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/lit/ - Literature

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8607683 No.8607683 [Reply] [Original]

>freshman at uni
>go to my English Lecture today
>it's supposed to be about T.S Eliot's "tradition and the individual talent"
>pretty interested in the subject, like Eliot a lot
>lecturer comes to the podium
>"well, everything I've got to say about Eliot I already said in this book is wrote so you should go buy that"
>"instead, I'm going to invite two contemporary """""poets"""""" up to read you """""poems""""" they wrote about it
>she sits down and we wait for these poems
>bit disappointed but whatever, not writing it off just yet
>first poet, comes up starts reading her poem, doesn't even stand next to the mic so no idea what she said
>if only the second poet had made the same mistake
>she starts to read us a """"""""lyrical essay"""""""
>literally the worst fucking poem I have ever heard in my life
>complains about how Eliot's idea of history is sexist because it's linear
>says history should be a circle instead
>keeps unironically using the word "herstory" instead of history
>segues this into vaginas
>fifteen minutes of vague hack free verse about cunnilingus
>everyone leaves the lecture theatre knowing absolutely nothing about what they came in to learn about

And this isn't even unusual. Similar things have happened before.

Why is this allowed?

I want postmodernism to leave; the humanities are dead.

>> No.8607693

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500 Alex

>> No.8607703

kek what unit you go to mate?

>> No.8607709

>complains about how Eliot's idea of history is sexist because it's linear
>says history should be a circle instead

This is weird considering the linear progression of history is a common idea among leftists

>> No.8607713

No this actually happened, I wouldn't have believed it till I started taking this shitty course.

>> No.8607723

You're mistaking actual Marxists for shitty academic American """"leftists"""", who consider Marx an oppressor and so don't read him

The worst part is that I don't even live in America; those fuckers are exporting their shitty version of leftism and using to replace ours.

>> No.8607737

how in the fuck could history be a circle

>> No.8607749
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No idea man, but that's what she said.

>> No.8607792

start with the greeks....

>> No.8607806
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Clocks are round, dummy

>> No.8607808

Why didn't you just stand up and leave?

>> No.8607813


I believe you now.

It seems the only people left in academia are critical theorists, unless your university is staffed by Jesuits or something.

>> No.8607828
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pic related

Jesuit universities aren't safe either. I'm a senior and this semester is the first that I've taken lit classes that didn't spend at least a week discussing race/gender/class. It's ridiculous.

>> No.8607838

Vico/Spengler (civilizations go in cycles, it may seem we're progressing but we're all going through the same phases, for instance, Greek civilization went through before falling, civilizations = organisms with a life span and life cycle)

>> No.8607859

>not fucking commies

>> No.8607867

Catholic universities have been infested for some 20 years now.

>> No.8607870
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My theory is that academia is so full of leftists because they're the only ones willing to be paid shit

>> No.8607883

Seasons, mate.

>> No.8607884

the greeks

But she probably meant like a bagina instead of linear like a pingas.

>> No.8607896

Meanwhile in Stirling we've had Piers Ploughman read to us in old English, covered the Reformation by way of Donne and Spenser, and are moving into Paradise Lost.

Most of the feminist element has come from students. Maybe it'll all explode over Eve and the "fault was only too much love" squad, but the way lectures are shaping up, I'm not counting on it. Even the Woolf section last year skimmed feminism and focused more on the fractured self in post-war England.

>> No.8607899
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Are these really the mental gymnastics these people go through?

>> No.8607900

Thought you were having us on until I read this, condolences m8.

>> No.8607907


>> No.8607908

...end with the Greeks.

>> No.8607913

Academia's left-leaning bias is sort of a problem in some contexts.

I'm fairly left-leaning on some things myself, but academia can get to a point where they start doing bad science due to their own biases. My friend's sociology textbook, for example, said that rent prices could only be reduced by "government-enforced rent control or subsidization", which anybody who has studied economics for more than five minutes knows is false. In fact, rent control is actually harmful to the poor.

>> No.8607916

You just presented a sound argument for CCing on campus.

>> No.8607917

Wait, I thought this was one of the better unis, where should I have gone (without leaving Scotland cuz I still want that free tuition)?

>> No.8607919


>> No.8607925
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>free tuition?

