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8637230 No.8637230 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw everything is fundamentally a nest of snakes

>> No.8637240


>> No.8637331


>> No.8637345

Who is this person?

>> No.8637370

File name.

>> No.8637413

this is a waste of time

>> No.8637423
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>tfw you're fundamentally a snake

>> No.8637429
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Nigger tells people not to be resentful but he's A TALL WHITE MALE!

>> No.8637461

Sure but why is he posted here so frequently? I live far from the anglosphere and I'm clueless.

>> No.8637473

google. he's embroiled in controversy for offending radical social justice people, but he's also a highly articulate scholar who is enormously well-read and has dozens of hours of his lectures available online. i'm guessing he appeals particularly to people on 4chan for reasons related to the above.

>> No.8637495

Because he's pretty a pretty solid guy concerned with ethical and psychological problems and not some reactionary who profeses his views out of a fear of being a "cuck".

>> No.8637500

>radical social justice people

Ah, the passive-aggressive National Socialist Party. I'd rather be shot in the face like the ISIS do.

>> No.8637668

4chan continues to deny the existence of transgendered people and Our Boy Peterson denies their existence to pronouns of their chosen gender.

>> No.8637788

This is a pathetic attempt at memeing. You should rewatch his lectures so that you at lest understand him before trying to make memes.

A genius

>> No.8637946

why would he be afraid of being called a cuck, the people supporting him are the same people who use cuck.

>> No.8637953


I watched a lot of his shit, motherfucker. In the end his message ends up at "don't lie start a family get a job". Basically telling you to be a good worker bee and pay your taxes to Mr. Shoahsteinberg.

>> No.8638351

Precisely, they're the ones that think it's a reprehensible thing to be.

>> No.8638387

He doesn't deny their existence. The video he made is in response to a new law in Canada that makes it illegal to not use somebody's preferred pronoun. its a straight up totalitarian law

>> No.8638398


Easy, refer to them only in the second person, just refer to them as (you) when talking to them.

>> No.8638403
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>Basically telling you to be a good worker bee and pay your taxes to Mr. Shoahsteinberg.

Really? Are you fucking kidding? That's what you got out of his lectures?

>> No.8638426


There's a lot of interesting stuff about mythology, religion, psychology and such but that's what you end up with when you dilute his philosophy. Basically that's what is at the end of the "ten thousand steps" as he calls it.

>> No.8638550

I disagree strongly. His lectures explores the themes of morality and existentialism and why you should live your life "right" and what happens if you don't, and what to do with nihilism, meaning/meaninglessness and how to stay healthy psychologically and handle whatever life throws at you without becoming resentful and broken or caught up in ideological nonsense like Marxism or neo-Nazism. Incredibly incredibly valuable stuff! When you personally experience "being in the underworld" and then one day you come across his lectures and you watch and all lights are just blinking and you get your situation explained to you and what to do.. I never ever came across anything more helpful then that.

And he also explains a lot of important things about how the world works which you wont get to hear other places because they are politically incorrect, and he does so without putting it in either a right or left wing view.

That you reduce it down to "pay taxes and have kids" is pretty bad view imo.

But also, what is wrong with "don't lie start a family get a job" ? That is what life is for majority of people. And its not a bad life. It certainly beats being a resentful feminist with a half ass career and no children or husband because she is old ugly and wasted her best years of her life and now she can't find a man that she think is good enough for her because she is not pretty anymore. Or some embittered basement dwelling closet nazi that just hopes for a "HAPPENING" so he can finally go out and fuck up some shit.

Life is hard, life is shitty, toughen up, set your shit right and buckle up and do it properly. "here is a few tips on how to do that" That is what i get out of it.

>> No.8638556

Is this guy gonna be a meme on /lit/ now?
I go here to avoid the fucking bullshit I have to deal with on campus.

>> No.8638561

jesus christ
i bet he never thought he would have to deal with this level of stupidity in a college

>> No.8638575


I completely agree but my issue is mostly with his "truth serves life" stance.

For example I think reproduction is the ultimate evil and people DO delude themselves to avoid facing the harshness of reality but he says these are dangerous opinions to hold because they lead to nihilism or authoritarianism and because of this there MUST to be an alternate explanation.

