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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 314 KB, 1200x1200, 1476113087036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8613123 No.8613123 [Reply] [Original]

just 3 hours left
pls no roth

>> No.8613140

Ngugi Wa Thingo
>surprise winner
honestly not looking too unlikely that Delilo would get it. Been tons of buzz around him in Sweden lately
>who I hope will win
Krasznahorkai would make me very happy

>> No.8613207

>implying it's not going to be either roth or murakami

>> No.8613213

2nded on Ngugi, which would be a fine choice.
>surprise winner
Joyce Carol Oates isn't too impossible and would be worth it for the /lit/ rage.
>who I hope will win

>> No.8613221

I've never read anything by Ngugi, neither have I heard of him prior to a few months ago in relation to the Nobel. Do you recommend anything in particular by him?

>> No.8613227

A Grain of Wheat.

>> No.8613237

I do not understand the suggestion that Oates would win at all. She doesn't seem to fit into the mold for Nobel winner whatsoever. I'd think Atwood before her.

>> No.8613239

Here is a link:


>> No.8613242

I want nothing more than for pinecone to win desu

>> No.8613261
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Latest odds

>> No.8613286

>tfw corncob's not even on there.


>> No.8613288

as much as i love pinecone it's unreasonable to expect them to give it to a faggot who won't even show up to receive it

>> No.8613296

he's never going to win if he stays anonymous no matter how much the academy would think he deserved it

>> No.8613299
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>Bob Dylan

>> No.8613305

>Bob Dylan
>Don DeLillo
>Philop Roth

>> No.8613313

Don't worry. This year the prize is his.

>> No.8613329

why would him being anonymous matter?

>> No.8613333
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>Giving the Nobel Prize to Memekami

If this happens, memes truly have become real.

>> No.8613335

Stream is now live

>> No.8613341

What about Kadare?

My albanian friend was pretty convinced about him winning

>> No.8613342

though it's never anything more than a fancy hall with some muttering and lots of journalists' backs in view

>> No.8613344



>> No.8613348
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>> No.8613355

damn I thought I could not-watch it in good conscience after seeing how boring it is but it looks like it hasn't even begun streaming yet

>> No.8613356

Murakami is way too mainstream to ever win the Nobel, you have to be an obscure 90-year-old black lesbian feminist communist from Zimbabwe in order to have any chance

>> No.8613360

Who's Pinecone?

>> No.8613361

I know you are being ironic but when Modiano or Munro were black zimbabweians?

>> No.8613362

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.8613363


>> No.8613364


Modiano's probs a communist and Munro's probs a lesbian so it's close enough

>> No.8613366

Just sitting here waitin' for the phone to ring.

>> No.8613368

Thomas "DFW" Ruggles "Tommie" "Tom-Tom" "Pinecone" Pynchmeister Pynchman "Pynchon"

>> No.8613371

The winner has already been called by now. Good luck next year.

>> No.8613372


>> No.8613375

who svt here

>> No.8613376

Who else /gonna scream for 10 mins when it's the Pynch/ here?

>> No.8613380

False and false, but ok.

>> No.8613384

who else /picking your nose in front of the camera/ here?

>> No.8613387

Murakami-sensei ganbattekudasaiii
Moshi jyushou shinattara ki ni shinaide ne
Kono shirobuta me ha zenzen wakatteinai kara ne

>> No.8613388


well if nothing else, they were poor picks :^) i win

>> No.8613389

He's not gonna win desu. Even though him and McCarthy are the only American writers who even deserve it.

If any of them win, I'm going to be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.8613390

Margaret Atwood

just a guess

>> No.8613391


could be DeLillo, he's more deserving than Cormac and more accessible than Pynchon.

>> No.8613392

It's on!!!!!!!

>> No.8613395

Bob Dylan

>> No.8613396


>> No.8613397

Bob Dyland

>> No.8613398


>> No.8613399

rip literature

>> No.8613400

Bob Dylan? fuck this shit

>> No.8613401


>> No.8613402


>> No.8613403


>> No.8613404

Good to see they're weeding out the monoglots.

>> No.8613405

Dub's magic!!!!

>> No.8613406



>> No.8613407





>> No.8613409


Piss off

>> No.8613410


>> No.8613411

Sorry...who is Pinecone? Who is corncob?

>> No.8613412
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>bob dylan
jesus christ.

>> No.8613414

So fucking rigged

>> No.8613416

This is it
Literature's over

>> No.8613417

fucking joke

>> No.8613418
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kys sweden

>> No.8613419

I don't get the stream, please tell me this is coordinated shitposting
Isn't Bob Dylan some pop singer?