The best things in life have a price tag

>> No.8607929

I was right at the back and didn't want to make a scene. They heckle you if you try and leave (which apparently is another thing that doesn't happen on my STEM friends' courses)

>> No.8607937

>implying english universities are any better, despite costing so much more

>> No.8607939

Sociology could be a science, and, in fact, is a science in some regards. Studying the way that people interact is extremely useful and could provide us with a lot of good data.

I'm not quite sure why Sociology seems to have failed in doing so. The left-leaning bias in academia is certainly partially to blame, but I think a certain lack of mathematical vigor in their models may be also. Then again, I know very little about sociology, so I'm perhaps not the most qualified to speak on this topic.

>> No.8607945
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Dont spout that nonsense, Sheffield is one of the top unis in the north east

>> No.8607960

For what subjects though?

You can get a STEM education at Glasgow that's more than satisfactory. It's just the humanities that are fucked and they're fucked everywhere.

>> No.8607969

Nah it's probably as decent as anywhere, I was just commenting on the political reputation.

>> No.8607977

What's our political reputation? Didn't know we had one t b h

>> No.8608005

It's shite being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low, The scum of the fucking Earth

>> No.8608008

There is a hefty price tag. Someone else foots the bill, is all. Because, you know, fairness.

>> No.8608018
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Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers.

It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy

>> No.8608025

Prone to indulgence of frivolous identity politics, the contents of your greentext basically. Though it's as much the reputation of the city as anything, I suppose this shit is present in all academia at the moment

>> No.8608070
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The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men

>> No.8608084

Well, I'd endorse that vision of Glasgow university, as far as it concerns my degree. It's been crushingly disappointing. None of the lectures expound knowledge in any systematic way, all of them being just vague postmodern wanderings around a subject with a focus on how, say, the lyric poem is inherently sexist in its construction (this is a good example because,it was backed up with reference to Slavoj Zizek's "Courtly Love; or Woman as Thing", with the person taking Woman as "Thing" to mean woman objectified, ignoring the actual psychoanalytic meaning that was intended, as if they'd only read the title and not the essay, and still having the audacity to call the essay "problematic" despite already having misinterpreted it to better fit their narrative.)

>> No.8608118

>Piers Ploughman
>old English

That's all swell, but it appears to have been wasted on you.

>> No.8608128

Freshman year?

>> No.8608139

I just got back from an Intro to Lit Class where we talked about Marxism. My teacher seemed to be imposing a certain political view about the upper class which one might call "leftist". She made us watch this
and accepted it as fact. I would have much rather preferred we talk about the history of Marxist theory and how it relates to other theories rather than excepting it as a "correct" one.

>> No.8608143

Yea. This really confused me. Not sure I even want to know the answer.

>> No.8608168

Well, specifically, she framed it as Eliot saying that poetic history was "a line of white men", but instead of, say, adding women and minorities into the line, she seemed to think we needed to stop thinking about time the way it actually is and bend our heads round some completely different, bizarre, cyclical system

And of course, instead of expounding these ideas in a format where she'd have to defend them, like an essay, she shoved them into a shitty poem about cunnilingus

>> No.8608175

Academia is dead. The Dark Enlightenment will come forth from the blogosphere.

>> No.8608206

I hate videos like this.

For one thing, the top 1% is a lot of people. A small group of people having 40% of the nation's wealth seems bad, until you realize that this 40% is split among slightly over three million people—that's a mid-sized city, and roughly 0.00001254311% of the wealth per person on average, which is a much less impressive number.

For another, unequal wealth distribution is not necessarily a bad thing. If it gives certain actors special privileges or market power of some kind, then it's an issue, but a small group of people having a lot of money does not necessarily mean that others are losing out. The economy is not a zero-sum game.

The bit about CEO pay is also stupid. The livelihoods of everybody below the CEO depends on the CEO's performance—if she fucks up the company and it folds all her employees are fucked, if she does extremely well everybody under her prospers. Of course you want to pay top dollar, so you can get the most talented person possible.

>> No.8608220

The Dark Enlighenment have absolutely no literary credentials
In fact the only credentials they have at all are being willing to question democracy and equality, which is essentially just an attempt at intellectual integrity, not actual credentials

>> No.8608221

In all seriousness you should drop the class. This shit will rot your brain.

>> No.8608236

>Then again, I know very little about sociology
No shit since you can't even differentiate between non-positive and leftist.

>> No.8608239

Sociology rots the brain.

