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File: 205 KB, 444x593, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8570793 No.8570793 [Reply] [Original]

I remember someone posted once here about an economist that proved that socialism is impossible

Who was he?

>> No.8570808

get clean for gene

>> No.8570817
File: 51 KB, 625x625, 051112_1936_IsaacNewton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone posted once here about a physicist that proved that gravity is impossible

Who was he?

>> No.8571476

I remember someone posted once here about a literary critic that proved that DFW is impossible.

Who was he?

>> No.8571482
File: 89 KB, 1868x245, discernable talent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571484
File: 50 KB, 647x960, 1475310474849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Equating theory with gravity

>> No.8571513

Economic systems can't be proven or disproven in the same way scientific ones can. Also socialism isn't primarily an economic theory as Marx proposed it, Capital is an attempt to understand the capitalist system, not propose another one.

>> No.8571517

Gravity is a Theory retard

>> No.8571523

You baited me, here's your (you)

>> No.8571533

A theory is a means of accounting for a given phenomena. Gravity is the name of the theory accounting for why (among other phenomena) objects are attracted towards the ground.

You seem a bit slow for here, might I advise you check out /v/ or /pol/ instead?

>> No.8571535

Friedrich August von Hayek or William Forster Lloyd?

>> No.8571539



You can't prove anything in soft sciences like economy/sociology.

>> No.8571558


>> No.8571567

t. never read an economist in his life

>> No.8571576

You probably mean Mises "economic calculation problem" i.e. there is no means by which it is possible to allocate resources ("efficiently" at least) without market prices. It's simply wrong though since allocation can easily be dealt with in a purely technical manner with input-output analysis in terms of raw quantities with feed-back inputs.

>> No.8571577


>proving anything

top kek

>> No.8571581


I remember someone posted once here about an astrologer that proved I would find love in the coming week.

Who was it?

>> No.8571582


>> No.8571587
File: 338 KB, 1920x800, 1459110921998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure thing kid

>> No.8571592

Physical books.

>> No.8571596
File: 34 KB, 640x480, cheers idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh sure

>> No.8571603
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1472464671471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remind me how you felt when you read picketty's book and thought he had the answers to everything you crusty teenage pinko

>> No.8571607


>> No.8571616

>ill post insulting pictures as my argument

>> No.8571617
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1409223137938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately goes for his /pol/ folder

Thanks for showing your hand friend

>> No.8571618
File: 19 KB, 285x425, Cjq_c_UXAAEUV9C.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a theory that people who spout the right's philosophy (mostly retarded) are mostly retarded?

No it's not. You're all mostly retarded.

>> No.8571624
File: 584 KB, 475x637, 1468662814780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my /lit/ folder actually

have another

>> No.8571631

That wasn't me.

>> No.8571634
File: 45 KB, 325x433, Cj9ZyU4XIAANUkz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your joke that ugly men use the internet too much. Because I would agree.

You too are probably just as ugly.

>> No.8571636

There is no good reason you'll find in classical or neoclassical economics on why socialism is intrinsically "impossible". The only group who really tried to push this notion was the Austrians, mostly in debates with neoclassical economists in the 1920-30s. Most of the issues like the principal-agent problem is just as equally problematic in a corporate economy as to a theoretically planned economy. Austrians cannot explain why corporations even exist as actually existing planning agencies when everything could just be subcontracted on open markets.

>> No.8571637
File: 45 KB, 354x314, bnp_youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571639
File: 58 KB, 501x606, CmZaqxWVIAATqBo.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new right

>> No.8571646
File: 627 KB, 1000x750, denmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes straight to his leftypol folder and accusations of far right/alt-right

makes you think

>> No.8571652
File: 26 KB, 324x324, CjqRp7mUYAA83ae.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there only less than ten of these and they're all that's ever used when someone disagrees with you retarded people

It's stale as fuck I've seen this for two years

>> No.8571655

>some /pol/tard was so insecure that he tried to force the neckbeard meme to fit his political views
thats just pathetic

>> No.8571657
File: 80 KB, 673x458, 1467477396461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are self-described socialists always so defensive and bitter?

>> No.8571658
File: 331 KB, 900x900, o-EDL-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing intellectuals

>> No.8571662
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 2edaPXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left wing cuckolds are kings of the fedora son

>> No.8571665
File: 1.06 MB, 750x1334, 1475274053370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen someone more bitter than a mentally ill man on /r9k/ actually nu-right. There's no need to get defensive over them, unless you are them.

