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/lit/ - Literature

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8583744 No.8583744 [Reply] [Original]

What makes people think this book is so good? I'm about 200 pages in, and though I admire Tolstoy's observational skills, and his way of creating very realistic scenes, there's not much else of merit that I can find in the book. Why do people say Tolstoy is up there with Shakespeare? His command of prose isn't even all that incredible, besides the convincing way he describes things. Though he makes the characters very lifelike, I can't help but think that there is a missing dimension to them. Shakespeare is a much greater character builder because his characters seemed to have an much deeper inner life, while Tolstoy seems to concentrate a lot on the exterior and most basic of emotions. I'm reading the Maude translation, not pic related.

>> No.8583764

Russian lit characterization comes more from the philosophy they represent and their ideals. English lit characterization is more on reactions to other characters actions or events.

Also, never forget that a lot of the prose is lost in translation.

>> No.8583771

>page 200 of a 1200+ page book
you're literally still in the exposition.

>> No.8583801


We literally had a long thread on this last week. Try and check the archives before posting this shit everyday.

>> No.8583831
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so what ur saying is in mbti terms russian lit is like intoverted feeling (Fi) and english lit is like extraverted feeling (Fe)? are you an intp, cuz ya sure sound like one, buddy !!

>> No.8583834 [DELETED] 


>Command of prose
вы дyмaл eё пo-pyccкий?

>> No.8583836

It's a little too long. A rollicking historical novel written for the general reader, specifically for the young. Artistically unsatisfying. Cumbersome messages, didactic interludes, artificial coincidences. Uncritical of its historical sources.

>> No.8583857


иди нaхyй нaбaкoв

In a real answer to your question OP, you're not far enough into the book to know yet. Tolstoy takes his time developing and adding dimensions to their characters and their inner lives. It is by no means perfect and is an early work in Tolstoys ouvre. On the subject of deeper inner lives, you can hardly expect more of a character in an ensemble cast than you can of Hamlet.

Moreover, I would rate your assertion of his focus on "exterior and basic emotions" as total rubbish. What's an exterior and basic emotion? I think your issue is that Tolstoy shows and doesn't tell. The necessary information to infer all you want about the characters inner life is there for you to see if you pay some attention.

As a piece of art Tolstoy attempts to depict life from an exterior rather than an interior viewpoint. If you want interior monologues read later Tolstoy, or better yet read some Proust, the undisputed master of the psychological novel.

>> No.8585233


Tolstoy doesn't show the process of change just the change itself which can be strange to people not accustomed to it, I think, but if you just think as a human I think you don't need such description

>> No.8585427

Prince Andre's death is the most sublime writing in all of literature.

>> No.8585831

I'm at around that point too OP (just finished Book One Part Two) and it feels a little bit like a hassle but I like it and definitely continue reading it. The moment when Nikolai feels alone in the world while sitting by the campfire and thinking of the people who love him and asking how he ever came here was pretty stunning.

It could be the translation. I got the Maude translation because I heard it was better than the Pevear one

>> No.8585865

just watch the TV series so you can pretend you've read the book and are capable of appreciating it

>> No.8586299

Дa ты, мpaзь, oхyeл! Tы, гpязь, нe ceмeй пpo Львa Hикoлaeвичa тaкиe гaдocти гoвopить, мpaзoтa! Бyдeшь в Питepe - пиши, я твoй poт нaoбopoт!
