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File: 18 KB, 1216x815, quarterlifecrisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8629158 No.8629158 [Reply] [Original]

How do I deal with quarter life crisis? I feel lost, isolated, alone, confused. What books are right for me to read?

>> No.8629169

What's a quarter life crisis?

>> No.8629234

Now is the time to begin seriously studying the I-Ching.

>If some years were added to my life, I would dedicate fifty years to study the book of I, and then I might come to be without great fault.
said Confucius at age 70.

>> No.8629237

Notes from Underground

>> No.8629243

Get a job, meet new people.

>> No.8629253

This is creepy, I literally ordered that book today, randomly. Who are you?

>> No.8629273
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Dr. Anon, I am CIA.

>> No.8629279

this, avoid fast food tho

>> No.8629290

Thanks, you have no idea how much even a little reply to me helps me. I wish you a thousand girlfriends my brothers.

>> No.8629294

get into some occult shit

im srs

>> No.8629295
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>20 years old
>no job
>no bills
>little money
>no more university
>no career
>no responsibilities
>an adult only in legal terms

>> No.8629299

Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai

>> No.8629306

Read as many books about love as you can because you're about to stop believing in it very soon.

>> No.8629323

What sense does it make to have crisis at twenty. I'd think it's more likely at 18/23/28 when you finish school/college/postgrad and find out that wage slavery isn't to your liking.

>> No.8629330

Only rich people go through that around here, and the are never wageslaves anyway.

>> No.8629333

I personally have a crisis every year.

>> No.8629335

my entire life is one continual crisis

>> No.8629348

I guess what I'm saying is that I had a clear sense of purpose in high school and college. Now that I'm graduated and considering how shitty is the job market where I am I have to actually figure out what to do with my life. And none of the alternatives look that good.

>> No.8629470


you forgot to add

>living with parents
>developing lazy and bad habits

>> No.8629488

Tell me about Anon. Why does he read the books?

>> No.8629495
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>quarter life crisis
>only 20 years old

Hate to break it to you, millennial, but it only gets worse from there.

>> No.8629534

So you have trouble when you don't have people telling you what to do? I'm not judging you, this is how most us were thought how to live, always searching for a master/daddy to please &c.

>> No.8629536
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How do you deal with being a Romantic in this day and age?

>> No.8629541

You don't; if you're guy just focus on getting a job and being independent and hope maybe after the 30s or 40s people are mature enough for a relationship.

>> No.8629549

Not that men are much better anyway.

>> No.8629569
File: 24 KB, 652x848, 1476144337867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm done lurking this thread now.

Thanks OP for making me see myself. It was weird — sort of like an out of body sensation but with 4chan shitposting instead.

>> No.8629580

>hate the idea of wageslavery
>go to my wageslave father with an advertising business idea
>bring up writing
>dad I am working

He also just called me an idiot for wanting LASIK which I can comfortably afford.
Why are Americans so brainwashed into servitude?

>> No.8629619

This picture is inaccurate though
>TV shows

>> No.8629643


>Expecting me to wait 10 years before I finally experience love

I'll die by then

>> No.8629648

my whole life is a one big crisis

>> No.8629658

>needing the love of others
Self reliance dawg. If you're alone for long enough you stop feeling loneliness.

>> No.8629665

>willfully deadening yourself
>thinking that makes you strong instead of just pathetic

>> No.8629686


Yes, but you also stop feeling period. That's not what I want.

I don't want to numb myself, I want to feel; I want to FEEL damnit. I want to experience love and the pain that comes with it. I want to take that risk, and yet, day in and day out, I stay in my basement. I go to work (convenience store), and come back and stay in this room all day, reading and playing vidya and shitposting.

I don't know where to go. Where do you even meet people? I refuse to go to bars or other places like that. I'm reading about all these elevated ideals and all I see are the wooden planks of the unfinished basement ceiling.


What I'm listening to at the moment.

>> No.8629688


Why do you want LASIK? Glasses aren't really a big deal, are they?

>> No.8629706

Why do you refuse to go to bars? Not that they're particularly good for conversation anyway; generally they're loud as shit. It just seems weird that you'd write them off entirely.

You live in a city? Near a college? Have any other hobbies besides reading, vidya, and shitposting? Even if you don't, there's still a lot you can do. Go to events at the local library, I guarantee that they have them.

If that basement is your parent's basement, I recommend you save up some money and move out asap.

>> No.8629741


>Moving out

No, it would be a huge waste of money. I'm saving money for University and I don't have to pay for anything living with my parents. No way I can live in an apartment with my minimum wage job. Don't worry, I'm not the chicken tendies guy.

I live in a moderately sized town (200,000) with a big Uni population. However, I failed to interact with people my own age. In Cégep, I pretty much only ever talked with my teachers. I became ''friend'' with some of them (sociology, philosophy and /lit/ teachers), so I know if I have questions relating to those fields I can go to them for guidance, but I didn't actually make any friends.

