a sparkly white sauce eminates from your peaks, but you're not done yet, oh no! You lick up the controlled substance and sniff his brownish smegma, and its fragrance reminds you of a simpler time. Back then, Mother would bake cookies for you every day, and Father would take you to the park. And as you continue to sniff, it's like you're hiding behind the swingset again, hoping that Alexa won't find you. Alexa was your best friend. You'd do everything together, in those days. Remember the wooded area behind the school playground? You'd always meet there, at 5:00, much to the dismay of your parents, and it was almost like a small-scale adventure. By the age of 14, both of you knew every tree, every pathway, every abandoned table, and every body of water. You still have a mental map in your head. But you don't go there anymore. Because, when he reached the age of 17, Alexa started doing smack. You noticed it slowly at first. He started talking in a foreign dialect. He became increasingly detached, and when he started to experiment with other drugs he was sometimes violently angry. You stopped hanging out. He stopped meeting you. Next thing you know, he assaults his own mother and ends up in prison, where he subsequently overdoses and dies. And when this horrible memory comes back, immediately you wake up from your dream and go on 4chan to shitpost about philosophy

>> No.8651976


>Who needs to be able to reason clearly and rigorously?, pretty prose is all that matters.

>> No.8651981

Not funny, too obviously wants to be the next pasta

>> No.8651983

You know it's true

>> No.8652026


nice bait

>> No.8652049


>> No.8652052

oi m8 have you even Orlando?

>> No.8652054

>Worth is determined only by what people think

Now, THIS is some intro babby-tier Value Theory. Have you even HEARD of Zimmerman, Lemos, Chisolm, Feldman, Huemer, Moore, or Rabinowitz? Just go ahead and off yourself, you might as well.

>> No.8652059

There are those to whom the mystery of Being calls and there are those to whom it does not. The highest art wrestles with the same mystery. The fact that you cannot see this inclines me to believe you never truly encountered or were properly moved by any of the writers you mentioned. This is nothing to be ashamed of, however. Not all men were made for the heights.

I am glad, nevertheless, that you still read literature. I would much rather the Lower Men be articulate, because then I can at least amuse myself with them. Then we have something in common.

So keep reading Anon! It's important, and will continue to help you expand your horizons!

>> No.8652062

>because then I can at least amuse myself with them

>> No.8652072

*the same mystery as philosophy

>> No.8652075

>the mystery of Being
Existentialist pleb detected

>> No.8652085

Perhaps, but what word or phrase better encapsulates the phenomenon in question? The mystery of being human? That misses out on those things that seem extra-human. The mystery of experience? Sure, but define experience; and drain it of all its conceptual and ideological baggage.

Being covers everything that exists. So sure, it sounds Heideggarian, but fuck it. It's the mystery of what exists, fundamentally, that calls.

"How strange it is to be anything at all."

>> No.8652127


So you say philosophy is worthless because of prose, when in fact the best works of philosophy are some of the most beautifully well written out pieces of literature ever created, not for their merit in artistic prose, but in their concise and well crafted use of language as a means to communicate terms and prepositions.

Secondly, "Learning" can mean different things, if you mean Understanding then yes, philosophy is essential for procuring a greater understand of the nature of all that is in existence including the non-physical. However, your short sighted definition of progression is a fallacy and you are obviously grasping on to something you know nothing about, much like a child would.

There would be nothing special about humanity if not for our philosophy and our yearning for self-expression. We would be soulless animals incapable of transcending our environment.

>> No.8652139
File: 52 KB, 500x375, katana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh guys, we got a sith lord badass here. Just remember, when the blade is unsheathed it can only be returned to the scabbard when blood is spilled. You have been warned, litfags

>> No.8652141
File: 30 KB, 547x603, you sure about that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the contrary OP, I am increasingly convinced that philosophy is the only worthwhile pursuit.

>> No.8652254
File: 38 KB, 450x495, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>branch of literature

>> No.8652263

>Worth is determined only by what people think
m8 .... immediate

>> No.8652267

The point is, I guess, that either that's the case, then Philosophy's not worthless, or it must be explored what DOES give things worth, then philosophy's not worthless because that is clearly a question for philosophy to answer.

>> No.8652316

Kek. A guy's gotta believe in something, or he's fucked.

>> No.8652328

That's an interesting philosophy you got there m8

>> No.8652333
File: 764 KB, 615x980, 1462987223235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you don't have the ability to understand Kant.

>> No.8652548

Stop embarrassing yourself, lad.

>> No.8652564

Everything is useless.

>> No.8652569

Philosophy is already being excluded from several branches of academia, where Newton wrote a book on natural philosophy, today we call it physics and the two entities operate separately.

In the same way, suppose we make an arithmetic expression for what gives things worth; is it then philosophy, or is it within a branch of math that operates outside of philosophy? Gradually we can take such questions and find different, more mathematical and scientific answers, and omit philosophy in the current sense altogether. Then your argument of needing philosophy to answer these questions no longer applies since we have different answers to all these things - we don't need to think about them, we can use math. Pure and simple.

>> No.8652985

damn it's just interesting.

>> No.8653251

Sorry to say it but OP does have a point. Philosophy is just words. Philosophy is not real. It's just a series of mental constructs of "meaning" that you invented for yourself.

>> No.8653308

>Then your argument of needing philosophy to answer these questions no longer applies


>> No.8653336

I can see why "then" isn't quite in place. Before it is an action and afterwards the consequence of that action. Isn't that how it's meant to be used?

>> No.8653346

Most really respected exact scientists, - not your edgy retard kid like you - respect and adore some good philosophy, and actually read it and try to inform one another about it.
You just proved you know nothing about what real scientist do and made yourself a fool. Philosophy will never go away, and will always have a place, whether you like it or not.

>> No.8653415

Sensible posts, anon. Philosophy truly gains importance /after/ the mystery of being has been felt; until then it is little more than an idle pastime.

>> No.8653432

not an argument

Listing last names is not an argument

get rekt sophist scum

>> No.8653470


>> No.8653525

this is an adult board, lad. read the rules. now come back when you've reached the ripe age of 18. or don't.

>> No.8653538

not an argument

>> No.8653541

not an argument

>> No.8653548

penis cock