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8636582 No.8636582 [Reply] [Original]

"Remember how I said there’s a certain kind of conservatism which I respect more than bourgeois liberalism—Eliot is of this type. Of course, the dichotomy he maintains is reactionary, but it’s due to a deep fatalism, not ignorance. (Counter him with Yeats or Pound, who, arising from the same milieu, opted to support Hitler and Mussolini.)

And this fatalism is born out of the relation between fertility and death, which I touched on in my last letter—life feeds on itself. A fatalism I share with the western tradition at times. You seem surprised at Eliot’s irreconcilable ambivalence; don’t you share this ambivalence yourself, Anon?"

>> No.8637295

i'm pretty redpilled but i wouldn't mind cuddling up in front a warm fireplace and sipping some hot cocoa while barry o read the wasteland to me and explained some of the religious references that i don't understand

>> No.8637326

Did people in beforetimes feel no nagging doubts about writing pretentiously, or were they just better than I am at ignoring those doubts?

Even when I'm emailing someone really smart I don't write
>Ah, but 'tis as Pound said -- life begets life; do you not agree, my bosom companion? ;)

>> No.8637392

God academia is disgusting.

Think about it, the people who currently rule the world are either engineers, traders/bankers, or fucking academics. Nauseating.

>> No.8637403
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>Think about it, the people who currently rule the world are either engineers, traders/bankers, or fucking academics.

>> No.8637409


Just read the crap in the OP: Obama respects conservatives who are *ambivalent*.

Seriously, only because they are ambivalent in their love of stasis.

Someone with a broken mind was the leader of the free world for a decade.

>> No.8637411

and you never said anything stupid while you were in university

>> No.8637414


Obama will live and die knowing absolutely nothing useful or new for the world.

>> No.8637420

Different times

>> No.8637421


bitch u can't read?? at all?

>> No.8637997
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>> No.8638002
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>> No.8638017
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Obama destroyed any chance of America becoming +90% white again

How he hasn't been impeached is beyond me. People are robots

>> No.8638869

he not wrong

>> No.8638873


whites not having kids destroyed their chances

>> No.8638893

t. basement dwelling virgin

>> No.8639137

Americans don't trust white men and sex. The only president with evidence of a libido was impeached.

>> No.8639143
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>> No.8639228

this is of course due to:

- The decline of traditional Christianity, which emphasized procreation and children as the great purpose of sexual union, and which forbade modern methods of birth control and discouraged older less effective methods

- the rise of student debt, making most young people financially incapable of caring for a child to the high standards they expect

- the rise of the female workforce—many women would now rather pursue their career than have children

- the end of all talk of "bloodlines" and general skepticism about natural bonds between blood relatives, leading many to adopt rather than procreate. (This is not necessarily a bad thing; in many ways it is more humane)

- The decline of taboos on alternative lifestyles and alternative kinds of sexuality, many of which do not lead to childbirth.

And this is not, of course, touching on what is lost for the children of the modern home; I only speak of what affects birth rates.

There may be other causes connected to general ill health or general selfishness, but I think these would be no more than conjectre

>> No.8639244

>the rise of student debt,

The sad thing is that shouldnt really be such an issue as it is. College has become a rite of passage in the US and most people who go really don't need to. The easiest way to end student debt? Don't allow loans for majors who won't be able to pay them back in 5 years or less. But everyone would be kicking and screaming that they can't go to college to read books anymore.

>> No.8639248
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>> No.8639258

I agree that Kennedy was shot for his hibernian libido. However evidence of it is lacking beyond the ravings of mad women.

What if his sexual prowess was so monstrous it was like a Lovecraftian horror?

>> No.8639366

>The decline of traditional Christianity, which emphasized procreation and children as the great purpose of sexual union, and which forbade modern methods of birth control and discouraged older less effective methods
If anything traditional Christianity promoted total celibacy.

>> No.8639381


this is your brain on The Market

>> No.8639403

>If anything traditional Christianity promoted total celibacy.
only among clergy and monastics

>> No.8639443

Are you advocating fornication there heathen? Because it sure sounds like it.

Ideally even loving union between husband and wife wouldn't occur but the end times still haven't happened so may as well perpetuate the species.

>> No.8639628

Read Paul. Celibacy may be the dart, but he acknowledges this is impractical.

>> No.8639679

not true.

yes but I think you'll find that teaching celibacy is generally ineffective as a way of promoting birth control. if you've been a Catholic yourself, you'd know that it is too difficult for most people to stay celibate. And the Church allows marriage as a legitimate alternative way for those who cannot practice total chastity.

The enemy in either case was fornication, not sex; just as the Church worried about questionable wordly forms of dancing, but not the idea of dancing. Sex has a right and proper place, but it is so mired in temptation to sin that the saintliest will forego it altogether, while the rest are advised to practice it in accordance with proper and natural use of sexuality, which is procreation.

I am speaking where my knowledge is incomplete and I will gladly accept an alternative explanation from anyone more knowledgable.

