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8609838 No.8609838 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of picrelated?

>> No.8609843

at least he's not black

>> No.8609862

>listening to a nigger's opinion on topological models

He's clearly just distracting you while his homeboys steal your bike

>> No.8609879

Most STEM guys feel qualified to talk about history, philosophy, culture, politics, economics etc as well.

>> No.8609881

This. Have you guys never met an engineer?

>> No.8609915


Almost everyone feels like they're qualified to talk about subjects they don't understand or understand them poorly.

Just look at any of the major boards here.

>> No.8609923


>> No.8609932

How come we have personalities such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris who pretend to extend their specialised knowledge towards fields that they are not qualified to?

Seriously though, I think the radical approach of both sides lies in an absence of dialog based on the supposed value each discipline have.

>> No.8609955


>> No.8609979

if you cant laugh at a joke you shouldn't be on this site you nigger

>> No.8609988

If anything they're the ones more likely to.

>> No.8610044


humanities guy is white, so,

>> No.8610050

Yeah that's about it

>> No.8610052

If you can laugh at the same joke told over and over again every single thread, you absolutely should be on this site.

>> No.8610060

yea that's p much what memes are

>> No.8610065

Good memes adapt. They're used by communities to express differing messages. Bad memes are just cut-and-paste.

>> No.8610075

Engineers are literaly the worst
Even computer scientists are more humble

>> No.8610103

The truth never gets old

>> No.8610117

Just like Africans.

>> No.8610150

all jokes are fundamentally the same lighten up

>> No.8610159

Lol all people are fundamentally the same why do you even care your kids are dead??? Why don't you just get some new ones???

>> No.8610163


>> No.8610169

Specialization is for insects. I'd rather be the guy on the right.

>> No.8610242

I loathe this meme

>> No.8610252

You loathe a meme that encourages people to live a full life rather than a narrow one?

>> No.8610264

>Specialization is for insects.
literally the foundation of modern society anon

>> No.8610265


>> No.8610271

talking about bullshit you aren't qualified to talk about is "living a full life"?

>> No.8610275


>> No.8610277

I suppose I walked right into that one.

>> No.8610304

No, living a full life is taking an interest in things beyond one small area of specialization, and becoming qualified (whatever that means) to speak on a variety of subjects. How do you expect to understand the world we live in without broad interdisciplinary research? It's fine, and maybe even laudable in certain contexts, to admit when you don't know something, but I don't think people should be content confining themselves to just one area of expertise.

>> No.8610306

my name is jeff

>> No.8610309


>> No.8610333

Which is why people don't literally study the changing tunics in the Roman empire for ten years.

>> No.8610361
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 1463623266498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell anymore if people reply this way as a meme, going through the motions of what they expect is a suitable response, or if we have actually been so inundated by reddit faggotry.

>> No.8610372

Bait is just another word for food.

>> No.8610389
File: 26 KB, 600x450, b62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends 10 years browsing Reddit and 2 months studying engineering at university
>considers himself qualified to talk about topological models relating to solid state physics at low temperatures, all aspects of history, philosophy, culture, politics, economics, the "irrationality" of common people, and the uselessness of the humanities; considers himself to have a monopoly on rigour and critical thinking

>> No.8610402

All me, excect no Reddit.

>> No.8610431

t. /pol/ak who forgot 4chan racism and edgyness is supposed to be satire

>> No.8610516


That font colour is atrocious. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to use bright green

>> No.8610527

It's called greentexting, newfag.

>> No.8610533

I think the font is lousy, the images are poor, and whomever chose the text color should be shot.

>> No.8610538

It's called greentexting, newfag.

>> No.8610547

what a ridiculous word. do americans really say it

>> No.8610554

>Can't philosophize without qualifications

>> No.8610557

this but unironically

>> No.8610582

I think it's kinda sad.

There's a reason there's been an influx of STEM shitposting. It's because STEM is the new pleb hotness. It used to be that random retards only going to college because they felt like they HAD to would just get a Psychology degree because it was easy. Now the script has been flipped, STEM has been pushed incredibly hard and now that's where all the peasants are going instead.