>> No.8571669

but they aren't
libertarianism/ancapism is essential to the fedora meme
that pic, >>8571624 this pic, >>8571603 and this one aren't fedora in the slightest
only >>8571657 is

>> No.8571672

The main argument is simply that without costs people can't make rational decisions. If everything was free, you wouldn't stop eating. And this argument has nothing to do with human nature, or strange socialist assumptions of the "new man" or whatever. When everyone has to pay for everything themselves (ie no democracy) they take on the most responsibility for they own actions and their economic output, only then can a true rational economy exist. Any amount of democracy creates the tragedy of the commons.

>> No.8571673
File: 32 KB, 286x425, Cjq_c_UXAAEUV9F.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for posting the fourth image in this two year old set. However any venture to okcupid leaves you mistaken.

>> No.8571674
File: 36 KB, 640x960, aadsffdsfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the ideology responsible for gamergate

>> No.8571687
File: 62 KB, 720x540, 1430989922503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure /r9k/ had a hard-on for bernie, that's not surprising when socialists appeal to lifestyle of crusty NEET manchildren living in their parents basements and living off handouts. It's /r9k/'s wet dream to have a socialist in office

>says the ideology responsible for feminist bootlicking

>> No.8571688

but thats fallacious because with costs people still don't make rational decisions

>> No.8571689

>If everything was free, you wouldn't stop eating.

Is this post satire? No one can be this daft

>> No.8571690

>>pretty sure /r9k/ had a hard-on for bernie

oh man


You don't even try to hide

>> No.8571691

is that actually laurie penny or did they just cut away to someone else
does resemble her somewhat

>> No.8571692

r9k currently has a hardon for trump
thats a fact friend

>> No.8571696
File: 727 KB, 2937x2203, reddit anarcho-capitalist meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty sure /r9k/ had a hard-on for bernie


>> No.8571697

this is so painful

>in a TRUE free market, there would be no planning by enterprise at all!

note this isn't what Mises was saying at all

>> No.8571699

OP if you're still here, the economist you're looking for is Eugen Bohm von Bawerk


>> No.8571700

Well done either not comprehending his post

>> No.8571703

its clearly shopped

>> No.8571704

Is this rightist faggot asking me to post okcupid strawmen from the right. Because if you want to play the broad strokes strawman game, the right would lose. Do you want to know why the right would lose?

Because all of you aren't very bright and cling onto any political movement first and adopt into your own without anyone's opinion on it.

You ruin it for everyone.

And everywhere you will find cringey politically illiterate people from the right, especially on dating websites.

You have two images from a ten year old set. Maybe 6 if I'm being generous. The left has hundreds of examples to chose from.

>> No.8571707
File: 69 KB, 643x960, 1430414757150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby socialists having yet more meltdowns

remind me again why basement dwelling NEETs wouldn't vote for their interests and support a candidate who would subsidize their lifestyle?

Face it, you're the ideology for losers, pseud-intellectuals and virtue signallers.

>> No.8571708

oh I wasn't looking at the nametag

>> No.8571710

"Fedora" is, in the final analysis, a smug cunt that thinks they have everything figured out, that they are smarter than everyone else, and that everyone that disagrees with them is fooling themselves or brainwashed or whatever. So LITERALLY marxism.

>> No.8571715

except it is necessarily libertarian/ancap. thats literally what the meme is. you can say all that about marxism and it may be true but its not part of the meme

>> No.8571716
File: 12 KB, 236x238, CjqRp7mUYAA83aV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>babby socialists having yet more meltdowns

How many times have you retards had a meltdown on /lit/

You made a scene so loud to ruin a joke for political purposes, you made the anti defamation league bring it up and now everyone who uses it has to be associated with you

Have you ever, for an instant considered, just shutting the fuck up?

>> No.8571719

>jumped to straight up raging on feminists
>claims to not associate with /r9k/

>> No.8571722

>So LITERALLY marxism.

>> No.8571723

You saying it is without explaining why won't make it so. It's an atheist meme, left wingers are FAR more likely to be atheists than anyone on the right, they are far more likely to be effeminate limp wristed arselickers, i.e. the sort of people who would wear a fedora

It's hilarious how desperate you are to appropriate the meme

>> No.8571724

Because we live in a socialist system, ie the government. We don't pay the full costs of our actions.

Free stuff is the main selling point of socialism. Free means being paid for by someone else, ie socialism is the weak ruling the strong.

