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/lit/ - Literature

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8638829 No.8638829 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else noticed that booktube is never actually about the books, but is actually about how 'cute and smart' the reviewer is and the materialism of owning books?

>> No.8638832

Riveting insights there, compadre!

ive never watched one and I know that. Why would you waste your time on it? How old are you?

>> No.8638851
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my wife regan its perfect

>> No.8638853

you dont say

>> No.8638854

I am trying to transition my poopy channel into a sort of booktube channel but don't really have things set in stone yet. Had some ideas on some videos though.

>set up camera when sitting at fire outside smoking pipe and talking
>talk about actual literature and not YA junk
>mix in a bit of history if a subject catches my interest

I wanted to talk about a video game a little bit and worldbuilding because I genuinely like a game called Dishonored for its world and story and how much it is sort of an homage to Moby Dick and Lovecraftian tales. Or at least takes inspiration from.

I also wanted to talk about how booktubers may as well just be called shoptubers because all they ever do is buy crap and talk about it.

>> No.8638855

I hate you

>> No.8638856
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It's a waste of money to buy brand new paperbacks like that but it's her job to advertise these products so it doesn't matter for her.

There's millions of videos of people buying all sorts of products and unwrapping them on youtube. It makes sense in a way, shopping is mildly addictive for some people, so watching other people shop is like pornography. I find it fascinating and unsettling at the same time. I wonder if ad firms will ever lose revenue because of this?

>> No.8638890

I am in process of making vlog about books, nothing fancy, just me in bed reading passages and talking about them. I also look for voluntari translation as it will not be in english

>> No.8638894

Many people have noticed that.

The absolute worst offender is the Better Than Food man. Even though he makes videos about books with more merit than YA fiction he somehow manages to have both shallower analysis and less enjoyable videos than any other booktuber.

People like him are the worst kind.

>> No.8638895

One word: poseur

>> No.8638906

Has anyone else noticed that 4chan /lit/ is never actually about the books either

>> No.8638908


We have the deepest discussion about the nature of being itself.

>> No.8638923

>has anyone else noticed
>anyone else

I don't mind cringe and reddit hate threads because at least they're upfront and open about their format and intention, there's no pretension about there being anything deeper to the reasoning behind the """"""hate""""""

That being said, what's the point of this thread? Did you honestly think that you "noticed" that aspect of 'booktubers' never mind literally the rest of all bloggers of all kinds? It's not even an insight, fuck man, it's not even a *thought*. Everything you said in your first post is just such obvious shit, there's no line of reasoning needed to get there it just IS.

I don't know why your thread's triggering me so hard, I think i just hate and have no respect for the false sincerity in trying to open a discussion. Unless you really do think you're sharing genuine insights, in which case you're just really fucking stupid.

>> No.8638927

sounds gay and stupid my man

>> No.8638953


I don't disagree but I once heard a quote that you jet ski all of the misses you don't 100% shots. That teacher!? Albert Einstein.

>> No.8638977

ITT: old white men upset that young people are forming their own culture and identity. You can't be more predictable.

>> No.8638984

He is awesome because he turns the system against itself.

>> No.8638985


>> No.8638999
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What's your channel?

>> No.8639007

remember to wear a fedora so people can see straight away that you are classy and intelligent

>> No.8639010

I'm trying to make /lit/ great again. I am also the one who posts about Harry Potter. It is about time we diversify the audience of this subreddit.

>> No.8639014

Just do what you want to do. Youtube is so oversaturated that there is no point killing yourself to do anything other than what you want.

>> No.8639020

Tumblr pls go

>> No.8639025

>I wanted to talk about a video game a little bit and worldbuilding
You're not any better than YA booktubers.

>> No.8639032

The actual intellectual thing to do would be to parody booktube

>> No.8639060


>> No.8639118

Has anyone else noticed that booktube threads are never actually about literature, but are actually about how 'redpilled and smart' the op is and the materialism of some losers on youtube?

>> No.8639123

What's the story behind that pic?

>> No.8639131

Women only do things for one of two reasons. Either they are just half-assedly dabbling with it, or they are using it to socialise and become a queen bee.

They don't care about anything else.

>> No.8639139

Men only do things for one of two reasons. Either they are just half-assedly dabbling with it, or they are using it to socialise and get pussy.

They don't care about anything else.

>> No.8639140

>I wanted to talk about a video game a little bit and worldbuilding because I genuinely like a game called Dishonored for its world and story and how much it is sort of an homage to Moby Dick and Lovecraftian tales. Or at least takes inspiration from.

This is how I already know you're a pleb.

