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/lit/ - Literature

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8628989 No.8628989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>going to my retailcuck wagie job
>work part time for 6 hours 3 days a week but my week consists of days ruined by work or days dreading the upcoming work days
>do a job that some silicon valley 19 year old should've automated by now (they're too busy with the college fuckfest)
>sometimes get seen by people I went to school with and yhey probably laugh at me
>was laughed at by girls younger than me who knew my name ("Hey look it's Anon") and I didn't even know who they were
>manager realised I've been taking 40 minute breaks instead of 15 and subtly told me to cut it out
>did a degree and I'm smart but lazy
>had lots of graduate interviews but after a lifetime of doing well in academia I can't pass interviews because I'm not a normie
>tonnes of chad and Stacey couples at my workplace, many of them younger than me
>never ever had attention from a girl ever, have had zero social life for years

What's my stake in society? I lift weights but can't motivate myself to stop binge eating or work hard in my free time (on programming stuff).

If I got a graduate job then at least I wouldn't be a low status cuck but it would be mind numbing and soul destroying.

Life is unfair. Some posh person who goes to a private school is taught to act in an ubernormie way and skates through a zero work arts degree at university. This is the type of person interviewing me when I go to graduate job interviews in London.

This is humiliating and depressing. Who was the con artist that said that work gives any pride ever?

And pop songs played as muzak, which are the anthems of normies. Images of models and celebrities are shown everywhere. These are the people who post Instagram selfies gloating about "Puttin in da #work" when they had everything handed over to them due to their looks.

>> No.8629303

You're just ugly man it's ok, life ain't about getdamoneyhh, just do what makes you happy and never stop learning new stuff.

>> No.8629346

You're ripe for some Fight Club mang

>> No.8629370

If someone knows how to stop binge eating pls tell

>> No.8629385
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Life is pretty shitty but I resolved to live it on my own terms as much as possible. This helps a lot.

I get a bit of a tingle of going against normie norms and exploiting a system where they pay for my existence.

>> No.8629406
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posting a classic

>> No.8629414

Read The Stranger by Camus.

>> No.8629416

Wake up MODS, you fat fucking retards

>> No.8629420

People are recommending books: >>8629346

Stop your whining, newfag.

>> No.8629421

>muh everything sucks just get drunk XD

kill yourself

>> No.8629431

I am drunk on spirit now - glass with water in 1/4 proportion (its very econonomical btw), pretty much every day, in weekend i take psychedelic drugs and dissociatives sometimes, and i crave opiates heavily. I waste a lot of time for masturbating which is more and more ddegenerated - not in choose of porn but in choose of toys - artifficial vaginas and dildos. Literature is my "passion" but i read maybe 1 hour per day, rest is procradtinating, and my writing is absolute shit. My life is nightmare and i havent even mentioned my job yet. I am 20 years old, i am virgin. Soon i will kill myself

>> No.8629532

Nice Diary, desu