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/lit/ - Literature

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8600018 No.8600018 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to educate myself on different schools of philosophy. Would this be a worthwhile book to start with?

>> No.8600020


>> No.8600022


>> No.8600035

Only if you enjoy cuckolding

>> No.8600047
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He is constitutionally incapable of understanding anything besides materialism. This is what you want.

>> No.8600055



See >>8600047

>> No.8600259

Just start reading plato desu

>> No.8600267
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You're better off buying single works/books for each school of philosophy.

>> No.8600527
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I'm starting with this

>> No.8600538

No. It's not a history of philosophy at all, it's Series of Retarded Opinions of Bertrand Russell on Philosophies he Doesn't Agree With.

Fredrick Copleston is the best pick you could ask for. I just started Vol 2 and he's fantastic.

>> No.8600566

He treats the presocratics as materialists, modern scientists, wouldn't recommend.

>> No.8601234

But /lit/ recommends it...

>> No.8601250
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Read this one, it's pretty much all the existent fragments translated and with only a bit of commentary which can be easily skipped.

>> No.8601264

>120 dollars

I don't even care how good it is. Why would you actually buy this?

>> No.8601319

To expensive where i'm from

>> No.8601338

Step 1
Buy a Kobo for 40$ from ebay
Step 2

>> No.8601340


Once you have a job and don't live with your parents you'll realize that 120$ is not very much money.

>> No.8601349

If you earn 800$ per month and have expenses other than rent and food, it is a lot.

>> No.8601358


>800$ a month

That's impossible unless you're working less than full time.

>> No.8601362


>> No.8601385

It's possible in countries which are not America. It's the average full time pay.

>> No.8601451

Why not read the actual source materials from the philosophers instead of some abbreviated interpretation from some greedy fuckface author?

Buy a copy of The Republic and go from there just like every other person

>> No.8601484


>implying pdf on an ereader wont be shit

>> No.8601492


>> No.8601506

Not if the pdf's been scanned as text instead of as pictures. In that case you can read them A-OK.

>> No.8601519

>Why not read the actual source materials from the philosophers instead of some abbreviated interpretation from some greedy fuckface author?
Because Copleston's History of Philosophy is 11x650 pages. That's the abridged version of philosophy, not counting the massive amount of worthwhile stuff, especially if you are like him, a thomist. It lays the foundation for further reading and enhances understand of said reading.
>Buy a copy of The Republic and go from there just like every other person
There's nothing wrong with that, but actually going through all of the major philosophers will take years if not decades. Wanting to get into it through something like this is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.8601671

My current plan so far is to read in the following order:

>The Story of Philosophy, Magee - To get a basic understanding/overview since I am a pleb
>The Histories
>The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and the Sophists

Would this be decent? Do you suggest any changes?

>> No.8601705

Start with Plato, cut out the rest.

You can go to wiki Greek history if you want to know that. You are studying philosophy, not history, not literature. You do not need history and literature to help you grasp philosophy at this point.

Start with Euthyphro, then go to the wikis of the dialogues and choose the ones you want to read based on topic. You must read Republic but you do not need to read Apology, Crito, and Phaedo.

After you have read 5 or more dialogues go to wiki Philosophy and figure out what exactly you want to learn in philosophy. You do not need to read all of philosophy and this will not take as much time as you think.

Read a book on logic. Be sure to at least read Aristotle (not all of him), Descartes, Hume, and Kant.

>> No.8601710

The presocratics are a waste of time. Might as well read up on Magi texts as well.

>> No.8601715

It's very solid.

>> No.8601719
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If you're going into philosophy from nothing, read this first.

>> No.8601725


I'm interested in the things I listed though, not just philosophy. So rather than eventually reading them in a few years I thought it would be a good idea to start with them.

I appreciate the reply and will keep what you said in mind, especially the part about not reading absolutely everything.

>> No.8601733


I am not OP btw.

>> No.8601778

Oh ok, well then I would recommend Oxford's Classical Mythology rather than the popular Mythology book everyone likes to recommend


>> No.8601790

This, very much

You'll never go past pseud status if you think a high school tier book is anything close to a "starting point"

>> No.8602301
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>> No.8603823

Any recs?

>> No.8603871

Sometimes I fantasize about going back in time and calling Bertrand Russell a faggot.

