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/lit/ - Literature

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8628528 No.8628528 [Reply] [Original]

What was the last book your girlfriend bought you? Did you choose it or did she pick it out herself?

>> No.8628534


>> No.8628535

>your girlfriend

>> No.8628540

>Implying I can even talk to girls.

>> No.8628546
File: 118 KB, 480x640, heil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine bought me the little prince for christmas. i had said at somepoint in the past that i really wanted to read it.

>tfw when we had broke up just before she gave it.
>tfw its a really touching story that brings the emotions.

>> No.8628557


Oof right inna feels

>> No.8628570

Jus b urself anon

>> No.8628574

Welcome to Night Vale. She picked it out herself.

It is bad.

>> No.8628575


normie pls go

>> No.8628592
File: 32 KB, 236x365, 2172e8fad61f90074b370b9013d496c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missing Belgium since I am living in Madrid for 5 months. Said I wanted to read some Flemish classics, she bought this one as well as Pallieter by Felix Timmermans. She'll visit me for one week in two weeks time, arriving the day before my birthday and bring the books with her.

>> No.8628594

Pretty sure my spouse has never bought me a book in the decade we've been together.

>> No.8628599

>Flemish """""""classics""""""


>> No.8628607
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>> No.8628612

Certainly not /r9k/

>> No.8628625

i started out in r9k but ive migrated to /lit/ and /sci/

>> No.8628635

Most of 4chan is about as clueless when it comes to relationships, maybe just more comfortable with it and able to accept that.

>> No.8628636

The last book she got me was The Etymologicon because I had mentioned that interesting word eytmologies triggered my autism

>> No.8628638

Did you use the phrase "triggers my autism"?

>> No.8628639
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I gave a girl I like the first volume of the Man Without Qualities. I told her I had her on the hook for the second one now.
Too bad the book is shit, she's probably fucking someone else and is going to drop me any day

>> No.8628640

Wew lad. Why not give her the D instead?

>> No.8628643

We've actually been getting rid of books in preparation for our next move. They make cross country moves pretty annoying.

>> No.8628649

Fagles' Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid

>> No.8628657

Did not imply that they are regarded as classics in the international community. Nonetheless, we do have very good literature, which you will never be able to enjoy since the translations suck.

>> No.8628660

Probably not that specific phrase but I conveyed the same idea more or less.

>> No.8628666

Now that the dust has settled, has /lit/ every met a truly /lit/ grill?

Not talking about le "I'm so nerdy I read like three books by John green last month XD"

>> No.8628672

Yes. Most of the other PhDs I know are women, and they're more well-read than most on /lit/.

>> No.8628677


where do you find these semen demons?

>tfw no smort gf to give me books to read

>> No.8628681



Had one once for a year when I was 16

Never again

>inb4 don't generalize

Girls are crazy. Hook up and stop talking to them after it's the only way

>> No.8628682

Literature conferences. Regional ones are easier to meet people at, but your best bet is the very narrow conferences for your specific study.

>> No.8628690

Top meme.

>unironically studying literature in Uni

>> No.8628692

What did you think I meant when I said PhDs? You can meet independent scholars at conferences though, and you can register to present as one.

>> No.8628697

Yeah, my current grill is more /lit/ and well-read than I am. We met another grill at a party recently who seemed pretty /lit/ as well who was seated near the host's bookshelf and we struck up a convo about books when I was glancing at their collection. Most of the grills I meet who are into reading literature also read genre fiction and crappy books as well though.

All the smart women I've met have been grad students so check there. Granted some dumb one's still make it through but it's your best bet.

>> No.8628715

Should've gone for Gezelle or Buysse my man

>> No.8628719
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Have. Doesn't mean she's not fucking other people and going to merely keep me around. I just want something more friendo.

>> No.8628816


Lmao fuck that. Stem masterrace brah.

>> No.8628841

>your girlfriend
Why do you have to hurt me like this, /lit/?

>> No.8628865

I find /lit/ one of the least depressing boards in this regard, actually.

>> No.8628883

My boyfriend gave me an e-reader and an engagement ring on the same date.

>> No.8628892

That's pretty cute, anon. What stone's in the ring?

>> No.8628909

A Sapphire with two little lab-grown diamonds on either side. I don't know why people still insist on real ones, the price difference was significant.

>> No.8628930

Nice, I got a sapphire for mine as well. Good luck with the marriage, if it hasn't already happened.

>> No.8628940

portnoy's complaint, if you are not counting a moebius piece