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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 473 KB, 3200x1223, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8584529 No.8584529 [Reply] [Original]

Was told to get a spicier pic.

Votings going on for a few weeks. Meme posts will be discounted wholly, so don't do it. You can go back and change your vote at any time until poll.

Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEuDRJF33JvAFxsckzp_54uMiOfqCWkWWlKKZPaVE3BjWwwg/viewform

Results - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6-b92dCuQKzH4Va2mKI3fy22Du0l3PxkybyPLqEX88/edit?usp=sharing

Referendum on Shakespeare - http://www.strawpoll.me/11365179

>> No.8584548

I do like this pic better

Don't want to start a new thread for this.

Is the Lydia Davis translation the best translation of Swann's way?

>> No.8584587

Can we have the list of the least voted this year? Maybe doing so we can discover lesser known titles.

>> No.8584593

You can have the full list and look at all the 1-vote books like last year?

>> No.8584634

We could have a vote for the worst books. Least voted books wouldn't really be interesting because there'd be too many of them to make sense out of it.

>> No.8585471

That's actually a great idea, I'd love books I hated the most list.

>> No.8585487

No Montcrieff with edits by that Yale professor but it's unfinished (typing with one finger because there's a thirdeatenapple in my hand)

>> No.8585488

this picture is too spicy for my tastes

>> No.8585558

I observe a serious lack of votes for Paradise Lost

>> No.8585769
File: 719 KB, 1183x1200, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Melville and Joyce respectively one and two
> The sudden surge of IJ posters might destroy the dream

>> No.8585895
File: 47 KB, 500x749, 1474595863112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F, "Jerusalem"
>9 results
This is a comfy list.

>> No.8586468

I've got some more rough counts. I've listed the counts for all the books of the top 50 last year, but keep in mind there are books that probably have more votes than these. I've also listed the counts for some of the authors -- Dosto is the favorite by a long shot.

>> No.8586485

The meme to defeat the Infinite Jest.

>> No.8586511

>American Psycho
>4 results

Not bad lads, let's keep it to a minimum though

>> No.8586538

i-i'm not a loser

>> No.8587234

If Jerusalem is on this list I will kill myself and everyone around me.

>> No.8587252
File: 68 KB, 645x773, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to be able to "rank literature"

>> No.8587273

and nothing has changed in the past 2 years. fuck you guys. J R is better than all those books you fucking faggots.

>> No.8587292

I voted

a public burning
Europe central
life a user's guide

>> No.8587297

This already looks much better than the last one

>> No.8587298

oh, and i voted
moby dick
sound & fury

>> No.8587310

fucking pleb. dubliners is boring as fuck and the sound and the fury is trash.

>> No.8587329

The problem with Shakespeare is similar to the problem with poets generally in a list of "top books": poets don't release their work in that format. Most of my favourite writers are poets and I can't really vote for them because to vote for a bunch of "Complete Poems" as my favourite books wouldn't make any sense. It would be more honest if the poll was changed to "Top 100 novels", because "books" across different forms of literature can't really be compared in a single novel-format.


>> No.8587330

You don't know how to read. never come back here again.

>> No.8587338

Holy shit fucking kill yourself

>> No.8587352

Sure, but king Lear is different than sonnet 18. I would consider the plays as books.

>> No.8587356

Not enough Tundra and/or Hypersphere.

>> No.8587359

the sound and the fury is garbage. why did they put that hard bits in italics. it makes it so easy. DUDE NIGGERS ENDURE LMAO the book.

>> No.8587365

the gallic wars
the secret history of the mongols
next level deckbuilding
timur the great amir

>> No.8587379

>different than

>> No.8587381

Yes, I agree. If "Complete Works" is going to be admissable then I'd like to change my vote from Ulysses and the Divine Comedy to "Complete Works of James Joyce" and "Complete Works of Dante Aligheri".

>> No.8587392

Sorry, if you didn't get it then you should go back to more basic works.

>> No.8587415

I got it alright

>> No.8587428


I think I'm just going to count the plays individually. There's going to be an authors chart and Shakespeare will fair a little higher on that. Shakespeare's not especially prevalent here so I think the list will be accurate.

>> No.8587451

yfw too wishywashy to make choices so hiding behind farce of subjectivity

>> No.8587563


anthologies made by the poets themselves in their last years of life, that pretty much are "remember me for this, burn all the rest" should be counted as single books.

>> No.8587576

Only became a common practice in the 20th century...

>> No.8587582

>not putting moby dick as #1
>including pynchon or gaddis

>> No.8587586

Poetry collections like "prufrock and other observations" and "north of Boston" should be considered books because the poet published those poems as a collection. Collected works and anthologies should not be counted.

