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8583956 No.8583956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ believe in Free Will?

Please recommend me material on the subject.

>> No.8583977

Define "Free Will".
No, don't do that.
Tell me what a world under determinism looks like, and what a world under free will looks like. What's the empirical difference between the two hypotheses?

>> No.8583991
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>Define "Free Will".
Ummm... we make choices? I dunno.

>What's the empirical difference between the two hypotheses?
I have no clue. The reason I asked for recs is because I don't know.

>> No.8584002

Philosophy of the Mind by Edward Feser

>> No.8584011
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>> No.8584023
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>ctrl-f "free will"
>0 results

>> No.8584202

Language, Truth, and Logic by AJ Ayer

"Free will" and "determinism" are both meaningless concepts.

>> No.8584209

Elaborate. "Read the book" is not an acceptable answer.

>> No.8584805
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> Though we constantly choose our actions, is it impossible to choose our willings?

> Is intellect a mere accessory to willing, rather than willing being a function of intellect?

> Though we can conceive of a variety of logically possible courses of action in the abstract, does the intangibility of such abstractions hide the fact that we are rigidly determined to a particular action in reality?
> "Yes."

>> No.8584921

It's like he's a total pessimist or something.

>> No.8584925

Haha, nobody here actually knows or can explain things. They just know the names of books which they can refer you to.

>> No.8584942

I do, but I believe it requires admitting a metaphysical reality to support it.

>> No.8585063

I never have been able to. Determinism just makes so much more sense. My inability to comprehend free will is the biggest reason why I can't ever be a Christian.

>> No.8585121

This is pathetic.
There are version of christianity that are compatible with there being no free will. The fact thaty the absence of free will is what prevents you from being christian just shows how actually ignorant you are.

>> No.8585124

There is only one version of Christianity and it's the Orthodox Church.

>> No.8585132

Yes, of course.