>> No.8608270

There's not really much else I'm qualified to take. I did very well in exams but I dropped all my sciences very early and took languages sporadically, doing several but none to any level of fluency, so I don't feel confident enough to take one of those.

>> No.8608275


Tell them to fuck off. Aren't you angry?

>> No.8608280

i'm glad everyone ITT has put their marxism behind them, grown up and realized critical theory is shite.

see, this is why we need /pol/

>> No.8608292

>be in psychology class
>3/4 female students and female professor
>lecture is on IQ
>talking about what it is, how it is determined, what it tests
>get to the point where it's time to talk about noticeable differences in IQ due to sex
>"so class... Women tend to group in the average of IQ and taper off at higher IQs and lower IQs..."
>all the students notice as she is visibly shaken
>"men tend to either group more at either lower IQ or higher IQ."
>a woman raises her hand but a bro next to her interrupts her with his patriarchal voice to ask "so that means men tend to be smarter when the smartest men are compared to the smartest women?"
>every guy in the class is grinning ear to ear
>the professor is visibly shaking and says "yes.."
>"yes sir" the he corrects her
>my Cock is rock hard
>"y-yes sir" she chokes out
>I can audibly hear the guys in the room jerking off now
>I'm using the power of the patriarchy to undress the professor with my eyes and stare rape her
>"n-now for a comparison for race"
>a chart appears with asians and whites up high and blacks and Hispanics down low
>I'm making uncontrollable ape like grunts and moans in jubilation as I stroke my hetero cis white cock
>several guys are raping women on their desks
>professor has been ravaged by the end of class and every woman is either raped and broken or dead

>> No.8608300

>Sociology could be a science...
>...and, in fact, is a science in some regards.
Not really. It is, at best, an art.
>Studying the way that people interact is extremely useful...
It has never proven to be
>...and could provide us with a lot of good data.
And orders of magnitude more junk data

>I'm not quite sure why Sociology seems to have failed in doing so.
It's too complex. Sociology is applied psychology is applied neurology is applied biology is applied chemistry is applied physics is applied mathematics. With each tier up from mathematics, complexity increase exponentially. Already at biology do things become so complex that science is done largely through trial and error; very low predictability, too many variables. By the time you reach sociology, it's chaos.
>The left-leaning bias in academia is certainly partially to blame...
>...but I think a certain lack of mathematical vigor in their models may be also.
No amount of rigour can replace the literally (yes, literally) millions of variables one fails to account for with even the simplest sociology conundrum.
>Then again, I know very little about sociology, so I'm perhaps not the most qualified to speak on this topic.
Incidentally, it is those who are not brainwashed who are best equipped to speak on the topic of brainwashing. So yeah, the less you "know about sociology", the more qualified you are to speak on it.

>> No.8608322

Not to mention that most of the wealth of the wealthiest is tied up in solid assets like factories, office buildings and farmland. A more even distribution would help no one. In fact, it would make things worse for everyone, since the insane efficiency of modern commodity production hinges on the efficiency of the hierarchical leader- and ownership structure.

>> No.8608337

Pol certainly had nothing to do with it. It's just cretins on the other side of the spectrum.

>> No.8608348

Eh, it hinges more on competitive markets and technology than anything.

Economics manages to get actual science done and it's about as complex. It's all about figuring out good mathematical models and going from there.

Sure, macroecon is kind of a clusterfuck, but Micro has lead to a lot of useful discoveries and understandings.

>> No.8608350

>Psychology class taking IQ seriously

>> No.8608369

A science is a formalized knowledge system, it doesn't even need to be empirical.

Theology is a science, Alchemy is a science. Whether or not you like something does not determine its science-ness. If it is a knowledge system that is executed with any sort of methodology, it is a science. Philosophy is not a science because it is technically a metascience and will constantly redefine its methodology and the metamethodology itself.
>Not really. It is, at best, an art.
An art is not a formalized knowledge system, an art is a study of creative processes and creative execution. It is a metascience (but falls under metaphysics and axiology, while sciences would fall under only epistemology and basically under rationalism and empiricism, or whatever ideologues want to call these philosophies today to avoid some sort of connotation).

Please stop speaking on things you know nothing about, you 'brainwashed' tool.

>> No.8608376

Look man, other people seemed to be digging it. I'm angry but I'm not stupid. I don't want to make myself out as the autist who sperged in front of the entire lecture theatre when the lecturer made a joke.

