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/lit/ - Literature

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8599142 No.8599142 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked these up at a local thrift store for a $2 each. Did I get memed ?

>> No.8599147


>> No.8599149

What the fuck are you talking about you chose the books you fucking memed yourself, shitbrains

>> No.8599151

That edition of Infinite Jest? You didn't get memed enough, is what it is.

>> No.8599172
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Teacher appreciation day sale. 20% off. Got some scifi also but don't wanna be thought a pleb.

>> No.8599196
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Managed to save some money to buy these. Shakespeare's The Tempest and Woolf's To the Lighthouse are on the mail, and BookDepository ia taking its sweet time as always.

>> No.8599204


>> No.8599236

>Wordsworth edition

>> No.8599244

mi hermano de la raza cosmica

>> No.8599246
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all things i've been finishing lately.

>> No.8599248
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The drop in quality by the way between modern authors from the 1950s and after and before is so drastic with post modernism it's kind of staggering. Still enjoy them though.

>> No.8599259
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theres the end of my jerk.

>> No.8599283

How have you been enjoying Schmidt?

>> No.8599289

How was The Turtle Diary?

>> No.8599299

You have weird taste.

>> No.8599310

Just ordered J.R. Very excited!

You'll like The Pale King and IJ, OP.

>> No.8599322

Why? This is recommended by /lit/

>> No.8599324

It was a dollar?

>> No.8599325


I think he's exceptional, we have a lot of joyce fans on the board, and schmidt is one of those guys who has a style all his own and he makes it work, it can be easy to read a page and want to set it down so it's a bit of a patient work where the more you get into it the more the prose unravels and you settle into it.

Aside from the bottoms meme dream book that came out I recommend anyone to start with his smaller collections before jumping into a monster that size.


I thought while reading it often that it was something that i could easily overlook after finishing but i was unfair to it, I'd give it a go if i was you, deals pretty heavily with loneliness and a life that's lost practically all meaning while finding some salvation in things at the end of it all, through turtles.

>> No.8599326

we are /reddit/

>> No.8599339
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Currently reading his short stories and wondering why he doesn't have a bigger presence in North America. I had only heard of him through Zettel's Traum a few years ago but never knew Dalkey put out all these translations.

>> No.8599854

i appreciate your taste but im afraid your selection is too artificial (and you probably know it)

>> No.8600138

I'd love that version of Breakfast of Champions, it looks way better than the copy I own

>> No.8600928

>Just ordered J.R.

>> No.8601640

>Currently reading his short stories and wondering why he doesn't have a bigger presence in North America



See from 2:50 on, he answers it himself.
Cant be bothered to translate it, but there is a lot on him to be found on German sites. He wrote solely for academics. He is very articulate in interviews, its a pleasure to listen to him.

"Jeder Mann hat sich gefälligst zur Kunst hinzubemühen."

>> No.8602709
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good stuff

>> No.8602733

Breakfast of Champions is incredible, but I think you'd have to be familiar with Vonnegut's other work and the context of its writing (his 50th birthday) to really get a lot out of it

>> No.8602737
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Posting here since the "stack" thread is dead, just cleaned up at a library sale

It's one of the more Kilgore Trout-focused ones, right?

>> No.8602751

Right. I think if you've read God Bless You, Mr Rosewater and Slaughterhouse-Five you're good to go.