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/lit/ - Literature

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8616905 No.8616905 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Literary Cringe
>Be 15 y/o edgelord
>Get into entry level literature
>Always make literary references
>Talking to english teacher
>Trying to impress her
>"Yeah, I really like Albert Camus"

>> No.8616912

>write incredibly edgy stories as a 14 year old
>quote 80's powerballads because I thought it meant I was deep

>> No.8616926

>Be 82 y/o swedish writer
>Get into nobel prize committee
>Always make nominations
>Talking to committee
>Trying to impress them
>"Yeah, I think we should give the prize to Bob Dylan"

>> No.8616972

>Be 46 y/o American writer
>Get into depression
>always think about ending it
>talking to myself
>trying to cement my legacy
>"Yeah, I'm going to hang myself"

>> No.8616986

>Be 17 year old edgelord stuck in a rebellious communist phase
>go to bookstores and ask clerks if they have "What Is To Be Done?" by Lenin
>they don't
>in my craving to buy communist lit to show off, I decide to check what the train station bookshop offers
>just some overpriced magazines published by Marxist-Leninist fringe groups
>alright, good enough
>take it to the checkout and pay
>as I leave the store, I can hear the clerk repeating the title of what I just bought
>"The Red Help, ahhhh-ha"
>shame immediately sets in and I "forget" the magazine in the bus on my way home

>same phase
>bring Das Kapital into biology class and place it on my table, located in the first row, so everyone can see it, including the teacher
>teacher doesn't react so I start acting as if I'm reading it during class
>she notices and interrupts me
>"You're not actually reading that"
>"Yes I am"
>"No you're not"

How can I erase those memories?

>> No.8617004
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>AP lit
>teacher is pretty patrician
>try to impress him saying I like Joyce and read Ulysses over the summer (I read halfway through and gave up)
>"oh cool, what's your favorite part about Joyce's writing?"
>remember the wikipedia page I read for this exact moment
>"I really like his beam of conscience writing
>he just says "cool" and walks away

>> No.8617018

>communist phase
Is this an American thing?

>> No.8617021

>open up this thread

>> No.8617027

>ap lit
>teacher is pretty patrician
>convince him to read infinite jest
>he tells me it was horrible
At least he still liked me because I was the only one autistic enough to understand the grammar unit

>> No.8617046

yes. they all wore black hoodies and incredibly baggy jeans with chain wallets. usually had greasy hair and acne too.

I think everyone goes through some pseudo political phase before realizing it doesn't matter. it was libertarianism/conservatism for me. some people never grow out of it though

>> No.8617055

>be me, high school senior, 'poet'
>be chatting with English Lit teacher in the hallway
>Have you read Chaucer? he asks
>I didn't know Mr. Chossa (math teacher) wrote poetry!
>lit teacher loses it
>I'm so confused
>seconds later, howls of laughter emanating from teachers lounge
>what's so funny???

>> No.8617066

I'm German.
To make things a lot worse, I'm not from the eastern part that was once under communist rule (and didn't exactly thrive), yet I constantly praised the blessings the socialist regime brought with it.

>> No.8617071

I showed him some of my poetry and then he kind of liked me. Then I told him I listened to Animal Collective and smoked weed together the summer after high school was over. He got me into LCD Soundsystem

>> No.8617073

I mispronounced Rimbau's name to a college professor several days ago. I had never actually heard his name spoken out loud

>> No.8617080

>he doesn't know the writing system of every european language

>> No.8617085


>> No.8617120
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>Implying it didn't work

>> No.8617166

You've misspelled it recently, too.

I know that cringe, brah

>> No.8617230

Fucken kek

>> No.8617237
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>friend offers to hook me up on a date with a published author
>he wrote THIS
flaked and never regretted it

>> No.8617303
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>researching politics in a democratic country "doesn't matter"

>> No.8617306

no homos allowed on lit

>> No.8617336

It's an American thing to pretend it's a thing.

In reality most American teens go through a racist and/or Libertarian phase if they go through any political phase at all. This then follows with them talking a big game about how other less mature phantom teens are communists but they're too smart for that.