One thing you learn on a degree like this is that most of the people taking it aren't really interested in literature; they're interested in all this other bullshit that we all hate (all the slam poetry and reclaiming the canon and "deforming" poetry). And if you don't want to become totally socially alienated, you don't mark yourself out as a dissident.

>> No.8608379

Catholicism is pretty much the social justice religion so that's not really surprising

>> No.8608394

Social justice of Catholicism is not egalitarian, anti hierarchy, materialistic, secular, it does not subscribe to the false theory of human rights, it celebrates poverty and asceticism, it finds worldly wealth repulsive, unless it serves the glory of God.

So yes, it is very surprising.

>> No.8608439


>Eh, it hinges more on competitive markets and technology than anything.
No door hangs on only one hinge. Kinda meaningless to argue about on which hinge the door hangs the most: take one away and the door goes ajar.

>Economics manages to get actual science done and it's about as complex.
Not even close. And still economists fuck things up royally on a regular basis because they too believe they actually know what they are doing. They don't. They are like architects trying to engineer.
>It's all about figuring out good mathematical models and going from there.
Only possible if you have good data on a meaningful fraction of the relevant variables.

>Sure, macroecon is kind of a clusterfuck, but Micro has lead to a lot of useful discoveries and understandings.
Fewer variables. By the way, microeconomics goes by another name: Arithmetic.

>> No.8608472

>An art is not a formalized knowledge system, an art is a study of creative processes and creative execution.
Context dependent. In the context of my post, "art" refers to anything done on intuition rather than method. I almost never have to explain this, it is almost universally understood.
>It is a metascience (but falls under metaphysics and axiology, while sciences would fall under only epistemology and basically under rationalism and empiricism, or whatever ideologues want to call these philosophies today to avoid some sort of connotation).
This (as well as you comments on theology and alchemy) is what we call postmodernist drivel, and it falls completely flat among intelligent, non-brainwashed audiences.

>Please stop speaking on things you know nothing about, you 'brainwashed' tool.
I thought I made it sufficiently clear that I have not studied sociology. I have only studied sociologists. I tend to shy away from cults.

>> No.8608473

I judt wish that post modernism and abstract shit end soon. But you have plenty of good literature nowadays, in fact, this is the historical moment with most good literature, at the same time we have a shiton of bad literature too. Another thing to have in count is that Uni is pretty Marxist, and in art manifestations it is translated in postmodernism and these things, like liberal arts.

>> No.8608477

Microeconomics gets pretty deep into Calculus after a certain point.

>> No.8608479

>this is the historical moment with the most good literature
Do you mean the most being produced at this time? Because if so, that's the first time I've heard someone express that sentiment on this site

>> No.8608488

Read "Fate of Empires by John Bagot Glubb (you can see a scheme in the last pages)
. It is not some abstract thing, it's just the reality that civilziations don't last forever and their foundations and falls are pretty similar. For example, nowadays we are in the pahse "degeneration of Rome", and we are going to fall like Rome pretty soon, but after that we will rise again like a phoenix under a new flag but essentially the "same" civilziation.

It's not only literature, it's everything.
We are in the historical moment where there are people alive, and we have lots of talented people but too many shitty people too. So we can say that the few good literature that can be considered materpieces is more than all the masterpieces written in the past.

>> No.8608517

Shit, I've had lit teachers show this to me as well. Academia is a joke.

>> No.8608550

Christ /pol/ is trash.
Marxism and critical theory actually have intellectual value

>> No.8608578

>5000 Americans
>statistically relevant
No they don't. No form of materialism has intellectual value.

>> No.8608631

Non-materialism is primarily illusory abstract logic games.
Materialism actually takes a look at the world.

>> No.8608634

>a look at the world
At what you think the world is.

>> No.8608657

I desperately hope this wasn't honours, it gets better at honours, right?

>> No.8608660


>> No.8608670

ITT: things that never happened and crypto-/pol/ pretending it knows anything about "leftism"

>> No.8608672

>is what we call postmodernist drivel, and it falls completely flat among intelligent, non-brainwashed audiences.
Nobody cares what you think, you tool.
>Context dependent.
Not at all, redefining words with a long history of meaning is a very PoMo practice.