Dishonored is 6 pages of good lore, written as a pastiche of homages by someone semi-talented at writing commercial fantasy settings, and then choked by a smoothed-over alpha build of a lazy shitty game.

If you can't immediately tell just by playing it that Dishonored was drastically reduced in ambition about 1/5th into its development cycle, and the devs just decided to run with it anyway and cram everything into a shitty stealth FPS with no difficulty, you are basically retarded. Three glimmers of an implied background plot about Lovecraftian precursors and some interesting fluff about whale biology doesn't save it from being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.8639151

Genderfluid only do things for one of two reasons. Either they are just half-assedly dabbling with it, or they are using it to socialize and [become a queen bee, get pussy]

They don't care about anything else.

>> No.8639153

Men do everything authentically women do everything fake take the redpill, brainwashed idiot read Schopenhauer if you don't believe me, trust me I have had many relationships and I'm intellectual, ever read Weininger and Eliot Rodger? They dissect the female mind (or the simulacrum of a mind that they have)

You will never understand the world until you've taken the redpill. Come to sluthate and find out for yourself

>> No.8639154

Looks like she's advertising her own porn videos.

>> No.8639184

No, because I don't watch fucking "booktube reviews." I read actual critical reviews.

>> No.8639185

Careful. Most of those are written by women as well these days, and pretty awful imitations of male scholarship.

>> No.8639188
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>> No.8639208
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Women can't into reading.

>> No.8639209

tumblr aesthetic anon.

>> No.8639242

Yes, because a female scholar with a doctorate and published works is exactly the same as a 20 year-old bimbo with a webcam. Jesus Christ, you think I care whether the reviewer has a dick? I want them to have some expertise.

>> No.8639315

my apartment doesn't have any ceiling lamps and christmas lights were (at least felt) like my cheapest lighting option at the time. plus they are more cute and fun than floor lamps.

>> No.8639323

>everyone who criticizes me is a white man
Way to marginalize

>> No.8639336
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i think this fetishizing of consumption is clear evidence of overproduction and the sheer purpose of anything propagating this image of consumption is used, explicitly or implicitly, to further the demand when the public becomes jaded to ordinary forms of advertising. i dont watch a lot of tv but i do know that advertising is a constantly evolving phenomena that necessarily has to change to conform to new expectations from the public. i think we are seeing a shift away from more overt forms of ads and instead a paradigm shift towards viral, subliminal, and self-aware ironic forms of advertising. where this is going i have no idea. DIY ads where you convince yourself that you need to buy something? dont we do this anyways with the media that we choose to consume?

>> No.8639348

sorry for being /v/, but, is there a mathewmattosis style book reviewer?

ideally the book review should have no video, only the book cover as a static picture, and the reviewer speaking.

youtube book reviews feel too much about how stylish the living room is.

>> No.8639371

i actually hate having so many physical books, they take up a ton of space in very little time and are heavy fuckers when it's time to move. but i don't have an ereader and don't like reading lit on a screen. there's no one in my life to impress with my collection of used penguin classics anyway

>> No.8639395

Do you really find yourself moving that often? Just stay put, silly.

>> No.8639410

I know you're a pleb because you actually played Dishonored xD

>> No.8639418

>i don't have an ereader and don't like reading lit on a screen

I used to think this but ereader screens actually pretty much look like books if you turn the backlight off

>> No.8639422

>Who is Cliff Sargent.

>> No.8639435

The thing is that yes, that describes the behavior of women, but also that they still have capable human brains and things to offer.

>> No.8639444
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1475004376414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the only good youtuber who talks about books is black
inb4 cucks who want to suckle booksandshit's little femdick disagree

>> No.8639471


>> No.8639552

Considering that most people use YouTube as a visual stimulant then this dosent really surprise.

>> No.8639559

You know you can read peer-reviewed essays on books instead of booktuber shit?

>> No.8639560


>> No.8639570

Depends on the thread. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is just pointless namedropping.

>> No.8639583

Not him but I assume he means The Black Ponderer.

Dude is low key one of the best reviewers on YouTube. He does philosophy books though, so he's not for everyone.

>> No.8639584

The internet and library.

>> No.8639591

What does that even mean ?

>> No.8639609

seems comfy

>> No.8639706

My sister's place loox like that. Good catch.

>> No.8639726


what booktubers are better? genuinely curious, im not subscribed to any

>> No.8639729


yes. point in case: >>8639131

>> No.8639737

I have THE strongest desire to cum on her forehead

>> No.8639739


good post, spot on

>> No.8639744


what do you like about him? stumbled upon his channel recently and liked him as a person, but he seemed very superficial and repetitive in his analysis

what are some of his best vids? ill give him another shot