>> No.8587638

You don't have to push stuff in because of people writing "Complete Works of...", at worst you can still add their vote to whichever individual piece has the most votes already

>> No.8587651

Poets who don't have major collections (The Waste Land, Cantos of Pound, etc) are going to be put in as 'poems of x'. Don't worry too much about it because the only person who's gonna make it into the top 50 (or on list at all) because of this is Borges, whose fictions would already have been up there.

>> No.8587802


>> No.8587873
File: 38 KB, 300x250, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same books every year including this one

>> No.8587886

OP you're not going to include Jerusalem, are you? Nobody actually likes it.

>> No.8587895

Disagree, I prefer the Davis translation.

>> No.8587911
File: 28 KB, 431x415, 1460334094541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next level deckbuilding by patrick chapin

>> No.8587919

>Borges - Stories
Fuck you OP I voted Ficciones, nothing else.

>> No.8587932
File: 142 KB, 751x567, wood-letters-i-do-9-letters-with-stands-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody actually likes it

>> No.8587969

Yeah, thinking about it I'm gonna count ficciones separately. People have been talking here in the thread and making a lot of sense, and I'm inclined to agree with them. Shakespeare's plays, Borges' story books, poetry, etc. will be counted separately.

I'm gonna include whatever people vote. It's awkward considering the timing -- if this was held in three months nobody would be thinking about Jerusalem, but so be it. At best it'll be around the 25 place mark so don't get too worked up about it -- last time 1984, Catcher and Gatsby were all in the top 20 and this time they aren't even clsoe.

>> No.8587990

that doesn't make sense. Placement on the list is going to imply a form consensus and absolutely nobody thinks it's representative of the board. It hasn't been out for more than a month. Think of all the awards and accolades that require a date cutoff. Yes this is an unofficial list of a meme community but can't we exercise some common sense here?

>> No.8588001


>> No.8588007

People are voting for it dipshit

>> No.8588055

I like it desu

>> No.8588071

tfw feel tempted to vote another time, but with 5 different books from other writers.

>> No.8588087

Actually I think a guy tried to make a hate thread and got shat on by everybody, so if anything it would be the reverse? I haven't voted but I'm liking it so far.

>> No.8588093


Ficciones and El Aleph should be treated as two different books, thats what Borges would have wanted. They are his only critically acclaimed works (apart from his poetry) and Ficciones is generally regarded to be superior containing his most famous stories.

Historia universal de la infamia (1935)
Ficciones (1944)
El Aleph (1949)
El informe de Brodie (1970)
El libro de arena (1975)
La memoria de Shakespeare (1983)

>> No.8588339

Same, I want to give Bellow & Greene atleast one vote

>> No.8588383

They seem to get better every year.

The Brothers Karamazov
Paradise Lost
All Men are Mortal
Robinson Crusoe
The Ego and His Own

It's also getting harder for me to come up with a top five as time passes.

>> No.8588953

Flannery O'Connor may see herself on the list for the first time, we shilled it lads, good job.

>> No.8588975

Are people ironically voting for The Bible and Moby Dick?

I don't mean this in a 'lol religion lmao' way, but the Bible isn't lit, and neither is it something people read from start to finish.

And Moby Dick is self explanatory. Only pseuds who pretended to read and endure the excruciating boredom voted for it.

>> No.8588983
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>> No.8589291


>> No.8589356
File: 128 KB, 212x308, james white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Bible isn't lit

>> No.8589368

Tried to read a dutch translation of Genesis. Read the first 20 pages, absolutely insufferable

>> No.8589382

The Pentateuch is not Job and Ecclesiastes is not Isaiah is not Daniel is not the Synoptics is not John is not Paul is not Revelations.

Its an anthology, and shouldnt be included

>> No.8589387

Bible is in the same category as Hubbard's Dianetics and Ayn Rand and those are lit, stop discriminating against Xtians

>> No.8589389

At least The Fountainhead and Dianetics were written by one author with a unified purpose.

>> No.8589467

I don't want to log in with botnet account
can I still vote?

>> No.8589471

also some of these answers are confusing. are we really going to consider the Tractatus Logico-Filosoficus "literature"? isn't this just for fiction and theatre?

>> No.8589478

The chart isn't split into fiction and non fiction, unfortunately. I'd have loved to voted for some more niche stuff in that one.

>> No.8589524

if infinite jest isn't #1 im going to flip shit

>> No.8589574

be prepared to flip shit, man. it's gonna be Moby Dick, Ulysses, Lolita or TBK for sure the way thing are going

>> No.8589661
File: 176 KB, 310x357, 1441814783528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about 'pseuds'
>thinks Moby Dick is boring because of non-adventure and action style chapters

There is only one pseudo here.