>attending a large lecture for B-man the Russler
> pay extra to sit in the front of the lecture hall
> pay even more to get to do a meet and greet with the man himself after the talk
>surrounded by hippies with daddy's money, clearly only fans of the Bert are here
>wait patiently for my turn in line, 1st edition of principa in hand
>finally my turn
>look up at the Nobel prize winner with stars in my eyes
>"Mr Russell, it's such an honor" I say as,he signs my copy with a smile
>"but don't you think you're a bit of..."
>the bomb hangs in the air, he is not prepared for what is to come
>"a faggot"
>direct hit
>his world comes crashing down
> a history of western philosophy
> conquest of happiness
>all hours contributions to math, linguistics, philosophy of religion
>reduced to ruble
> he drops principa
> I bend over and grab the copy
> "thank you." Hello says, bested by my wit
>"your welcome"
>I kiss his hand
> next day on the news
> "celebrated philosopher commits suicide"

Truly the greatest possible pleasure

>> No.8603917

I would probably read this to my Son/Daughter

...If I'll ever become a dad

>> No.8603956

Wittgenstein basically did this in a roundabout way.

>> No.8603974
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>Sometimes I fantasize about going back in time and calling Bertrand Russell a faggot.

I knew this would be a good post from the start, well done.

>> No.8604217

You should look at philosophy throughout the ages, learn the different movements, etc. Start at early philosophy and find which philosophers you enjoy but at least hear out the major ones you disagree with. Think for yourself.

>> No.8604490
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Yes, yes, well done, Bertrand, well done


>> No.8604526

While a great philosopher, his history of philosophy is trash. I have the full Copleston history and it is definitely very good, if you read 30 pages a day you can finish it in about a years time, and then you will have a very solid understanding of the history of philosophy from Thales to about Sartre or so.

Alternatively, download the TTC's 'great ideas in philosophy course' or the Ancient Greek philosophy one. The former is truely to broad to give a good an accurate picture of much of anything, but the latter is actually a great place to start for a bigger journey. It spends a lot of time on the presocratics and gets into 'philosophy' is something different as an endeavour than what came before it. It also does a decent job contrasting the views of Plato and Aristotle, but both of them have such a body of work that it only really touches the surface.

Other that that, rouetledge's great thinkers series is really fantastic generally for a solid examination of the bulk of a thinkers body of work. I've personally read most of the Aristotle one, decent about of the Heidegger one and am currently reading the Kant one.

>> No.8604543


No, he's pretty shitty.


I've heard only great things about Copleston.

>> No.8604565


Oxford compete works of Plato, Modern Library basic works of Aristotle.

Who cares

Early modern;
Descartes - meditation
Spinoza - ethics
Leibniz - monodology

Locke - on human understanding
Hume - human understanding

Kant - Critque of pure reason
Hegel - phenomology of spirit, encyclopedia of logic

Marx - marx-Engles reader

Nietzsche - (Nietzsche by Kaufman)
Heidegger - Being and Time (you're gonna need some secondary sources for this one, also a primer on Husserl before starting)
Sartre - Being and Nothingness
Merleau-Ponty - Phenomology of Perception
De Beauvoir - The Second Sex

Wittgenstein - Tractutus
Russell - (just get some sort of reader or something)
James - pragmatism

[The Analytic Philosophy Reader]

Derrida - of grammarology
Foucault - he has so many shirt books.. uh
History of sexuality, madness and civilization, birth of the clinic, archeology of knowledge

Althusser - ideology and the state apparatus
Zizek - sublime object of ideology

Idk that's just off the top of my head, isn't there a wiki of something around here?

>> No.8604571

>tfw my dad gave me this when i was fourteen.

I guess the bastard could do at least some good things.

>> No.8605170

>Non-Americans browse 4chan.

>> No.8605242

>Medieval; Who cares


>> No.8605356

I wonder if one should not for this period look at what (I guess) made up Spinoza's culture, the jewish rationalism.

isnt that a bit too hard? Wouldn't it be better to start with his Tractatus Theologico-Political

>> No.8605533

He's one of those severely biased philosophers that goes against the meta of philosophy. Viz. he fails to question many presumptions due to his bias against metaphysics and, similarly, has a child's understanding of Christianity and yet still spoke on the subject.

To recap:
-He takes presumptions for granted.
-He is as humble as Nero.
-He is a faggot.
Literature and History are absolutely crucial to contextualizing Philosophy. They are like conjoined sisters (poorly) sharing one heart.