Maybe, but this statement starts cracking when you reproduce to further your own needs.


bitch we(or I) knew about him years before he made the leftists chimp out

>> No.8638599

>For example I think reproduction is the ultimate evil

Okay so if you have a opinion that people should not reproduce, if we take that opinion to its final conclusion, where do we end up? With the extinction of the human race. It would essentially be better if humans stopped reproducing and died out. How is it that if enough people taught that and had the capabilities to do it, how is that not dangerous thinking? That is justification for genociding the human race with nukes.

>but this statement starts cracking when you reproduce to further your own needs.
I dont understand.

Did something happened to you for you to think that reproduction is the ultimate evil? I can't see that perspective my self.

>> No.8638613

>mfw my father is a stock character from the bible
>mfw i just had sex with my chair
>mfw you can't take care of something if you don't understand it

>> No.8638629
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>man makes 150 educational videos and uploads them for free
>has to deal with this shit

just fucking kill me now

>> No.8638637

Oh my god. Must be rough trying to be an educator in a university these days, everything is subject to scrutiny by a newly made-up group of entitled misfits

>> No.8638646

how about people can say literally whatever they want provided they are not inciting violence? Trans people can get fucked if they think they can force me to abide by thoughtcrime rules about made-up genders. Pronouns are and have always been used as descriptors that sufficiently categorize individuals' referents. When use of a pronoun supercedes this and becomes about forced verbal acceptance of a group of people (aka politicization of pronouns), I'm going to put my foot down. This is the reason I hate hype-liberal cuck nations like Canada, everyone's a low-key idiot that hides behind 'niceness,' and nobody has a fucking sack

>> No.8638647

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8638649

>dangerous opinions to hold because they lead to nihilism or authoritarianism and because of this there MUST to be an alternate explanation.
He says that when people become nihilistic, and maybe they become nihilistic because their personal philosophy of life failed them, or they can't believe in their religion anymore they often turn to ideology to give them a structure of the world and meaning and that ideology is often totalitarian.

Nihilism is unbearable, people want "out of that", so people take on ideology to fill the void. Ideology is like a copout for people that are looking for a shortcut out of their existential misery. That had extremely bad consequences, millions of lives lost. What he is saying is that there are other options, there are other things to do when you get nihilistic then join the fucking Feminist movement and exterminate men. The alternate explanation is a philosophy of life that does not result in violence and war.

And maybe if the ideas a person hold leads to nothing but suffering and misery, then maybe that idea is wrong? And why are our universities and schools teaching ideas that says that nothing means anything and that everything is relative? Why teach such ideas that leads to nihilism?

>> No.8638658

the dude is semi-legit. although he is a bit of an attention whore he does have some points that should be taken into consideration by the left.

the real problem is that he attracts lots of retards like the alt-right, neo-nazis, mras etc and this instantly makes him an enemy in many circles.

>> No.8638659
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>> No.8638667

unfortunately this comes from the false dichotomy peddled by "SJWs" where if you disagree with a part of their ideals you must disagree with all of it and therefore you are alt-right, MRA etc.

see the video above, where they assume that Peterson being against pronouns means he hates all trans people and think they shouldn't have rights.

>> No.8638679
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>but this statement starts cracking when you reproduce to further your own needs.
I dont understand.

>Did something happened to you for you to think that reproduction is the ultimate evil? I can't see that perspective my self.

I'll tell you how I reached this conclusion and you tell me:

>life is suffering
>the only way to completely eradicate suffering is eradicating life
>but there is an alternative, if you work now your chances of not suffering in the future go up
>work is essentially (trying to) keep pain at bay 24/7
>how did you end up here? seems like a terrible situation to put a sentient being in all things considered
>because you were born
>your parents reproduced because they thought "it's just what you do/I want to be a mom/I want to raise a kid/etc"
>had absolutely no concern how the life of their child would turn out because of things outside their control

Not only that, what if the child doesn't work? What happened to their unconditional love now? Why reproduce if you're going to force your children around and leave them to die if they don't obey? They want worker bees, anything else is delusion to give it a pretty dress.

How does this not make them evil? I don't give a single bother about the rest of humanity if my children or I are suffering. Not sure if I can articulate this properly but here goes nothing: I just can't bear hearing my children saying "dad, why am I less X and steve is more X?" and telling him the human race needs to survive. That's just not how it works.

He would probably say this is perfectly rational but not true.


Feminists and their close relatives, the Marxists are authoritarian and they know perfectly well what matters and what doesn't. Nihilism is how they dodge criticism because they don't have the spine to respond to to their critics.

>> No.8638690

This is true.

