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/lit/ - Literature

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8635636 No.8635636 [Reply] [Original]

>"I'm very divided. I love that the novel committee opens up for other kinds of literature - lyrics and so on. I think that's brilliant. But knowing that Dylan is the same generation as Pynchon, Philip Roth, Cormac McCarthy, makes it very difficult for me to accept it. I think one of those three should have had it, really. But if they get it next year, it will be fine."


Is he right?

>> No.8635639

>pynchon, delillo, mccarthy

knausgaard is /lit/ as fuck

does he post here?

>> No.8635641

Well, his should have been more firm in his criticism, but it's good that atleast someone big in the literary establishment, even if he's something of a pariah, says something publicly

>> No.8635643

>does he post here?

Highly unlikely but you never know.

>> No.8635647

he's right, though - ok, let's say we accept that bob dylan's lyrics are literature, he's a literary artist, he's now in the same category as and up against pynchon, delillo, and mccarthy. anyone can see that he's far weaker than they are as a literary writer... so how does he win? nominate him, sure, but how does he *win*.

>> No.8635651

i know his daughter
she says he mostly goes to r9k

>> No.8635664


That's pretty much my thoughts. But, in fairness, Nobel was never about anything but "opening up other kinds of literature" -- it operates with ulterior motives in mind, not in an attempt to award the actually most deserving candidate.
He's my uncle, and I'll have you know he mostly only comes here to bump his failed quests on /qst/.

>> No.8635665

No I do not.

>> No.8635670

>tries to diabolical but doesn't quite reach there
confirmed for knasgård

>> No.8635674

>ok, let's say we accept that bob dylan's lyrics are literature, he's a literary artist, he's now in the same category as and up against pynchon, delillo, and mccarthy. anyone can see that he's far weaker than they are as a literary writer... so how does he win? nominate him, sure, but how does he *win*.

I agree wholeheartedly. I personally think it's the baby boomer commitee's way of paying lip service to the 68' generation.

They are getting old and nostalgic.

>> No.8635675

>Nas will be a Nobel laureate in your lifetime.

>> No.8635768

thats a good kind of feel

>> No.8635773

Kanye too.

>> No.8635781

You realize that all three of those writers are regarded as giants of American fiction by pretty much everyone who reads literature, right?

It's not a 4chan thing.

>> No.8635788

> regarded as giants of American fiction by pretty much everyone who reads literature
... in the US. Not all that common outside of it, though it's not surprising from Knausgaard.

>> No.8635799

knausgaard is great, he can think beyond europe

>> No.8635853

It's common enough in the UK to make its way to the national curriculum. McCarthy is one of the set authors.

>> No.8635893
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Dylan = headlines. Pynchon = no headlines.

Bob Dylan is more famous and recognizable than the Nobel Prize. By associating themselves with him, they legitimize themselves, keep themselves relevant, in a time when literature is an increasingly niche interest. Pynchon etc. are not so famous, as far as the layman is concerned; they can't do anything for the Nobel Prize committee.

>> No.8635900

That was pretty harsh for a swede

>> No.8635904


>> No.8635907

The funny thing is that Dylan's lyricism is several orders of magnitude worse than even the most average rapper. I can't wait for Nas to get his Nobel.

>> No.8635908

Oops I meant wege

>> No.8635950

This. Even Kanye deserves it more.

>> No.8635955

did they award zimmerman for something specific he did? any given lyrics or such? or just a general "hes just good bro" justification?

i have never listened to the filthy kike, so i went lookign for his lyrics and found pure unadulterated garbage. but i might not looking deep enough or in the right places, so, where is his good stuff?

>> No.8635964

nobels go to artists for their body of work, not for anything in particular

>> No.8635972


I want to believe

>> No.8635976

Do you guys seriously not get that this is just a publicity move for the Nobel? They have to pick somebody the average person has heard of and even likes once in awhile or people will forget it exists. They're probably gearing up to pick someone like McCarthy or Delilo next year and people will actually give a shit because they've just shown they're not a bunch of ivory tower prudes.

>> No.8635985

they won't pick another american for at least a couple of years

>> No.8635986

blood on the tracks
Blonde on blonde
Highway 69 revisited

>> No.8636174

His daughters are barely old enough to walk.