>> No.8589696

holy...i want more

>> No.8589709
File: 64 KB, 640x427, krasznahorkai-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw each krasznahorkai bro voted for a different book

>> No.8590103
File: 452 KB, 2500x1667, slavojzizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is there not a single Zizek vote?

>> No.8590184

There were at least two Phenomenology of Spirit votes.

>> No.8590280

Please no Infinite Meme as number one again.

>> No.8590314

There are two of us who voted Gulag Archipelago, feels nice knowing there will be another shill

>> No.8590512

I've made another count -- these are just for the interest of the voting public. Strange that Lolita, that was #1 by far a few days ago is down to 6th place, and Ulysses which wasn't doing well either is now solidly #1. Jest is ten behind and while I don't think it'll rise to the top spot it could.

Keep in mind that this is merely derived from the top 50 last year and that there are a number of books that will be in the top 50 that aren't listed now merely because I haven't counted them yet.

Voting is still open, we're still getting 25-50 a day and at this rate we'll probably end up with 450-550 votes by the end.

>> No.8590514

That's Hegel

>> No.8590518

I think that later votes should have less weight because they obviously aren't as keen users

>> No.8590541


>Not voting for ivan denisovich

>> No.8590554

>not voting for his true masterpiece

>> No.8590560

stop spoiling the surprise

>> No.8590569

you don't have to look

>> No.8590572

when you make the chart be sure to put the amount of votes each book received

>> No.8590575

Of course.

>> No.8590584

Only one Wuthering Heights? c'mon /lit/

>> No.8590590

Ctrl+f Ulysses: 47
Ctrl+f Moby: 50

Seems like Melville is still in the lead op

>> No.8590593

You seem to be unaware of the implied jest.

>> No.8590599

Right, because of the idiots putting moby-dick. Thanks anon.

>> No.8590754

So how does this work, and what is it for?

>> No.8590761

Moby-Dick is the correct stylization, though.

>> No.8590767
File: 2.44 MB, 1820x4348, 1475419906728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you vote for five books, I count it and put it into a chart like this one. It's just for recommended reading and for /lit/ to gather as a community and look at the opinions of our visitors. No real reason, I need something to do.

>> No.8590777

Oh, neat. Thanks anon.

>> No.8590791

Also, some interesting stats:

It seems we have a lot more votes than last year already, and we're still getting good quantities of voters -- last year the top ten had 224 votes and our top ten right now has 364.

The top 50 last year had 549 votes total and we have 812 already. And this is only a rough top 50, with many books probably having more votes. So we may already be at twice the quantity of votes as last year.

Additionally, hs tier lit is pretty reduced. Catch-22, Gatsby, Catcher, Slaughterhouse V are all doing very poorly compared to last year.

No votes, laudably, for Tai Pei. There were no legitimate votes for John Green and none at all for Rowling, and both the Iliad and the Odyssey are doing very well in comparison to years past.

Say what you want but it seems /lit/ is shaping up.

>> No.8590801

What the hell is wrong with this

>> No.8590808

More like our taste is becoming more homogenous and boring due to the invasion of people who don't read outside of what the circlejerk tells them.

>> No.8590829

New stuff will probably be on the list. But yes, due to the nature of literature, you can't consume, or most can't, by the hundreds every year so the crossover for what people read is going to be high. Most don't want to read trash, hence stick with the popular things.
It's understandable, untill you reach a point where you should have a taste of your own.

>> No.8590853

Are we including philosophy and poetry, or only novels and the like?

>> No.8590866

Meme votes you can purge

>> No.8590912

>-1 to infinite jest
Patrician vote desu

>> No.8590979

Donkey Oatie
Confederacy of Dunces
Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.8591024

Any book: Novels, epic poems, lyric poems, short stories, essays, philosophy, graphic novels, non fiction, etc.

When DFW is dead, everything is permitted

>> No.8591050

There's always gonna be casuals like that; However, the fact that it's leading people to books like Karamazov, Moby Dick and Ulysses as opposed to Catcher in the Rye and 1984 means that we're doing better now than in years past.

I think I will -- Watchmen, Jerusalem, -1 infinite jest. Can anyone defend this?

>> No.8591069

The idiot is pretty legit. He's a liar though, that makes 4 books.

>> No.8591089

>No votes, laudably, for Tai Pei.
Jerusalem has filled the meme gap

>> No.8591096

That's why I'm conflicted -- GR too.

Yeah, if I had done this poll in 2-3 months (when people have forgotten about the Jersualem meme) we would probably have done better.

>> No.8591138

obviously you can't apply the -1 infinite jest, much as it would make things interesting if negatives were in play... (well maybe if it's the only one lel)

funny thing is madanon is actively participating by railing against it, just like the fact that it came out last month, it gets new voters thinking about it

>> No.8591141

No shit we have more votes for the top stuff when we have 5 votes this year and had 3 previous years...