Because art is a metascience, it redefines its own methodology rather than having a set one from the beginning of its history to its current stage. Go back to /pol/ if you think strict categorization is a fucking PoMo concept.

>> No.8608676

Fuck off yankie doodle poofter, this is a British thread.

>> No.8608741

>not believing in what your senses tell you

>> No.8608756

My 5 senses are in conflict with my 6th.

>> No.8608759

They can work together y'know

>> No.8608764

Not when they are inherently in conflict and require an intermediary that exists beyond both.

>> No.8608768
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>> No.8608795

How are they inherently in conflict?
I agree

>> No.8608805

>I see a thing
>this is what it is

>> No.8608816

That's how it works 98% of the time and if you're wrong you can use the ol' noodle to correct your mistake it's pretty simple.

>> No.8608823

Truth. Theology class ought to be about, you know, theology. Instead I'm getting 3 hours of "queer deconstruction" of the bible

>> No.8608841

>your ol' noodle
Your 'noodle' is what says 'this is what it is'.

It goes empirical perception > model > rational perception

But the model is just the rational perception projected onto the empirical perception, it doesn't actually connect the two. It's a fallacy and using the 'ol' noodle' is just re-projecting that rational perception back onto the empirical perception without actually criticizing either.

Official models are the same fallacy except they make the same awful mistake Kant made by presuming universality leads to some truth.

>> No.8608845

>And if you don't want to become totally socially alienated, you don't mark yourself out as a dissident.

This. I don't want everyone in my 95% female class to think i'm some kind of sexist or racist, but that's what it sounds like in my head whenever I start to articulate my thoughts on what is being taught. I just couldn't take all those stares and whispers man. I'm gonna build clout in my college and then try to fix things if I decide to become a professor.

>> No.8608854

This is my fear with majoring in English. Am I gonna have to hide my opinion all the time?

>> No.8608871

Depends on where you go really. I'm at a Catholic college so its a little worse for me. Try to diverge from what they teach you in essays and assignments. Read more into Critical Theory then the books they give you and experiment a little. Read the classics on your own time and find other english majors who are like minded and want to discuss them with you.

>> No.8608877

cringiest and edgiest post I've seen on /lit/ to date

>> No.8608884

fedora detected

>> No.8608892

I'm at a catholic college too. Might as well go for it, what have I got to lose?

>> No.8608894

There's no difference or disconnect in perception. The way you perceive it is merely the way you perceive it. The only thing your brain does is give linguistic signs to give a name to what you're perceiving.

>> No.8608897
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op should have been a man and heckled the poets
shit like that wouldn't fly at my old uni

>> No.8608899

You only believe this because you dislike disorder.

>> No.8608905

LOL, was at the same lecture today.
Especially hated the second lecture with the Kate Tempest shit.
Not all of them are that bad though

>> No.8608944

Huh? No I don't mind disorder.

>> No.8608973


>> No.8608977

Catholicism a shit. Abraham a shit. I Am that I Am a Shit.

>> No.8608988

If OP isnt trolling you should really report the lecturer. Sounds like a teacher who can't be fucked more than anything.

>> No.8608995

Why do blog threads always get so many replies? Is /lit/ actually /livejournal/?

>> No.8609001

>implying that Marxism can bring about anything positive
Wew lad. Marxism is for submissive dolts who like being ruled over with an iron hand and stripped away of their will to power.
You and your comrades ideology has failed so many times but yet all of you Marxist 'intellectuals' refuse to accept the fact that it'll never work.

>> No.8609006

Get out, the men are talking.

>> No.8609109

do you even know what historical materialism is

>> No.8609178

Tell me more about the good ol days

>> No.8609187

Can't hear you over my 40 hour workweek desu senpai
>inb4 unions aren't marxist

>> No.8609318

How about you grab a fucking book and start reading Nietzsche?

>> No.8609355

>becoming alienated from people you don't like and who don't share your beliefs

>> No.8609370

>unions are the pinnacles of Marxism


>> No.8609411

>>Studying the way that people interact is extremely useful...
>It has never proven to be
You're either too autistic or not enough. Either way you don't belong here.

>> No.8609413

Unions aren't necessarily Marxist. Collective labor bargaining is essentially an organized boycott. Unions actually work via market forces.

