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/lit/ - Literature

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8621015 No.8621015 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, so the voting has closed and I have spent about three hours counting all the posts. The results are in and I am nearly ready to make the final list. However, there is a problem -- some entries are tied in regards to votes. Thus I will have you select your favorite among them, and from that get the full answer.

New Poll - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkS_gP5mN-ItDxOcVGygVIpBanK3Wcu_yUdQnWoubAG1di5A/viewform

Results - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6-b92dCuQKzH4Va2mKI3fy22Du0l3PxkybyPLqEX88/edit#gid=837279928

If anyone has found a problem in my counting, please let me know.

>> No.8621018

>1. joyce - ulysses
kys fags
stupid meme board

>> No.8621022


>Bottom's Dream

Why is this board such irredeemable trash lads?

>> No.8621028

it's literally the Bible of literature

>> No.8621036

By the way, this is going to close after a few days, a week at the longest. I want a hundred responses, anything close to that is fine. Any further ties will be evaluated by alphabetical order, except in the last one.

>> No.8621064

>2 a moby dick
>3 infinite jest
>4 karamazov brothers
>5 Lolita
>7 gravity's rainbow


Fuck me this board is shit

>> No.8621069

why did you leave reddit to come here then?

>> No.8621071

Don Quixote
Divine Comedy
Anna Karenina
In Search of Lost Time
Master and Margarita
Book of the New Sun
Manson & Dixon
Paradise Lost
Magic Mountain
Confederacy of Dunces
Tristram Shandy
Madame Bovary
King Lear
The Great Gatsby

>> No.8621080

>the people you are discussing literature with think those works belong in the top 10 books of all time

Tears, absolute tears

>> No.8621089
File: 59 KB, 500x435, 1433018243092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you patrician, you.

>> No.8621093

>he thinks any of those books belong in the top 50

Moby Dick, maybe.

>> No.8621099

You're a contrary youth, anon. But it's okay, we all have that phase.

>> No.8621108

What would you include in your top 10?

>> No.8621135

I'm young and reddit for laughing at the suggestion that those works don't belong in a top 10? I think you're the young one.

5 Pynchon books before:
>50 Paradise Lost
>52 Magic Mountain
>72 Madame Bovary
>80 Middlemarch
>95 The Castle


>> No.8621404

Madame Bovary is so low :'(

>> No.8621408

OP I think I saw 18 votes for Portrait but somehow you counted 16

>> No.8621415

Actually I'm retarded, nevermind

>> No.8621417

>10. Stoner

fucking meme board

>> No.8621419

Is it really that bad? I haven't read it

>> No.8621421

It's not bad, it's good but no way the 10th best book if you have read a decent amount of literature.

>> No.8621423

Just start compilnig the thing already.

>> No.8621424

Are you retarded? This isn't a list where everyone is trying their best to compost the best literature ever written. It's the list where people vote their favourites.

>> No.8621426

American Psycho being rated higher than Oblomov is the nail in the coffin for me. I'm afraid /pol/ has come to house fewer imbeciles than this board. I understand that a thing like this is probably due only to more people having read American Psycho, but on a board dedicated to literature, such ignorance is inexcusable. It's been nice lads, best wishes.

>> No.8621439

>American Psycho being rated higher than Oblomov is the nail in the coffin for me.
American Psycho being high is nothing new. Being 64th is 13 places lower than it was 3 years ago.
But yes, please, fuck off.

>> No.8621440

Yeah and? If your favorites are very far off from the canon (not because they are obscure and never got the proper attention, I'm talking about known books) it's obvious that you appreciation of literature is flawed.

>> No.8621445

So your point is that everyone should like the books you like and vote only the "canon"?
Because most books on the list are canonical. Stoner is canonical, so is Pynchon, Joyce and well almost everything in here.

>> No.8621446

>29 Moore Jerusalem 17
Is this shit for real?

>> No.8621448

You forgot W&P in the new poll.

>> No.8621451

The meme is real. Sadly IJ is still on the list and Jerusalem isn't the 1st.

>> No.8621456

He hasn't, it's no21

>> No.8621459

Seems a lot of people are getting mad about the results so far, but really, what do you expect? This isn't the worlds greatest works of literature, its a poll for what people enjoyed the most, not what is objectively the best. Basically, stop your bitching.

>> No.8621460

It's in the vote count list but not the poll.

