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/lit/ - Literature

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8638524 No.8638524 [Reply] [Original]

Who else /literarygenius/ here? I'm not shitposting or being ironic when I say that I am going to write the next great, and I mean truly great novel. All my professors believe that I am extremely talented, and I know that I am even more talented than they believe. I have always blown people away with my incredible writing and depth of thought.

>> No.8638527

Hehe!! XD

>> No.8638552

Why do you have to tell us though? Go write youre book faggot

>> No.8638554
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>All my professors believe that I am extremely talented

No great author would have the support of senior academics

>> No.8638581

me too senpai

>> No.8638589

>All my professors believe that I am extremely talented

>> No.8638596

My professors thought I was extremely smart and gifted too. They had no idea that I would go home every night and drink alone until I passed out listening to old songs that reminded me of when I had friends.

>> No.8638612

Wow you're really deep

>> No.8638619

I wasn't trying to be or joking ;_;

>> No.8638622

nothing personnell... kid

>> No.8638773

The fact that you put so much stock into what others think of you and that your goal is to write a "truly great" novel only goes to show that you won't shit worth dick. Great writers don't set out to write a "great novel". They set out to write a novel because they have something to say. The best-case scenario for you is a kind of dave eggers situation.

This guy (>>8638596) has a much better chance at writing something decent than you. He at least seems to be wrestling with some kind of inner turmoil which he could milk for something worth a damn.

>> No.8638776

Show us a paragraph then mate

>> No.8638783


>implying the average pleb can even comprehend what a great writer "wants"

Please continue gracing us with your assumptions and great insight oh common one

>> No.8638790

this, but ironically.

>> No.8638806

>condescending assumptions
Above all, a writer needs empathy, which is another department you seem to be sorely lacking in.

>implying the average pleb can even comprehend what a great writer "wants"
Art has to be about something. It is creative expression. If your primary motivating factor is that you want other people to see you as "a great writer", then your work will be pretentious, showy and dull. If you're smart enough to write about *your own insecurities* around the fact that you need people to see you as "a great writer", then that's somewhat better. But like I said, in that case you're ending up in a kind of Dave Eggersy, "Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" scenario. Which is only mildly less pretentious and self-absorbed that the first one.

>> No.8639801

You're on 4chan. You will never publish or do anything worth noticing.

>> No.8639805

Ya dude, only dog fucking morons use the Internet

>> No.8639814

B-but you're not blowing me away there

>> No.8639821

Only dog-fucking morons (don't forget the hyphen) start vanity threads on 4chan to boast about their future literary fame. It's a completely infallible way for identifying worthless losers. The fact that it's bait changes nothing.

>> No.8639844

thats pretty close to home

>> No.8639852
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> I'm the leading light of a dying cultural endeavour.

Good luck with that buddy. I'm making bank posting ironic chilli-sauce reviews on YouTube

>> No.8639935

>having "proffeseurs"
lmao are you woman or by any means american? With my literary interests i am in constant fear of starving, despite sparing every buck i have from my shitty job, and yet you just threw away your money for useless education? How are those peoples not afraid of future?

>> No.8639937

Aw. Aren't you cute!
*pats the "literary genius" on the head*

>> No.8639983

If you need validation then you are not smart.

You are just another millennial.

>> No.8640012

I second this

>> No.8640039 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1050x1400, dungereesgirlpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't more books have complex, interesting prose? Why are there so many books with simple prose?

>> No.8640052

Pretty crappy paragraph for a lit God

>> No.8640431

I'm about 3/4 of the way through a novella (175 pages so far) about the devil clawing his way out of hell after the revelatin and the rapture. the archangel michael is immediately there to confront him but doesnt have the power to put him back. the rest of the novel follows lucifer as he walks the barren and ash covered nuclear wasteland that once was the earth and contemplates his existence while remembering "the golden times" and his friendship with Leviathan, whose death hes directly esponisble for. nephelim, other cast out angels and a small cast of others make up a new story about what its like to lose your purpose and stare at the reaity of living forever without it. a grand climax and surprise ending will top it off to delight the reader about a greater truth that may not be recognized in the world we live in. tentaive title: FOUR SERPENTS.

>> No.8640442


Any chance that you'll ever make the novella public? Or is it one of those written for own satisfaction type of scenarios?

>> No.8640464


Sounds like something a student would dream up during the Dante section of a Euro Lit class.

>> No.8640488

A little bit of both. I have an old unfinished rough draft that's about 100 pages in my email folders if you're interested. Give me an email and I'll send you what I have.

