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/lit/ - Literature

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8596702 No.8596702 [Reply] [Original]

what's some /lit/ kino?

>> No.8596712

Coen Brothers
Particularly A Serious Man and the Fargo series

>> No.8596749

Charlie Kaufman if you're a gay art fag.
David Lynch if you really wish you're a gay art fag but you're not.
Paul Thomas Anderson if you're straight art nigger.
Coen brothers if you a jew ass nigger.
Martin Scorsese if you're a townie but you're not a dumb dumb.
Michael Bay if you are a dumb dumb.
Never watch Steven King, James Cameron or Peter Jackson because they're voiceless money collectors and their output is trash.
All movies are shit.

>> No.8596820

Ozu: Tokyo Story
Mizoguchi: Sansho, the Bailiff
Kurosawa: Rashomon
Fellini: 8 1/2
Antonioni: Blow Up
Pasolini: Teorema
Herzog: Nosferatu
Godard: Breathless
Truffaut: 400 Blows
Melville: Le Samourai
Wenders: Paris, Texas
Lang: Metropolis
>Haneke: The White Ribbon
Tarkovsky: Stalker
Sokurov: Russian Ark
Eisenstein: Battleship Potemkin (I dont like this one but he revolutionized the montage technique)
Altman: Nashville
Jarmusch: Down by Law
Kaufman: Synecdoche, New York
Fricke: Samsara
Cassavetes: Shadows
>Kaurismäki: Shadows in Paradise
Weerasethakul: Uncle Boonmee Who Can
Recall His Past Lives
Kiarostami: Through the Olive Trees
Carax: Holy Motors
Kassowitz: La Haine
Noé: Enter the Void

Basically, check out the criterion collection
Pretty standard selection of films I enjoy, nothing inaccessible. Branch out, watch films from different periodes, dont force yourself to like some critically acclaimed avantgarde directors, find what you like and go from there. I dont go to /tv/ so Im not sure how pretentious or pleb my list is. Personally, I started taking interest in film with Godard and Kurosawa. My favorite is probably Haneke. Enjoy

>> No.8596822

Hva faen

>> No.8596825
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you'll like pic related

>> No.8596833

How do you like Svidd Neger? Ulver provided the soundtrack. Sonner is not bad either

>> No.8596838

>Enter the Void
Fuck PoV movies, I puked after 20 minutes of this piece of shit.

>> No.8596844

Fair enough.

>> No.8596855

you know that kino just means cinema, right? this meme really needs to die.

>> No.8596862

Daisies was a pretty neat film in my imo

>> No.8596889

Add the Mirror to Tarkovsky

>> No.8596942

>Not the original

>> No.8596966

that movie is cliché 101

decent post
/tv/ is shit btw, they barely talk about cinema

>> No.8598657

But after 20 minutes the pov part is done, and it's actually used in a clever and meaningful way instead of just being quirky

>> No.8598662

>what's some /lit/ kino?
i don't know

>> No.8598677

The way it is shot gave me motion sickness, the same thing happened to me while watching that other piece of shit movie Cloverfield.

>> No.8598725
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>> No.8598733

how is that movie cliché?

>> No.8598734

Keep doing God's work, son

>> No.8598752


Das Leben Der Anderen
Eyes Wide Shut (Based on "Dream Story")
Der Untergang

Three of my favourites anyway

>> No.8598761
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>> No.8598775 [DELETED] 

movies are shit, lol, even video games have more artsitic value

>> No.8598818

Did the coens direct the tv series?

>> No.8598839

They produced it. It's not as good as the movie but it is more /lit/.

>> No.8598923

>all American directors

>> No.8598959
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Hulu has a choice collection of criterion titles
t. Huluer

>> No.8599080

9 more days anon

>> No.8599086

/tv/ here, you guys have abysmal taste lmao

>> No.8599176

define /lit/? Does it have to be based on literature?

>Michael Bay is for dumb dumbs
>James Cameron, Steven King and Peter Jackson are money collectors
Pain & Gain is probably the smartest movie to have been made in Hollywood this millennium and Cameron and Jackson clearly love what they do and just happened to find success. And disliking King is just edge.