Isn't it crazy though that these SJW has demanded that he remove all his videos from youtube and that he be fired from his job for having discriminated against them? When what he did was criticize the new legislation? If this legislation had been implemented a year ago then they would have uses that against him. They are now lying and twisting what he said around and soon they will have laws to support this kind of thing. This is fucking crazy beyond belief. This should ring all kinds of alarm bells.

>> No.8638695


Somebody should save his videos for future generations at least. My internet is not good enough.

>> No.8638696

Let em go to hell the way they want to. It probably needs to get worse before it gets better. *prays for Trump victory*
The man's a bit of a buffoon, but he'll put an end to this madness through the soft power effect.

>> No.8638697

you can't deduce "reproduction is the ultimate evil" from your argument because your first point is 'life is suffering' which is completely subjective. How can you define such an absolute from a very personal experience?

You are a free agent and able to choose your own direction in life. I understand depression can make this difficult because I've been there, but you cannot seriously conclude that reproduction is evil just because you aren't happy.

I don't plan to have kids, but I will never damn my friends and family for making the choice to.

>> No.8638707

the problem with peterson is that while his focus is free speech many of his supporters take it as 'fuck trans people'. in the video you see this brown dude who takes the chance to shit on the trans person and funnily enough people with mental disorders as well.

i think he could do more to hone in on the actual issue and to chase the retards away.

>> No.8638716

>'life is suffering' which is completely subjective

I know this is an extremely bold claim but I sort of disagree. Over thousands of years every single major religion had to admit this. The only way life isn't suffering is if you're biologically wired in a way so that you feel pleasure more than pain(which is the reverse for us). Pain is ALWAYS greater than pleasure and you can't reason yourself out of it.

The argument that life isn't suffering because you yourself are happy is a selfish one. You're like the prison guard taunting the prisoners. It isn't that your life isn't suffering, you just manage to keep it outside the walls and we all have to do that permanently.

>> No.8638717

Shitting on transvestites is a perfectly reasonable aristotelian position.

>> No.8638723

>life is suffering
Yes, which is why you need a life project or something that justifies your existence. Something like "yeah its pretty bad alright but i had at least this thing that was worth it" or "maybe its bad but at least this i can find pleasure in"

>the only way to completely eradicate suffering is eradicating life
But would you want to completely eradicate suffering? Are you sure about that?

Maybe your stance to suffering is wrong? Its as if you think that the world should be free of suffering.

Maybe your ability to handle it is what is really wrong? Maybe if you had something of meaning in your life you could shrug your shoulders and say "yeah but i can take it"

>>had absolutely no concern how the life of their child would turn out because of things outside their control
Or maybe they planned it and worked and sacrificed a lot to make your life as good as they possibly could?

>How does this not make them evil?
Have you watched this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLp7vWB0TeY
You know what would make them evil? If they made you with the sole intent of torturing you for whole life. If they had you in their basement and they did nothing but torture you, that would be evil. But they probably tried to make things as good for you as they possibly could.

You seem to have problems with the fact that life is hard, unfair, gritty and difficult. You almost seem like you have an assumption or underlying belief that life is supposed to be a dance on roses with no pain. Like you can't come to terms with the uncertainty and hardship of it. Yes people are unequal, some live better lives then others, your kids might be crippled and your dog dies of cancer before it turns 2. That makes people resentful. (That makes them become SJW so they can unleash their resentment on others while seeming just)

The answer to that might be "maybe if you live your life right then you can take the suffering without becoming corrupt, bitter and resentful" Its not about to never feel suffering, its about being tough enough to can handle it and still live a good life. Its strength of character, its virtue. Its an existential necessity.

>> No.8638732

I don't think he was shitting on them. He was making a point that people should have the right to choose who they live with, which they should. Sure, it's not fair to compare someone who is trans to someone who has a mental illness, but I understand where he is coming from. Especially when he is faced with people who will take their phones out to film you while shouting that you're using the wrong pronouns. When people do stuff like that, they represent the trans community and this guy probably looked at them and thought "well shit if this is what trans people are like I wouldn't want to live with them".

I didn't claim that life isn't suffering because I am happy. I'm saying that just because life is suffering for YOU, doesn't mean it is for everyone. In fact, your claim is the one that is selfish because you are basing it on your own experience.

inb4 tip fedora but please don't cite religions as part of your argument because not everybody can take them seriously.