This might not be true if you're like 60 something years old and came of age in the 60s however.

>> No.8617343

whoa, you're friends with Michael Saint Wood?

>> No.8617352

>racist "phase"

t. le mature trump hating liberal that has it all figured out

>> No.8617380

Oh look, I triggered a /pol/ poster.

Here's a spoiler sheet. Compare and contrast your wild defensive assumptions:

Actually I'm kind of racist and think more work should seriously be done to preserve the white race. For real.

I don't like Trump since I'm not a conservative, but I appreciate the effect he's had on the establishment and absolutely loathe Hillary. I will not vote for either of them.

I went through a "lol i posted a picture of an ape in place of a black person u mad world???" phase myself on 4chan. I know it's real. Even if I'm still a little racist you definitely grow out of it - if you have half a brain.

>> No.8617388

>research matters
t. le ebin uncucked free thinker

>> No.8617495


>> No.8617498

Just so you know, there is nothign to justify the "white" race. Most white people come from a variety of different european ancestry.

>> No.8617512

I just want to listen to some smart people talk while I fall asleep, but all I've got is Sam Harris

please just help me out, I know you people on /lit/ are smart

who are some smart people who talk about shit for long amounts of time that I can listen to?

>> No.8617514

BBC In Our Time
Dan Carlin Hardcore History

>> No.8617516

That sounds nice

>> No.8617520

Why weren't you already into LCD Soundsystem?

>> No.8617526

>BBC In Our Time
cheers la

>> No.8617539

youtube noam chomsky.

>> No.8617542



each of these is many hours long, ph.d professors, often ivy league

i listen to em on my 4 hr commute, great accompaniment for reading certain books

>> No.8617595

there's also this is you want to REALLY start with the greeks:






>> No.8617612


it also exists in France and Latin America.
In the 60s and 70s at college, if you werent a communist you were an idiot who couldnt get laid.
By that I mean social perception, if you werent a (poser) leftist revolutionary who wanted to make a better world you were a loser, obviously many intelligent young people werent communist.

And even though the Soviet Union fell, that young commie culture hasnt disappeared completely.


>> No.8617615
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>Be 17, taking a latin class but I never really payed attention
>Reading Bataille in class whenever I have free time
>Prof sees it
>"SO anon, you're reading pornography in my class eh?"
>Class starts laughing at me
>Prof glares at them and calls them a bunch of plebs or something along those lines
>Completely unwarranted respect from him for the rest of the semester

>tfw read the doctrine of fascism when I was 13 and, as a direct result, never went through an edgy political/racist phase

Communism doesn't seem so much a phase as a trap people fall into when they try to talk about politics without ever engaging or understanding politics.

>> No.8617624

>quality song related

>> No.8617830

>claims to have read the doctrine of fascism
>implies racism or edginess are even addressed


>> No.8617850

A teacher and I both caught each other either being misinformed about Kafka or straight up lying about how me we knew of him/his works. I was reading a copy of The Sons at the start of the year, we talked about Kafka and his writings for a bit; later on he assigned The Metamorphosis and asked me about it like I'd said I'd read it to him. I said no, it was The Sons I read and he said that was just another translation of the same story. They're all have similar tones and themes but aren't the same story.

Later on we were talking about Kafka, I thought he was Russian for some reason and talked about how Russian literature is so depressing.

>> No.8617964

>>Always make literary references
were they at least organic?

>> No.8617972


>> No.8617977

>The Red Help, ahhhh-ha
I don't get it.
>"What Is To Be Done?"
Why not look it up on the net. my copy of Mein Kampf came with das kapital so it can't be that hard to find.
>biology class
>acting as if I'm reading it during class
why? Why do people put so much effort into not doing things or doing things ironically,etc
yes. everyone is a communist till they actually have to work for a living and everyone is tolerant until they come in contact with the living stereotypes