>> No.8621463

It's the same every year, just ignore it.

>> No.8621476

I was expecting to see Gulag Archipelago and Flannery O'Connor on it. Otherwise, no suprises.

>> No.8621479

The fact that he's spelled Nabokov's name wrong and hasn't capitalised Kafka at number 14 is tickling my autism too.

>> No.8621482

really sad that don quixote isn't on the top 3

>> No.8621483

>The fact that he's spelled Nabokov's name wrong

and twice at that

>> No.8621490

the only thing that bothers me is the Jerusalmen memers.

also, Mishima could have been on the Poll but his votes were split among 4 or 5 books, and Americans really love Pynchon.

>> No.8621491

They're all worthy of those positions.

TBK should be #1 though. Its the greatest novel of all time. Ulysses is a meme choice.

>> No.8621500

Jerusalem, Bottom's Dream, Kafka on the Shore, high school books, other than that it's what's to be expected.

>> No.8621575

Jerusalem votes should have been removed as non-serious answers

>> No.8621585

I second this, perhaps a not-books-released-this-year rule would be good.

>> No.8621616

No way 17 people here have read Jerusalem, remove it.

>> No.8621623

I also advocate removing it.

>> No.8621624

wait, so the ones that don't get voted for don't make it onto the list? What the fuck dude.

>> No.8621625

PHILISTINES! Have you no appreciation for literature?

>> No.8621629

nice meme

>> No.8621632

I second this AND Bottom's Dream should be removed as well

>> No.8621639

instead of cutting off something low ranked, remove jerusalem, bottoms (gay fantasy) dream), and infinite meme, seriously how the fuck does it get past the anti meme detection

>> No.8621644

>Don Quixote not in top 10
base scoundrels all of you

>> No.8621654

it's a popularity contest you dumb fuck, but I always appreciate triggering Americans

>> No.8621691

So Op, do everyone a favor and remove the gay fantasy Bottoms Dream and Jerusalem who maybe 2-3 persons have read.

>> No.8621700

>Ulysses is a meme choice.
Ulysses is a fantastic piece of literature. One day you may come to realize this. However, you are right, the number one spot belongs to Finnegans Wake.

>> No.8621763

I've read it. I'm surprised it's gotten that many votes, but that's not a bad thing

>> No.8621767

t. college English major who's reading choice is still what people have told him to read

>> No.8621880

t. pseud who thinks he knows better than the 2000 year old literary tradition

>> No.8621892

Books that are on the list are a part of the 2000 (actually 3000 but whatever) tradition.
Stoner included. Some aren't, but for the most part it's what you'd expect from primarily English speaking board.

>> No.8621901

I had a college professor tell me that Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome is the height of the American Literary Tradition. Opinions and assholes. This poll reeks of people only reading what they are told too, and doesnt get interesting until 50% down the list. The mere fact that DFW is up there as part of your millennium long tradition shits on your supposition.

>> No.8621906

>Two Samefags Stuck In The Nineties, Still Think Spam Works
I probably would not have thought of voting for it if it were not for you crying about it in the older thread, by the way

>> No.8621917

Wow, it's exactly the same as the last 2 charts.

>> No.8621932

Just finished it, definitely should be in top 3.

>> No.8621955
File: 228 KB, 654x2822, ZUupzs4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on reading a lot of these, but...

>> No.8622143

Who cares?

>> No.8622148


>> No.8622165
File: 266 KB, 475x430, dfw good sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't think the majority of /lit/'s top 100 books aren't the greatest written works of all time

please compile your own unique top 100 list. i'd like a good laugh

>> No.8622172

No but seriously what was the point of your post?
You're not asking a question, you're not being funny, you're not sharing a thought nor asserting anything. What kind of answer did you expect?

Not even being agressive

>> No.8622175

Retard considering you haven't even read the 100 standard ones let alone the 100 alternate books that could just as easily be put alongside them I don't think you're in a position to be talking that kind of shit.

>> No.8622179

cool assumption. i've actually read nearly all of /lit/s top 100 list. at least post your top 10 books that aren't on the 2014, 2015, or 2016 list. i'll wait

>> No.8622185

I'm sorry I just really really like dick. Please understand.