>> No.8591155

I remember the last poll; We had five votes I'm fairly sure. I'm told that there were 400 votes total last year.

>> No.8591466

3 votes for books IIRC, but along with 2 for authors?
Looking at it now it was 368 votes total, which the current count isn't far from already. I think I saw last year's polling anon in here saying it ran for several weeks but he must be confusing it with the time it took to count, the poll itself lasted for a bit less than two weeks according to the pic. Votes were down to a trickle by the end.

>> No.8591711

>lack of Jerusalem is "better"
I mean, if you actually gave it a shot and don't like it that's fair enough, but it seems like some people just acted dismissive from day one because "muh comics man".

>> No.8591777

I get the impression it's just the one person, but then again I'm coming after three dubs in a row

>> No.8591784

Anyone who voted for fewer than 5 titles should obviously not be counted. If you haven't even read five books, how can you possibly have an opinion about which books are the best? It makes no sense.

I hope OP will understand why the most reasonable thing to do is to expunge those who didn't submit five serious votes. Most of the ones who didn't only put in memes anyway.

>> No.8591822

you went full retard

>> No.8591828


>> No.8591843

>being serious on 4chan
wasn't your previous attempted line of argument about the stuff you don't like being ~not representative~? have a double check mister mirrorless man

>> No.8591860
File: 264 KB, 1234x1200, lattimore_newtestament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for pic related unironically

>> No.8591882

KYS, faggot. Dubliners describes the emotions of ordinary people better than any other work in history.

>> No.8591884

OP you should count Beckett's trilogy (Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable) as one entry. I see votes for the trilogy as well as votes for each of the individual (very short) novels. The trilogy is only around 300-350 pgs. total and is typically sold in a single volume, so I think there's a strong case to be made here.

>> No.8591888

Yeah, it was three votes, with a separate poll for top three authors (which was made into a separate graphic). Probably having the poll open for two weeks would be enough.

>> No.8591895

When will OP finish the chart? When does voting end?

>> No.8591920

After a certain number of voters I think

>> No.8591933

to be fair how can so many have that as their top 5 out of everything they've read, especially if it just came out? I don't buy that nobody likes the book, but I'm skeptical why they'd choose that out of all the fantastic literature out there. Probably just choosing it to make people mad and ensure the chart'll get shitposted into oblivion for its inclusion.

>> No.8591946

>who are you quoting
I haven't "previously attempted" any argument about this subject, you cocksucking catamite.

>> No.8591993
File: 8 KB, 267x200, psssh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8592015


>> No.8592055

Personally, I'm grateful that other people are voting for what they're into now rather than old mainstays, even when it means that most likely none of their votes will make it in. Like who cares exactly how many of you whimmed that Ulysses or Karamazov is the best book ever this time around? These "Stranger, Karamazov, Lolita, Bible, Don Quijote" lists are as pointless as they are depressing, and they don't denote a very well-read board at all.

>> No.8592390

It's almost like they are the best books ever written. This isn't a 'list your favourite hipster books' it's a Top 100 poll. Just fuck off.

>> No.8592418

Jerusalem can safely be removed from the list. It's nothing but a meme and people who are actually reading it have either dropped because it's shit or are still reading it. It's 1200 pages long and it came out so recently that it can't be anything but a meme.
Also, Watchmen probably shouldn't be on the list, comics are comics and not literature (and I'm not saying this as le comics can't be art, they are a different medium, having it on is like allowing manga on the list).

And I'm pretty sure all Jerusalem voters are memes, did anyone who voted for it actually read it?

>> No.8592433

>Jerusalem can safely be removed from the list. It's nothing but a meme and people who are actually reading it have either dropped because it's shit or are still reading it. It's 1200 pages long and it came out so recently that it can't be anything but a meme.
The book came out almost a month ago. That's more than enough time to read 1200 pages.

>> No.8592441

For some, but most posters read far bellow 1200 pages per month.

Has anyone unironically voted for Jerusalem and why? Because I'm pretty sure we could remove it from the list and nothing but a shitty meme would be lost.

>> No.8592457

Yo op,

Are you going to use InDesign for the list?

I'd be happy to help, I got a template already

>> No.8592539
File: 119 KB, 1900x4300, topwhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what im talking about

>> No.8592561
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8592567

>Meme posts will be discounted wholly
>How much of a loser are you on the bottom of the form.
Cognitive dissonance must be hard to deal with.

>> No.8592590

You missed #289, op

>> No.8592824

My idea is for it to end at the end of the month, so we can get a wide a net as possible, but I'm willing to close it sooner. The 21st would be three weeks so depending on how many votes we're getting at the time I might end it there. I'll finish the chart as quickly as possible once the voting is closed.