>> No.8617991

mine is not really crying. for a longest time I just assumed uncle tom's cabin was about a guy named tom and his cabin. never bothered reading it.
>be 15-16 +- y/o smug edgelord
>lit class is starting and i know teacher is going to ask us if we read anything over the summer
>before teacher comes in I turn to the girl next to me and ask her if she read anything over the summer.
>she says uncle tom's cabin
>I ask what she liked about it
>teacher comes in and asks if we read anything over the summer
>I say uncle tom's cabin
>she asks what I liked about it
>I give her the same answer the girl gave me. while having 0 idea of what im talking about
>she says good. turns to the girl and asks if she read anything.
>she is flustered, says uncle tom's cabin and tries to think of a new way why she liked it.
maybe I should feel bad but to this day I have a biggest shit eating grin when I recall it

>> No.8618001
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aint no one got time for research. They get all that shit from osmosis and pop version of those ideologies.

>> No.8618008

these days being published author is only mildly more meaningless than being on new york's best sellers list

>> No.8618011

I have seen too many of this phantom teens to buy this shit.

>> No.8618015

>"lol i posted a picture of an ape in place of a black person u mad world???"
I have never done that. This + phantom teens makes me think you are projecting

>> No.8618028

>Completely unwarranted respect from him for the rest of the semester
with me it was
>go into civil law
>prof tells a case of a guy saying he forgot he was related to someone
>I say it may have been the nerves
>she says oh you must be sheltered
>I admit that I have not been in a court and have only watched it on tv
>somehow ended up as a respected, sophisticated men
>not wanting to disapoint I even wore a 3 piece suit for the whole second half of the semester and her class was the only one I did it in. it was bizarre.
>saw her months later and while chatting I could not remember my current proffs name and her opinion of me fell.
>the woman was like a roller coaster, for example we had a holiday but she gave out 5 points to everyone who showed up on holiday

>> No.8618047


>shaved armpits


>> No.8618056

That story made absolutely no sense.

>> No.8618062

like I said it was a bizarre time

>> No.8618089

>be me 3 months ago
>try to impress this qt I meet on my literary knowledge
>realize she knows much more than I do

Honestly blew me away and cried at home

>> No.8618099

>be me
>read practically anything
>somehow every time I meet my uncle's boyfriend I'm reading something like Dostoevsky or Shakespeare
>he thinks I'm some super-intellectual
>most of the time I'm reading genre fiction or comics though
I don't know if I'm hiding my power-level or exaggerating it.

>> No.8618114

omigod fysikal cringe

>> No.8618130
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>mfw the local bookstore had Ego and Its Own
I had the easiest rebellious teen phase of all time.

>> No.8618141

>try to impress this qt I meet on my literary knowledge
>works until her actually /lit/ friend shows up

>> No.8618145

>before realizing it doesn't matter.
I'm glad others have reached my level of pure pseudism.

>> No.8618149

This is too fucking funny for some reason

>> No.8618314

>have two english teachers throughout high school
>both act like close mentors to me
>studying The Reader one year
>The Reader begins with the protagonist feeling sick and vomiting in public
>"What do we think of this opening scene?"
>i say it reminds me of Notes From Underground
>haven't actually read Notes From Underground
>neither has teacher
>visibly scrambled at this out-of-the-blue comparison
>see other teacher later that week
>he laughs at the incident
>"I'm not sure what the relevance of Dostoyevsky is, but you certainly threw him off"
>Play it off cool like I know what I'm talking about

>> No.8618317

I made the comparison because of the opening line: I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

>> No.8618337

>reading Kafka to impress German girlfriends parents
>her mum noticed the cover
>"Oh anon, is that Kafka! How impressive - which one?"
>me; "The Metamorphosis"
>"You're reading it in English? That is not so impressive"

>> No.8618341


>> No.8618345

I'm Aussie and thought I was fighting against the system or something by reading the Communist Manifesto on the train to school

>> No.8618346

>everyone is a communist till they actually have to work for a living
That's when people BECOME communist, numpty.
The manifesto's like three pages long though.

>> No.8618348

>reading Moby Dick in class, year 10
I don't regret it but the highest reading level in the school was Harry potter and I must have seemed like a precocious cunt

>> No.8618356

deserved. fucking pleb.