>> No.8640494

I'm actually rereading inferno to help get the language right for the overall tone

>> No.8640501

Read any underworld text from the Greek period as well. I always thought of Inferno as the underworld section of the Odyssey on artistic crack. Good luck.

>> No.8640564


Thanks for being willing to share such an interesting concept.

Email: gotdatjingle@gmail.com

>> No.8640570
File: 177 KB, 900x920, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, I am unironically convinced I am James Joyce transported through time or reincarnated. Its the only explanation I can think of

>> No.8640580

this doesnt look like Joyce's writing desu

>> No.8640648

Sent. Enjoy.

>> No.8640677

>I am Joyce.

>> No.8640693

Just the fact that I realized this could actually be true made me laugh hard. Strange times.

>> No.8641222

I've become so much happier these past few months, why did you have to remind me that I used to be like this?

>> No.8641897

Can I get a copy anon?


>> No.8642185

Sent. Enjoy.

>> No.8642190


i found that video and watched it

>> No.8642210

How would you rate it?
I'd like to hear an in-depth review before watching it

>> No.8642218

Screenshot this. It will be about a character named Alan, his Dad and a bunch of other paranoid weirdos.

>> No.8642226

>>8640431 >>8640494
>the devil clawing his way out of hell after the revelatin and the rapture
>I'm actually rereading inferno

are judas, brutus and cassius sitting on his back as three whores of babylon, or maybe he spit them away, or gently let them away to warm up after cocytus or, i dunno, to skate on the ice of cocytus, if they got used to the cold too much, or swallowed them, or they are still in his mouthes as his favorite chewing gum? what's their fate anyway?

> nephelim, other cast out angels and a small cast of others make up a new story about what its like to lose your purpose and stare at the reaity of living forever without it

btw according to the revelation they all are to be thrown into the lake of fire

>remembering "the golden times" and his friendship with Leviathan, whose death hes directly esponisble for

for some reason i recalled tennysson's kraken

>> No.8642251

Can I level with you guys for a second? I'm an actual """""exceptional genius""""" (read: probably have Asperger's) and I've pretty much given up on any semblance of a dream of writing literature. When I was younger I was always praised for the quality of my writing, and I guess because of this my over-inflated ego thought that, even though I didn't have much of a desire to do so, I would some day be able to create an exceptional work of literature. As I went into college, I came to the harsh realization that I just don't have what it takes to be a creative genius - at least not in the literary field. I guess now I've just settled for the fact that I'll continue to read a lot and maybe, if I'm lucky, publish a book of philosophy or something.

>> No.8642266

This guy should write a book not you OP

>> No.8642267

I should probably elaborate a little bit: whether it's a result of my intelligence or probable Asperger's, my writing comes out a lot like Pyncon's (relatively analytical) and I don't think that really makes exceptional writing.

>> No.8642312

It's all wide open. And the ending answers a very important question about Satan I thought was never answered. If you like I can send you what I sent the others. I'd like to finish it by Xmas. Email?

>> No.8642316

I bet your dragonball Z fanfiction is phenomenal

>> No.8642747

>didn't describe everything that went into the writing of that post in said post
You're no Joyce lad

>> No.8642752

>I've pretty much given up on any semblance of a dream of writing literature

Good, you're on the right path to writing literature then. Now develop some mental traumas and you'll be well on your way.

>> No.8642791

Guys he posted this with a goddamn picture of motherfucking Foster Wallace. I know I'm not the first one to cry bait, but why are any of you taking this post seriously?

>> No.8642806

cause this one struck way too close to home for these people

>> No.8642914
File: 29 KB, 300x221, IMG_1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, newfriend. Here, have an Internet.

>> No.8643905
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1475037225965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minored in English
>English professor mistakenly nominated me for an award exclusive to English majors

That's been one of my two accomplishments in the last four years. End me, senpai.

>> No.8643914

>Great writers don't set out to write a "great novel".
Don't be a fool.

>> No.8643934

>Great writers don't set out to write a "great novel"

"I set out deliberately to write a tour-de-force. Before I ever put pen to paper and set down the first word I knew what the last word would be and almost where the last period would fall."--Faulkner on As I Lay Dying

>> No.8644339
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>> No.8644488
File: 41 KB, 570x484, TWPoet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that attitude. Most people write their best stuff in their most depressive states. Come back when you're like this guy: (>>8638596). You should be hating yourself, have drinking problems, or be on lots of painkillers by the time you write that great novel of yours.