Yeah, but then people could make the argument that we could delete Infinite Jest or Lolita because people vote for it because it's a meme. I'm gonna let people vote for what they want.

I'm not sure how I'm gonna do the list; I don't have indesign. I might use that template if it's alright with you but I've got an idea for a slightly more expansive chart that has favorite authors, methodology information and so on.

I don't see how anyone who actually read Moby Dick (read- didn't just read it for the meme cred) can make that argument. The whale biology is a vehicle for discussion of an extremely broad variety of topics. Either way it's comfy as shit and the tone is fantastic. I voted for it.

Yeah, it sucks

Thanks anon.

>> No.8592865

I can help you with the list of you want, Indesign is probably the easiest as it just has placeholders for images and text etc.

>> No.8593234


>> No.8593260

>poor man's RSV: the book

>> No.8593312

Fuck I literally forgot my favourite book.

Is there any way to change my vote?
>but then people could make the argument that we could delete Infinite Jest or Lolita because people vote for it because it's a meme
What the dicks did you mean by memes, then?

>> No.8593315

Looks like the votes are starting to stabilize; We're still getting decent numbers but the Moby Dick - Ulysses - Karamazov - Lolita - Jest order has stabilized now. Still, we've been getting 25-50 a day pretty consistnetly so I think the poll should go on for at least another two weeks.

Definitively here, Shakespeare's plays are going to be counted in separate entries, authors like Borges who published their work in consistent collections are going to be counted separately (aleph separate from ficciones), and same goes with poets. For poets like Dickinson who didn't have collections, the 'complete poems' will do, although don't get too rustled up from this because I don't think any are going to make it up there too far.

>> No.8593326

You can just go back and revote, I think, to change your vote.

By memes I meant things like voting all the John Green books, or shit like calenders or chemistry textbooks. I think there are some people who unironically like Jerusalem and so I'm not going to count it as a meme unless there is a really convincing argument that it is a meme.

>> No.8593360

>You can just go back and revote
I cannot.
>By memes I meant things like voting all the John Green books
You think no one can unironically like Green? There are some here.

I think it is more effective to simply pick books you know /lit/ recommends (ad nauseum) rather than rely on voting; that would give newfags the temperature of the board.

>> No.8593421

I've just enabled editing; I'm sorry, thought it already.

I can understand some people liking John Green; However, the only person who listed a John Green book had infinite jest and four John Green books -- everyone agreed that it was an utter meme. So I deleted it. If someone appeared to sincerely vote for John Green, of course I would count it. We're just trying to weed out what are obviously insincere votes. For the most part, Jerusalem voters' other picks are genuine and we can conclude that Jerusalem isn't necessarily a meme. If it was included in a meme vote with other stuff, I'd delete it along with the other stuff. But that's no reason to take away the votes of those who legitimately like it.

My point, however, is not to make a helpful infographic. The point is to measure the current opinions of /lit/.

>> No.8593462

>You think no one can unironically like Green? There are some here.

Yeah you're right there was one fan who voted for 4 different green books, his fifth vote, however, went out to Infinite Jest. There was also one guy, I think, who apparently could only think of two books to elect and but so he used his first 4 votes to vote for his all time favorite - IJ - but it wasn't until the fifth vote that he evinced his appreciation for one of the works of lauded novelist Green.

And that was it

>> No.8594056

>Moby Dick as best book ever written
American navel-gazing at its peak

>> No.8594076

This is an English board, hardly a surprise.

>> No.8594080

disable editing before someone fucks it up

>> No.8594084

I meant editing as somebody editing their personal votes -- that is, they can vote again to rewrite their old votes. It's still view only.

>> No.8594095

it's a real good book senpai

>> No.8594100

more like naval gazing amirite

>> No.8594129


>> No.8594344

378 and 379 are obviously the same person.

>> No.8594418


>> No.8594848

Just wanted to let you guys know that i voted about 50 times already. The canon and discourse of /lit/ will be shaped by my manipulation.

>> No.8594898

Ok, then which votes are yours? There are no correlations in the timestamps that look like one person voting with dozens of accounts.

You're just a sore loser mad that his favorite book isn't winning, so you're trying pathetically to invalidate the whole thing since you can't get your way.

>> No.8594906

I'm tired of Americans always winning at everything. It's not fair!

>> No.8594942

Thanks for making the top slighty better, my man

>> No.8594952

I'm sure statistical analysis could reval ambiguous but odd patterns here and there, there seems to be too many bland votes, even for /lit/
Infinite Jest and the Bible are usually good indicators of ballot stuffing, except here it seems to be shared with the least suspicious entries, making it hard to discern any clear intention

>> No.8594994

>implying anyone shapes their "discourse" around the charts

>> No.8595018

how do you make so many google accounts?

