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8586428 No.8586428 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ make of the alt right - what are its founding texts? Who publicly disavows it?

>> No.8586438 [DELETED] 

Inverse tumblr. Total embarrassment

>> No.8586445

First post; best post.

>> No.8586446

>what are it's founding texts

Any /pol/ thread with 200+ replies from 2013 and 2014.

>> No.8586463

I find it pretty fascinating. Have we ever seen a right-wing culture jamming movement prior to them?

>> No.8586506

Land, Moldbug. It has no positive merits.

>> No.8586515

We don't have any founding texts, we are an organic movement created by despair and hatred of the modern world. It's absolutely anti intellectual.

>> No.8586520
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The National Bolsheviks were ahead of their time. Though culturally specific to post-soviet russian culture much like the alt-right is basically anglo libertarianism disguised as national socialism

>> No.8586524

there's no good alt-right literature. All the good stuff would more closely be aligned with neoreactionary thought, which is distinct from the alt-right

>> No.8586527

Land and Moldbug are not alt-righters, they are neoreactionaries.
I don't think so. That's why I find it to be interesting as well; they basically use left-wing radical tactics in service of right-wing ends

>> No.8586529

>despair and hatred for ourselves


>> No.8586534

An awkward, externally applied conglomeration of virgins and larpers

>> No.8586536
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what's culture jamming, exactly? How does the alt-right use it?

>> No.8586541

The first mistake you're making about the alt right, which most everyone outside of here makes, is taking anything the alt right says or does seriously.

It's a community of trolls and bored internet addicts trying to have a good time, THAT'S IT. Don't look into it any more than that!

>> No.8586542

>What does /lit/ make of the alt right - what are its founding texts?

How To Make Arguments Without Making Any Arguments - /pol/
The Art of Shitposting 1 - /pol/ & Donald Trump
The Art of Shitposting 2 - /pol/ & Donald Trump
Advanced Photoshop Lessons - Various

These are the essentials OP.

>> No.8586545

It still amuses me that these three were together at some point

>> No.8586551

Land and Moldbug are not alt-righters, they are neoreactionaries.
Is there even any difference?

>> No.8586553

National Bolshevism was born in Germany breh

>> No.8586556

yes, there's an enormous difference
the alt-right is a populist movement, neoreaction is an anti-populist philosophy.

NRxers would never put their hope in a President Trump or any other elected official. They are interested in building alternatives: private cities, bitcoin, AI, secession, and any system that is in line with the way that reality flows

>> No.8586557

>What does /lit/ make of the alt right
Childish millennial bullshit

>what are its founding texts?
n/a. 4chan, reddit and twitter is all they read.

The European new right is a more respectable "alternative" right wing movement, Alain de Benoist is their ideological founder.

>> No.8586562

The alt-right is a reactionary outcry from aging anti-intellectuals who don't like the unique place the world is in right now thanks to technology.

There haven't been similar historical movements because the technology alt-righters are reacting to and using to spread their message are both new and novel.

There aren't any meaningful founding texts because it is a working class reactionary movement in an age where people in that class don't read. The movement is founded more in talk radio, and for younger members has spread to internet boards.

>> No.8586563

>n/a. 4chan, reddit and twitter is all they read.

the conspiracy theories that show up in those pol threads are all taken from lyndon larouch but you will get flamed/ignored if you ever mention him.

>> No.8586568
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>aging anti-intellectuals
>The movement is founded more in talk radio
holy shit, I didn't know a post could be this wrong

>> No.8586571

the people who actually go out and give voice to alt-right ideas are old people who listen to talk radio.

Nerds on the internet who were less than 10% of trump's voters, for example, can masturbate on obscure message boards all they want but the heart of the movement is angry people who want to work at the paper mill.I live in Alabama and work in relations in a rural county. These people believe the same things seen in every alt right circle from the conspiracies to the philosophy and it's all delivered to them through the radio. They're the ones who go out and vote.

>> No.8586572

You obviously know very little about the movement, and this is coming from someone whos left leaning.

>> No.8586575

I get preached to about it every day from people in my county.

>> No.8586579

>I mentioned writing so my thread is on-topic
sage, report, and hide

>> No.8586581
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, POLITIX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been to the motherfucking mountain top
>Heard motherfuckers talk, seen 'em drop
>If I ain't got a weapon I'ma pick up a rock
>And when I bust yo ass I'm gonna continue to rock
Get your ass off the wall with your two left feet.
It's real easy just follow the beat.
Don't let that fine girl pass you by.
Look real close cause strobe lights lie.