>> No.8638739

oh so you're one of those weakling retards who derail the actual issue by projecting your unhappiness onto easy targets, sad.

>> No.8638747

>'life is suffering' which is completely subjective. How can you define such an absolute from a very personal experience?
Is it though? Dont everyone have like a 100% certainty of having pain and suffering in their lives? Sickness, broken dreams, deaths and disappointments? Its an existential fact. You are alive. You feel pain. That is just how it is

>> No.8638750

I just want to clarify that was not my reply to you. >>8638732 was

>> No.8638755

It is fair to make such a comparison. Body dysmorphia and anorexia and body integrity identity disorder are considered mental disorders and few people would disagree. Throw in trans shit into the mix and everyone gets touchy feely because it's such a common social and political issue these days. It's not common and it's not healthy. Should someone be persecuted for it? Probably not, but stop pretending it's something it's not

>> No.8638756

nah. he doesn't want to live with a trans person or anyone who he deems "weird".
while i share the same view as do most people i would think, there's a difference between thinking that and shouting it out loud directly to the person in question, that's just being a rude asshole and only serves to solidify his detractors views that he shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.8638762

To be fair, it's not like their own group came bearing a candlelight vigil.

>> No.8638765

the way people are just going along with this election like the wikileaks don't matter and its okay that a psychopathic treasonist and the excitable narcissistic moron that she provoked to run against her are the presidential candidates. Just kill yourself if you're voting for either one of them.

>> No.8638769


Yes, in an ideal world suffering should be eliminated and everything should be good 24/7. I'm not one of those communist idiots who think they can make a utopia on earth or something. I know that will never happen.

If you shouldn't unnecessarily harm others and you know reproducing will harm your kid, you should not reproduce. And since we have established that life is suffering, your child is guaranteed to feel more pain than pleasure. You might say that reproduction is necessary but necessary for whom? You. Reproduction in this sense is not much more than slavery.

>you can't this you can't that

To all of that, exactly. The only purpose for me to keep going and not tell my conclusion to other people is because you might be potentially personally affected in the future. You don't actually care about living well or being strong.


By you I was addressing people in general. But still, I'll say it again. Life is suffering. Some people can keep suffering outside from reaching them but they know they have to work permanently to not suffer. The moment they let go they will see hell on earth.

Not only that, most of us are massively biased in favor of life because every single atom in our bodies are telling us to stay alive no matter the cost.

>> No.8638784

I find it funny when "extreme left" minority seeks aid from the state in forcing majority to like them.

Because this is what it is about, do they really think that people who dont like them will change the view after the new laws are introduced?

>> No.8638787


It worked with niggers and women.

>> No.8638788
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except the illnesses you mentioned have serious physical implications that could possibly lead to death. As long as it becomes widely accepted, trans people can lead healthy lives and function in society.

My only (possibly controversial) problem with pushing trans acceptance is children and teenagers who read about this stuff. Hormones do weird shit to people during puberty and when you mess with that at a formative age you can do serious long-term damage. I understand that its easier for people to transition pre-puberty, but for the sake of safety people should be 18 before making the choice IMO.

Sure, but if someone was attacking one of my old professors like they were I probably would have had the same reaction. and >>8638762
It's also completely his right to not want to live with anyone he deems weird. Nobody should have to justify that.

Sorry, my man, but you aren't really making a decent argument. I understand how you feel, but to say reproduction is the ultimate evil because of it is a huge jump. Also, would murder not then be the ultimate good, as it is the opposite of that?

>> No.8638799

>you aren't really making a decent argument. I understand how you feel, but to say reproduction is the ultimate evil because of it is a huge jump.

I know. You seem to saying the same thing, that because I have a bad life doesn't mean life itself is bad. I literally just answered that exact claim here >>8638769 and here >>8638679.

>Also, would murder not then be the ultimate good, as it is the opposite of that?

Not so sure about good but we should definitely bring back capital punishment if we're to keep reproducing. It's hypocritical to take someone's life without their consent but then give someone life without their consent.

>> No.8638802

There are still misoginists and racists everywhere.
And actually women tend to avoid having random male flatmates, and racists will find some excuse if they dont want to live with a black guy ("oh sorry, sir, there was somebody who called be earlier")

>> No.8638808

I swear these edgy fucks are the most retarded posters on lit.

>> No.8638813

yea but i don't see how the issue affects him that much personally to warrant that reaction, he was acting like he was being forced to live with trans people.