>> No.8622188


>> No.8622198

You're one of the biggest problems in the world today. Not only your homophobia, that's just a small part of it. If you're ignorant about one thing, then that means that you're probably ignorant about a whole litany of other things too. You're also prejudice. Think about it, ignorance and prejudice was the reason for the holocaust, every religious war, every war, every person who was ever bullied on this earth, every person who was ever beaten by their parents. You just displayed a festering welt of what is one of the biggest problems in this world, yet that's what your know, that's what you thrive on in your way of thinking. You are one of the biggest problems of the world today, and not just because you're homophobic, which btw is obviously something which is ingrained into our society. Fear is the mind killer, and that's what homophobic, prejudice and ignorant people thrive on. I wish there was something I could say to get through your thick, stupid skull to save you, but unfortunately there is nothing I can say and there is nothing I have ever said to anyone like you that has been able to chance their mind. That is one of the reasons why this world is probably headed down a path towards destruction, rather than a bright future. People like you counter balance the odds of a bright future with a dismal, disastrous one.

>> No.8622199

Kek, nice copypasta

>> No.8622200

Sorry you think every original thought is a copypasta, but I just wrote that.

>> No.8622208


>> No.8622209

I foretold that you wouldn't chance. The world sighs.

>> No.8622212


>> No.8622213
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>> No.8622227
File: 415 KB, 788x1670, 2015pollcomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison with the 2015 top 60 or so,
The increases might give the impression that the board's taste is more uniform, but adjust that by the fact that it was 3 votes last year.

Other than the new additions (Beckett, Goethe) the biggest changes seem to go to Gaddis, Ficciones, the Trial and the Bible,
On the negatives, Delillo and Hemingway took a big hit (Old Man and the Sea is the only book from last year's top 50 that didn't make it into this one); Infinite Jest is relenting.

>> No.8622239

im pleased that every book in the top 100 got at least 5 votes. last year a book could have made it with 3 votes...

>> No.8622242

if BOOK is so good, how come I've never heard of it?

>> No.8622245
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>> No.8622257


>> No.8622259
File: 11 KB, 752x154, shitmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we can safely remove one vote from Jerusalem at least.

>> No.8622314

OP already said he won't do that since it'd open up questions about how many people "actually" read IJ/Rainbow/Zizek/any other book with memes attached to it, and fuck with his stats generally. Anyway the discussion seems fairly active whenever there's a thread, at least some portion of the votes are legit.

>> No.8622331

spicy meme

>> No.8622904

Very nice to see Beckett and Goethe, but I was promised no more american schoolbooks and Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye are still there...

>> No.8622912

They will stay there as long as /lit/ is a mostly american 19-22 average age board, which is forever.

>> No.8622922

I find it extremely disturbing that there's so few female authors on this list.

>> No.8622927

none of my favourite female authors had a chance of making the list so there was no point in voting for them

>> No.8622935

Except Woolf who is there in multiple places.

>> No.8622942

>catcher in the rye
>not good


>> No.8622962

Unfortunately, we're choosing favorites based on aesthetics and not some School of Resentment c**p.

>> No.8622968

>hamlet being voted for 30th place

>> No.8622985

Right, it should be in the top 10 and perhaps even top 1.

>> No.8623166

Bottoms Dream > Jerusalem

2016 meme battle for the ages

>> No.8623261

Not many decent ones from the periods favored by this

>> No.8623655

It might be good if you're an American teenager, or an older American who hasn't read anything since they were a teenager.

For anyone else it's trash.

>> No.8623745

>Lolita one vote ahead of the Bible

>> No.8623750

>Lolita only one vote ahead of the Bible

>> No.8623852

Really disappointed Walden isn't in the top 100, but OH WELL.

>> No.8623865


according to tradition Mary was like 12 or 13 when she got pregnant, which would have been normal at the time.

>> No.8623877

>implying some Kraut can out-meme the Wizard of Northampton

>> No.8623951

>6 bible

>> No.8624150

You guys also want to vote for the top 100 authors? I've got the counts but there's ties, as there was here.

>> No.8624228

That'd be cool. Makes sense to me at least

>> No.8624239

John Green

>> No.8624255

Sure, at least seeing DFW drop a bit further down would be a small satisfactioin.
(I actually like Infinite Jest)

>> No.8624267

>the waves tied with lotr
>heart of darkness tied with american psycho

Fuck that

>> No.8624275

>Canterbury Tales tied with Kafka on the Shore

>> No.8624314

Talk shit, post list, faggot

>> No.8624559

>the bible of literature
>not the bible

>> No.8624584

>high school books

Fuck off.