>> No.8618367

Kafka is like Borges though. You don't gain anything by reading him in the original language. He's not Goethe.

>> No.8618369


>> No.8618407

It is but I found a better way to write it.

>> No.8618412


>Be 21
>Actually closely and rigorously study the tradition of western marxism
>Realise the critique of ideology, political economy and material exploitation plus materialist philosophy is a perfectly valid, coherent and pragmatic position
>Grow out of my edgy, pessimistic, nihilistic and resigned phase
>Realiee that the politically qualified life is Man's birthright and to not engage with this is bad faith, cowardice and general faggotry

>Be 23
>Become an unapologetic marxist
>Read shit like above linked comment
>Cringe hard

I'm actually really sorry for americans. Your state and public sector are thoroughly erasing any possibility of thought, imagination or real political engagement, which is exactly the reason you "cringe" when thinking about the times you actually came close. Shame and guilt is inscribed upon you for the mere fact of getting to live in an insane, murderous cartoon utopia

>> No.8618413

What a cunt. Of course you should read translations.

>> No.8618420

>he is an unapologetic marxist
>he probably believes injustifiable bullshit like false consciousness

>> No.8618442


>> No.8618444

when will this meme die

>> No.8618446

>be in writing classes at highschool
>self-masturbatory phase where I ask people what they think of my work
>can't take compliment — instead say that I could've done better if I had more time, etc.

I was such a fucking faggot

>> No.8618447

>instead say that I could've done better if I had more time, etc.
Every try-hard did this, don't worry

>> No.8618449

What about "false consciousness" is injustifiable? Do you disagree that historically and culturally specific material conditions are seen as natural, God-given or human nature, even though a close look at the text of history paints another picture?

This is one position I would imagine is so simple that most people should get the point. But if not, please do tell.

>> No.8618457

This was refreshingly light-hearted and charming copared to all the ex-edgelord stories in this thread.

Mainly because they remind me too much of my ex-edgelord days

>> No.8618458

>be 14
>have to write a causerie in class
>decide to mock a nationalist criticizing his own society while constantly contradicting himself
>decide to make him a Jew in the very final sentences, just for further irony, the point was just that he wasn't native
>teacher gives me a good grade but thinks I'm a nazi for the rest of the year

>> No.8618461

It's more like a generally extremist phase

It can be Nazism, Libertarianism or Tankism, every person that really cares about Politics that I know passed throught this and I myself had experienced the three varieties.

In my case the cringiest phase was the Libertarian one, I was always discussing with my professors about Economics like they cared (they were just mindlessly repeating what the government put in the manual to get the pay, once I understood this I stopped bothering them). The other two were OK, just a personal thing which only brings me nostalgia.

>> No.8618479

BTW I think what differentiates a phase from an honest approach to an ideology is how much you care about continuosly improving your political theory and enlarging your horizons, if you keep arguing about the USSR while not even knowing what the Frankfurt School is it's just a phase.

>> No.8618481

The point was that Kafka isn't that impressive on his own and it would have been more impressive to her if I had learned German well enough to read a German novel.

>> No.8618487

Oh ok.

>> No.8618492

>BTW I think what differentiates a phase from an honest approach to an ideology is how much you care about continuosly improving your political theory and enlarging your horizons

Couldn't agree more. A phase is when vague notions are given disproportionate weight on your politics. Honest political orientation comes from meticulous engagement with these notions, the literature about them and improvement of them.

>> No.8618538


>Be me
>18 year old edgefag
>Go up to qt Junior
>"Hey, so I see you like reading Harry Potter. Don't you know it's meme stuff designed for socially malcontented normies? :DDDD"
>"Well actually, I believe modern literature, no matter how juvenile it may seem to you, lends more to a young teenager's sense of social development anymore than going online and playing Halo with them will :^)"
>Try to say something "clever", but she just gives me this look that says "go away, asshole, I'm reading".

Definitely paraphrasing, but 18 year old me was an absolute embarrassment with the opposite sex.

>> No.8618546

>he's not a nihilist
>he hasn't risen above mere politics
Earthly pleb.