>> No.8613420

this is a mockery 2bh

>> No.8613421

jesus christ

>> No.8613422
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.......... kek wins this one.

>> No.8613423

Yes, but he won

>> No.8613424

They wasted the white male american slot...

>> No.8613425

We should create the /lit/ awards, i'm sick of literally whos and normalfags winning the Nobel Prize

>> No.8613426


>> No.8613428


>> No.8613431
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>> No.8613432

jag skäms här borta

>> No.8613433
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>> No.8613434

det här

>> No.8613435

capitalism was a mistake

>> No.8613436

It's not like the prize hasn't been abused grievously in the past across all categories before, so many shitters won it and so many greats missed out.

>> No.8613437

Dylan är väl okej? Eller?

>> No.8613439

ser rätt illa ut för literaturpriset favä

>> No.8613440

... why?

>> No.8613441

don't think i can take them seriously anymore

>> No.8613442

Döda mig...

>> No.8613443

Did not see that coming.

>> No.8613444

Yeah but at least so far all the winners have been actual writers

>> No.8613445 [DELETED] 

I tip kjell askildsen. That bastard has to win soon.

>> No.8613446

Är det någon som ser på SVT? Pinsamt när de inte ens kan nämna en Dylan-låt

>> No.8613448

Brukar oftast inte störas av de mer progressiva valen men det här är nästan oförlåtligt. Vilket jävla slöseri

>> No.8613449
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Varför måste allt i det här landet förvandlas till ett skämt?

>> No.8613450

>Dylan är väl okej? Eller?

Dylan er okay ja. Men ikke som vinneren av Nobelsprisen i litteratur svenne.

>> No.8613451

The answer, my friend
Is blowing in the wind

>> No.8613452

Ja, egentligen är han väl det. Jag tycker att det ger literaturpriset lite legitimitet att gå emot strömmen så här. Många tyckte nog att Bob Dylan inte är tillräckligt "fin" för att få priset.

>> No.8613453

>Pinsamt när de inte ens kan nämna en Dylan-låt
-> >>8613418

>> No.8613455


>> No.8613456

this is a fuck you to American lit, no?

>> No.8613457

Use English fucking bastard

>> No.8613458


last year's fucking awful meme pick didn't dissuade you?

but cmon guys. SO MANY ANGRY PROFESSORS IN AMERICAN RN. Imagine how upset harold bloom is one of his 4 holy meme novelists didn't win but a folk singer did.

And besides, Dylan won in tradition of Dario Fo winning. They like the occasional everyman pick. And I'm not even mad.

>> No.8613459

No, he's a cynical, closed off, arrogant and indifferent prick who, even though he's written some good lyrics, doesn't engage with anything but himself.

>> No.8613462

the funniest thing about it is an american's not going to win for another 20 years. sorry pynch

>> No.8613463

rip literature

>> No.8613464

Ja det fanns ju en tid när man tyckte det var löjligt att ge en pjäsförfattare priset. Någon måste ju vara först

It's a fuck you to the critics who've been screaming for an American novelist to win

>> No.8613465

>Michael J Fox holding the microphone

>> No.8613466

Actually it isn't. It's actually an homage to the 68er generation, which shouldn't surprise you since the Nobel Committee is literally *only* comprised of baby boomers.

They are literally just polishing their laurels at this point.

>> No.8613467



>skithålan av sverige

>> No.8613468

It's a fuck you to lit, period, and if they were going this route, they should have picked Leonard Cohen, who wrote two great novels and is a far superior poet.

>> No.8613470

wasn't a faux-profound folk song last year

>> No.8613471


>> No.8613473

reminder that greek lyric poetry was sung
dylan sux doe

>> No.8613474

Since when was Pynchon known as Pinecone? I haven't heard this

>> No.8613476
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>>tfw Josh Sawyer might win the Nobel Prize in literature in your life time
feels good man

>> No.8613477


no, it was faux-journalism, which is far worse.

>> No.8613479

Since a more than a year ago (which was when I started going here).

>> No.8613480


>> No.8613481

>being this new

>> No.8613482

what the FUCK is wrong with the microphone or interviewer

>> No.8613483
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Simply awful

>> No.8613485

horace would not have allowed this

>> No.8613486

Don't even bother making threads about him... leave it to /mu/

>> No.8613493

you fucked up big time

>> No.8613496

get fucked roth

>> No.8613497

mark my words, Japmoot will see this as a sign that it's safe to merge /lit/ and /mu/

>> No.8613503
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They actually did it the mad men. This is more memey than a fucking murakami win

>> No.8613512

>this complete shitshow on SVT

top jej

>> No.8613517

This is a fuck you to the entire world.

