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File: 24 KB, 331x500, Twilightbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8599365 No.8599365 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so we know the followers are dumb fucking teenagers, but put that aside... Purely as a book, what do you think of it?
I think it has an interesting writing style at it's best, but becomes sappy at it's worst.

>> No.8599390

Stephenie Meyer literally never wrote a single line of prose her entire life before she started writing Twilight. It's garbage.

>> No.8599402

I find it extremely atmospheric and I love reading it for that alone but holy hell Stephenie meyer can't into writing.

>> No.8599410

Yeah, that's my opinion on it. Atmospheric as hell, but she couldn't write a character to save her life.

>> No.8599434


i tapped it one afternoon literally a decade ago after reading a nytimes article about it. made it halfway through. all i remember is a rainy northwest suburb and an old ford automobile.

>> No.8599458

Has anyone ever counted how many times that poor bitch bella breaks down crying because of 'anger'?

>> No.8599469

how is she a bad writer if it still manages to be atmospheric

>> No.8599475

I didn't say she was bad, all I said is that she can't write characters for shit.

>> No.8599488

I don't know and that's what annoys me, maybe her characters are just so bad...idk man but the setting is awesome, her prose is so-so I find.

>> No.8599545

It's because she's not a bad writer, but because the subject matter which she applies her skills to is objectively terrible and shallow.

>> No.8599547

Never read it.
Saw the movies.
Heard they were pretty faithful.

I assume the books are trash.

>> No.8599550

the fact that the popularity of this book has died completely since the 'craze' ended shows that it didn't have much substance. The litmus test for quality in literature is its lasting value and that this book didn't even last ten years is testament to its poor quality. Most times kids just want something to craze about and don't care if it's actually good.

>> No.8599553

It wasn't just kids. A lot of adult women were into it too.

Twilight fanfiction from an adult woman led to 50 shades of grey.

>> No.8599557

True. Let me amend my statement -- "most times people just want something to craze about and don't care if it's good". See pop culture.

>> No.8599558

Passing craze or no there was a time when she made 50 million a year from this.

>> No.8599578

I don't know what you are on about, niggers, Twilight novels are so bad it hurts. Shit writing, shit characterization, chick flick cliche galore.

>> No.8599584

Read it as a teenager just because everyone was saying how awful it was and I wanted to see how true that statement was. I had more patience for reading horseshit back then.

It isn't great.

Maybe I read one of the early versions, or maybe none of the versions have really been proofed, but I found a lot of little typos and grammatical errors that would throw me whenever I hit one.

The pacing, premise, and characterization were weird, too.

Arguably Twilight is the best book in the series, because the sequels sure as hell don't improve on it.

I just feel like if she'd sat on it for a while and done a complete rewrite or two, it might've turned into something salvageable.

>> No.8599618

They're bad books, but no worse than all the other YA trash out there, it just became cool to hate on due to its popularity.

>> No.8599685

Everything that can be said about twilight has been said about twilight. It's a book for lonely women to self insert into. You know how sometimes games and movies get accused of being "power fantasies" for boys? It's pretty much that but a "be popular" fantasy for girls.

You start with FemProta that is described as little as possible. No big personality features, no detail anywhere not even a reasonal description of what she looks like. All you know about her is that she feels like her life sucks. She is very carefully written in a way that every single woman who ever went trough puperty can identify with her. Ever felt a bit down and unloved? You are now the FemProt. Congratulations.

Then HE gets introduced. The golden Adonis. the cool guy that is also the strong guy, the dream of dreams. the mysterious stranger. a couple of hundred year old mystical being with mystical powers that for some reason hangs around at a school (can you imagine hanging around a school at 30? Now imagine hanging out there at 300... you would kill yourself if you had to listen to kids problems all day). Not only is he described in absolute microscopic detail, (the phrase "Edwards perfect face" gets thrown a round a BUNCH of times) he's also the strong silent type who is known for being too cool to interact with ANYONE while at school, He just goes there, gets awed at and makes sure not to slip on the gallons of girl cum that paves his way because he is a god amongst men, he is the literal embodiment of all female desire but sadly he shows zero interest in any of the fe... oh? Oh what is that? He only sees the FemProt at a glance and he is SMITTEN? He is thrown away, he can't contain himself, for the nondescribed FemProt is THE woman that makes his knees weak and his undead heart drop to his paedophilic dick (remember he has a couple hundred years on this girl that is still fucking under age at this point)
Suddenly he doesn't care that vampires have been kept secret for so many years, suddenly he doesn't care about anything but to make this girl happy,