>> No.8639694


>fertility and death

God fucking damn it, is this the pseud-shibboleth to end all pseud-shibboleths?

>> No.8639722


we prezdint tho

>> No.8641103


>> No.8641215

>ambivalent in their love of stasis

You don't even know what you're saying.

>> No.8641234

Who should rule the world, anon?

Shut-in's like yourself? Burning heart authors on the verge of suicide? The uneducated and uninformed masses?

>> No.8641430

Thats the best spot in New York--Rocky has good taste.

Wonder his younger self would think about his administration given his apparent disdain for bourgeois liberalism...

Also who was he talking to? Girl?

>> No.8641441

aka ((JEWS))

>> No.8641454

Well read blue collars and soldiers.

>> No.8641463

> uses word milieu
> proves he put real thought into this to look 'good' in a fucking anonymous poat on fucking human wasteland 4chan
> proves he is nothing more than a human wasteland, by actually trying with such foolishness
> kills self
>no one cares
the end

>> No.8641502

Jews may responsible for some usury but I don't think they're responsible for any of the quite coherent social movements which were the products of the long degeneration of latitudinarian religion among ((PROTESTANT BRITS AND AMERICANS)). Liberalism in religion, the growing influence of materialism, the traditional family idea breaking down under the pressure of industrialism, improvements in birth control technology—I don't think these were the fault of the Jews.

But I suppose you think the Prussian murderers of the Jewish people were somehow the last bastion of the good old Western Tradition—despite being nearly inhuman monsters who broke their word to anybody and everybody, spread a false and disgusting racialism, practiced war for war's sake, and monstrously boasted "Gott mit uns!" in a horrible parody of the old Roman cry, as though God had taken their side against Christendom (how could he not, seeing what noble Aryans they were?). They were the most proud and heartless people ever suffered to crawl the face of Europe, and they butchered the Jewish people as no self-respecting antisemite anywhere else could even conceive until it had happened. In Prussia was combined the cold pragmatism of the vilest politician with the hysteria of the madman, and from the time of Frederick II until the end of WW2 they tore apart the fabric of Europe as greedily and as recklessly as they could get away with.

If you aren't a Nazi-sympathizer, and you just don't like Jews, then I take all that back. I'm a little bit antisemitic myself. But let's not blame EVERYTHING on them.

>> No.8641506

yeah Obama tried really hard to impress 4chan with that post

>> No.8641513

What a good goy

Im half jew and realize that its a Jewish created and led phenomenon

Jews created and spread slave morality which caused most of the ugliness of modern society, christianity is literally and obviously a Jewish trick

As a half jew I accept that the worst thing Nazi Germany did was lose, if they won the world and its people would be healthier and happier and most importantly more beautiful

>> No.8641543
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>Burning heart authors on the verge of suicide?

>> No.8641556

I didn't know Nero was the original neckbeard.

>> No.8641996

>Don't allow loans for majors who
You don't have to pick a major straight away. And often the best majors are weird ones.

>> No.8642050

good post but I don't know why you call them Prussians the whole time, after all the whole thing was spearheaded by an Austrian

>> No.8642053

he is assuming the opinion of a Wehraboo.

>> No.8642078


Oh the naïveté

>> No.8642081


>> No.8642194

>College has become a rite of passage in the US and most people who go really don't need to
yes they do. this is the only concrete thing that classical liberals have created which differs from any society before them.

>> No.8642518

I just think of all Germany as having been so thoroughly Prussianized over the preceding centuries that it came to be more like Greater Prussia—and Hitler, though Austrian, had taken up enthusiastically the evil spirit of Prussianism.

>> No.8643776

yeah but check this out: US states that teach abstinence have the highest rates of teen pregnancy.

is that too paradoxical for ya? did that blow your mind?

Turns out teenagers are going to have sex, no matter what you tell them. The difference is whether they'll fornicate with a rubber or screw the old-fashioned way. The sexual liberation has produced a lot of sex but not so many children.

>> No.8643936


Isn't the same thing happening in Ching Chong Bing Bong lands? It probably has more to do with economics and health, that being that having a dozen whelps isn't utilitarian anymore.

>> No.8643940

As a Catholic I'll say that I actually prefer that. Fornication is bad, but it's not as bad as abortion. The Church would always prefer an illegitimate child be carried to term and welcomed into the world.

>> No.8643945

*that is to say, I prefer when teenage sex leads to babies

>> No.8644674
File: 270 KB, 642x628, 13697200_1743168899256933_8482871613963297869_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be this smart
>ywn be human enough that the people you talk to record the conversations that you have together
>ywn be human
>ywn be anything

>> No.8645579

Spotted the pleb.

>> No.8646992

>ywn be this smart
didn't sound all that smart to me

>ywn be human enough that the people you talk to record the conversations that you have together
he wrote it in a letter, she just happened to keep the letter

>ywn be human
already am

>ywn be anything
everyone is something

>that pic
none of that is true

>> No.8648331


>engineers, traders/bankers, or fucking academics

autists, sociopaths, and the mental equivalent of those dudes who can suck their own dick