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8603177 No.8603177 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8603183

You don't. Egoist-anarchism is not egoistic: it is spooked.

Even being an egoist is ultimately spooked. Stirner said as much.

The only thing to do is what you please. This might appear to be spooky as fuck, or it might not, but it doesn't matter because caring about such things is spooked.

For example, you might feasibly join a nationalist death squad if that's what got your socks off. Or become an ascetic, whatever.

>> No.8603186

What if joining Egoist anarchism gets my socks off?

>> No.8603189

Then it's egoistic.

However, you'd almost certainly have to build it from the ground up, unless you happen to be Italian, in which case you have to build it from slightly above the ground.

Also, dealing with the law's going to be a bitch. You're despooked, so you don't care about following or defiantly not following those fascist pigs, but presumably you'll want to be illegalist if you want to go egoist-anarchism.

>> No.8603204

Any good illegalist literature?

>> No.8603207

Not really. They mostly just used Ego as their Bible. There's some stuff by Italians in anarchist library.

>> No.8603211

>Become a vagabond?
Only if that alligns with your interests and not those of ideals you hold above yourself.

>Even being an egoist is ultimately spooked. Stirner said as much.

Have you got a quote on this?

>> No.8603219

I want to see the world and not be held back by spooks like private property, yes I want to be a vagabond.

>> No.8603220

If it truly was, you wouldn't need to ask how to do it.

>> No.8603238

So is egoism basically self-interest as ultimate virtue?

>> No.8603254

No, because I am lazy, but there's two ideas:

1. the standard "ego as a spook" refrain, that furthering "the ego" instead of your actual ego is spooked—ex. fighting for individualism is not egoistic, it is spooked.

2. it's not that you SHOULD be an egoist, it's just that egoism is most rational. Obeying it as an ideal is letting it become a "fixed idea"—becoming spooked.

>> No.8603276

No, see >>8603254: not a virtue, just "correct".

Also: "self-interest" has a meaning wildly different to how we normally use it. Sacrificing yourself to save your puppy would be an example of Stirner's self-interest, as long as it is YOU that believes keeping the puppy alive is more important to YOURSELF than dying.

This is where his concept of property creeps in; property deliberately has the double meaning of "a thing or things belonging to someone" AND "an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something". The idea is that the dog is your property because it only exists (to you; Stirner wasn't a solipsist) by making itself part of you, by coming to you through your perception and emotions and so on. The dog's death would cause pain to yourself, you see? And it is not irrational to prefer death to pain.

This applies to everything else, thus literally everything is your property.

>> No.8603298

What lifestyle am I living?

>wake up
>meant to be meeting a tinder girl for a hookup
>nervous so have a shot of rum with breakfast and another shot before I leave
>go to her house
>her ex is there too and it's really awkward
>they go into the bedroom to get changed but I hear them fucking
>get bored so I piss on the carpet and leave
>go to the pub; drink and chat with the bartender for half an hour
>go home and feel depressed because the one I love hates me and I'll probably never see her again

>> No.8603324

A spooked one.

>> No.8603333

Well, it's not like 99.9% of people aren't spooked...

>> No.8603805

What is the best way to become a vagabond these days?

>> No.8604122

Go to Thailand and become a monk.

>> No.8604149

what if i can only speak english?

>> No.8604150

Go to Thailand and become a monk.

>> No.8604171

you could busk, play music, or integrate yourself into contemporary circles of hippies, pagans, anarcho punx and the like. you'll be hopping trains, hitch hiking and stealing your way across america in no time

>> No.8604174

>How do I live a Egoist- Anarchist Lifestyle?

Do what you always do, just know why you're doing it.

>> No.8605420

Are there any similarities between Stirner's "spooks" and Zizek's "ideology"?

>> No.8605464

basically this. did it for a year. then i found out God exists and i'll tell ya there are no more spooked people than anarcho-punx and hippies.

>> No.8605493

Was it fun?

>> No.8605512

hmmmm yes and no, because nothing ever satisfied my will, i drowned out my despair with vice and while that may be considered "fun" there is always an underlying sense of dread in everything, anguish and boredom that eats at the core while your external self is stimulated. ennui. it is impossible to escape yourself.

>> No.8605633
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The point Stirner is trying to make is that it's fine for you to be whatever. If you believe he's telling you to quit your job or stop believing in God then you haven't understood that such a You is as much an institution as the State or the Church, one put in place so it can be compared to others and past instances of its trail, so that you can be told that's not the real You and so on, so that you can play the part of a chastised or praised individual; which is ridiculously dramatic when you understand how arbitrary what separates you from everybody else is.

To want to be an Egoist is not to have set your affair on Nothing. It is to not understand all your actions fall in accordance to your Might. It's to either ask of yourself what you aren't or you already are. If you have a problem in your life then solve that instead of bothering yourself with something else. But if you find that the life of a stray suits you then go for it; you might be interested in the life of Tsuji Jun if that's the case.

>> No.8606254
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>> No.8606280

literally just b urself

>> No.8606288

>And it is not irrational to prefer death to pain.
no, it is just being hedonistic

>> No.8606309

is that Schubert

>> No.8606398

Lmao you have to not be a loser. Not even being in the 1% is good enough to live a non cuck lifestyle. Dont bother asking a bunch of 99%er humanity major nerds how to be a fucking egoist.

>> No.8606453

it's a meaningless statement anyway. Something is irrational only if an action doesn't follow from your motivation. If you have the mxime that pain is worse than death, it's not irrational. If your maxime is that death is worse than pain, then acting in a way that kils you to avoid hurt is irrational.

Irrationality isn't just a freefloating concept that you can meassure shit against without context.

>> No.8606456

he said, implicitely spookily.

>> No.8606639


>You get the luxury of a bartender who will talk to you

Should I just end it?

>> No.8606644

>tfw egoist Roman Catholic

>> No.8606646

can you be unhappy while also being unsooked?

it makes sense that there is no picture attatched

>> No.8606651

I got dubs though

>> No.8606841

That's the kind of logic that leads to everyone being hedonistic.

>> No.8606845

D'you see a face in there?

>> No.8607118

yes and there is nothing wrong with hedonism, unless you want to be happy

>> No.8608597


>> No.8608601
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You live for yourself and don't live for any ideology or philosophy.
Deciding not to do anything because you deem something to be a spook is a spook in of itself. It simply refers to anything that might stop you from doing something, like a duty, a duty to ideas.

Live for your own rational self interest and do whatever you want that can give you happiness.

>> No.8608609

Renzo Novatore, Bruno Fillipi

>> No.8608612

This to be honest.

Just b yourself.