>> No.8609428

you ever get that ambivalent feeling where you can't tell if something is profound or just dumb as fuck?

a lot of modern/sjw/progressive/leftist/postmodern material is like that, it's almost frustrating

i don't even know if it's because the work itself is bad or if I'm just not mentally qualified to recognize something's worth when I try to

maybe it's because a lot of postmodern leftist material is kind of a sermon to other people to stop being racist, so it's a lot of meaningless PR/PC-friendly fluff that doesn't offer any hard data or meaningful observations

I consider an intellectual as someone who really adds to the vault of human knowledge, not just through original research, but through original thinking. A lot of the new radical leftist material isn't really like that, it's more like I'm being told repeatedly that racism is bad.

I can't think of a graceful way to say it, but I imagine a philosopher as a loner in a library, writing an essay on life itself. He's not talking to anyone in particular, but he is talking with you through the essay, saying "these are my ideas". The modern leftist, however, is not an essayist, but a preacher. He's talking *at* you, he's not writing by himself in a library, he's yelling at other white people with a megaphone.

I don't know how to say it, but something about the whole thing just seems phony. If all you want to do is yell at people, why are you here? Writing is not yelling. Writing is writing and yelling is yelling. Go yell somewhere else.

>> No.8609437

you're going to be one of those people who starts fights with your spouse in front of your kids

>> No.8609477

I think it's about disgust and a lack of reference frames. They're disgusted with what they hear about-- often more than what they actually see-- and because it's often second hand and coming in fits and starts they don't know the depth and breadth of it.
Racism really is everywhere, but it's on such a low level these days you usually have to strain to see it. That's a major victory, but since young people are never old enough to remember what it was like before the last major victory, and since most people aren't students of history, they don't realize that.
There's also the fact that this same shit happened in the 60s and those screaming kids got some of what they wanted (like better treatment for women and black people and gay people and environmental protections), while it's conveniently forgotten or ignored or just not cared about that they didn't get most of what they wanted (like the adoption of anarchism or socialism or a return to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle).

>> No.8609516

man imagine a country where the crusty bum is only ten times poorer than the supermagnate


>> No.8609580


You complain that the humanities are dead (indeed they are) yet you did absolutely nothing to mitigate this event. You are a university student, you're supposed to be an intellectual.

Think about the fucking baller medieval university students. They wouldn't have sat there quietly like an impotent cuck receiving a scolding.

>> No.8609765

>>"well, everything I've got to say about Eliot I already said in this book is wrote so you should go buy that"
Is she Jewish? Uni lecturer pay isn't that great these days, can't blame her

>> No.8609772

>taking English classes at a university

Why do people do this even though we have been taught better through the teachings of our Lord and Savior.


>> No.8609784

no useful occupational interests but still want to have the "University experience".

>> No.8609785

Modern History at QUB was similar - jewish-american lecturer claimed the drive of Constantinople was simply because they didn't want people who "didn't look like them" in the city. also insisted we read The Metamorphosis for no reason. In a class re: history as depicted in film, he says Night and Fog never explained the prisoners were Jews "and thus missed a very important opportunity" - something about now he said it made me immediately switch my opinion on the Palestinian issue.

>> No.8609787

fucking autocorrect

>> No.8609789
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>> No.8609797


yeah true but desu does anyone really believe this is what the leftoid shill had in mind?


which would you rather have: intellectual integrity, or academic credentials?



the irony is that sex and race differences in IQ are among the best replicated results in the whole of psychology

the only other experiments in psychology that replicate as well all demonstrate sex differences in behavior


if you won't be brave now, what makes you think you'll become courageous later?

just man up already, they can't send you to the gulag for having the wrong opinions... yet

>> No.8609816

Make a formal complaint to the dean. Outline why you think the professor is acting unprofessional and that she is deviating from course material.

>> No.8609821

I was there dawg, it happened

And im a socialist myself, so theres no /pol/ agenda behind this thread.

>> No.8609824

Not if you can actually expound your beliefs properly and without being provocative.