>> No.8613525


>> No.8613530
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How many roads must a man walk down?
The answer is 42.

>> No.8613532
File: 21 KB, 300x304, harold-bloom_300x304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have no standards left

>> No.8613535


(Honestly though : lol)

>> No.8613536

Yay. I like (((Bob)))

>> No.8613538

what did he mean by this

>> No.8613542

>and so on.

The moment of the trauma

>> No.8613545

Well I think it's a great pick. Really nice to see the academy reintroduce the american tradition of folk- and protest songs to the literary discussion by giving the prize to one of the most important mediators of lyricism of the modern era.
I think that, as far as americana goes, Dylan is far more influental than say McCarthy.

>> No.8613548

If it pisses Bloom and his ilk off, there might be some logic to the pick. Fuck off.

>> No.8613553
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>tfw Kanye will get a Nobel price in your lifetime

>> No.8613561

>all these butthurt pseuds

>> No.8613563

>tfw its Peace Nobel price for his work as President

>> No.8613564

The best thing is that no American is now going to be announced for years.

>> No.8613566

>Really nice to see the academy reintroduce the american tradition of folk- and protest songs to the literary discussion by giving the prize to one of the most important mediators of lyricism of the modern era.

See >>8613466

It's just all the baby boomer Marxist ilk paying homage to their socially realistic teenage years. It's annoying and they should kill themselves.

>> No.8613569

>The moment of the trauma

no I like this pick BECAUSE I never expected it. It's funnier than the cubs probably going to the world series and winning it this year.

>> No.8613574

>It's annoying and they should kill themselves.
Don't worry, Sweden wont last that more anyway.

>> No.8613579

Swedish /mu/tant here, you guys got BTFO.

>> No.8613580

wtf i hate meme magic now

>> No.8613582

At 50-1, someone won a lot of money.

>> No.8613583


>I like this pick BECAUSE he doesn't deserve it
>It's much more interesting than giving it to an actual author

>> No.8613585

>excited for nobel
>last years winner was predicted and well known so was hoping for someone obscure that would get translated so you can check out something new
>billionaire pop singer wins

fuck i'm so mad

>> No.8613588
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>> No.8613592
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>> No.8613595

wow gonna go READ some BOB DYLAN now

>> No.8613600

Who killed Davey Moore? was quite the experience. 10/10 would read again

>> No.8613605

so i think we can all agree that the physics, chemistry and medicine ones are the only ones that aren't a total meme

>> No.8613607

well deserved

>> No.8613608

this is hell-be-fine-tier

>> No.8613611


Just wait for mandatory female winners every other year. It's Sweden after all.

I'm Swedish please kill me

>> No.8613612

Aw shiet, son. Even Murakama would have been a better winner.

>> No.8613615

Simply because we can't judge for shit. Why would it be any different ?

>> No.8613617


I have 30+ Dylan cds/lps and I'm mad. The Nobel has gone downhill since peaking with the Le Clezio pick. Dylan isn't even as /lit/ as fucking leonard cohen, who is also still living, and way better.

>> No.8613620

Guys I'm going to go out on a limb here, it might sound a little crazy at first, but think about it for a second and you might come to agree. I think Bob Dylan is going to get it this year.

What do you guys think? I know it sounds crazy, but think about it, yeah ....?

>> No.8613626

>they actually gave it to an American
>literally the worst possible choice


>> No.8613629


Maybe they were running out of money and bet 20,000 at the 1/50 odds so that they could pay out the winner.

>> No.8613631
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>leonard cohen

>> No.8613638
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Leonard Cohen just responded to the news with this:

>> No.8613644
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>tfw Pinecone will never win

>> No.8613646


Shit. I'm half his age and live in a better neighborhood in LA than him and I'm fixin to die over this shit.

>> No.8613656
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>> No.8613659
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>> No.8613660


???Trump ass nigger???

>> No.8613662

economics isn't a real nobel
literature is pretty much a farce
peace prize is basically an award for effort in the preceding year

the science ones actually require verified breakthroughs

>> No.8613665



>> No.8613670


Congratulations, you got caught, what's the next step of your masterplan?

