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8633345 No.8633345 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8633350


>> No.8633354

so woofs quasii-proportionally increase with barks?

>> No.8633362

damn yankees >>>/out/

>> No.8633367

jesus christ, i forgot about this fucker.

>> No.8633369

I want to pet that doggo.

>> No.8633376


>> No.8633423

should of been "you all"

>> No.8633428

> of

I rate this bait 6/10.

>> No.8633429


>> No.8633430

It's an actual thing that people say.

>> No.8633440

why not 5/7?

>> No.8633458
File: 7 KB, 267x200, 1458958106211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English doesn't have a better plural 2nd person pronoun
Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.8633459

I know, I say it all the time. Why type it though?

>> No.8633460

>German dogs go wau or wuff.
>French dogs go ouah or ouaf.
>Spanish dogs go guau
>Catalan dogs go bup
Really makes me think

>> No.8633465


>> No.8633543

there is a slight decline in woof proportional to single instances of bark, however woof resumes at a slightly reduced rate proportional to a secondary instance of bark

my team's hypothesis is that for every bark in the series n+1... n+x we will see an identical drop preceding a resumption in woof at a diminishing rate so that over time w[b sub nx] as b approaches ∞ = 0, assuming our grant proposal goes through these promise to be very exciting times in our understanding of dog barkings

>> No.8633572

Hiberno-English got you covered senpai


>> No.8633583

> >English doesn't have a better plural 2nd person pronoun
It does - 'you'.

It does have a 2nd person *singular* pronoun. (mostly, some dialects retain 'thou')

>> No.8633584

Have you never read dialogue in a book before? Do people only speak "properly" in books?

>> No.8633585

You do, you use "you" for both plural and singular.
It's painful, but that's life.

>> No.8633587

* It does *not* have a 2s pronoun.

>> No.8633599

>Catalan dogs go bup

>> No.8633633

>someone who isnt southern saying y'all in an artificial accent that doesnt match the rest of their tone

really makes you think

>> No.8633639

>They have never heard of ye.
Ye are fucking plebs.

>> No.8634006

(You) are unfun

>> No.8634029

>2nd person is "you"

Thou must study English more thoroughly.

>> No.8634043

Plebs use "you" for first person singular.
Th'art a true pleb.

>> No.8634050
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>not yinz

>> No.8634072
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>you guys

>> No.8634703

What's interesting to me is that every region tends to make its own plural you to make up for the absence.

Y'all, y'uns, youse, you guys, etc. It's a gap that people naturally fix themselves.

Also, y'all need to lrn2lingistics and stop being such goddamn prescriptivists.

>> No.8634721

No I'm just mad when those damn liberal yankee women appropriate muh culture because they think the word makes them sound like some sweet and condescendingly wise old woman.

>> No.8635108

I get that. I also get mad when people up here hear my southern ass saying it and start making comments about me using Ebonics. Fuck you, where do you think they got it?

>> No.8635132

You sick fuck

>> No.8635134
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Holy shit, I knew the punchline was coming, but I still laughed anyway.

This is very good post. Nice. I like.

>> No.8635163


Yes and Basque dogs go zaunk, but only the big ones.

>> No.8635291

>I started saying "howdy" recently
>Have no idea why, it just started coming out

>> No.8635332


>> No.8635335

I am from cowboyland. I sometimes say howdy for fun

>> No.8635389
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tour guide (eng/ger/slovak) and I like to start off visibly american groups with "howdy" and "y'all". Make them feel right at home.


>> No.8635806

It doesn't, but it probably amuses them to see a Germano-Slav trying to be a cowboy. Which is fine too.

>> No.8636497

wrong bro, I would find this >>8635389 either fucking adorable or really sexy depending on who was saying it

I am going to visit Bratislava soon, hopefully you're my guide m8

>> No.8636759

Youse need to chill desu senpai

>> No.8636781

gtfo, paddy

>> No.8636802

>Cultural appropriation


>> No.8636931



>> No.8637101

Irish and Scottish people still use "ye"

>> No.8637119

Just use dere.

>> No.8637166

Not quite.

They use 'you', but their pronunciation of it, along with the entire north of England, is 'jə', written 'ye'.

North-East England still uses the original Anglo-Saxon genitive form 'eower'.

>> No.8637222

In Australia we say yous. Very handy