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/lit/ - Literature

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8631574 No.8631574 [Reply] [Original]

Why has /lit/ stopped talking about him? /tv/ talks about him every moment of every day.

>> No.8631575

Because he's a genre fiction hack.

>> No.8631581

Because GoT will be over in summer, and so will be GRRM

>> No.8631582

Why is writing science fiction or fantasy looked down upon?
Why would you intentionally limit the genres of possible stories you can tell?

Please explain this to me.

>> No.8631587

he is overpraised. his writing skill is mediocre at best

>> No.8631588


>> No.8631593

So you think he's capable of greatness?

>> No.8631598

Read that post again.

>> No.8631604


So basically "Don't like what I don't like."
Got it.

>> No.8631606

Rather "Don't lie (to yourself)."

>> No.8631616

keep reading genre shit, pleb

>> No.8631619

he's a fantasy writer who doesn't want to be a fantasy writer. but rather than demonstrate that through great use of language and character development, he just tries to make everything edgy as fuck and it's dumb. that he's a fat neckbeard is clear in his writing.

>> No.8631620

You can like both Dostoevsky and sci fi.
Stop being autistic.

>> No.8631624


>> No.8631628

Was this supposed to be witty?
Was this supposed to be a mic drop?

Fuck no wonder this is a dead board and only gets 10 posts an hour.
You guys are nowhere near as smart as you think you are.

>> No.8631629

No it won't. They're doing two short seasons. It will end summer 2018.

>> No.8631631

I'd rather have 10 posts an hour than a board filled with people like you.

>> No.8631633

>You guys
Feel free to go back to wherever the fuck you came from.

>> No.8631636


>someone disagrees with me in my hugbox safe space!
>b-better tell them to go back to another board!

This board is even more insufferable than /mu/ and that's a mighty achievement.

>> No.8631637

>le 4chan culture

/lit/ truly is worst board.

and I'm not even the guy you're replying to.

>> No.8631653

You're wasting your time, not ours

>> No.8631668

If it's so bad, then leave.

>> No.8631676 [DELETED] 

Make-a me-a. I'm-a Mario-a!

>> No.8631688

Because there's nothing to talk about. What do you want, threads asking for your favourite character? Fan theories? You already have that shit on reddit and his official forums.

>writing science fiction or fantasy looked down upon
It's not. /lit/ respects PKD, Lem and Tolkien, and loves Gene Wolfe. The problem is the rest of the fantasy/sf writers, because they are mediocre at best.

>> No.8631697

this says it isn't.

>> No.8631730

That was worth a read, and you're right.

>> No.8631758

Wouldnt this apply to all of myth too? The use of the familiar in different ways with a tendency towards reference of other stories is the foundation of myth, should classic myths be disregarded

>> No.8631766

Where did you get 'sci-fi should be disregarded' from? Or are you trying to ironically prove that text's point?

>> No.8631772

>being this mad about what other people like

you should really reconsider your life.

>> No.8631779

I thought the thread said, "Why hasn't /lit/ stopped him?"

>> No.8631780


>> No.8631787

sunset found her squatting in the grass

>> No.8631795


>> No.8631816

How should sci fi be appreciated then, if it can be at all?

>> No.8631817


the more she shit the more words filled up the page

>> No.8631823

Yes, we all know the "shitting in the grass" meme. But I honestly don't get why /lit/ doesn't respect Martin as a writer.

>A Song of Ice and Fire is basically the fantasy In Search of Lost Time
>completely redefined an entire genre
>multiple Faulkner style POVs that show characters' complex inner monologues and psychological motivations
>not just "le battle of good vs. evil"
>extreme realism; the good guys don't always win
>shows great knowledge of history and Machiavellian politics

He's unironically a good writer and ASOIAF is a better legacy than any of you will ever have.
>b-b-but my generic novel about a protagonist that's loosely based on myself will surely get popular
No it won't.

If GRRM wasn't mainstream, you'd be jizzing all over him and constantly arguing over which Theon chapter is the best and debating over what the next step in Littlefinger's master plan is.

>> No.8631831

>Comparing GRRM to Proust and Faulkner
You have to be more subtle than that

>> No.8631834

I most would agree Martin is an okay writer
He is like Lucas in that he can create an interesting large world with interesting characters and ideas
He just doesnt understand human dialogue and connection that well

>> No.8631844
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I understand why you made this post but ASOIAF really fell off after the third book.

Also Dany, who has got to be the most annoying and pointless character, seems to be his favourite. Also his 'good guys don't always win' style means that he has killed off 90% of the good characters for shock value, so we're stuck with Dany (who claims to be going somewhere but never goes anywhere) and Arya (who again is doing jack shit)

And it really pisses me off how he seems so disinterested in finishing the series. Like when he flipped off the camera in that interview after being asked about Winds. At first I thought I understood, it's a monkey on his back that grows every day and I know how difficult it is to just sit down and write sometimes.

But then the years passed. I looked over the last two books and it's become obvious to me that he doesn't really give a shit anymore. After a while I realised that if the author doesn't give a shit, why should I?

The books were supposed to be a trilogy and now it's seven books. I think he bit off more than he can chew and he can't admit to his fans that maybe he isn't up for the job.

It took DFW 3 years to write infinite jest, yet le fatman can't sit down and write the fantasy novel he has apparently outlined in excruciating detail.

>> No.8631847

On the contrary, Gurrm has a writing style that makes his characters suffer. Sure, you could print several textbooks on the varying characters, locations, and the history of habitation in the world, but when you read it, it's still a bunch of cartoonishly evil australian retards, and the seemingly separate breed; The nobles, who are equally autistic, but are somewhat more nuanced and polite.

It all reads as a caricature of Western Europe imagined by one of those green haired types. Not to mention the random insertions of edgy and crude things that really test your suspension of disbelief.

>dude rape incest and insanity happened all the time xddd

>> No.8631923

How do you mean? Read it, enjoy it.

>> No.8632065

No trolling, I genuinely enjoyed books 4 and 5. Especially book 4. I get what he was trying to do.
It took a lot of balls to create a book with virtually none of the fan favorite characters, and just show the aftermath of a devastating war.

Also, the only people he really has a hard on for killing is Starks, and that's OK by me. Ned was a moron and deserved it.

And finally I'm not defending his lazy fat ass writing on his food blog instead of finishing the series, but put yourself in the guy's shoes.
He's been working on this series for almost 30 years of his life. He's probably so sick of it by now and wants to move on writing other things.
But yeah, he really needs to just suck it up and finish it.

>> No.8632135

The first two points are pretty subjective, so if you liked the books that's fair enough. Book 4 did take balls, but it didn't pay off IMO. Book 5 was a lot of interesting that was ruined by the show coming out before book 6.

The thing is because he's put off these books for so long that by the time A Dream of Spring comes out (that's if he makes it that far) he'll be too old to do anything else. Which is sad, imagine if he went back to sci-fi and brought us something of the scope of ASOIAF. But no. I guarantee if he lives past the release of ADOS he'll retire.

He has the writing ability, he just lacks any work ethic. But why should he? He makes bank from the show. He could drop the series and sit at home jerking off all day and the money will still roll in. The publishers are lenient with their "deadlines" because they know that when it finally comes out it will be one of the best selling books of all time, but they are just enabling his procrastination.