>> No.8624655

t. Pseud.
Leave this board.

>> No.8624681


yes, I think Mishima and a few others with many books with few votes would be in.

>> No.8624764
File: 70 KB, 634x420, 39561A4800000578-0-image-m-2_1476315002432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. Infinite Jest
>8. Gravity's Rainbow
>9. Blood Meridian

The people who voted these three books as high as they did must've just started reading. There's no other explanation.

>> No.8624766

>Bottoms Dream

When did this become a meme? I somehow totally missed it.

>> No.8624769

It was released in English a month or two ago.

>> No.8624791

>Finnegans wake
people actually think this garbage

>> No.8625150

It's the pioneering young adult novel. I know you might not like that genre, I certainly don't, but that doesn't mean it's not relevant in some way. Plus, that and Slaughterhouse-5 are some of the best books you can give to a fifteen year old, and while we may be elitist, let's not pretend there are some smart underage b& here.

>> No.8625155


>> No.8625162

Most of the chart is like that, although it is nice that Borges, Knut Hamsun, Calvino, and Bulgakov are getting credit..

>> No.8625164

At least 1984 isnt on it anymore.

The problem is that I doubt all these people have read it, and if they did force them-self through it, understood it enough for it to become their "favorite book"

>> No.8625165


>> No.8625170
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Tom Hardy
>No Kipling
>No Ishiguro

>> No.8625175

>At least 1984 isnt on it anymore.
yes it is

>> No.8625178


The highschool contingent of this board is the worst.

>> No.8625188

Most of this board is high school contingent slowly growing out of it, hence why everyone reads the same 6 authors all the time.
Nothing wrong with that of course, but people really do have generic tastes.

>> No.8625229
File: 55 KB, 341x488, leopard3[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>No Kipling

y u no like kipling, he's so adorable

>This is the picture of the Leopard and the Ethiopian after they had taken Wise Baviaan's advice and the Leopard had gone into other spots and the Ethiopian had changed his skin. The Ethiopian was really a negro, and so his name was Sambo. The Leopard was called Spots, and he has been called Spots ever since. They are out hunting in the spickly-speckly forest, and they are looking for Mr. One-Two-Three-Where's-your-Breakfast. If you look a little you will see Mr. One-Two-Three not far away. The Ethiopian has hidden behind a splotchy blotchy tree because it matches his skin, and the Leopard is lying beside a spickly-speckly bank of stones because it matches his spots. Mr. One-Two-Three-Where's-your-Breakfast is standing up eating leaves from a tall tree. This is really a puzzle-picture like 'Find the Cat.'

>> No.8625233

Kim made me cry. Also Rikki Tikki Tavi

>> No.8625416

Mishima isnt in the author list

He has 6 votes if you count books with 3 votes, and 10 if you also count books with 2 votes and 1 vote.

>> No.8625440


kys tipfag

>> No.8625515

t.underage b&

>> No.8625571

By search I see at least 13 votes with his name written in them. Or is only one vote counted per person for authors? In that case it would still be at least 12? (and if not, a person or two have also voted for something else of Gene Wolfe's besides book of the new sun)

Shakespeare count only includes Hamlet/King Lear/Tempest; I see single votes for Henry IV and Titus Andronicus

László Krasznahorkai doesn't appear despite having 5 votes across mostly different books

Delillo has 2 more votes for Mao II and 2 more for Underworld

Tolkien has votes for the Hobbit x2, the Silmarillion x3, and another one again

Are single votes not counted? If so what's the point of the authors list?

>> No.8625592

Shakespeare also has another for Troilus and Cressida,
Beckett four more for "stories - three plays - watt - complete drama",
PKDick two for VALIS and one for Ubik

>> No.8625607

... Gogol one for "the mantle" and another as "the overcoat"
Gass one for omensetter's luck

Also Virgil had 5 votes for the Aeneid and not 4, one mispelled as Aenied...

>> No.8625638

Trying also to make sense of the Beckett "trilogy" votes, there are 5 votes as the trilogy, 6 as only molloy, 3 malone, 1 the unnameable, making a total of 15 and not 17? Neither of the other beckett votes fit in the trilogy ("stories" are his collected short prose, watt isn't part of the three, and they're not drama)
That's unless I've missed 2 misspelled votes, I only searched by ctrl-F.