>> No.8638817
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well go fuck yourself

>> No.8638824

you're not, though. You just keep repeating 'life is suffering' as if I am supposed to agree with you eventually. If you keep saying the one thing I can only produce one reply, right? Until you bring up evidence for your claim other than your personal feelings, that's as far as the conversation can go?

I agree with your sentiment that many many people have children for shitty (or no) reasons, and don't realise the responsibility that comes with that. But to say it is the ultimate evil is naive and very (in your words) selfish.

>> No.8638826

>You just keep repeating 'life is suffering'

I'm saying "life is suffering and here's why" and you are saying "it's not and here's why".


look at all this ideology

>> No.8638827

so you'd launch a personal attack on someone if they disagreed with your professor?
i did acknowledge that it was his right, he was just being an asshole about it. i acknowledge the right for a white person to want to live with other white people, i think it's cancerous to tell a black person that it's my right to live with white people because i think his culture is weird.

>> No.8638835

Body dysmorphia and bulimia nervousa are not as likely to result in death, just a lifetime of anxiety and perhaps unhealthy behaviors as a result. I would consider genital mutilation a serious physical implication.

>> No.8638857

no dude, I meant I'd probably get angry and heated. The person behind the camera doesn't let anyone speak. That frustrates people to the point where they will explode. I agree he was being an asshole.

>i think it's cancerous to tell a black person that it's my right to live with white people because i think his culture is weird.
It's rude, and some might find it offensive, but it's still someones right to do so. Doesn't matter if someone thinks the culture is weird, people's homes should be the place they feel the most comfortable. Even if it's the smallest thing. I had a friend that didn't renew his lease with an Indian room-mate because he constantly cooked food that smelled the house up.

It's not right to tell the guy to never cook that food, but it's completely fair to not want to live in the same house. It's not racist or cancerous to feel this way.

>look at all this ideology
What are you on about? Sorry for actually humoring your idiotic claim and giving you a chance to say your piece and possibly back it up (and you know, have a discussion). I won't bother anymore.

There are still serious physical implications. People have the choice to undergo surgery, people with eating disorders rarely feel the same sort of choice. Also that genital mutilation is conducted by highly trained surgeons and the patient is always given the complete details of how the surgery is going to work. Also, 99% of trans people feel better and more content post-surgery, so it is actually a solution to the problem sometimes. It's not the same.

>> No.8638866

getting angry =/= being an asshole though.
>It's rude, and some might find it offensive, but it's still someones right to do so.
yea that's what i said, i said it's cancerous to tell the person.

>> No.8638868
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aAfter BILL C - 16 goes trough and some tranny wants to live with him but he had already found someone to live with him, so he says "sorry already found a housemate" the tranny just says "the is real reasons is that he is discriminating against me! Have him jailed please!"

Don't think this is about being liked, its about them fucking over who they don't like.

>> No.8638870



>> No.8638872

>i said it's cancerous to tell the person.
If you are being polite and honest and doing it in a nice and constructive way as then its not. The other person might not even be aware of it and after having been told he might change that behavior so to not bother others with it.

>> No.8638878

>Also that genital mutilation is conducted by highly trained surgeons and the patient is always given the complete details of how the surgery is going to work.

How is that different from lobotomy? Its also conducted by professionals and we all know how that surgery works

> Also, 99% of trans people feel better and more content post-surgery, so it is actually a solution to the problem sometimes

I need a proof for that.
Because ive been talking some gay activists and they claimed that most of the suicides happens after the surgery, when these people realise that they didnt transform into females but just massacred their own genitals and arent able to feel orgasms anymore.

>> No.8638879

When were you when reddit was smarter and more able to think critically than lit?


>> No.8638885

>I won't bother anymore.

right, slither away.

>> No.8638888


>> No.8638892

>how is that different from lobotomy?
Please tell me you aren't being serious. How is getting a sex change different from becoming a vegetable?

I'll admit it's difficult to argue with your second point, because unfortunately there has only been two studies in to the long-term effects of transitioning (because it takes so long to do it properly.)

The difference is that people have the choice of doing so.


>> No.8638896

A lobotomy doesn't make someone a vegetable.

>> No.8638899

Im just saying that the fact that its conducted by master-butchers doesnt mean its good.
People also drink alcohol and know what it causes, so argument that they are conscious of the effects of their choice also doesnt work here. People who feel bad dont necessarily use clear reasoning.