There's a book club at my town's library but they don't read good books, and it's probably mostly old people anyway.

I was part of the chess club for some time but it's too expensive.

I often take walks outside at night at like 3 or 4 AM hoping to meet someone, but obviously there's no one and I just aimlessly walk around the sleeping city. I lost one of my gloves last night during one of those walks.

Alcohol disgusts me.

>> No.8629762

The only way to meet people is to talk to them, bro. If you don't want to do that, I don't really know what to tell you. If you can't do that, I recommend going to therapy.

And there's nothing wrong with being friends with old people. I have a few friends who are like twice my age, and while I don't spend a ton of time with them they're good company when I do.

Why does alcohol disgust you? Bad experience with it?

>> No.8629780

I have a face that doesn't shape well with glasses as well as they hide my blue eyes which are my strongest feature.

So basically vanity. Also every field I am interested in involves needing people to like you and looks help with that.

>> No.8629789
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Go contacts for another 10 years. Then move on to glorious eye cybernetics.

>new age of human and computer

The miracle battery can't come soon enough

>> No.8629805
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The only proper answer is Sun and Steel

>> No.8629843


I've always disliked alcohol, but my job made me hate it.

>These rude drunkards that literally shove you so they can get their hands on that budweiser
>These drunkards that leave cigarette buds and even leeches in the empty bottles they bring back for recuperation
>These loud teenagers that come in to buy their poppers

And so on.

Don't worry lad, I'll be fine. Just need to keep doing what I'm doing (and not being such a lazy fuck with my third language)
and hope that I receive a stroke of luck in the form of a qt I'd meet at the library or something.

>> No.8629845
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Blessed are the lovers and the loved, and those who can do without love.

>> No.8629863

Multi million dollar corporations can't even make a phone that doesn't explode. I'm not being a cybernetic early adapter.

>> No.8629867

I just cringed internally at the thought of lens exploding

>> No.8629874


>average human reasoning
>comparing mass produced experimental failure to personalized experimental technology that will probably cost well into the millions

It must be boring being poor in this era

>> No.8629901

>rich people don't experience technological failures or human mistakes.
Pretty sure malpractice killed Joan Rivers

>> No.8629918

I hope you find this relevant


>> No.8629928

Like, literal leeches? What the fuck?

Also just sign up for a dating site if you're looking for a literary gf, anon

>> No.8629971

>Where do you even meet people?
>I refuse to go to places where I can meet people
>Claims to want love

>> No.8629987

>I often take walks outside at night at like 3 or 4 AM hoping to meet someone, but obviously there's no one and I just aimlessly walk around the sleeping city. I lost one of my gloves last night during one of those walks.

I would strongly recommend you read White Nights by Dostoyevsky, if you haven't already.

>> No.8629997
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From your posts I can tell that you're a millenial who would love to be spoonfed. You dream of stumbling across a guide for life written by someone smarter than you and that seems perfectly tailored for your life.

The thought of finding your own way by leaving your comfort zone still hasn't crossed your mind yet.

Enjoy hunting for answers that you'll never find and asking questions that will leave you unsatisfied.

>> No.8629999


>Finding love in a bar

Yes, I'm sure I'll find a cute reserved girl with pale hands in a old, worn down bar filled with drunkards.


I'm trying to do that.

>> No.8630012


I'm pretty content as I am desu. A quiet lifestyle like this one certainly has its advantages.


Will do, thanks anon.

>> No.8630016

How old are you anon?

>> No.8630028

Sometimes shy, quiet, pale (handed?) women like to drink. Aren't there any hip bars with a more refined atmosphere in your area?

Also what do you mean you're "trying" to join a dating site. There's no entry exam, shit literally takes 10 minutes to do, at most

>> No.8630048


I meant to say that I joined a few but had no success at all. Probably didn't express myself properly. I think the thread has been derailed

>> No.8630051

>Also just sign up for a dating site if you're looking for a literary gf, anon

That's pretty good advice. If you have very specific tastes online dating should help.

>> No.8630055

>Yes, I'm sure I'll find a cute reserved girl with pale hands in a old, worn down bar filled with drunkards.

You also said "places like that," which I took to mean most social spheres. You're not going to meet a girl if you never meet people...

>> No.8630089
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>asks how to deal with quarter life crisis
>dismisses all thoughtful replies with excuses

>> No.8630337

Entirely unsurprising t b h

>> No.8630452
File: 2.07 MB, 250x188, 1458882562809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same position as OP to be honest, only I just want to be good at something damnit, but I always flake.

I'm just adding on habits 2 months at a time instead of going superman and burning out.

It's hard to know when you actually enjoy something and when you don't, and if you're denying yourself future happiness when giving up on a skill.

>> No.8630946

Fuck back off to /r9k/

>> No.8630982

>asking for life advice on the board where failures gather and mistake overanalysis for intellect

>> No.8631094

You could read Osho, it helped me with my crisis.