>> No.8613677

/mu/non here. I think we can be friends now. Though I've never listen to any Dylan's song.

>> No.8613681

Crashing this prize. With no survivors!

>> No.8613685

You've got a lot of nerve.

>> No.8613691


>> No.8613697


>> No.8613716

>Bob Dylan: come on people -- Bob Dylan does not belong anywhere near this discussion, this year or any year (despite the annual crackpot claim to the contrary)

Orthofer B T F O

>> No.8613723

I'm a lurking newfag and even I know this

>> No.8613731

lurk moar

>> No.8613773
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>> No.8613780
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>> No.8613810

Pynchon and Faulkner respectively. I believe.

>> No.8613815
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>> No.8613818

>corncob= Faulkner

Not sure if you're baiting or just stupid.

>> No.8613822

they gave it to Solzhenitsyn and he couldn't accept it. They've given peace prizes to people they know cannot accept it

>> No.8613823

sour faced cunt

>> No.8613855

This is making me feel sick. I even kind of like Dylan but this is just a cheap stunt.

>> No.8613886

Haha fuck y'all rock n' roll is art now!!!

>> No.8613913

Go eat shit I'm out

the end of the road is near

next year is going to be full of trasgenders and rappers

>> No.8613919

Eminem maybe

>> No.8613941

Bet you wish it was Roth now don't you faggotino.

>> No.8613981


>> No.8614027
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>Staden av Svenska Akademin

>> No.8614038

LA doesn't have good neighborhoods.

>> No.8614044

Literature is now dead

>> No.8614069

He's probably referring to Nabokov's notes?

>> No.8614078

No, that's the only good result to come out of today. Roth will never win.

>> No.8614082

>i'm out the closet i've been lying my ass off
>all this me and dre've been fucking with hats off (suck it marshall)
Any dylan lines this good?

>> No.8614086

Op here. I don't.

>> No.8614087

>Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth
>Blowing down the backroads headin’ south
>Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth
>You’re an idiot, babe
> It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe

>> No.8614099

/mu/tant here, i feel sorry for you guys, bob dylan is for fucking normies

>> No.8614102

you have to go back

>> No.8614110

>giving a fuck about the Nobel prize
>bashing Bob Dylan

Both equally wrong.
End yourselves, butthurt faggots.

>> No.8614112

Leonard Cohen is at least 100x a better lyricist than Dylan and I don't see him getting no nobel.

>> No.8614125

pls end this meme

>> No.8614126

In 2010 a man came here that may or may not have been pynchon.

During a day of shitposting the man mentioned that the way names are written is superfluous and conjectured that thomas phynchon's name may have been written pinecone at one point before it was mistranslated to pynchon.

>> No.8614128
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I'm just here to mock your degenerate hobby that just got completely and irrevocably cucked.

>> No.8614133

Spooks, Stirner Constanza was right.

>> No.8614138
File: 64 KB, 1280x799, bobdylan-xlarge_trans++eo_i_u9APj8RuoebjoAHt0k9u7HhRJvuo-ZLenGRumA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Jews so good at winning nobel prizes?

>> No.8614147

This. They make the wrong choice for the prize more often than they make the right one. The last worthy winner was Mario Vargas Llosa in 2010.

>> No.8614149

Y'all just jealous because you're never gonna get to do a shitpost on this scale.

>> No.8614153

>Vargas Llosa

ja ja.

>> No.8614171

they make their kids appreciate art at an early age, which lays the foundation for well-adjusted creative and progressive values

whereas the goyim, throughout all time, has yelled "pretentious!" or "smart-ass!" or "blasphemy!" at anyone who attempts something even remotely off-kilter

>> No.8614173


>> No.8614180

ayy lmao

>> No.8614182


>> No.8614183
File: 80 KB, 417x600, omae wa fageto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never steal a GET this big like /mu/ just did

>> No.8614201

>ja ja.
Can't wario the Mario.

>> No.8614215


Has anyone been so btfo?

>> No.8614216

just wring the knife you god damn quisling

>> No.8614235
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>Thomas Pynchon
>American novelist and weirdo

>> No.8614240
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>tfw I had dylans chronicles in my to-read stack
>cant read it now since everyone will think its jus because of the nobel prize
Which book should I replace it with?

>> No.8614241

if you're famous and don't appear on the headlines every day, worship spacegod xenu and adopt 45 kids from SEA you're a real weirdo.

>> No.8614243

A journalist one year and a musician the next. They're just fucking with the gamblers at this point.