>> No.8571727
File: 150 KB, 900x750, ernest-hemingway-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah that doesn't perfectly describe /pol/ totally describes all those Marxist professors, artists, intellectuals, film makers

>> No.8571728

the fedora meme is at least as anti-feminist as it is atheist

>> No.8571729
File: 22 KB, 600x401, 1470008120368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Because we live in a socialist system, ie the government. We don't pay the full costs of our actions.

>> No.8571736 [DELETED] 

You realize people stop getting hungry right?
I mean maybe not yourself but most normal people

>> No.8571740

I just explained what it was, and how it adheres exactly to leftist ideals and stereotypes.


>> No.8571741
File: 500 KB, 1600x1000, fedorafeminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sort of people who say m'lady and act chivalrously are not anti-feminists, they're feminist bootlickers you utter tard, see >>8571707

>> No.8571742
File: 16 KB, 302x327, 17312982635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an atheist meme, left wingers are FAR more likely to be atheists than anyone on the right, they are far more likely to be effeminate limp wristed arselickers

What you're seeing right now is delay. It happens within the right.

The right tends to suck people up the that are stupid. And as most stupid people are, they tend to be late.

The left has sucked the atheist phase dry, moved on. And now you, and your right wing associates, are sucking the crowd still attatched dry. Making any poor stupid socially awkward sod who fucks with old crowds and old jokes, and simple people, be associated with you because all your opinions are so general and broad and stupid you could fit them on a comic on your grandmother's fridge.

You are going to find more inept useful idiots on the right, I can guarantee it. You have to be around long enough to see it though. I don't think you have been.

>> No.8571744

but it doesn't
the libertarianism is part of the meme, like it or not

>> No.8571748
File: 261 KB, 600x373, weeks_blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize people stop eating when they're no longer hungry right?
I mean maybe not yourself but most people who don't read mises.org

>> No.8571751
File: 220 KB, 500x457, tumblr_mfo6pzo6VW1s1av4bo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the sort of people who say m'lady and act chivalrously are not anti-feminists

Don't complain about my use of strawmen when you asked for the strawmen

>> No.8571752

So when was the last time you poured concrete, painted a house, tiled a field, or did anything? Through the government, you've allowed to appropriate the labor of others every day. Ie socialism. The weak ruling the strong.

I'm using eating as a metaphor. I have yet to participate in the insults here, so keep those to yourself.

>> No.8571755

>because all your opinions are so general and broad and stupid

this summarises your post very well, completely devoid of any substance and nothing but shit flinging attempts at armchair psychology

>> No.8571760

and theyve been specifically pitted against feminism in recent years

>> No.8571761

But its not. Libertarians are dudes with bowties.

>> No.8571766

and fedoras

>> No.8571767

Yeah and it applies to everything. People had a perfect capacity for making rational decisions long before prices exist and they'll continue to make them after prices are gone.

What you miss is the fact that consumerist Capitalism is the true force that not only allows but actively promotes people to eat more than they need. There is no such motivation in Socialism

>> No.8571768

>in recent years

By whom? when? where? has there been an announcement?

>> No.8571769

>this summarises your post very well, completely devoid of any substance and nothing but shit flinging attempts at armchair psychology
>devoid of any substance

Compare the ratio of Marxists and National Socialists, left v right in classical idiotic internet community terms, in 2008 and now, in the Atheist community.

Then compare the Christians.

You'll see the ratios have flipped. Time has gone by, the left has found new things.

The right has found the creative skeletal husk the leftover left has, left, and came to roost in it. It too, wanted new things.

You even agree with me.

>> No.8571770

In general culture?

>> No.8571771

>So when was the last time you poured concrete, painted a house, tiled a field, or did anything?

When have you

>> No.8571772

>A problem

Why do Marxists keep pushing this stinky maymay?

>> No.8571779

They don't. If you read Marx you'd know that inequality is simply sympthomatic of the real problem

>> No.8571782

The marxists and leftists have grown up and become conservatives. Look at 4chan. It used to be an edgy, anarchic mess in the 000s, over time it has matured and moved to the right. 4chan is a microcosm of society at large. As people become older and wiser, as they gain more responsibilities they become more conservative. Looks like it was you who was left behind

>> No.8571783

did you even read the thread
no one has mentioned inequality

>> No.8571785

Because it is a social problem and social problems are the nastiest sort of problem that blind people to the rational level headed choices to keep things in balance and civilization to stay structured.

Left without a way to organize social situations, you see what you see on the internet, mass confusion and mass manipulation.

People being blinded by social issues while claiming they aren't blinded by social issues and claiming they're rational level headed people fair and honestly. People like you.