And you can perfectly well live after lobotomy, it would certainly change you character but you could function in the society. Its irreversible though.

>> No.8638903
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>> No.8638912

The term "sex change" is an ideology as its purest because it implies that one sex is changed to another.

Meanwhile what we are talking about is genital mutilation, barbaric practice that existed for thousands of years in places like Africa and Middle East, It some hellenistic cults it took a form of autocastration.
It was never called "sex change" though, and rightfully so.

>> No.8638921

my mistake

sure. I'm inclined to agree with you. It is scary to think that someone could change their entire biology and never go back.

Mutilating people against their will is not the same as undergoing surgery of your own volition. Saying it is mutilation is not a valid argument.

However, the rise in suicide post-OP can be an argument, and something I'm going to do more research in. The discussion is not whether it is mutilation, but whether it is beneficial to the person. The evidence is saying it's highly likely that it isn't.

>> No.8638924

people can say whatever they want. bill c-16 doesn't make it illegal to not let a trans person live with you.
in certain circumstances sure. don't see how you could tell a black person nice and constructively of your cognitive bias against them though.

>> No.8638951

>Mutilating people against their will is not the same as undergoing surgery of your own volition

If you want to mutilate your own body, you might need help curing your insanity.

>> No.8638955

>Mutilating people against their will is not the same as undergoing surgery of your own volition

This is why i mentioned autocastration.

Im arguing semantics here, castration means cutting off the testicles, circumsision means cutting off the foreskin or clitoris, but sex change doesnt mean that your sex has been changed.

We need a new word, because otherwise some people will think that making a flesh wound (that has to be preserved from closing up) and cutting their penises in half will make them fully female.

>> No.8638960

Not him but I don't think there's anyone except children and those so far removed from the matter that it's nit particularly rleevant who think that by having the surgery you turn into a normal functioning woman with the ability to conceive and so on

>> No.8638971

I use the words sex change because it's the quickest way.

The argument isn't whether it's mutilation, it's whether it is beneficial. Nobody calls removing a tumour mutilation because we know it benefits the health of the patient. We just don't know if undergoing a sex change is beneficial.

>ecause otherwise some people will think that making a flesh wound (that has to be preserved from closing up) and cutting their penises in half will make them fully female.

people do believe this though. The problem is it's nothing we can ever test because people identify their gender through 'muh feels'.

>> No.8638973

No, after c-16 using the wrong pronoun gets you fined or put in prison.

>bill c-16 doesn't make it illegal to not let a trans person live with you.
If the decision was made because the other person was trans then that its discrimination based on gender and that is against the law.

>don't see how you could tell a black person nice and constructively of your cognitive bias against them though.
>I am terribly sorry for my unconscious racism, i haven't attended to sensitivity and equality classes yet! But don't worry i'll be checking my privilege soon!
Really, what a shitty thing to say. Of course its dependent upon context and if you are legit racist reasons that are not pleasant then maybe keep them to your self?

>> No.8638982

How to determine whether its because the person is trans or because of obnoxious and unstable character?

High suicide rates may be proof that they are opressed by society, but also a proof that there is something wrong with them psychologically for different reasons.

Is chosing "discriminate" against potentially dangerous person a crime? People have right to feel safe in their houses.

>> No.8638993


>> No.8639012

This. I talked with a guy who was butthurt that border guards in balkans checked only dark skinned people in his train, but he admitted that they were all sans-papiers...

Natural reaction for this lack of "equality" was an outrage, but reality had proven that the border guards had their reason.

>> No.8639018

>Is chosing "discriminate" against potentially dangerous person a crime? People have right to feel safe in their houses.
After c-16 then yep, that is a crime.

>> No.8639031

sure, but it doesn't in practice.
people always judge who they want to live with based on a whole slew of things, why would this change? how can anyone prove that someone doesn't want to live with a trans person because they are trans?

>Really, what a shitty thing to say. Of course its dependent upon context and if you are legit racist reasons that are not pleasant then maybe keep them to your self?
yes i am saying it's cancerous to say your cancerous thoughts out loud, particularly to whichever group you have cancerous thoughts about.

>> No.8639042

Moralist lol

>> No.8639043

>how can anyone prove that someone doesn't want to live with a trans person because they are trans?

This. What if for example the person has no stable source of cash and this is main argument against him/her/xer.

In face of this legislation the person who refused for the financial stability reasons could be sentenced for hate crime "BECAUSE HIS REAL REASON WAS THAT AM TRANSSEXUAL!"