>> No.8618566


this happened to me about ten years ago

>walk into library
>ask teenage librarian for "the wanderings of Odysseus"
>let me just check that for you... uhhh... sorry, we don't have that
>are you sure? it's a very popular kid's book
>look at the computer screen
>"wanderings of disuse"

>> No.8618567

>He's an idealist nihilist
>He hasn't risen above high-school tier philosophy
Edgy plebe

>> No.8618603

>if you keep arguing about the USSR while not even knowing what the Frankfurt School is it's just a phase.
Spotted the filthy cultural marxist.

>> No.8618612

>Spotted the filthy cultural marxist.
Spotted the victim of vague notions and limited knowledge

>> No.8618622

Don't be a pretentious fuck about it. The point that there could be something like an objective class consciousness everybody should adhere to, is in and of itself injustifiable, asinine and a ludicruous example of a non-verifiable metaphysical claim.

Also it reeks of neo-con bullshittery. Here in Poland, we had a former Marxist professor who justified neo-liberal development dictatorship with this crap.

>> No.8618642

The fight over Hegel's legacy between conservatives and progressives is about as old as The Phenomenology of Spirit itself. So nothing new here - hegelian dialectics can be applied just fine by neoliberals and neocons. See Francis Fukuyama.

The idea of a class consciousness may be ludicrous metaphysically, but how do you explain the consciousness that actually brought about change of social formation? Was it arbitrary, just one damn thing after another? Determined? These historical-philosophical questions are important, but the doctrine of marxism is to see the human as a history-creating animal. This doctrine is not only beautiful, but useful and pragmatic.

Side note: What in the actual fuck is a verifiable metaphysical claim? Are you one of those gruel-brains that actually think every single utterance in all possible contexts need to be verifiable/falsifiable/reduced to mathematical symbols or physical concepts? Come on.

I would guess you are a fan of Chomsky?

>> No.8618643

That happened over 30 years ago and somehow I remember it like it was yesterday.

Oh, yes, I had a lengthy edgelord phase but those cringeworthy tales have been buried so deeply Mesmer himself couldn't bring 'em back.

>> No.8618645

>he thinks I'm an idealist nihilist
What did you think I meant by "rise above"?

>> No.8618648

I think you meant bad faith, cowardice and asinine escapism, senpai :^)

>> No.8618649


>> No.8618650

topkek. How the fuck does that get published.

>> No.8618886

You may never understand truly the concepts and virtues of communism unless your country gets threatened by imperialism. That's why it looks like a "phase" because "modern" countries wants you to see communism in that manner. A teenage fever, some passion of youth, a something to be ridiculed at. So yeah, it's an American thing.

>> No.8618975


>arguing about which nihilism is non-nihil in the correct way

>> No.8619001

>You may never understand truly the concepts and virtues of imperialism unless your country gets threatened by communism


>> No.8619042
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>Thanks for coming, we're Phantom Teens! This next one is Mom's a Fascist Pig Because She Won't Let Me Stay Out With My Friends! ONE TWO THREE FOUR

>> No.8619081

A phase is a question about identifying yourself, each of them comes and goes as you meditate between different choices. Upon selecting the most formidable and ideologically fair one for yourself, then you can start delving into it. I don't see any "honest approach" on an ideology without acknowledging it first as a phase.

>> No.8619170
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>>"No you're not"

>> No.8619188

You actually do, it's just that a proper translation and reading should make that redundant.

It's also an easy book to read in German.
>>Realise the critique of ideology, political economy and material exploitation plus materialist philosophy is a perfectly valid, coherent and pragmatic position
None of that makes it a good position, though.

>> No.8619245

Not sure if this is cringe
>freshman year
>waiting in hall outside class
>reading Snuff by Chucky P. while I'm waiting
>qt older girl comes up to me and says "I just wanted to say that's a really good book I hope you enjoy it"

>> No.8619277


What is a "phantom teen"? Urban Dictionary ain't got SHIT.

>> No.8619301
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>remembering that cringe thing you did in the past

>> No.8619445

Literary cringe eh. I guess I've got some.