>> No.8599184

1. Մեր դարը (Peleshian, 1983)
2. Obrazy Starého Sveta (Hanák, 1972)
3. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Schrader, 1985)
4. American Dreams (Lost And Found) (Benning, 1984)
5. گاو (Mehrjui, 1969)

>> No.8599307

Thanks JoJo

>> No.8599313

you are welcome

>> No.8599344

>Steven King
who the fuck is Steven King?
what the fuck are you talking about you retard?
could it have been more obvious that you have just now literally named ALL directors that you've ever seen a movie by?

who the fuck is fucking Steven King?

>> No.8599492

You're probably just memeing, but if you don't know who Steven King is you should McFucking Kill yourself.

>> No.8599576

I liked Oslo, but did not like Reprise.

>> No.8599617

He was pointing to the fact that it's spelled Stephen. Coping with down syndrome must be difficult.

>> No.8599660

von Trier
Wes Anderson

Some contemporary shit for you guise

>> No.8599662

also Park Chan-Wook

>> No.8599680


>> No.8599688

Not necessarily since it is his more unmatured (not immature) work. Oslo is such a perfectly crafted work. It runs in beautiful, truly sublime harmony

>> No.8599707

this desu

> and Tarkovsky

>> No.8599726

All shit besides inarritu

Tarkovsky is literally /v/ the "director"

>> No.8599741
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>> No.8599803

>Pain and gain.
>smart movie
Fucking what

>> No.8599805

>Inarritu "i was just loaning from tarkovsky".
It's like he was trying to make a tarkovsky action movie.

It worked pretty well tho.

>> No.8599808
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Said the Tarko/v/sky fan lmao.

>> No.8599891


What's that 'It's Such a Beautiful Day' crap that always turns up in plebby 'best movie' threads? I've never seen it mentioned outside of the chanz and I'm starting to think it's a meme like The Anvil Hoarder.

>> No.8599908
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Pic related and some other Mike Leigh movies.

>> No.8599910

Lasse og Geir

>> No.8599924

Michael Bay is a genius you plebeian

>> No.8599936

For something that's actually very /lit/, check out Sans Soleil (1983)

>> No.8600090

Inherent Vice
Literally caused audience walkouts because the plot was too confusing.

>> No.8600101

>Godard: Breathless

Not Vivre Sa Vie or Weekend?

>> No.8600390

Criterion is over a thousand films most of which have some sort of value in the context of cinema. I don't see why it would be a meme when even the hardcore buffs haven't seen all of those films.

>> No.8600396


every movie of his is pure kino desu

>> No.8600420

its pretentious tryhard garbage, his funny nonsensical short works were better. Anyway best thing Hertzfeldt done is his Simpsons couch gag, amazing stuff

>> No.8600430

>It's like he was trying to make a tarkovsky action movie

Which one?

>> No.8600435

The Revenant

>> No.8600437

Is it good? I don't have time to watch shit films.

>> No.8600457
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muslim kino is best kino

>> No.8600589

kaurismaki is underrated, calamari union is one of the best films ive seen, super fun + dark stuff.
i really want to see ariel and la vie de boheme but cant find it anywhere online with english subs

>> No.8600756

The Great Beauty by Sorrentino was pretty cool

>> No.8600796

It's extremely mediocre, definitely not kino. >>8600756
this is a good list but it's kind of "babby's first", as each one is kinda entry-tier kino for each auteur.
Godard's Week-end is great
I can't wait to watch Bela Tarr, I haven't seen any of his kino but I love The Melancholy of Resistance & know he worked closely with the guy who wrote it (shit w hungarian names)

>> No.8600863

good movie

>> No.8600943


>dont force yourself to like some critically acclaimed avantgarde directors, find what you like and go from there

Best advice.

Kino is weird though. Nobody seems to develop their own taste in film until well after they've graduated college.

>> No.8601293

It's not a meme to like Criterion. It's a meme to be smug about liking Criterion.

>> No.8601304


Sorry you only talk to film babbies.