>> No.8595086

You can buy a pack of them from indians. It probably wouldn't be viable right now, though, since Google has been pushing IP checks hard to get people's phone numbers

>> No.8595609

If you really did this would you mind going back and editing your extra votes to just be blank? Why do you care so much about an internet poll so as to spend time cheating it?

>> No.8595805

you bite bait

>> No.8596872

page 10 bump

>> No.8597250

Gracias amigo

>> No.8597341

The lack of Bottom's dream is disturbing.

I thought that was our new meme book.

>> No.8597484

Nobody's even read it cover to cover is what it is

>> No.8597507

Ulysses in the lead, time to wrap it up

>> No.8597517

I'm tired of Americans never getting the Nobel. It's not fair!

>> No.8597641

is this Hilarys top 100 book list?

>> No.8597653

The Bible is legitimately my favourite book.

Also I feel sorry for Ego: it's an incredibly important book to read, but I don't think it's top 5 per se. Just top 5 in importance.

>> No.8597692

if you want to give the temperature of the board to newfags you should put the memes too.

>> No.8597710

"Memes" from a single spammer are hardly the temperature of the board, and they're not getting in regardless

>> No.8597751

We're saying IJ are memes.

>> No.8597776


>> No.8597786

Ulysses beating Moby-Dick would be /lit/'s greatest achievement to date.

>> No.8597811

More like Ulysses beating Moby's Dick hahahaha

>> No.8597819

holy... I want more!

>> No.8597822

So did Moby! hahahaha

>> No.8597826
File: 24 KB, 318x439, IMG_9201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8597827

moby dick is literally the best book ever written

>> No.8597830

i liked in the heart of the heart of the country but i just can't get into this

>> No.8597835

If anyone here has actually finished it I'd be shocked

>> No.8597865
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, IMG_9194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voted. Better meme than Jerusalem by far..

>> No.8597874


>> No.8597892
File: 164 KB, 568x320, alan_moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been visited by the Alan Moore of good digits! Trips and quads will come to you, but only if you say "grant morrison is a feverish nonentity" every day and every night for the next two years.

>> No.8597920

Can people please start voting for Barth books, I'm starting to feel like I threw away two of my votes

>> No.8597953

>tfw epic of gilgamesh has only 3 votes

>> No.8598083
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x897, bottoms2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm up to this penis so far.

>> No.8598176

yeah guys, first-book/best-book has to get on the list so more people here will talk about it

>> No.8598730

>Least voted books wouldn't really be interesting because there'd be too many of them to make sense out of it.

The list of books with 1 or 2 votes is often more interesting than the main list. The main list is dominated by stuff that's commonly discussed here, while the list of 1 or 2 vote-getters can turn up all sorts of interesting books that you might not have heard about before.

>> No.8598745

I'll leave a link to the list on the image so people can go back and see all the books that got votes; However, while there are of course very interesting books that get few votes it's difficult to put them into an infographic.

>> No.8598793

>Referendum on Shakespeare - http://www.strawpoll.me/11365179

Featured Question
Should the turkey drop continue at the Arkansas's Turkey Trot festival?
"A Turkey Drop is when a turkey is thrown out of a moving plane high above a spectating crowd."

I voted yes. Drop the turkey Arkansas.

>> No.8599737

Such a shame that people are voting for Bottom's Dream when they haven't even read it.

I mean, maybe some Germanophones might have read it but they would write Zettel's Traum I guess.

Al the other ones are highly likely to be meme votes, OP

The translation's been release, what? 3 weeks ago? It's huge, it's 1,500 pages long, it's challenging, I don't believe any of the Bottom's Dream voters tbqh

>> No.8599862


I'm on page 56 and it's already the best book I've ever read.

>> No.8599913

Maybe, but how can you seriously place it in your top 5 when you've merely read <5% of the whole thing?

>> No.8599920

It's the 5th book he has ever stared reading.

>> No.8600225

It got 30 more votes yesterday, poll is still going strong. Even discounting the deleted rows there are a sizable chunk more entries than last year's poll already.

>> No.8600443

there's someone voting more than once though.

>> No.8600526

I thought that had been prevented by changing the poll settings?

How pathetic would someone have to be to try to manipulate an anonymous message board book poll in order to feel that their life has importance. Jesus, go write a short story or something.

>> No.8600602

Well, considering some people are trolling an anonymous message board book poll by voting for books they haven't even read, I would call that too far-fetched tbqh

>> No.8600635

Oh yeah, it's not far-fetched at all, I was just commenting on how pathetic it was.