>fictional books are primary pastime from kindergarten through to the end of high school
>take spelling and grammar too seriously and occasionally drop series out of disgust just because of minor errors in middle school
>find out in high school that I've misinterpreted a few words due to lack of internet or dictionary
>completely convicted that, for example, "bemusement" is basically droll amusement
>people catch the mistakes, mental an hero intensifies

>have adhd, in a bad way
>always read in class because I make good grades anyway and can't focus on lesson
>want to make some friends sometimes
>people might ask what I'm reading
>sick of the question since 4th grade (bullies liked to ask it a lot I guess?), automatic answer is always, "A book."

>> No.8619604

How do you connect this while reading? Like for example you are reading Iliad. Does then you are going to read the book first THEN listening to the courses or the other way around?

I have a bit problem of reading Aeneid. i got (imo) good translation of Rolfe Humphries. It's simple but effective, but it doesn't have any comprehensible footnotes for each passage like Everyman's Library.

How would you suggest to approach this problem?

>> No.8619617

Only if you missed the hint and didn't put your peen in her vajayjay.

>> No.8619776

yep, i read first then listen, but you can do it both ways

sometimes i get too far ahead and then i end up listening farther than i've read

spoilers aren't going to ruin enjoyment of literature

>> No.8619919

ahh that's true. Now you mentioned it, it makes me think. Why is that?

But first, thanks for the sources and the heads up anon. really appreciate it.

>> No.8619978

Heh, I never had a literary cringe moment.

Though I once claimed in math class that pi is exactly 3.

>> No.8619986


>> No.8619999

I can't remember, the exact circumstances but we were working with the circumference of circles and somehow were supposed to arrive at pi, but we didn't know that beforehand. Because we were working with practical geometry and drawing lines and stuff we had sloppy results. The digits varied, the only constant was that the result was slightly above the number three.

So I did the only logical thing in my mind and exclaimed that the number we were looking for was exactly three... I still want to die.

>> No.8620005

Do you read what you're writing before you post?

>> No.8620006

To be fair, the Idea of communism sounds like the greatest fucking thing in the world. "Hey we're all gonna be equal, everyone does a bit and then we all share what we've got" I'd live in that world. Problem is that it just doesn't fucking work. So as an idealistic youngling you tend to get caught up in that shit.

>> No.8620027

Germanfag here. Can confirm went trough a racist phase. Lots of turkish people here and turkish people are rude and brawly as fuck. they spit seeds everywhere and they steal non-stop.
So growing up around them makes you fucking hate brownies like the plague. Of course later growing up you learn that you don't hate them because they are turks you hate them because they are lower class untermensch scum.

>> No.8620028

>it just doesn't fucking work

>> No.8620049

Well, how could it work?

Ich war schon immer der Meinung, dass die Ethnisierung der deutschen Unterschicht durch Masseneinwanderung langfristig die gesellschaftliche Solidarität und damit den Demos als funktionstüchtigen Souverän aushebeln wird.

>> No.8620058

>2003 or 2004
>really into Manga and Animu
>Usually buy one Volume of something on my way to vocational school
>got my hands on a copy of "Naruto" (didn't know shit about the series back then
>Read it on the train
>someone asks me what I'm reading
>Say "Naruto" (in a really japanese way too)
>the person just says "ok" in a weird tone and walks away.
I even liked it back then. The premise was interesting (Basically a world where people can do magic, and each family has kinda their own signature spell) and it was a bit bloody too. really showed a lot of promise. Of course then it turned out not to be an actual story of something but rather a never ending shitshow of ever new characters and more flash back reveals to sell unlimited amounts of books and DVDs.

Shame really.