>> No.8639051

> how can anyone prove that someone doesn't want to live with a trans person because they are trans?
And this will bring up a host of problems and it really shows us why this c-16 bill is very problematic.

>yes i am saying it's cancerous to say your cancerous thoughts out loud,
I stated that not every thought about something negative about others behavior is cancerous. Then you call me racist. THAT is cancerous

>> No.8639094

Hegel was right about everything

>> No.8639102

yea the trans person can say that, how is the trans person going to prove it in court?
you have laws preventing people from discriminating against people of color, if someone of color gets rejected for a job they can claim it was because of that but how exactly would they go about proving it?

>And this will bring up a host of problems and it really shows us why this c-16 bill is very problematic.
it's problematic because it signifies what is to come, the bill itself is not that problematic.

>I stated that not every thought about something negative about others behavior is cancerous. Then you call me racist. THAT is cancerous
how did i call you racist?
i agreed that there were some circumstances where saying what you think is appropriate and other circumstances where you're just being an asshole.

>> No.8639121

>it's problematic because it signifies what is to come, the bill itself is not that problematic.
No, the bill as it is now is problematic. But yeah its gonna be a lot worse.

>don't see how you could tell a black person nice and constructively of your cognitive bias against them though.
This was not implying that i was racist?

>> No.8639152

the problem with it lies more in the speech control than what you said about housing.
>This was not implying that i was racist?
we were talking about discrimination and you said "If you are being polite and honest and doing it in a nice and constructive way as then its not. The other person might not even be aware of it and after having been told he might change that behavior so to not bother others with it." i used that as an example to say that not in every case would being "nice" about it be appropriate.

>> No.8639167

Often innocent people pay their discrimination harrassers because even if they win in the court the bad taste remains.

You underestimate the power of lie based harassement.

>> No.8639213

so we shouldn't try and convict actual rapists because some women lie about getting raped? people exploit laws all the time, if anything one should seek to improve or alter the law in a way which prevents this as opposed to getting rid of the law altogether.

>> No.8639238

Why did you post this? This just kills me inside. Is this the new "intellectual elite" of America?

>> No.8639550


in case any of you were wondering what the person behind the camera is like

>I only just got here

>> No.8639612

>septum piercing

Of fucking course.

>> No.8639645

is that what Canadian people look like?

>> No.8639727

>let me talk to her for a moment
>don't call me that please

I hope the apocalypse comes soon.

>> No.8639871
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1476471770144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BILL C-16
>This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.

Canada is too much. Their entire country is becoming Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

>> No.8640558


Not in Toronto, m8.

t. torontonian

>> No.8640565

>Spoiled anglos pretending to know about "totalitarianism".

>> No.8640573

this thread has made me lost fait in /lit/s ability to think critically.

>> No.8640576

>Anglos who invented rule of common law, defending their rights as citizens to maintain that law through free discourse

It seems our superiority has caused some consternation.

>> No.8640581

Lots of immigrants? I'm couldn't know.

>> No.8640592
File: 137 KB, 634x476, war memorial being used as a swimming pool by immigrants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a patriot. As far as I'm concerned Canada died a long time ago and right now we're just maggots feeding off the corpse. If some stronger, better country invaded us I would refuse to fight and then cheerfully collaborate with the occupation.

In a way this goes back to the very beginning; we started out as a divided colonial backwater and it looks like we're going to end that way too.

>> No.8640625


Fuck off mate.

You being a clueless entitled dimwit feeling threatened by other clueless, entitled dimwits, does not buy anyones sympathy. Fuck your freshman theoretic. YOU invented nothing. What did YOU, you, specifically, do? Fuck all. and thus, fuck you. Fuck the transgender cunts or whatever, fuck all of your petty entitlement. Every single one of you think you are superior sponging of that same "totalitarian" state you all pretend to hate while screaming like babies for your bottles.

Totalitarianism, my ass.

Oh, did I forget? Fuck you cuntboy.

>> No.8640626

this a pic taken in london

>> No.8640657


The end is soon, friend

>> No.8640719

you must be 18 or over to post on this website.

>> No.8640733


It's a memorial for CANADIAN soldiers who died fighting to defend Britain, mate.

Maybe if we weren't a laughingstock of a country darkies and chinamen would think twice about walking all over our fallen servicemen.


