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8646996 No.8646996 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to read in their original Spanish text?

>> No.8647029

Don Quixote.

>> No.8647037

Yo soy español. Si me deres la sauce de tu picture te dire buenos libros para leer

>> No.8647041

Anything by my boi Calderón de la Barca.
Where u at primo?

>> No.8647050

Soy Ecuatoriano

>> No.8647063

It's Kagney Lynn Carter

>> No.8647074

Los siete locos

>> No.8647125

Rayuela julio cortazar

>> No.8647141

are you even a spic?

>> No.8647250

Pedro Parramos de Juan Rulfo

>> No.8647342

Pedro desParramos su semilla sobre tu cara

>> No.8647348


>> No.8647378

No caigas por el meme de Gabo. Sus libros no tienen una calidad intrínseca(if any) que se pierda en la traducción. Vargas Llosa y Carlos Fuentes son mejores para empezar. Sobre todo busca la película de 1967 "Los Caifanes" co-escrita por el último.

>> No.8647380

En lo personal considero todo texto de Cortázar como digno de la tarea, "Casa tomada" en particular.

>> No.8647391


>> No.8647410

Cesar Vallejo and Julio Cortazar ofc

>> No.8647413

Trilce is God tier.

>> No.8647430

The classics: Don Quixote, La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, Góngora, Manrique, Garcilaso...

>> No.8647433

¿Me lo juras, Sherlock?

¿Qué puta escena?

>> No.8648631

Soy otro anon, pero sí es ella.

>> No.8648701


>> No.8648962

Cuales son buenos libros para ninos? He comenzado estudiando recientemente. No tengo mucho vocabulario.

>> No.8649147

all of them

>> No.8649150

Maria Elena Walsh

>> No.8649151

i wonder what she was thinking

>> No.8649239

mia malkova is everything I hate but for some reason I came instantly when she did that scene where she sucked that guys dick in front of her mother..... I guess my repression fuels my semens expedition out of me when I see someone so blatantly going against my strict ethical and moral codes regarding sex..... in fact a lie such as god can comfort so many but inherently it is false and there may be no perfect lies.... the faggy transagression.... the awfulness kinda pukes itself up as I finish to mia malkova scenes or cuckold scenes.... yet it stays on me like a sortve stain.... mia malkova and women who cheat on their husband are kind of like a sick fantasy born out of shame and guilt and most importantly fear.... anyone know why I like cumming to mia malkova or cheating gfs and wives talking to their husbands or bfs on their phone while they suck off their lovers?

>> No.8650684

Romancero Gitano by Federico García Lorca
Jośe María Eguren
Opio en las Nubes by Rafael Chaparro

>> No.8650767

AJ, maldito degenerado

>> No.8650778

You need to be well versed in the language to understand romancero gitano. Shit, i guarantee most of the mexicans from here won't understand since he is not writing about tacos or decapitations.

>> No.8651244

Platero y yo, Juan Ramón Jiménez.

>> No.8651246

>insinuando que Romancero gitano tiene un registro alto y por tanto su lectura es difícil

Tal vez lo que pasa es que eres un pendejo que se deslumbra con facilidad.

>> No.8651272

Has there been any good literature from spain in recent times? Can't think of any.

>> No.8651328
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recién me doy cuenta que implying no tiene el mismo signficado que la palabra ''implicando''
end me

>> No.8651398

una mejor traducción seria "suponiendo", en mi opinion

>> No.8651431
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gracias amable anon

>> No.8651457

Best response. I read Life is A Dream about 3 years ago and was impressed.

>> No.8651478

Es mejor "insinuando".

>> No.8651680

that's kagney senpai
mia was the one who brought her mom to one of her shoots

>> No.8651690


>> No.8651768

el señor de los anillos

>> No.8651958

caiste en un falso amigo


>> No.8652281


El Club de la Salamandra.

I personally enjoyed that book quite a lot.

>> No.8653387

Hola amigos. Los invito a discutir ese tema en el sub-foro de humanidades de nuestra apacible comunidad anónima (que trata de apartarse un poco de la "cultura chanera"). Queremos crecer, manteniendo el mismo espíritu, así que nos encantaría que pasaran a visitar y compartir. Posteo aquí un hilo relacionado con éste. Saludos.


>> No.8653394

Que sí, que sí es ella

Estoy preguntando la puta escena papu

>> No.8653404

As if you don't fap

>> No.8654457

Miguel de Unamuno
Pío Baroja
Benito Pérez Galdós
Miguel Delibes
Ramón María del Valle-Inclán

Esential based XIX-XX Spanish writers

>> No.8654584

Fuck I barely know that much Spanish but even I can tell that sentence was terrible

>> No.8654908


yes it was, congrats on your accurate Spanish