>> No.8625709
File: 11 KB, 301x128, Meme Status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IJ third
>Lolita fifth
Yes. Disgusting.

OP you should probably listen to the holy spook inside of you and trust in your judgement to remove obvious meme choices.

>> No.8625732

you are right, it is 13 votes.
I was posting from memory

>> No.8625878

macbeth has votes too bro

>> No.8625888

You're all a bunch of fucking pseudo intellectuals who think you are so superior and intelligent because of the works you have read and studied but in reality you're all a bunch of fucking assholes who waste your time with this nonsense written by people who also wasted their time on nonsense for the sake of fucking time wasting.
Fuck you all , I quit this shit board, this shit website and shitty literature. It's all useless shit that makes you feel like you're better then you actually are. You're all a bunch of fucking resentful meat bags that judge and curse people AUTISTIC AUTISTIC ohhhhhh I bet you fucks have questioned yourselves constantly if you really are autistic or not.
Go back to reading your marvelous books and shit posting your amazing intellectually rich stimulating posts. Fucking faggots. Fuck you I'm out and never coming back to you pathetic miserable fools.

>> No.8625916

> fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckety fuck fucking fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckety fuck fucking fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckety fuck fucking fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckety fuck fucking fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckety fuck fucking

>> No.8625976

enjoy watching the world go by with your netflix, youtube, videogames, and music without ever enhancing your experience and understanding of yourself or others

>> No.8625984

Even with a winner on your hands, you've always sucked at pasta placement

>> No.8626009

The people bitching don't understand basic statistics. People on this board have pretty diverse taste. That means a handful of books that people have in common are going to make the top 10 every time. 4 people may have wildly diverse taste across 4 book choices but they all also chose Ulysses as #5. That's 1 vote for 16 various books, and 4 votes for Ulysses. It's not hard to see why this stuff rises to the top, it's a popularity contest, not a contest of what's the objectively best literature. There's no reason to get upset over it. Some things are generally more popular than other things, but that also doesn't account for or reflect anyone's individual taste.

I agree with removing Jerusalem though, its numbers were artificially inflated by forced memes and people resentful of seeing complaints of it being a forced meme.

>> No.8626038

>I agree with removing [Trump from the elections] though, [his] numbers were artificially inflated by forced memes and people resentful of seeing complaints of it being a forced meme.

sorry pal this is a democracy

>> No.8626140
File: 25 KB, 172x250, 6874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen anyone bitching about Ulysses getting good marks here, even though it is obvious from the level of discussion and literacy rate that /lit/ isn't visited by 70 people who consider it their favorite. On the other hand... Hang on... did you just rant about bitching that never happened only to join in on what little bitching really has happened? Is this humor?

>> No.8626160

The Bible of Fictional Literature.

>> No.8626259

Okay, I've closed it down.

Only problem is that there's a tie for last place, meaning one will have to get off. Vote here.


>> No.8626270

>people resentful of seeing complaints of it being a forced meme
>hating something so much you've gone circular
I'm rather disconcerted now, it must be all that resentment again

>> No.8626287

hey man, doing the god's work, thanks and all that. will you compose a picture with the results yourself or do you need help with that?

>> No.8626303

Which on to remove and not keep, huh. Voted. You might've miscounted a couple things earlier though, see >>8625607
>Virgil had 5 votes for the Aeneid and not 4
>Beckett "trilogy" votes, there are 5 votes as the trilogy, 6 as only molloy, 3 malone, 1 the unnameable, making a total of 15 and not 17?

>> No.8626319

There were two votes for the complete works of beckett, and I believe there was consensus that 'complete works' posts went to the highest thing with the author. So that's two more votes.
However, somebody did vote for the Aenied, so i'll amend that.

>> No.8626390

>people are voting for Oblomov to get the chop
It's literally 4chan: the book

>> No.8626484

>The Bible of Fictional Literature.
>not the bible

>> No.8626676


>I probably would not have thought of voting for it if it were not for you crying about it in the older thread

>> No.8626681

It's also pretty flawed in a few aspects, despite its originality. Like how it becomes a romcom 150 pages in.

>> No.8626683

L'Éducation sentimentale was way better. Bobary is level entry material.