The left understands the nuance that this needs to be equated, the right does not.

An example of many things the right can be easily manipulated from.

>> No.8571795
File: 259 KB, 1658x1659, CmlPUcPUEAEJ80X.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The marxists and leftists have grown up and become conservatives


>Look at 4chan

A new host of high school students has arrived who don't agree with their older more socially competent leftist parents.

Oh how I dreaded this Freudian day would come.

>4chan is a microcosm of society at large

Do go on.

>As people become older and wiser, as they gain more responsibilities they become more conservative. Looks like it was you who was left behind

The only thing that hasn't changed is younger people pretending to be older people and wiser people, to older people who are wiser than they are.

>> No.8571796

>Because it is a social problem
It's not so much a problem as a reality of life.

Talent and intelligence is unequally distributed among people, which leads to inequalities in the outcomes of their actions.

You mustn't let your passion for equality delude you into thinking men are equal in capability.

>> No.8571798

Once again you've managed to write a number of sentences and say literally nothing. No one has learnt a single thing from your posts aside from how much of a retard you are. How can you be this inept?

>> No.8571800
File: 1.30 MB, 1800x2100, 1391072033157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is a microcosm of society at large.

I never seen an argument self destruct so abrubtly, even one that was bad to begin with

>> No.8571801


>the real problem

That is?


Thought I would try to get it back on track desu


>People being blinded by social issues while claiming they aren't blinded by social issues and claiming they're rational level headed people fair and honestly. People like you.
>Muh false consciousness

Sorry bud, but false consciousness is limited to the minds of those deluded Marxists who believe in it.

>The left understands the nuance
>The left understands nuance

Le Seinfeld faec

>> No.8571804

>>Talent and intelligence is unequally distributed among people, which leads to inequalities in the outcomes of their actions.

It isn't.

>You mustn't let your passion for equality delude you into thinking men are equal in capability.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Too each according to their ability, too each according to their need?"

This sums up what I'm saying, and is not equality. It is to each according to their ability and need.

Which is a more competent way of organizing society to stop letting social situations, the situations you're using, to get out of hand, to the degree you're using, and the degree the internet is now using.

>> No.8571805

>That is?

The Capitalist mode of production, predicated on control of firms via private property
You should have the most basic clue about a thinker before you try to criticize him

>> No.8571806
File: 246 KB, 800x450, seinfeld-default-nologo-800x450-800x450_070120141207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sorry bud, but false consciousness is limited to the minds of those deluded Marxists who believe in it.

Define false consciousness. It sounds like something you just grabbed to sound more apt and intelligent when you are not.

If you need an example, as to why you are not, your next sentence does perfectly well to get my point across

>Le Seinfeld faec

Le Seinfeld faec

>> No.8571808

>It isn't.
You live in a fantasy world.

>Have you ever heard the phrase "Too each according to their ability, too each according to their need?"
Yes, I've heard of it. I think anyone with at least two neurons and a synapse connecting them realizes that it is entirely unfeasible method to allocate resources when resources are scarce.

>It is to each according to their ability and need.
What if I have no ability whatsoever and I need a Ferrari?

>> No.8571809

>A new host of high school students has arrived who don't agree with their older more socially competent leftist parents.

nah, younger generations are more liberal than ever. But now I'm sure you'll fall back on the vacuous argument that 4chan is a contrarian place, so to maintain its contrarian nature 4chan had to lurch to the right. But of course the simple explanation is that as people on 4chan have grown up, as they've gone to college and graduated and earned themselves an income they've started to invest themselves in society and government more than they used to, hence they've grown right leaning tendencies. I know because I'm one of them. In fact if you look at self-reported board demographics it's right-leaning boards like /out/ and /pol/ that have the highest average ages. It's not a coincidence

>> No.8571815

>breaking posts down into talking points because he's too much of a lightweight to handle coherent arguments

Yep this is /pol/ alright

>> No.8571817


As Foucault said, Marxism is to the 19th century as a fish is to water: it can't survive beyond it.


You were the one tacitly implying 'false consciousness' on my part in claiming 'people like me' are 'blinded by social issues' even if we say we aren't.

You think we have false consciousness. You define it.

>> No.8571819

>resorting to muh /pol/ boogeyman
Also, breaking down posts into separate parts to address specific points is the usual way debate is conducted. Although I realize leftists tend to approach debate through the perspective of ad hominem, appeals to emotion and censorship.

>> No.8571820

>You live in a fantasy world.