>> No.8620091

As a middle class man the idea of having to give all my property and possessions to greasy proles sickens me desu. Bulgakov was right

>> No.8620095
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>middle school
>be quiet and shy kid who is "smart"
>English teacher tells us to write a poem
>write some shit
>she really likes it, tells me I have a lot of potential
>I am now her favorite student
>she thinks I am deep
>she tells us to write a story
>decide to write horror, was really cringe
>she asks if anyone wants to read their story to the class
>don't want to because it's really bad
>she tries to convince me to read it
>look down and shake my head, really embarrassed
>"Alright then I'll read it"
>she reads it to the entire class
>everyone is silent throughout the story
>when she finishes reading nobody says anything
>she gives it back to me, doesn't even look at me, disappointment written on her face
>mfw some kid finally breaks the silence with "What the hell is wrong with him?"

>> No.8620103

>Well, how could it work?
As a traditionalist, logical type myself who is always for looking the truth in the situation, I'd say tribalism was a better communism than communism ever was.

If you read about native american or indigenous peoples, its just them chilling the fuck out with a large variety of systems based on culture and environment around them.
Like certain native american tribes are very merit based, the guy who knows leads, while in other tribes its just the chief, to other where they just sit and talk if a problem comes up.

The big issue with politics is that once you're talking more than a certain amount human psychology starts to break things down, and people start to become less concerned with each other and more concerned with what they can get out of others.

I think the future will just be far more fluid in transition. You'll have your 'tribes' and everyone competing against common enemies, that's basically what the american political system is anyways.

>> No.8620113

Wow, that was worse than when I used to run around acting like a pokemon.
Fucking middle school, what the fuck.

>> No.8620116

How are you even on /lit/.

>> No.8620117

Lel, i did that in elementary school. Shit was tight.

>> No.8620119

Explain to me how communism ever was.

I've heard a fair number of conservatives fully understand what communism was and why it had never been tried, so I know even you can manage it.

>> No.8620128

wow what an original and well thought out opinion,

>> No.8620131

I wish I was one of those retards who get to be a child all their life.

>> No.8620136

Anyone in modern day that likes literature at the age of 15 is most certainly autistic.

>> No.8620146
File: 1.72 MB, 300x249, 1453189004428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, in a college creative nonfiction class
>lots of journalism students a level above "I want to write my diary Tbh"
>lots more who just wanted to write their diaries
>one or two artsy ones who read Haruki Murakami exclusively
>one other /lit/tish person besides me
>the scene is set, we read DFW's "A Supposedly Fun Thing" essay
>the other /lit/ person is smart but insufferable, and when we start discussing the essay he blurts "it's very postmodern"
>I sperg and say that DFW is a post-postmodern writer
>literally no one else in the class knows about or cares about literary movements, they just like good books/writing
>I have nothing more to add to the discussion because I didn't read the whole thing

>> No.8620155

>they just like good books/writing
fucken plebs

>> No.8620185

I fucking hated pokemon.

I fucking hate you.

True patricians pretended to be unstoppable nigger vampires with a complex political backstory.
Why wish for what you already have?

But that is the nature of your curse.

>> No.8620366

summarize your story, suicide bomber

>> No.8620370

I thought I was a genius until I hit 21 and realised I was a fucking idiot

>> No.8620373

I hate people who think it's ignorant to mispronounce things. Often it's a sign of the exact opposite as it means that person has educated themselves beyond their peers.

>> No.8620386

>>"Yeah, I really like Albert Camus"
that sounds pretty cringe

>> No.8620398

literally 2-3 good tracks

>> No.8620456


>> No.8620497

>be virgin autist
>first girlfriend at 23
>bought The Joy of Sex and read it cover to cover

>> No.8620544

I'm jelly.

>> No.8620546 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 580x387, Cyd-St-Vincent-FTM-Porn-Bonus-Hole-Boys-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was on /lit/ just yesterday. Be original faggot.

>> No.8620559

Look up UG Krishnamurti on Youtube

>> No.8620583

Blue board nigga, why'd you post that anyway?

>> No.8620605

Do you seriously think this is any way an interesting opinion or somehow original and not something that almost every single person who doesn't know anything about politics thinks?
Most people's objections to communism are thoroughly on an ideological level, like a value in private property and a right to what you have earned, and have nothing to do with the practical applications of it.
Stop vomiting up incredibly boring lines everyone's heard a million times.

