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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 650x488, james and nora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8580258 No.8580258 [Reply] [Original]

>Virginia Woolf is a more effective writer than James Joyce because she does not rely on
elaborate language devices that ultimately confuse and alienate the reader.

-my prestigious PhD English teacher who went to yale and harvard.

/lit/ utterly BTFO

None of you faggots have the credentials to dispute her claim.

How do you feel that you're fucken done?

>> No.8580263


>> No.8580265

Try reading either first

>> No.8580267

Do your own homework sweetie, you can play on the internets later.

>> No.8580275


*only when this word is interpreted in such a way as to suggest what woolf tries to achieve in writing is more successful than the attempts of joyce

i mean i'm sure the argument has a bit more meat to it but hiding it behind the use of the word 'effective' is not a postgrad move, unless i severely overestimate postgrad

>> No.8580277

>dispute her claim
>her claim


>> No.8580279

appeal to authority fallacy

try again

>> No.8580285

It's a personal opinion, m8. Can totally see preferring Woolf over Joyce.

>> No.8580288
File: 16 KB, 460x276, Vita-Sackville-West-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like James and Nora just look so painfully but effortlessly cool, like they're some super cool underground indie band, in that picture. And I mean painfully in the sense it causes you to desperately wish you could be like them in some way. So I put the kind of comments from such people as massive jelly on their part.

Here's Woolf being tryhard fedora af for comparison.

>> No.8580291

>itt: people who haven't read Joyce or Woolf

>> No.8580301

she looks like a fucking dude

also, joyce's wife is pretty hot in that OP

>> No.8580303

looks like oscar wilde lmao no wonder she killed herself

>> No.8580310

that's dawter

>> No.8580311

>her claim
And but so then of course

>> No.8580312


Woolf was always like that though. Check out the Dreadnaught hoax.

The amount of ignorance in this thread is unreal.

>> No.8580314

She had a handsome face

>> No.8580318

>more effective
>implying literature is some kind of tool to used convey ideas or relay a chain of events rather than an art

Are musicians who use less notes better because they are more effective with the ones they do use? Are painters who use only two colors better because they are more effective?
Is "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." The greatest work of literature ever because it tells an entire story with only six words?

>> No.8580330

>"James and Nora are so cool, like they're in some super cool underground indie band"
>"Massive jelly"
>"Here's Woolf being tryhard fedora af"

Christ almighty.

>> No.8580331
File: 515 KB, 652x993, Silvio_Berlusconi_(2010).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bunga bunga is unelaborate language that neither confuses nor alienates

>> No.8580333

>confusing simple or easy to understand with minimalism
You should know better.

>> No.8580347

That is actually Woolf, I assume it was West that took the picture or something.

>> No.8580353


thats why she was a truly great writer

manly women > feminine women

>> No.8580356
File: 20 KB, 348x471, 835cfcccad79d072c59781d959a2b151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison. Similar fedora levels, but it's quite clear that Virginia is ironically the butch with man face.

>> No.8580360

No, the portrait is by E. O. Hoppé. It's Vita Sackville-West.

>> No.8580363
File: 21 KB, 620x387, vita_portrait_3075223b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Virginia, what hat should I pose in today?"

>> No.8580365

Journalism-derived buzzword. Your professor's just a highly qualified hack.

That's his schizo daughter Lucia.

>> No.8580369
File: 75 KB, 1200x757, Turner-Collected-Sexts-of-Virginia-Woolf-and-Vita-Sackville-West-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't fucking herself, anon.

>> No.8580373

That's what I thought too, but the filename says Joyce and Nora, and reverse image shows James Joyce and Nora Barnacle.

>> No.8580383

Nah, someone just mislabeled it. There's a pic with his whole family on Wiki and that's definitely not Nora.

>> No.8580391

You guys are pretty much in the dark without some tits to go on, right?

>> No.8580398
File: 147 KB, 785x1117, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those tits!

>> No.8580401

>None of you faggots have the credentials to dispute her claim.
/lit/ has best selling literary authors, is your professor one?

>> No.8580404

>her claim
I don't think this post warrants a response. The inferior female brain obviously cannot comprehend james joyce.

>> No.8580420

I'm a girl AND I read Ulysses

>> No.8580439

"""read""" Ulysses

>> No.8580461

I can't, for the life of me, figure out how a hobbies board like /mu/ manages to be as terrible as /pol/.

>> No.8580512

Well, not to me.

>> No.8580659


>None of you faggots have the credentials to dispute her claim.

but i like both in equal measure

your agenda-driven dyke teacher = BTFO

>> No.8580670


putting aside the fallacious appeal to authority, your failure to understand that two PhD English teachers can have dissenting but valid opinions makes me question what university you're going to and how you managed to pass Composition I and II

>> No.8580706

Since when is alienation a bad thing?

Why are so many people so damn pseudohumean in their view of art? Perhaps -- no, no, don't dismiss me quite yet -- that sometimes the reader should be challenged by the author rather than coddled into staying in their comfort zone? Sometimes it is good to be a bit too ambitious in one's writing rather than write something that will be forgotten in a decade.

I doubt this woman has read either, because Woolf is just as guilty of using tortuous language.

Did Joyce actually need that eyepatch? I always wonder this.

Furthermore, Joyce was a loving husband with a healthy sexuality; Woolf was a dirty queer that married another queer, and both of them dirtied their marriage further through queer infidelities.

>> No.8580707

just like people question your orientation u fag boi with ur fancy words

>> No.8580713
File: 64 KB, 357x346, 1467223343424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lowkey u a savage fo dat

>> No.8580729


emotions have been challenging the audience and taking them out of their comfort zone since the Greeks you people continuously tell people to start with

>> No.8580735

How is this relevant?

>> No.8580758


>> No.8580764

It's hot when 2 girls have sex so your last point is invalid. (unless they are butches)

Society should only accept female x female relationships (unless they are butches) and fags can go die.

>> No.8580771

>woolf and vita aren't butch
Her husband was also homo.

>> No.8580781

im glad she left her faggot husband then

Even though Woolf was mannish, I should specify that by butch I mean those fat short haired dykes who dress like men. I guess those didnt exist back then.

>> No.8580821

Joyce is the greatest literary artist of all time.

>> No.8580825
File: 80 KB, 800x702, Fernie_Swastikas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you and your prof, I have not and will never read either of them

>> No.8580848


Subtle bait. You won't make us hate Woolf, frog faggot

>> No.8581270

As a non native english speaker,Joyce confuses me.
I have no idea what is happening,but the prose is pretty.I see the aesthethic value and the talent.

>> No.8581298

>the big words and fancy talk in joyce hurts my brain
typical woman tbqh

>> No.8581305
File: 119 KB, 872x1297, Lucia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats Lucia not Nora, the chick who dated Beckett

>> No.8581337

>Lady Gaga is a better finger painter
than Leonardo Dicaprio because art isn't wank and is very serious..


How do you feel to know you're an inferior being?

>> No.8581341

>PhD English

a tip
a top
a tip top
tippidy kek
n' drek

>> No.8581349