You live in a world the left has left you, a world of books where the right has had none. And I don't blame you for mixing your arguments and your jokes and your communities together, at the misfortune of all of us, when you're so lost as someone as in the alt-right.

>Yes, I've heard of it. I think anyone with at least two neurons and a synapse connecting them realizes that it is entirely unfeasible method to allocate resources when resources are scarce.

It isn't unfalsifiable. There are roughly enough homeless people to be housed and fed by the state, and educated, for roughly 3 billion dollars.

Do you know how much we've spent on a single jet project for our military-defense budget in the last twenty years, that we haven't even used?

3 billion dollars.

>What if I have no ability whatsoever and I need a Ferrari?

See what I said about you not being intelligent. You do a terrible point of proving me wrong.

>> No.8571823

Except it is not in any intelligent circle. Its a way of abstracting the conversation into a convenient format of taking selective potshots to protect your ego

>> No.8571830
File: 371 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mq5j7qxkOa1sx0mcoo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah, younger generations are more liberal than ever.

The socially competent and intelligent are. The ones who are not so? They tend to be the edgy contrarians, our new atheist phase, our new right.

Your type even prides itself on this.

>But of course the simple explanation is that as people on 4chan have grown up

Stopped reading here

>>You were the one tacitly implying 'false consciousness' on my part in claiming 'people like me' are 'blinded by social issues' even if we say we aren't.

I wasn't claiming that. That is such a broad term that I didn't even think of using it. I uniquely used the words I used, to describe the situation I described.

In more than two words.

>You think we have false consciousness. You define it.

I already did define what I defined...?

>> No.8571833
File: 11 KB, 225x225, tips moustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It isn't unfalsifiable. There are roughly enough homeless people to be housed and fed by the state, and educated, for roughly 3 billion dollars.
>Do you know how much we've spent on a single jet project for our military-defense budget in the last twenty years, that we haven't even used?

Pure ressentiment.

>> No.8571834

>You live in a world the left has left you, a world of books where the right has had none
What the heck is that even supposed to mean? Top kek.

>And I don't blame you for mixing your arguments and your jokes and your communities together, at the misfortune of all of us, when you're so lost as someone as in the alt-right.
Is English your first language? Because you make no sense whatsoever. When did I ever mention communities? What the fuck are you talking about?

You sound like some kind of BLM activist. Mixing different economic and racial slogans into incoherent mumbo jumbo.

>It isn't unfalsifiable.
I didn't use the word "unfalsifiable", I used the word "unfeasible". Perhaps you just pass 3rd grade english before browsing the internet.

> There are roughly enough homeless people to be housed and fed by the state, and educated, for roughly 3 billion dollars.
Even assuming that number is true (which it probably isn't), the problem of homelessness is usually due to mental and moral deficiencies. I highly doubt you can "educate" (I love how leftists use that word. Are you going to teach them calculus?) a crackhead.

>See what I said about you not being intelligent.
Why don't you answer the question instead of resorting to insults.

> You do a terrible point of proving me wrong.
And you speak English terribly. Even I can tell that, and English is not my first language.

Seriously, are you really American?

>> No.8571838

AAaaaaaand there's the frog

>> No.8571839


No really. We're taking about a complex economy here. Resources are squander when their use is controlled by majority rule. Decisions should only be made by those willing to take on the responsibility of failure. At it's core socialism is socializing failure, forcing the strong to subsidize the weak.

Government manipulation of the food markets (ie socialist planning) is the leading cause of obesity. Its the left pushing this "healthy at any size" bullshit. The motivation to be fat under socialism would be allowance to declare oppressed status and be exempt from work. Free stuff.

Everyday but the weekends. Though I haven't done farm work in awhile. Killing my own chickens doesn't count.

>> No.8571840

>live and let live

probably not the best example you want to post if you're trying to draw a connection between the right and fedoras

>> No.8571842

>Except it is not in any intelligent circle
Perhaps you frequent the wrong "intelligent circles"

> Its a way of abstracting the conversation
Sorry, I'll try to be more anti-intellectual.

>> No.8571843
File: 276 KB, 1200x1600, 1463951527548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pure ressentiment.

"Hey why don't we just waste the amount of money we could use to house all our suffering homeless people, on a jet we won't use to protect suburbanites we don't care about to win elections we'll fix"

The American Way

>> No.8571845


The frog has a point.

That post was ressentiment in its purest form.