>> No.8620616

fuck no

>> No.8620638

>reading crime and punishment in class
>cute girl asks me what I was reading
>asks me about it every time she see's me reading
>get mad and start ignoring her
Was she into me or am I just delusional?

>> No.8620807

>Freshman in uni
>Reading Dracula for English, class went full retard on SJW shit so I don't waste the money or time
>Break off into groups for discussion
>Only book I have on me is Don Quixote, make a few jokes to some of the guys in the group
>Girl I don't talk to tells me she hates Don Quixote
>"Uh, yeah it's pretty low brow I guess, more shit jokes than I expected."
>She stares at me
>I feel uncomfortable
>Ignore her entirely for the rest of the class
I'm paranoid as hell and feel like I did something wrong, don't know if this counts as cringe but I feel so fucking weird thinking back on it that I haven't picked it back since then (two days ago)

>> No.8620810

How can I excise those memories? Why do they keep coming back to me years later, while good moments evanesce?

>> No.8620841

My whole life is nothing but those moments.

>> No.8620846

>just delusional?
Not at all, you're autistic too.

>> No.8620862

Thank God I was worried I squandered my potential, it's comfortable to know I'm a loser no matter what.

>> No.8620984

The lad in the middle
>che guevara
What can be done to rid all of this degeneracy? What causes this ?

>> No.8621000

Not the anon you replied to but
>vague notions
Is that so? It cannot be denied that scholars from the Frankfurt School have cultural Marxism in their agenda. Even they have said it themselves.
Get educated before you argue old boy.

>> No.8621002

>read JRR Martin
cringe so hard thinking of this

>> No.8621003

Remove single mothers.

>> No.8621048

>be 21
>be talking with a philosophy major friend
>say pseudo, but pronounce it "suede-o"
>friend assumes I said the mispronunciation on purpose to be ironic or something.
>friend laughs "that's hilarious anon"
>"y-yeah ha haha"
>hate myself internally forever

>> No.8621128

Mind explaining? I am not interested in his works but I would like to hear what /lit/ thinks about him.

>> No.8621158

Fucking great way to put it anon

>> No.8621162


>creative writing class
>homely 30 something teacher is into me
>fuck her
>things are weird rest of semester
>she barely lets me pass the class


>> No.8621183

truly written like one who has never read anything beyond the communist manifesto, if that

>> No.8621250
File: 393 KB, 785x757, k6QYBc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really /lit/ cringe but...those rudimentary anonymous quote pics that are supposed to be inspirational or enlightening or whatever that people love to post on social media...every time.

>> No.8621378

I don't cringe when I think about how I argued for the moral superiority of communism back in college because I still believe it now. I would cringe if I were saying it just to fit in with some group or impress some punk girl. The cringe people mention here is not because of an in congruence between the anon and those around him, but because the anon is being a pretentious poser. Consider the guy who took Das Capital to class. He only cringes now, as I do for him, because he carried it around and exhibited it to seem smart; I am sure he would be proud at recalling the incident now if he was reading it and was able to respond to his teacher's challenge by offering his thoughts on it.

But I will give you that your cringe theory is interesting, I would not have responded otherwise.

>> No.8621418
File: 44 KB, 262x224, 1400377426853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks that makes me feel a lot better about myself. My mom is always mocking me about my pronunciation. She's just kidding around but it bugs me a little bit. Especially because my dad isn't really in on the joke and thinks I'm stupid. He actually is ignorant, I used the word "congenital" and he was looking at me weird because he though I was talking about pee-pees.

I love my parents but jesus christ can they be irritating sometimes.

>> No.8621434

>Intermediary class on the philology of Plato
>I'm always trying to impress people with my knowledge of Classical Greek
>Inextricably explain the Dunning-Kruger effect to the professor and the whole class
>Realize that for everyone else it would seem that the effect would apply to me right now since I'm the one who can't shut the fuck up

I've been drinking ever since.

>> No.8621498 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 500x645, 1476524437069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey this isn't cringe, this is actually quite good

thanks for the nostalgia, anon

>> No.8621536

>Was she into me