So yeah. Imagine a book for autistic nerds that actually reveal how the hottest of hot girls actually all want you and also the book itself gives you a sloppy bj the whole time you're reading it. That is what twilight is for girls.

for everyone else it is a quite predictable, bland and a bit below mediocre piece of vampire fiction. And of course if you are a fantasy fan you can also get angry at the liberties she takes with Vampires and Werewolves. (nobody says you have to go 100% bram stoker every time but there comes a point where it feels like you should maybe have called them something other than Vampires)

>> No.8599888

Could have been written better but i didnt mind the concept and as a series i feel Eclipse shouldnt have been written that and the cop out battle ending i still like some of the characthers mainly Charlie were too good for this book series

>> No.8600176

Seriously? She just decided to start write a YA novel at age 31? Like literature must be the only medium where that is possible...

>> No.8600177

That is more you can say about a lot of writers though

>> No.8600195

>his undead heart drop to his paedophilic dick (remember he has a couple hundred years on this girl that is still fucking under age at this point)
In case you didn't know, in the final book the werewolf guy falls for Edward and Bella's daughter when she's born, sees her grow up, and eventually marries her. I only had it summarized for me but I think that's what happened.

>> No.8600264

read them all, thought they were good. I watched the movies and they made me cringe, hence why I think there is a huge amount of people who think twilight sucks.

>> No.8600288

When it was popular I asked my sister what it was about and as she was describing it I stopped her and said it sounded like it was written by a shitty fan fiction writer. I only remember this because after that she accused me of knowing about it beforehand and that I was only asking her about it to to pick on her.

>> No.8600344
File: 230 KB, 1216x1878, 1475874834641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Misogyny.

>> No.8600361

Years after high school I learned this girl I sat in front of used to write out pages and pages from Twilight, replacing her name with Bella and mine with Edward.

>> No.8600365


Why are liberals the way they are? Like at what point in John Greens life he just say to himself "You know, I'm going to be a total fucking faggot from now on?"

>> No.8600373
File: 88 KB, 219x298, 1472163802070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...in ways that male authors of love stories never are.

>> No.8600382

Twilight, as a story, holds the right values for women.

Aside from that, the prose is mediocrity at its finest.

>> No.8600387

considering the amount of girls that will be in his foot after that, I say that he is an absolute genius desu

>> No.8600476

>Purely as a book, what do you think of it?
>I think it has an interesting writing style at it's best, but becomes sappy at it's worst.
I would call it tedious and derivative. There are better showings in the genre

>> No.8600484

This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

>> No.8600485

Twilight is great. But I recommend the movies.
There is literally no advantage reading books.

>> No.8600498

Did not alan rickman get into acting in his 40s but yes, its more common in lit. many people who have too much fee time and no hobbies, end up writing. Stephen W. Bennett and basically tons of other people who are retired or as I suspect is the case with Garon Whited, failed at their main job. + people like C.T. Phipps who are not really good at anything but do little bit of everything

>> No.8600509

or maybe sometimes you like misogyny as long as you know you have control.
He knows how we all fap to sword of truth

>> No.8600521

>you don't have to read Misogyny into everything
>goes on to read Misogyny into everything
top projection!?

>> No.8600523

I don't know, I have seen a few articles like this

>> No.8600576


God, I hate Twitter, especially when it is used that way. Have a long thought or statement you'd like people to hear and literally thousands of avenues to share it digitally? Better use a format that restricts you to 144 characters and parcel it out in tweet-sized bites for your moronic audience. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8600598

I agree but at the same time you can't switch to another site mid conversation so it maybe better to type out what you are posting and reply with a screenshot of it