>> No.8571847

thats basically the core of libertarianism

>> No.8571848
File: 109 KB, 528x960, 1473006444690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg a pepe le frog spotted, a sure sign of an alt-right troll's dirty paws as documented by HillaryClinton.com and MSNBC!

>> No.8571851
File: 80 KB, 558x744, tumblr_mfx4301ATe1s0cjm8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling the pressure?

There are hundreds to choose from, which would prove my point I made earlier, about their being hundreds to choose from.

>> No.8571852

>Government manipulation of the food markets (ie socialist planning)

Ah yes, Socialism. Defined as whatever the government does

>> No.8571853
File: 112 KB, 795x960, tfw retards consider becoming religious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>caring about suffering beggars
>caring about something so petty and small as politics

Mein Gott, it reeks of Last Man in here.

>> No.8571856

You've ruined that joke for everyone who doesn't agree with you hysterically, because people on the left used it, you can now call them hysterical.

Congratulations. You really are fucking stupid, and you really are fucking obnoxious.

To get the ADL involved

>> No.8571857

kek, he's starting to short circuit now.
Take a breather bud, you'll hurt yourself

>> No.8571859

Have you ever met actual homeless people? They're homeless because they choose to be homeless.

In America you have welfare, EBT and Section 8. It is literally impossible to be a homeless person unless you have made some extremely bad life choices, like getting addicted to hard drugs and destroying your life.

>> No.8571861

No one cares about your pseud bullshit retard. Being condescending about defining something so basic doesn't get you any brownie points.

>> No.8571862
File: 25 KB, 360x480, 1473006334599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? I'd associate it more with socially liberal left wingers. People like Hoppe are the intellectual foundations of modern libertarianism, and they sure as hell don't believe in live and let live

>> No.8571863

>Mein Gott, it reeks of Last Man in here.

Remember what I said about teenagers coming here?

I have some good news actually. We all get out of our Nihilist "Nietzsche is everything I ever hoped for" phase.

You reach the top of read you aim for only to find that the left was right all along.

>> No.8571865
File: 44 KB, 468x528, 1416183173823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571866

>hoppe is the intellectual foundation of modern libertarianism
hoppe is very unknown (ive never heard him brought up anywhere outside of here and meme pages)
most libertarians are all about letting people do their own shit

>> No.8571869
File: 601 KB, 441x579, tumblr_n0dqfr4JXE1t3xg5ro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are asking for more Strawmen to be used, against the left, when the left can prove otherwise you are mistaken, so you can complain about the left using strawmen later.

I guarantee you do this.

>> No.8571872

>hoppe is very unknown

I'm not a regular of /lit/, but I'm genuinely surprised to see that people are even stupider here than on /pol/

>> No.8571873
File: 109 KB, 500x500, Disgust Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're homeless because they choose to be homeless.

Pure ideology

>> No.8571875
File: 35 KB, 415x293, george-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another image where you try to associate the fedora with the right but fail to even post a picture featuring a fedora? How many more of these do you have son?

>> No.8571876

>I'm not a regular of /lit/, but I'm genuinely surprised to see that people are even stupider here than on /pol/

This thread hasn't been exactly in your favor

>> No.8571877

I've literally never heard anyone on any other website or in real life mention him

>> No.8571878

I've never understood what "pure ideology" is supposed to mean.

Do you care to state your rebuttal or is that beyond your mental capabilities?

>> No.8571882

George is actually pulling off the hat here to be fair

>> No.8571884

its a meme you dip

>> No.8571885

>thinking women should shave their legs is considered fedora worthy

yikes, I guess 95% of the population are fedora tippers then

>> No.8571888
File: 210 KB, 500x376, 1465655654268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another image where you try to associate the fedora with the right

Who do you think would more likely use this argument and look like this.

/r9k/ and unemployed? or?

>> No.8571889

To any objective observer the leftists in this thread appear to be retarded children who struggle with basic english grammar.

Perhaps because you're not very educated? I don't know anon, stop watching MTV.

>> No.8571891
File: 169 KB, 955x1000, Co3IHOOUsAAENAf.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To any objective observer the leftists in this thread appear to be retarded children who struggle with basic english grammar.

That seems to be the right here, friend.

>> No.8571892

i read the economist and the wall street journal every day
hes a meme

>> No.8571893

Kind of like leftism I guess.

>> No.8571896


kek, you're well up with the times bro

>> No.8571897

Gravity is a phenomenon, not a theory. There is a theory ABOUT gravity, but nevertheless gravity is not equal to its theory. Just as the word "gravity" is not equal to what it refers, namely, gravity.