>> No.8614246

>caring about what others think of your reading

>> No.8614249

it's more honest anyway

>> No.8614250

Any of these. Didn't know Yevtushenko was still alive, must read.

>> No.8614262

They've been asked about a nobel prize for Dylan for years now. Did they give it to him just to shut up journalists?

>> No.8614265

I don't know why you can listen to this stuff, but I guess you can. Bob's radio shows on Sirius. This is one of my faves, but they are all available.


>> No.8614270

include me in screencap!

>> No.8614272

Yeah fuck the normies XD! I can see that both you and I have very unique taste in music! Lol, what your favorite Pink Guy album?

>> No.8614283

No se lo merecía. Se lo dieron por ser un escritor de izquierda con contactos en todo ese mundo de la alta izquierda europea.

If you cant understand what I wrote then you cant say he is a worthy winner either,

>> No.8614285

faulkner is meant with corncob you idiot

>> No.8614286
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>must read

This guy is an outdated pseud here, don't fill your brain with his trash.

t. considerate Russian

>> No.8614289
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>> No.8614293

Normies say they like him. Weirdos listen to him.

>> No.8614297

>Vargas Llosa
Fuck out of here.

>> No.8614304


anti-intellectual fucking shits

>> No.8614310

>Vargas Llosa

>> No.8614312

It's a Nabokov quote, idiot

>> No.8614314

¿De qué mierda estás hablando?
¿What the fuck are you talking about?
Llosa apoyó a muchos partidarios de Pinochet.

>> No.8614318

I think that's somewhat unfair.

Music in English has an international appeal.

Other countries have awesome songwriters too, but do not get this recognition

>> No.8614323
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>> No.8614342

Pure cultural imperialism.

>> No.8614379
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>> No.8614406

I wonder if Cannes would ever give the Palme d'Or to a music video?

>> No.8614423

>Inb4 Sam Peckinpah gets a posthumous Palme d'Or

>> No.8614431

everybody is a critic

>> No.8614523

Go back to the cash register, squidward me boy

>> No.8614581

>All is Full of Love awarded Lifetime Palme

>> No.8614585

Well the times, they are a'changin.

>> No.8614617
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>you will win the Nobel for your shitposting in your lifetime

>> No.8614627

Has any major publisher published a greentext collection yet?

>> No.8614661

Meanwhile no sticky for Dario Fo's death.

>> No.8614699

Dubs never lie.

>> No.8614721
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My Dylan could drink your Dylan under the table

>> No.8614755

/mu/ here, we don't like Dylan either

S-sorry guys

>> No.8614760

no wonder mu is shit

>> No.8614767


>> No.8614789

I've finally, and thoroughly and completely, lost all hope. I feel so free.

>> No.8614803
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>> No.8614817
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Corruption and politics.

Pynchon should have got a Nobel decades ago

>> No.8614822
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>> No.8614830
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>> No.8614886

How does it feel anon?

>> No.8614906
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>> No.8614925
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>> No.8614986

What a joke. They're just using this as a warm-up to give the award to some rapper in the next years to and "legitimize" it as a proper "art form".

>> No.8615041

>boo hoo
>im an american man child who buy into the fact that there should be a bourgeois institution that says what is true literature and what is not
>then I get very upset when that institution does not prove that im some kind of patrician by awarding my favorite author with a pointless prize

>> No.8615058


Because they are the real mafia who rules the world, maybe?

>> No.8615072

Once upon a time literature was still literature and a literature price was still a literature price.
Everyone with half a brain hates postmdernism and stupidity.
Dylan isn't even among the best songwriters for fuck's sake.

>> No.8615083

>Dylan isn't even among the best songwriters for fuck's sake.

yea wtf should've gone to deathgrips
or the four lads skinny dipping in a quarry, i mean has the nobel committee even HEARD spiderland? or deathconsciousness?!?

>> No.8615094
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Fuck this world, I'm off.

>> No.8615101

>Once upon a time literature was still literature and a literature price was still a literature price.
They sat on the Terrace and many of the fishermen made fun of the old man and he was not angry. Others, of the older fishermen, looked at him and were sad.

>> No.8615118

who the fuck is bob dylan

>> No.8615125
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>mfw no Cormac McCarthy
>mfw award goes to an overrated, pretentious hippy musician.

Baby Boomers have ruined the world.

>> No.8615157

No it isn't retard. Nabokov called Faulkner's books corncobby chronicles but on this board corncob refers to Corncob "tortillas" YeCarthy.