>> No.8601513

I never got this opinion. Oslo is a listless bore. It expectedly makes a mundane take on a severe problem accidentally dull. But then, you won't get much when you hinge all the ponderous solemnity of the movie on that one problem and the one impactful moment it produces (the ending).

Reprise is energetic, playful and generally better written. There's nothing Oslo does exceptionally better, and visually it is severely worse, a refined student film, which you could say of the movie as a whole.

>> No.8601967

The Truman Show.

>> No.8602046


>> No.8602352

>/tv/ here
Bane? Or is it Blacked now?

>> No.8602369


Good taste but a large majority of this isn't kino.

>> No.8602372

Can you retards stop using a meme phrase?

>> No.8602385


can you please remind yourself that you are saying this on 4chan

>> No.8602387

Can I ask you to go back to /tv/ if you all you want to do is shitpost?

>> No.8602397


stop being this emotional

go to reddit if you want to board police

>> No.8602404

>Stop caring that retards have taken over your board!
>Don't complain that the level of discourse is going down the drain!
Either you don't care for quality discussion or you're one of those retards.

>> No.8602406


why are you greentexting exclamation points like a dork

this website is a toilet and you are a sigh for taking this shit so seriously

literally calm down

>> No.8602409

This board was never a toilet until your kind showed up.
Has /tv/ gotten so terrible that even idiots are starting to reject it and come shitpost here?

>> No.8602413


>This board was never a toilet until your kind showed

i've been taking dumps on this toilet for a decade.

if anything you sound like the young poster here. they are the ones who still invest themselves too heavily into this shithole.

>> No.8602416

>i've been taking dumps on this toilet for a decade.
You take dumps on toilets instead of in them?

>> No.8602435
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What does /lit/ think of the films of Heidegger scholar and birdwatcher turned reclusive auteur Terrence Malick?

>> No.8603136

You can sit on a toilet, and take dumps.

"I read on the toilet", "I answer phone calls on the toilet", "I take dumps on the toilet".

>> No.8603174

No Bergman?

>> No.8603280

Badlands is one of my all time favourite movies,
just saw Tree of life for the first time recently, and
all memes aside, I thought it was truly great

>> No.8603296
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>tfw have a film list of 310 entries and keep adding ones instead of watching them

>> No.8603297

Bergman was a hack

>> No.8603394

sup lil embryo

>> No.8604173

i know this feel,
>tfw love arthouse films and films that really make you think but often just cant be bothered to watch them
for the past month i've marathoned scrubs and soon that will be gone and i'll have nothing to fill the void

>> No.8604209

I only watch the movies indexed in Vatican's list of great movies. Too bad they will probably be doing another one only in 2095.

>> No.8604211

Tarr is great, Satantango is the best thing cinema has to offer. Also a brilliant book

no he wasn't

>> No.8604224

>stan brackhage

>> No.8604364

Top tier Directors:
Wong-Kar Wai

>> No.8604412

This might be my favourite film oat desu, I would hug you if you weren't so damn depressed

>> No.8604554

Did you watch Satantang in one sitting? Because I've heard that is how it is suppose to be watch, which is fucking insane.

>> No.8604756


I think his films push the idea of individual ontology quite a lot.

>> No.8604780

Not him, but I did almost 2 years ago. No piss breaks either however the only interruptions were going to the next parts because it's only available split into three discs/mkvs. I haven't read the book so I'm wondering what takes longer, watching the film or reading the book.

>> No.8604790
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Ja, hva faen. Finns det gode norskefilmer?

>> No.8605016

/tv/ actually still has some good shit, but it's rare, gets 20 replies and you have to filter a lot of garbage. Most of the shit posted in the thread is mediocre to okay entry-level arthouse. But that is the best place to start with films, but this is basically just the same as the circlejerk Joyce/Wallace/Pynchon/Gaddis shit all over /lit/

>> No.8605062

Well that depends on how quick you read, and how easy/difficult the book is. It is only 330 pages long, so you could read it in a day at least

>> No.8605142
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>and you have to filter a lot of garbage
Like 95% of the threads

>> No.8605320

Closer to 99% but usually there are two to three good threads a day. I think I only browse it still cause it's my first board.