>> No.8636188

Who even cares about the Nobel prize any longer? It's a joke prize in every category

>> No.8636204


You guys are dumb

>> No.8636275
File: 120 KB, 500x354, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Guatemalan
>country sucks ass in most every aspect
>be /lit/fag though, and boy is Asturias good
>I can feel national pride in at least that Nobel. He sure as hell deserved it
>very few other guatemalans read him, and yet they say they're proud guatemalans just, 'cuz. But I can say I'm proud of something specific

>Obongo wins the Nobel peace prize
I- it's OK. The p- peace prize is a joke anyway.

>Dylan wins the Nobel Prize of Literature

>> No.8636531

>I- it's OK. The p- peace prize is a joke anyway.
It is. They ""awarded"" it to fucking Gandhi.

>> No.8636546

>it was for publicity, you guys!

...but why?

Why would the Nobel Lit committee care about publicity? Particularly, the big and unnecessary publicity that would come from a genuine celebrity.

Like, correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't like American award shows, where getting big viewership is actually important for advertisers.

It really, honestly just strikes of them 1) kinda wanting some attention, 2) not wanting to award actual American authors, and 3) not thinking it through that someone like Bob Dylan wouldn't give a shit and that the rest of the literary community would even further lower its opinion of the prize.

>> No.8636569

You're wrong.

>> No.8636574

They awarded to fucking Kissinger

>> No.8636657

4) they don't care about any of that

>> No.8636660

>They ""awarded"" it to fucking Gandhi
Of all the examples you could have picked.

>> No.8636664

...I picked the best one?

Dude was a shitter.

>> No.8636686

spot on

>> No.8636735

a real pooer

>> No.8636757

That's a Chinese thing.

Black tea in India means black tea here. Raj and all that.

>> No.8636812

Kanye's shit is tenfold more embarrassing and it's written 30 years after Dylan did anything of note. I mean, you could cherrypick bad lyrics from anyone but
>My friend showed me pictures of his kids
>And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs
>He said his daughter got a brand new report card
>And all I got was a brand new sports car

>Bad enough that I showed up late
>I had to leave before they even cut the cake
>Welcome to heartbreak

The fact that he says things like this without irony makes it comedy gold. Only undiscerning retards think he's any good, especially in *the current year*

>> No.8636873

As bad as those lyrics are, they're still better than almost anything Dylan has ever written.

>> No.8636876

No dude, they deal with the REAL ISSUES that TEENS TODAY are facing.

Wait no, shit, that's YA.

>> No.8636890

I don't see how that is particularly bad lyricism? It's all within the realm of rap music. And good musical lyrics has to be a good interaction between the simple and the more abstract (in broad terms - besides, doesn't that apply to all written language?)

You could cherry pick and line from any one writer and make it look banal.

>> No.8636927

What's funny is that lyrics full of DEEP MEANING aren't actually all that important in music. It's kinda like reading for the plot.

Obviously that's just music, not literature, but I thought it was amusing.

>> No.8636938


As if this fucking hack has any say in literature.

>> No.8637017

tfw literature can never promote as powerful an emotional reaction as music

>> No.8637024

Poetry can.

>> No.8637030

Our guy is the Proust of the 21st century.

>> No.8637057


Young Thug as well.

>> No.8637063


>Anon is angry that there are people talented enough to make banality profound, because it illustrates his own artistic inferiority

I love that trope.

>> No.8637078

The guy was as racist as the average /pol/ack and only did what he did for nationalist reasons.

>> No.8637089
File: 71 KB, 761x750, DFW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Karl Ove Knausgaard

You must have a very low profundity threshhold. Like, if I told you that life is sometimes bad and sometimes good... would that impress you?

>> No.8637096

Back to plebbit

>> No.8637098

>emotional reaction

oh you wanna play that game?

music can associate very easily to memories, so lots of the emotions it ellicits are borrowed. lots of people never cried to a song BUT lots of those same people cried with a movie. many mem have cried literally once in their lives, to braveheart. movies create powerful emotional reactions all the time. even bad movies.

dime a dozen clickbait articles can with their title alone create a great amount of rage. better than any song.

is strong emotional reaction a good measure for quality?

>> No.8637193

Jealousy in the air tonight
I can tell
I will never understand that
But oh well

>> No.8637204

Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child’s balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying

Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn
Plays wasted words, proves to warn
That he not busy being born is busy dying

Temptation’s page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover that you’d just be one more
Person crying


>> No.8637251


You're on 4chan and Karl is legitimately a bad writer, what's to understand?

>> No.8637258

good post

>> No.8637275

What does being on 4chan have to do with it?
I disagree. I think he's a good writer. What's your problem?