>> No.8586582

So do I

>> No.8586588

>what are its founding texts?
4chan, blogspots, very poor understandings of national-socialism and traditionalism, "game" and ""pua"" """theory"""
>Who publicly disavows it?
mainstream journalists I guess? the whole thing is a bit too new to have already inspired academic criticism

>> No.8586592

>implying they've ever read a book
not /lit/ related

>> No.8586593

>the people who actually go out and give voice to alt-right ideas are old people who listen to talk radio.

Your mistaking alt-right with those ancient neo-cons.

>> No.8586598

Land is the probably the only honest right libertarian on earth. Even Moldbug has to dress up his market worship in archaic terms. neoliberalism sees humans as robots, production units, vehicles for genes, it's a machine's eye view of the world. In the end, it's not about your 'freedom', it never was. Liberalism is a Lovecraftian death cult intent on sacrificing humanity to the elder gods of the Market.

>> No.8586601

Absolutely spot on

>> No.8586608

It's a disaster. I hope they are in for the memes.

>> No.8586613

The problem is that the "ancient neo-cons" are the ones actually giving a platform for the alt-right. The alt-right can not escape these ancinet neocons because they're funded and supported primarily by them.

You're trying to distinguish the alt-right as a separate group rather than an extension, when at best they're an extreme fringe being given a place in the world by an older similar group.

>> No.8586624

only good alt-right related memes

>> No.8586636

I think I agree

Now I'm just not sure whether I want to enable the process or try to combat it

>> No.8586642

>The alt-right is a reactionary outcry from aging anti-intellectuals who don't like the unique place the world is in right now thanks to technology.
This isn't exactly the description of /pol/ I'd consider fitting.

>> No.8586961

Good post.

The alt-right was created by extreme right-wing talk-radio hosts like Alex Jones, not the other way round.

>> No.8587125

>founding texts
the alt-right is just reactionary politics against a more liberal society which is just reactionary politics to the Bush presidency

>> No.8587175
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The "Alt-right" isn't a real thing.
The "Alt right" did not exist before Hillary made it exist. It was a term that was loosely used by some people like the American Renaissance and a variety of other groups to describe themselves because they had rightist opinions but didn't conform to standard consvervative ideology. Hillary and then every single major news outlet took this to generalize everyone from Trump to some neo-nazi, anime watching, 14 year old as part of this one group.
It would be like having a Presidential candidate who identified as agnostic, looking at some tiny group of radical anti-theists who talk about murdering the religious and saying that this candidate is somehow colluding with this group and is a member because they're both "agnostic".

>> No.8587312

There are some texts which can be taken as deeply influential of the alt-right, but I wouldn't necessarily identify them as founding texts. Much of the influence of these writings is channeled through neoreaction, which might be thought of as an intellectual's salon.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed is indispensable for providing some strong theoretical foundations for the views found in the alt-right.

This collects some of Mencius Moldbug's best posts. The three most important sequences are 'Dawkins,' 'Open Letter,' and 'Gentle Introduction,' though many others are worth reading.


Nick Land's Dark Enlightenment essay precipitated the current form of neoreaction.


There is a lot of exchange between the alt-right and neoreaction, although they are separate.

>> No.8587640

A lot of "cultural Marxism" stuff comes from William Lind, though that would probably also anger them if they look into him.

Seriously check out the /k/ or Space Battles readings of Victoria, it's fucking absurd.

>> No.8587725

I'd say a lot of the "mainstream" alt-right is basically Pat Buchanan paleoconservatism, since it's distinguished from the regular right by the same grounds (disdain for free-market economics, greater emphasis on culture and identity). There's also weird neoreaction stuff, but some posters ITT dispute that that's even alt-right (I think NRx is a semi-sovereign subset, it breaks from its normal populism but is still fighting basically the same battle).

>"game" and ""pua"" """theory"""

What's amazing is how some of that ended up undermining itself. Game/PUA is used to assert fundamental sex differences, but Heartiste went and started talking about how Trump is running game in politics, obviously implying the principles are unisex.

It was a thing, there very much were bloggers calling themselves and their general sphere alt-right well before Hillary said anything. It's only gained a semblance of coherency from opposing the same things, though; my personal theory is that Hillary gave that speech to make it try to solidify and then start infighting.

Considering that Anglin's trying to send people after Milo (who isn't himself alt-right but is adjacent), the infighting is very much happening.