>> No.8609825

>read more into critical theory then the books fhey give you
This is an important point, cuz the version of C.T that these academics use is a horrible misrepresentation of the actual thinkers. Dont write these guys off because youve had bad experiences with their "disciples"

>> No.8609827


very basic and obvious truths such as "men and women are not biologically identical" would be considered more than provocative

having a conscience is provocative

the only way to get by is to be either a total sociopath who gives no fucks for the least bit of truth or actually stupid enough to believe the bullshit they spew

the overwhelming majority are the latter, and those latter are incapable of handling the least bit of deviation from their own worldview

you have no experience in academia or you're dumb, pick one

>> No.8609828

>being alienated from all the people in your social pool because of ideological difference
Come on, I know this is 4chan but is it really hard to see why this is something I wouldnt want

>> No.8609836

>very basic and obvious truths such as "men and women are not biologically identical" would be considered more than provocative
Even my sociology tutorial recognises that there are biological differences between the sexes and I'm being tutored by a self-declared queer Marxist, although it was stresses that even sex is non-binary since intersex people do actually exist.
I have a number of rigorous defenders of libertarianism in my philosophy class also and they are not mocked, they are engaged somewhat thoughtfully.

>> No.8609839

>queer anything
these people are thorns in the side of marxism

>> No.8609850

O.p here, if all my lectures have been similarly ideological and free of actual information, is it worth just skipping them from now on to read in the library? I dont think they check attendance at lectures, just seminars.

>> No.8609851
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>> No.8609854

Your uni is shit, why are you complaining about it here?

>> No.8609855

as long as you keep up with the reading it shouldn't be a problem. if anything it'll make you feel more willing to study a full day.

also, anyone not a university student keep in mind there are ways and means of accessing university libraries, even taking out books.

>> No.8609873

Because your uni is shit too and I thought you might be able to empathise.

And if you don't think your uni is shit then you're either living in the nineteenth century or an idiot who buys into modern academia.

>> No.8609880
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>Because your uni is shit too
No it is not.
>And if you don't think your uni is shit then you're either living in the nineteenth century or an idiot who buys into modern academia.

Well that explains this thread. You think you're too cool for academia and you posted her so you can get self-assuring pats on the back. It is my fault for coming here, pls continue.

>> No.8610017

I go to a top 5 uni
explain to me why it is bad

>> No.8610446

He mentioned materialism in general so that's what I was talking about.

>> No.8610460

Reminder that this shit is exclusive to anglo countries. Reminder that all anglos need to be bombed into the ground if this world is to prosper.

>> No.8610473


History keeps repeating itself. The circle part really shouldnt be an issue. The rest of it sounds terrible.

>> No.8610775

I couldn't begin to comment on what exactly your uni is like. But I think it's fair to assume that the same pedagogical shortcomings that are part and parcel of studying the humanities under late-capitalism still apply, unless you can provide good evidence that they do not.

And if you can I'll gladly take back my comment and change my position.

>> No.8610799
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>Go to Grinnell College
>Expect it to be full of Neo-Leftist wankery
>There isn't any
>Actually get a classical liberal arts education that is worth the money and time
>mfw this thread

>> No.8610813

You said it, they just want to be right. It makes them feel important. Everyone gets to be MLK while still being cool. This is why the left is winning, they made it cool to hold their opinions.
Well, you're right I agree, but I think its just focus in general. If you have a guy who watched porn all the time and you tell him 'stop watching porn' its not going to go well. There's good reason why that person wants to do that.
It doesn't repeat itself, there are patterns but the variations are huge. The common factor in that people are involved, so I think the problem with history is that people want to see patterns where there aren't patterns and ignore the patterns that do appear.

>> No.8610846

You clearly don't like them much so why do you give a shit what they think of you? Do you really think your English lit class has the next Bill Gates or the next Oprah in it?

>> No.8610862

>5000 Americans
That's actually a pretty good sample size if it's random, there's a cut-off point in statistics where a larger sample size doesn't really do much more, and it's not a relative number dependent on the size of the population but rather a total number. Somewhere around 2000ish I believe, could be lower even.

>> No.8610877

the reading order on this is fucked up

>> No.8610888

True that. I live in Sweden and haven't even experienced this.

>> No.8611000

I heard they're teaching fantasy at your school. What's that like?

>> No.8611045

We've only been taught poetry so far

But teaching fantasy is the next logical step, considering how allergic the lecturers are to reality.

>> No.8611053

Look man, just because you disagree with people in one respect, doesn't mean you need to become some cave dwelling hermit who doesn't talk to anyone on his course.

I want to have a social life. Therefore alienating the people with whom I spend the most of my time mixing is a bad idea

>> No.8611127

But if you don't think they can handle an ideological disagreement and will ostracize you, aren't they "cave dwellers" just the same? Don't you think it's in someway right to have the same standards for others as for yourself?

