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8595082 No.8595082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>professor calls him GER-tuh
>tfw to intelligent for Intro to European Lit at community college

>> No.8595097

weak bait but i must say working at a community college the kids i hate even more than the total tard thuggy bros are the boy genius smartest kid in urban shit high usa types, at least the thuggio douche guys know they suck, but every kid who gets an 'a' in calc 1 thinks he's isaac newton reborn...fuck all yall

>> No.8595108

You should stop sucking off your students if you don't want them to get inflated egos.

>> No.8595119
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>professor calls DFW stupid
hehe... excuse me honey *chk chk* wanna say that again?

>> No.8595129

if we don't give enough diplomas to ghetto bastards then obama will cut our federal money and we will be out of work, of course i always feel sad when they go off to four year real school and get btfo, but what can ya do, have to keep the grad rate up especially for stem

>> No.8595132

This is literally me. I have all A's and act like the God-Emperor in the world.

>> No.8595140

the thing these dumbass community college geniuses never stop to realize is, if they are so fucking smart why are they at a community college? you realize there are kids at stanford getting straights a's in their freshman year right now who are light years ahead of you right?

>> No.8595166
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>go to "real college"
>pay 20,000 to 100,000 for a fucking associate's degree


>save dosh at community college

>> No.8595178

are you really trying to compare the value of a BA from Stanford to an associate's from a community college?

>> No.8595181

you dont get an associates degree at a real college

dont really care if this is bait

>> No.8595182

because if im just going to transfer to a 4-year anyway, why not save some money? and i wouldnt be able to afford a school like stanford even with scholarships

>> No.8595193


I'm saying you get the associate's in CC and transfer instead of paying a shitload at a real college for your two years of gen ed and Intro to Major classes.

>> No.8595196

I knew a kid who got accepted to Princeton and ended up going to his honors college at his state school.

Stop being an elitist faggot.

>> No.8595205


>> No.8595230

i dont necessarily disagree, but some people get scholarships brother

also if you dont make friends week zero as a freshman you probably never will

>> No.8595237

>transfer student
>go to cc for four years getting AA
>save no money in that time

at least I'm a genius

>> No.8595250

This is what advisers are for, dimwit. If you just choose your classes haphazardly, of course it's going to take you four years before you transfer.

>> No.8595251

>hurr I knew this one kid once so everything you said is bunk

>> No.8595256

That's only true if you're a normie without normie friends.

>> No.8595263
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>tfw better teachers at the community college than the university you transfer to

>> No.8595266

>drop out of high school at 16
>take and pass GED
>attend CC for two years
>transfer to state school as a junior
>apply to its honors college, get accepted
>graduate with honors and from the honors college
>have BA
>apply to ivy league school for grad school

>> No.8595268
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>tfw the courses are so expertly put together that 75% of your uni teachers dgaf about being interesting

>> No.8595269

why would you fucking admit to this?

>> No.8595273

Because for some of us, humility isn't some cuck fucking virtue. Down, boy.

>> No.8595277

Lol yup

We're on 4chan. Stop being a pussy bitch.

>> No.8595293


I got a significant scholarship at a pretty good university and it still would have been very, very expensive. Going to CC for two years saved me tens and tens of thousands of dollars. Still went on to get a M.S. It's just a matter of exploiting every opportunity at your disposal.

Hell, you barely even interact with your professors in freshman and sophomore courses anyways.

>> No.8595310

Exactly. Plus, the professors at CC are GOAT and the class sizes are like 30 students max.

There's literally nothing wrong with going to a CC as long as you transfer on time. Not everyone is a richboi patrician.

>> No.8595375
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>tfw too intelligent to report shit threads