>> No.8627714


bump, because The Unbearable Lightness of Being is shit

>> No.8627725

He voted wrong; he thought it meant which book you preferred and he chose Oblomov.

>> No.8627986

>he hasn't actually read the book

it's not 4chan at all.

you autistic, spiteful spergs are nothing like Oblomov

>> No.8628233

>People hating on Kundera

Fuck this gay board

>> No.8628245

It's pseudointellectual pseudophilosophy for sluts. It's shit.

>> No.8628265

Maybe I'm a slut. Have you read The Farewell Waltz? I don't think it aims at being philosophical

>> No.8628271

Only Unbearable Lightness of Being, which was bad enough to discourage any further reading of Kundera.

>> No.8628295

When I see shit like Confederacy of Dunces or Murakami in the top 100 I don't think Kundera would have been that shocking but oh well

>> No.8628304

Sure, there's trash on the list, but I'd rather see Oblomov than Unbearable lightness.
It isn't shocking, it's every slut's favorite novel, but I'd rather have something else.

>> No.8628375

>Epic of Gilgamesh
Glad to see men of taste.

>> No.8628379

you strike me as unpleasant

>> No.8628381

I hide my disdain well irl

>> No.8628446

I haven't read either desu but somehow Kundera is always championed by people without taste

>> No.8628529
File: 103 KB, 400x300, knausgaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not on this list??? Fuckers.

>> No.8628543

more people should read djuna barnes here

>> No.8628569

>no Camões

And these are the guys who talk shit about Bob Dylan...

>> No.8628581


>Twice as many votes for Camus compared to Beckett

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8628806

there aren't many as Mary Shelley
and it's the content which is important, no matter who wrote it

>> No.8629423
File: 41 KB, 316x475, Kundera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off my board

>> No.8629457

Assuming it is the book you're talking to, yes, it seems to be headed that way

>> No.8629592


(Should I still call you a fedora, for posterity?)

>> No.8629773

i wish

at least we would have something to talk about other than our orgasms

>> No.8629792

>Atlas Shrugged is not included

>> No.8629801

Most artsy liberal sluts I know at least pretend to like reading. It's usually like 3 books every year, Marquez, Borges, Kundera, Orwell and that one feminist "philosophy".
They have no love of litarature and it's easier with people who don't read at all because you can at least be honest about what you like and don't like.

>> No.8630220

How much longer till the reveal of the final product OP?

>> No.8630837
File: 318 KB, 1416x1356, 1460422529419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le bump

>> No.8630848

I'm okay with that

>> No.8630941

the girl on the left looks way more interesting and cool than the bimbo on the right.

>> No.8630949

not to mention that protein farts are the worse

>> No.8630963

If left is a cosplay of the goth girl from Oblongs, then she is patrish as fuck

>> No.8630987

that lazy eye

what about it, I'm all about it

>> No.8630996

smorgas borgas anon, I've boked for you de big platte of tuna fish, and placed dar biggest man fork for it for you to eat it all up with

>> No.8631009

>tfw no an hero of our time

>> No.8631037

It's easy to see why people here would love it though. It's like the Cinema Paradiso of literature.

>> No.8632136
File: 50 KB, 500x260, anigif_enhanced-14452-1430333707-37_preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was up to me LOTR would have won but (((JJAAMMEESS JJOOYYCCEE))) winning by 3 votes would not have happened if I didn't regularly forget this board exists

The joke is his only good novel

Tfw both

>> No.8633494

bump because want results

>> No.8634342

So the fact that the aeneid has 5 votes blusters everything. I'm making up a new poll now for last place.


>> No.8634365

naked lunch needs to be on the chart

>> No.8634368
File: 162 KB, 313x312, dfw *SNEEZE*.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kimchi farts

>> No.8634595

bump for Victor Hugo

>> No.8634601
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, MTE5NDg0MDU0OTAxMjYxODM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listing Becketts trilogy as a single entry

Thank Christ we have someone who knows what he's doing in charge

>> No.8635515

I'll give this thread a bump

>> No.8635535


>> No.8635574

I think it's more practical when you have that many entries at once to allow e.g. 3 picks out of 15, makes the result a bit more significant and lowers the chances of draws (not asking you to restart obv)

It's not still going on

>> No.8635731

Results when???

>> No.8637214

Since that last place poll isn't going to get much attention lost in this here thread I'ma make a new one for you