>> No.8600637

Trolling? on this web-site? when did things go so wrong...

>> No.8601345

Outrageous indeed

>> No.8601404


It's preposterous.

>> No.8601425


2014 also had some odd anomalies,

>> No.8602506

We're still getting about 20-25 posts a day which is cool, especially considering that this thread hs been buried most of the time.

To promote more visibility on the thread, I'm going to pose a question for you guys to debate: Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?

>> No.8602592

I have a better question: which one deflates the most without his beard?

Just compare with 2015, which still had Infinite Jest but remarkably little Bible spam, to see that it must be the work of very few people
Yes, I'm sure some of you really, really like the Bible but how exactly does that prevent stuffing
Okay, going from 3 to 5 votes may have given more space for those who can't consider KJV their absolute favorite to still include it, all the memery and tension with muslims helps, some maybe find that voting for the bible is top of the line in trolling lefty intellectuals, the board's population has changed a little, right, but all that doesn't account for a difference between like 3% bible votes to 10% from one year to the next, I'm willing to bet that going through the list you'll find correlation with bland and expected votes, nothing unnatural about that, and here it just so happens that Dostoevsky is the new top dog... let's have a look:
>remarkably little bible-thumping among the first responders, some close ones but nothing unreasonable really
>subtle and believable troll on n°15, love it
>more russians, who would have known, but less spam than expected, most of those seem genuine
>here are the first adjoining votes with identifiable, non-meme books,
What are the chances: yes, have an archive look for someone who might have mentioned "Alcools" and "La Princesse de Clèves" as their favorites before, and you find "The Portrait of a Lady" also among their favorites, which happens to be the above vote, 3 minutes, about the time it takes to switch accounts and make up your mind, tempting also to follow up with Billy Budd and tag more of these votes are probably affiliated but what's the point
Indeniable proof? of course not, and this is just basic clumsiness from one person, so nothing like the large-scale spamming I was hypothesizing, but it only takes every person voting two or three times, and let's not kid ourselves, who has more motivation to try and fake an inconsequential poll than the faithful?
Someone more autistic than me could probably go through the whole list and identify some of them using the archive and previous votes

>> No.8602597

PS to autists: I'm not suggesting you actually analyze the list, please don't waste your time, that was rhetorical

>> No.8602905

Probably because people reading are getting there pointers from here and vote for those books and so on and so on and so on and on.....

>> No.8602917

And getting their pointers from the ongoing list too, since it's public. I admit I looked and took inspiration from votes with similar tastes before entering mine.

>> No.8602986

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Big Nowhere


>> No.8602995

colossal pseud detected

bible is a great story
moby dick is comfy

>> No.8602997

You're 18 years old and read under 3 hours a day.

>> No.8603000

23 and read almost constantly everyday

>> No.8603004

I have tempered my boring cynicism and remembered that each one of those books is great. I apologise for being snide.

>> No.8603009

Apology accepted. I could've voted for oddities like Dictionary of the Khazars but kept it classic so vote might count

>> No.8603054

>3 of 5 results
>2 are House of Leaves

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.8603062

I've voted for this same poll before and its letting me again. You're poll is prone to high amount of voter fraud. Destroy your results create boards announcing the polls date months in advance and a 48 hour timeframe to vote for more accurate results.

>> No.8603073

It lets you vote, but doesn't record it. I just checked, unless I got something wrong.

>> No.8603195

Board culture does change in that timeframe. We've been having a lot of KJV-circlejerk threads, and this I fully admit is what brought me to read the thing to begin with.

It's entirely believable.

Also, I seriously doubt we've got many "of the faith"—of that kind of faith, anyway. Christian anarchists á la Tolstoi seems a lot more likely.

>> No.8603198

It lets you edit your old vote you enormous mongoose.

You've been changing your votes, not making more.

>> No.8603199

If you voted before and you vote again it just edits your previous entry. Unfortunately it then locks you out for at least a while, which is why there is now a row that says "test I've already voted blargle"

>> No.8603203

>Dictionary of the Khazars
Holy shit I've been trying to remember the title for fucking ever, thank you anon!

>> No.8603269

I'll change it back in a few days, thanks for clarification.

>> No.8603365

When he goes on forever about the history and terms about leviathans it gets a little tiresome.

>> No.8603524

>166 The Bible
>167 LA Bible
Master of deception desu

>> No.8604603

Can I still participate?

>> No.8604611

Yes, the voting is still open

>> No.8604612

No! If you follow the first link in the OP and vote for five books, people from here will find you and beat you up.

>> No.8604621

Thanks, just did.

>implying I'm not hiding behind seven proxies

>> No.8604638

I can imagine a face for each and every vote.