The depressing thing about it is that by the time the average person is getting told "Hey, there's a shitload of money and prestige in this field, everyone pile in!" they're already by definition late for the party, and they're going to waste their time getting a "money-making" degree along with the other millions of plebs that don't realize they're already reacting too late to get any kind of decent reward.

But for now, we're in a transition state where retards are getting into STEM, but they haven't realized their folly yet, so of course they're going to shitpost about it. They still smugly believe they're making the smart, rational choice instead of following the herd of lemmings off the cliff like a moron.

So yeah, I think it's kinda sad. That image invokes pity.

>> No.8610595

You greentext is posts, not graphics, fuckwit.
Do you say "meme" in real Life?

>> No.8610598

>Do you say "meme" in real Life?
When I'm talking about memes, yes.

>> No.8610612

Greentexting is not bright.

>> No.8610617
File: 338 KB, 778x658, 1456375380788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its arrogance and a lack of intellectual humility. walk into a 2000 level philosophy class for more examples of this.

>> No.8610636

Your post is full of some kind of bullshit. You can easily find a job with a STEM degree that earns more than 50,000 a year. This same task is much more difficult with a humanities degree.

>> No.8610788

Is this why most of the western world draws its' leaders solely from the humanities? Seriously, politicians are all arts or law majors generally, and they seem rather incredibly certain on their own brilliance. Very few STEM guys try to make the switch to politics.

>> No.8610801

>science is used as example of humanity's greatest minds working together to extend our knowledge of reality and produce amazing technology

>science is used as example of the only acceptable way of searching for truth via scientific method

>> No.8610808

Dont forget that to reach higher public positions, you need to be able to talk with other humans. A lot of STEM people are incapable of interacting with people

>> No.8610810

I assume it mostly has to do with rhetoric and charisma. people vote for the guy that seems well-adjusted enough

>> No.8610859

You can as of right now. But that earning power is gonna drop SIGNIFICANTLY once this wave of chucklefucks flows into the job market, mark my words.

That said, you're still right to a degree. They'll still earn more than someone with a humanities degree, but at the very least a humanities degree will receive a sharp uptick in prestige.

It's almost like the stock market, in a way. Right now humanities is down, so it's a good time to buy in for a maximum return. STEM is reaching its peak, so its already too late to buy in and receive a good return on the investment, yet they're doing it anyway.

>> No.8610921

>it's another In 2016 You Are Stuck For Life With What You've Studied In College chapter

>> No.8610926

>not getting a master's

>> No.8610930

Honestly no one in philosophy actually thinks this. Go talk to an actual philosophy professor and you'll realize their views on the matter are much more nuanced than those of the internet masses.

Besides, philosophy of science will always be relevant. I don't even see how this is arguable. Not all scientists agree on exactly how one should go about "proving" theories (verification v. falsification) or how to deal with their own theories being "proved" wrong (should the entire theory be discarded, or just the "soft-core" with the "hard-core" remaining?). People who argue that philosophy no longer has relevance are, ironically, some of the most philosophical people around. Building arguments using logic and reason about the value of philosophy is itself philosophy.

>> No.8611101

Who /STEM/ here?

Biochemical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering reporting. Going to apply to graduate school next year, maybe an MSTP.

>> No.8611113

>implying market forces

>> No.8611146

this. second paragraph should be reversed. i've had conversations with the "humanities" type, most just talk about roman tunics or whatever else they're working on at the moment.

>> No.8611153

>50k a year
that's what a middle school teacher makes, anon

>> No.8611164

you don't think market forces apply to earning potential? just look at what happened to the people who studied nuclear engineering in the 70s

>> No.8611313

fuck this man

lit used to be better

>> No.8611341
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Why are STEMs so arrogant? Only a select few of them make serious money so they don't even have the specious distinctions of wealth and status.

>> No.8611358

This is what STEM Autists and Liberal Autists need to understand. A healthy combination of both makes a great man.

>> No.8611375

t. retard who wouldn't recognise satire if it shat on his face

>> No.8611390
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>> No.8611395

True, I barely hear STEM majors talking about politics.

>> No.8611417


>> No.8611431

The rate at which people are getting stem degrees far outpaces the rate at which people are leaving the field and new jobs are being created.