>Gravity is the name of the theory
Are you really this dense? If by "gravity" you're referring to the General Theory of Relativity then fine, but don't ACT as if "gravity" cannot or isn't used to refer to THE PHENOMENON that is gravity, ALSO. The word is ambiguous and if you're forcing your particular meaning onto others without being specific (e.g. using the phrase "General Theory of Relativity" instead) you're just confusing everybody. Educate yourself on the 'use-mention' distinction as well: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/quotation/..

>> No.8571898

sure i guess

>> No.8571900

>Analytic revving up the autism engine

>> No.8571901

atheist redditors? Do you believe that eugenics is a right wing ideology?

>> No.8571903

The other guy couldn't even tell the difference between the words "unfalsifiable" and "unfeasible"

By the way I'd like it if he answered my post, but I guess he got scared by the logic of it.

Perhaps you should try to imitate their use of basic punctuation.

I must admit that I'm not underage, like the majority of people ITT seem to be.

>> No.8571904


And libertarianism is "live and let die." I want dummies to self-cull.

I define things through actions. Socialism in any form would function exactly like the current governments. I've talked with many socialists that have defined it as a "government by and for the people" and then "consensus" and "one man one vote" ad nauseam. The mistake you're making here is only attributing something as socialist only when it has a positive result that you desire. Socialism is an action.

>> No.8571911

>The other guy couldn't even tell the difference between the words "unfalsifiable" and "unfeasible"

You're shitting out stupid replies at a rapid pace, and I must excuse I don't read all of them thoroughly. The last chance I had I nearly choked on what I was eating laughing.

>By the way I'd like it if he answered my post, but I guess he got scared by the logic of it.

And you complain about the atheists when you sound just like them.

>> No.8571912

Got to admit, I find it hilarious that you believe >>8571851 belongs to the right because "live and let live", and yet you also believe >>8571888 belongs to the right because he promotes the exact opposite

>> No.8571915

>I define things through actions.


>> No.8571920
File: 325 KB, 476x634, T3jwa5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialism in any form would function exactly like the current governments

You know, how people can tell you're either illiterate or an illiterate teenager? And how you avoid wanting to be called a teenager, when you are a teenager, who doesn't know what they're talking about?

Don't shy away from excusing you're a teenager, at least then you have an excuse

>> No.8571921

>he criticizes people on their grammar on an Uzbek throat yodeling forum
I can use grammar perfectly well, I just generally chose not to because I have no reason to be so anal about my posts here.
Just in case you don't forget, you didn't respond to my point that two important publications, both in favor of the free market, don't mention your meme man.

>> No.8571922

>You're shitting out stupid replies at a rapid pace
My last reply was 10 minutes ago. If you can't answer a paragraph within 10 minutes it speaks volumes about your intellectual capabilities.

>The last chance I had I nearly choked on what I was eating laughing.
Too bad you didn't die.

>And you complain about the atheists when you sound just like them.
I'm not the one complaining about atheists, and I'm myself an atheist.

>> No.8571924

Thanks for the vigorous counter argument.

>> No.8571925

>picking and choosing

The one on the right currently would think you can have too many sex partners, believe men should be the head of households, and wishes he can punch elderly women.

That is why I compared him to you.

Because you are him.

>> No.8571927

>Just in case you don't forget, you didn't respond to my point that two important publications, both in favor of the free market, don't mention your meme man.
Appeal to authority. Also the economist has sadly become another establishment rag. It's important in the sense that it's widely read, but by no means would I call it important in an intellectual sense. It's trite.

But I guess if you get all your opinions from the economist your posts kind of makes sense.

>> No.8571928
File: 18 KB, 495x391, racedating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racial preferences in dating are evidence that this fedora is right-wing

just stop

>> No.8571929

I give you what you warrent

>> No.8571932

>My last reply was 10 minutes ago. If you can't answer a paragraph within 10 minutes it speaks volumes about your intellectual capabilities.

I've answered all the posts in less than five.

>Too bad you didn't die.

Edgy nihilist anti social justice warrior with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.8571933

>I don't date jigaboos

You're really reaching now friend

>> No.8571934

you have still yet to offer any evidence that hoppe is in any way influential in libertarianism
>unironically using the word "establishment" as a pejorative

>> No.8571936

>I've answered all the posts in less than five.
Well, evidently you haven't.

>Edgy nihilist anti social justice warrior with a wicked sense of humor
No, I was just being honest.