I just don't want to suffer for a long time, I want Diqbal Haboob to put a keen edge on his knife when he comes for me.

>> No.8640737


>> No.8640738

if we didn't show the world we're complete idiots by voting leave then we probably wouldn't be a laughing stock.

>> No.8640822

These people need to

1. Take a fucking chill pill, I mean god damn. Just a random talk with a professor and they are all blowing gaskets.

2. Get a fucking clue and a thicker skin. They obviously can't take criticism at all; criticism is fucking LIFE though. We all face it, daily, all over the place. Doesn't matter who you are.

3. Get a job, a passion... SOMETHING that isn't themselves. It's absurd to me these people are willingly spending their times doing something so fruitless as trying to defend their abstract "identities". Clearly they have nothing better to do. I can't fathom an existence that is so directionless.

4. Confess. That's what Christianity has always taught. I'm no Christian, and I don't like Christianity, but I understand some people simply need it. Everything has a purpose. I personally think all these people need to finally confess that there is something wrong with them. The professor is totally right, switching up their pronouns is not a solution. It's essentially like putting makeup on after someone bashes your face in rather than going to the hospital and getting properly taken care of. The real healing starts when you admit that something is wrong.

I mean you gotta feel bad, just a little bit. They're annoying, but it's sad to see how fucking confused so many people in younger generations are these days. Like, hardcore fucking confused about themselves and the world.

>> No.8641052

>Clearly they have nothing better to do. I can't fathom an existence that is so directionless.
imagine the bitterness and resentment that living a life like that creates. Imagine when they grow as a political organization and get more influence and more members. Imagine all that built up resentment manifesting it self in political policies.

>Like, hardcore fucking confused about themselves and the world.
Is the result of a school system that teaches them that their ancestors and the whole Western civilization is evil and >muh moral relativism ?

>> No.8641333

>Remains loyal to an Old World empire until it's impossible
>Feels responsible when monuments in foreign land are being defaced

>> No.8641390

>It's absurd to me these people are willingly spending their times doing something so fruitless as trying to defend their abstract "identities". Clearly they have nothing better to do. I can't fathom an existence that is so directionless.
You gotta understand that's sort of impossible in the current world. I don't wann sound like a lefty, but capitalism *is* throughly fucking us in the ass. Everything you do has to be the most competent and most efficient possible and you have to be the best version of yourself™ imaginable. We've been let with no way ta approach life *but* productivity. The constant technological specialization means all endeavours are, not only constantly threatened by being outmoded, but also being shaken from the ground up. How long did TV last? Or wired internet? Or fax or plain phones? How long will it be before we have VR? People just can't adapt to the tools with which they interact with life being changed so rapidly. How long did it take for people to adapt to agriculture, for example? Nowadays it's impossible to just be a carpenter or something like that. And there's nowhere to go but the cities, which are dirty, crime-filled, uncultural and paranoid clustefucks. Everything else feels not only like a downgrade in terms of life quality, but like downright escapism. So you get a generation that can't work, can't enjoy themselves (because there's children dying somewhere and the news is covering it), can't stop looking at themselves, feels like anything they do could be taped and monitored (thanks internet), and so being a victim is the only way they can deal with things. You say they're confused? All they ever do is *try* to define themselves--in a healthy society that question wouldn't even be possible.

>> No.8641398

>It's not ideological; it's personal!


>> No.8641435

It's really a matter of recognizing the early stages of what could maybe lead to greater infringements in the future. You can't let them take an inch of free speech

>> No.8641491

But these people are the minority. The majority of the world is not having this issue you're speaking of. People adapt, there are still tons of people enjoying themselves and making the most of it. I think it's less a problem with the "system" and more a problem with this small group of people.

>> No.8641530

A minority that's about to pass a law on Canada. These people are just the surface, but they're actually the ones that follow the current political and ideology most throughly. A minority can make hell for the rest if they take power and legitimacy with the wrong disposition. All extremists begun as minorities who took their chances. Communism was never thought possible in Russia, but after the great war the Bolsheviks took power. It's precisely because the rest of the world is uninformed and don't take issue that these people are dangerous.

>> No.8641866



>> No.8641870


And we wonder why millions of people in the world hate the West.

>> No.8641873

>tfw he will never hold you while lecturing you about the dangers of the modern leftists

why live

>> No.8641875
File: 21 KB, 220x355, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why didn't you listen?

>> No.8642067

im afraid to watch this please just someone tell me what happens.