>> No.8611433

I think it's also worth pointing out that not everyone on the course will be like this, just the majority, and the rest will be the same as me-- unwilling to be the weirdo outsider. It's a nasty atmosphere, but I'm not gonna be "the guy", for better or worse. (mostly because i honestly feel laying low and trying to change people's opinions by increment will be more effective than making yourself out to be their enemy.)

>Don't you think it's in someway right to have the same standards for others as for yourself?
Weirdly enough, this is something I really don't believe. Personal standards are personal; expecting people to adhere to your own vision of what people should be like only leads to tremendous disappointment. People on /lit/ have very high standards in a number of areas, and I'm no exception. I really don't expect the average person to spend the amount of time I've spent on self-improvement, and I don't think it's fair to do so either. There are many many reasons for this.

>> No.8611461

>He didn't read finnegans wake

>> No.8611781

>self-declared queer Marxist

Yes, but you're a straight white male. The most interesting discussions I had in my philosophy classes were always with the black female professor, because she could get away with controversial truths.

>stresses that even sex is non-binary since intersex people

This is a facile inference. Any fundamental understanding of the evolutionary underpinnings of sexual dimorphism reveals that sex is normatively binary; intersex individuals are freaks that are unable to reproduce. Nature more often than not kills these in the womb so they don't take up scarce resources. It's a lot like saying intelligence isn't unipolar because Downies exist.

>> No.8611817

It's hard to be a thorn on a piece of shit

>> No.8611832

>I have a number of rigorous defenders of libertarianism in my philosophy class also and they are not mocked, they are engaged somewhat thoughtfully.
Just because children can play nicely with eachother doesn't mean they aren't all children.

>> No.8611864

>Nobody cares what you think, you tool.
You obviously care what I think.
>Not at all, redefining words with a long history of meaning is a very PoMo practice.
Postmodernism is more about removing all definition. "Art" is a bit like "faggot": It means many things depending on various contexts, and not all meanings will be found in the dictionary (which in English is descriptive, not prescriptive).

>Because art is a metascience...
Depending on context
>...it redefines its own methodology rather than having a set one from the beginning of its history to its current stage.
The methodology of art... No. Sorry.
>Go back to /pol/ if you think strict categorization is a fucking PoMo concept.
Why? Are they particularly knowledgable on the subject? Anyway, I was pretty sure I was correct when I diagnosed you with postmodernism, but I had no idea you were a stage four patient. You are so steeped in it now that you even abbreviate "postmodernism", presumably because there is considerable time to be saved by not having to utter all its syllables or type all its letters. I hope we will find a cure someday. Postmodernism is worse than Alzheimer's. Its victims are so young. So immature. So half baked. Tragedy.

>> No.8611892

Alright, how about an example of where sociology has proven to be useful. Like this:

Putting people on the moon
Putting people on the moon
Putting people on the moon

>> No.8611930

Preventing hurt feelings, of course. How dare you suggest that feelings are less important than scientific advancement

>> No.8611937


I guess you never boned up on those studies of consumer behavior that were bought by major retailers for six figures.

This post was brought to you by the ERNSTWHILE corporation, programming forward bots to circumvent reCAPTCHA since 2016.

>> No.8611957

Putting people on the moon

Sociology and the powerful propaganda effects it had, were pretty much the the main reason for going to the moon.

>> No.8611978

If that actually happened, it would have been hilarious dood

>> No.8611983


>> No.8611997
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reminded me of this

>> No.8613090

Those things might lead us to have longer lives but are we living better?

>> No.8613197

>Going to uni to study the humanities
Lets be realistic, no one is that stupid anymore
>be neo-leftist wanker
>have no clue what a classical liberal arts education is
>buy into other neo-leftist wanker teachings, believing them to be classical
>post on 4chan about this

>> No.8613214

Putting people on the moon sounds nice, but it's really useless. That's assuming you are retarded enough to pretend usefulness is a measurable category.

>> No.8613230

Putting people on the moon sounds nice, but it's really useless.
But that's just an outright lie.
>That's assuming you are retarded enough to pretend usefulness is a measurable category.

>> No.8613274


>> No.8613301

That's not History, though. That's just the specific history of empires/states/populations etc.
History IS the motherfucking flow if time. Or rather the record and study of it.