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/lit/ - Literature

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8647182 No.8647182 [Reply] [Original]

What author should I start with? Benedetti? Borges? (Spanish native tongue)

>> No.8647215


>> No.8647229

Try him out. Is it necessary to study the technical part of poetry to understand it?

>> No.8647351


From Spain

San Juan de la Cruz and Fray Luis de Leon

Garcia Lorca

The greatest ones are probably Quevedo and Gongora, although they can be difficult to understand because of their Barroque style, and in the case of Gongora, heavy use of mythology.

With Latin America, I would read Ruben Dario, Neruda and Borges.
Neruda isnt hard to read.

>> No.8647363
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No, it's not necessary, but it certainly helps you understand why a poet wrote a certain poem the way he did.

I also recommend, as other Anons have done, reading Neruda. Start with his 20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, and then his Odas elementales. I'm sure you'll like him.

García Lorca's Romancero Gitano is also very famous and rather "easy" to read.

>> No.8647612

César Vallejo, Jorge Luis Borges, Rubén Darío, Pablo Neruda, Fray Luis de León. No such thing as poetry for beginners. Read poems and work them until you understand.

>> No.8647637

Rulfo was such a qt

>> No.8647673

The Poem of the Cid.

>> No.8647861