>> No.8604657

Am I handsome in your mind?

>> No.8604717

You guys really like Ulysses?

>> No.8604739

nope. voted for meme status

>> No.8604764

>he doesn't understand the extended metaphor

>> No.8604771

Yes, it's an amazing book and easier than its meme status suggests.

>> No.8604819

assuming you're 449, I'd say you're relatively attractive but not in the chad sense but rather in the secretive loner sense.

>> No.8604850

close this poll already

>> No.8606203

bumping, call it quits anon

>> No.8606208


>> No.8606618

give it a couple more days, make it close to two weeks again

>> No.8606623

Nah, leave it open a bit longer, see if we can hit 500. When there are fewer than 10-15 new responses in a day that's when I'd say you should call it.

>> No.8606638


It's pseudo reddit tier try-hard shit.

>> No.8606641

I like this idea, if it was two weeks last time. I'll close it at like 6 on Friday and make the chart Saturday.

We can probably get 500 by Friday if we keep this thread prevalent.

>> No.8606683


>> No.8606851

I hope all you people voting Moby(ldy) Dick are getting excited for all the best new memes that are going to spawn off its like 1 or 2 position off the charts.

>> No.8606913


>> No.8608058

Bumpity bump

>> No.8608219

I haven't read enough to vote in this.

>> No.8608223

So, if I voted for the complete works of one author (say, comolete plays by Beckett), but someone chose just Waiting for Godot, our votes count towards the same, or are the individual?

>> No.8608254

Conscious votes for "whichever of that author's books gets the highest count" don't sound quite fair when so many already won't get in due to divided votes

>> No.8608315

You have good taste other em dash using anon

>> No.8608329

>he checked
Is it the /lit/ equivalent to the foot under the bathroom door?

>> No.8608363

I was searching up my own though.

>> No.8608386

>I was searching up my own though
One can imagine situations in which a man would use that excuse

>> No.8608391

the bible falls under fiction anon

>> No.8608402

It's nonfiction.

>> No.8608410

Shit top 10

>> No.8608412

plz no bully.

>> No.8608413

The Bible is literature, and it's non-fiction because it is a religious text.

>> No.8608423

>religious text

Exactly my point, fiction

>> No.8608445

You haven't read 5 books?

>> No.8608502 [DELETED] 

Completely off-the-wall writings by certified lunatics are published as non-fiction, I don't see why you would have a problem with religious texts in that regard

>> No.8608516

Completely off-the-wall writings by certified lunatics are published as non-fiction, I don't see why you would have a problem with religious texts in that regard

>> No.8608519

Nope. Nonfiction is 100% true and anything that isn't 100% verified by science is fiction.

>> No.8608527

Your false-flag face is worse than your bait face

>> No.8608574

Don't you have some place else to tip your hat?

>> No.8608647
File: 1.18 MB, 1743x3603, listofbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone interested in seeing the next 100 chart finished?

Just waiting until we get more results

>> No.8608686

Not sure what you mean by the 'next 100' chart.

>> No.8608695

What do you mean?

>> No.8608745

OP is doing the top 100 but that still leaves a ton of good books that didn't make the cut. So I can just make a list of those just for fun or whatever.

>> No.8608989

Not particularly. The top 100 list will identify the consensus books, after that I'd be more interested in the individual responses by people who mention one of my favorites so that I can try something else that they list. Books that only get a couple votes, in contrast, don't particularly interest me in a vacuum. But hey, I'm sure someone will be interested in it.

>> No.8609098

Sounds cool.

>> No.8609225
File: 19 KB, 236x331, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just done mine

>Elmer Gantry
>Songs of Innocence and Experience
>Italian Folktales (the Calvino one)

>> No.8609375

Please disregard any votes that include that new Alan Moore book as they're obviously trolls

>> No.8609645

And bottom's dream as well

>> No.8609691

>tfw every one of the books I voted for have only 1 vote, from me

>> No.8609700

Most actually seem like genuine votes

>I'll close it at like 6 on Friday and make the chart Saturday.
You'll probably want to take a couple days after closing it for a tie-breaking poll (the order in which books with the same amount of votes appear I guess you could roll dice for, but chances are that if you keep it to precisely 100 the least amount of votes that makes it on the chart will include more books than there will be space left at the bottom)

>> No.8609738

A lot of us use emdashes, anon.
Yes, except I'm into that.

>> No.8609751

must be because you have shit taste mate

>> No.8609840
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>voting for books other people have voted for

>> No.8610042

so many excellent books!

>> No.8610175
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 14045558_1763239493936474_1371735780148690388_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Taipei is on this list

Hi Tao.

>> No.8610239

what the fuuuuuuck what did I just read?

>> No.8610379
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rightful #1 book of all time