>> No.8615170

>american "literature"

>> No.8615179

cormac sucks

>> No.8615189
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>> No.8615199

Stop spouting memes and learn to speak your mind, idiot.

>> No.8615211

It's been spoken over and over newfag.

>> No.8615214

>literature price
>literature price

>> No.8615216
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I want out of this life

>> No.8615220
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>> No.8615232

>Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh, author of “Trainspotting,” decried it as “an ill-conceived nostalgia award” made for “senile, gibbering hippies.”


>> No.8615238

>Irvine Welsh
literally who?

>> No.8615277

>muh fookin skag

>> No.8615307

>Vargas Llosa
>escritor de izquierda
Dejaste claro que no tienes ni idea de quién es Vargas Llosa. O sea el tipo vino a Chile a hacerle propaganda a Piñera, el candidato de la derecha de las elecciones del 2010 (bueno, no es como si en Chile hubiese una izquierda en la política tradicional tampoco).
Puta el culiao tonto, por la reconchetumadre. Apostaría que eres un pseud que ni siquiera tiene la más mínima idea sobre modismos latinoamericanos y que viene a alumbrarse con el español que le enseñaron en la universidad.

>> No.8615337
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>> No.8615345

Some author.

>> No.8615347

Nice. Dylan will agree.

>> No.8615349
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Behind the committee 100%, good pick, Dylan will be remembered as one of the last real poets

>> No.8615362

Nicely done anon

dubs for the dubs gods

>> No.8615376
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>> No.8615379

this is how literature dies

>> No.8615391

Dylan has been nominated like 20 times. So if you've respected any of the last 10 or 20 decisions, you have to accept the fact the same people who made those decisions have also considered and voted in favor of Dylan several times. The fact that he finally won changes nothing. If this decision makes them plebs, then they've been plebs all along.

>> No.8615398
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>Not picking John 'Jihad' Green

his wife's son could really have used that money

>> No.8615411



>> No.8615414

Pynchon is God you little twerp

>> No.8615420

here's the (You) I could not post from my phone.

>> No.8615423


>> No.8615424
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>Danius said the choice of Dylan may appear surprising, “but if you look far back, ... you discover Homer and Sappho. They wrote poetic texts that were meant to be listened to, performed, often together with instruments, and it’s the same way for Bob Dylan. We still read Homer and Sappho, and we enjoy it. Same thing with Bob Dylan – he can be read and should be read. And he is a great poet in the grand English tradition.”

>> No.8615429

Oh suck a dick Frenchie. Europe eat up Faulkner's novels at a time when nobody in America read them.

Because the patterns in his writing are particularly effuse and contain latinate words it translated particularly well into French where it was most popular.

>> No.8615431

wtf i hate Homer and Sappho now

>> No.8615433


not much of a mind then I take

>> No.8615438

Next Nobel in Literature should go to Drake or Jack Black

>> No.8615442

>several 10-20h long epics

>inflationary amount of 3min bits

>somehow comparable

>> No.8615443

If you're half Cohen's age what are you doing in 4chan, you're like, 45 or something, jesus

>> No.8615461

The precedent is now set.

Marshall "Eminem" Mathers will receive a Nobel prize for literature before he dies. Screencap this and save it for posterity

>> No.8615480

memes already have become real

see >>8613299

>> No.8615491

>You can get the dick, just call me the ballsack, I'm nuts
>Michael Vick in this bitch, dog fall back you mutts
>Fuck your worms, you never seen such a sick puppy
>Fuck it a sick duck, I want my duck sick mummy
>And my nuts, licked, gobble 'em up trick, yummy
>Bitch you don't fucking think I know that you suck dick dummy?
>You'll get your butt kicked, fuck all that love shit honey
>Yeah I laugh when I call you a slut, it's funny!

Unironically my favorite lyrics ever.

>> No.8615494

>>inflationary amount of 3min bits
your ignorance is showing

>> No.8615498

Sartre go home

>> No.8615504

He actually is a rather skilled lyrical writer, and there's no reason now that he couldn't be considered for such a "prestigious" award

>> No.8615538

it'd be hilarious if only for all the shit they'd get for not picking a black rapper

>> No.8616014


>> No.8616668

I can name 10 songwriters that are better than Dylan in my language.
Englishfags are a joke.


>> No.8616680

Since they were transcripted they weren't meant to be listened to anymore, fucking retard.
That's their origin, not their use.

>> No.8616742

To further precise before some faggot responds, they weren't meant to only be recited anymore.

>> No.8616855



>> No.8617134