>> No.8571937
File: 210 KB, 467x616, tumblr_mf9a9xsOTN1s0cjm8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking and choosing quotes when you know you're picking and choosing

Just stop

>> No.8571939

>believe men should be the head of households,

Why does he believe this? He looks hispanic to me, now, with that in mind what can you tell me about hispanic cultural values pertaining to the family?

>and wishes he can punch elderly women.

An inability to detect sarcasm is a sure sign of autism

>> No.8571940

>>unironically using the word "establishment" as a pejorative

You'll find thats extremely common if you go outdoors once in your life

>> No.8571941

>You'll find thats extremely common
yeah, among retards
but you clearly missed my point and have once again ignored the actual argument in my post

>> No.8571942

>No, I was just being honest.

I didn't know losing debates were times where the opponent could be honest about their feelings about losing a debate

>> No.8571944

>you have still yet to offer any evidence that hoppe is in any way influential in libertarianism
If you were in any way familiar with libertarian ideology you'd know that he's very influential.

I mean let's look at your argument here. Your argument boils down to "I didn't see Hoppe mentioned on MTV so he mustn't be important"

I guess the only rebuttal I can offer is "read more".

>>unironically using the word "establishment" as a pejorative
I didn't use it as a pejorative.

>> No.8571947

>An inability to detect sarcasm is a sure sign of autism

You just fit your own definition. Nice going genius.

>> No.8571949

I'm a man in my thirties that has read thousands of books.

Nope. This thread (including pictures you've likely posted) prove otherwise. Entitlement is left wing.

>> No.8571950

How can I have "lost" the debate when you still haven't bothered answering my post?!

>> No.8571951

>yeah, among retards
You're talking about most everyone our age. But I suppose that says everything

>> No.8571954
File: 249 KB, 466x519, 1466387330487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a man in my thirties that has read thousands of books.

When you get called on being an exaggerating teenager who almost looks like he's using hyperbole ironically, you don't double down on the suspicious exaggerations that look like hyperbole

>> No.8571955

>I'm a man in my thirties

kek and you've the time to be arguing with kids on an anime website on a saturday?
You must be some bitter loser

>> No.8571961

>"I didn't see Hoppe mentioned on MTV so he mustn't be important"
MTV = two respected publications, ok
>the only rebuttal is "read more"
you could actually recommend me something that proves your point
>i didn't use it as a pejorative
>establishment rag
sounds very positive

>> No.8571967

>How can I have "lost" the debate when you still haven't bothered answering my post?!

I probably have. Why don't you stop yelling about answering them, if you want them answered, and ask again. Instead of wasting time, energy, and posts.

>> No.8571969
File: 119 KB, 680x906, 1405925835516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a man in my thirties

>> No.8571970

>This thread (including pictures you've likely posted) prove otherwise.
Ive posted no pictures, but plenty of the pictures itt have proved you wrong

>> No.8571974

>MTV = two respected publications, ok
It's the same kind of argument you dense moron.

>you could actually recommend me something that proves your point
Well, read libertarian blogs. Read mises.org for instance. Heck read the wikipedia page on Hoppe.

>sounds very positive
I'm not criticizing the fact that it's establishment, I'm criticizing the fact that it's a rag. The economist has completely prostituted itself to shill for whatever item on the menu of the establishment.

>> No.8571983

>I probably have
No you haven't. These are two of my posts, left unanswered: >>8571834

I'm confident you won't answer them, though, as you'd have to actually use your brain.

>> No.8571988

>It's the same kind of argument you dense moron
if you can't see the difference between the two you may in face be retarded
>libertarian blogs
this is what being influential is?
>im not criticizing the fact that its establishment
then you wouldn't have included that adjective. calling it a rag would get your point across just as well

>> No.8571992

>And you speak English terribly. Even I can tell that, and English is not my first language.

Are you the same right wing poster who always gets involved in these arguments who stops being coherent and eventually boils it down to "Hey are you a foreign speaker, do you not speak English"

Because if you are it is beginning to look like the opposite is true

>Why don't you answer the question instead of resorting to insults.

Because you are posting on 4chan not in debate class. You are even losing a debate, on 4chan and not debate class.

>> No.8571994

Thats like saying I shouldn't call you a failed loser because loser would get my point across just as well.

>> No.8571997

Not at all. I made an argument.

You can only call out something if its true. But sure, the leftist mob mentality does tend to be wrong.

Good point. At least everything I'm saying is constructive. Anything to get the new generation to not be leftists.

All these fedora pictures are of leftists.

>> No.8571999

>if you can't see the difference between the two you may in face be retarded
I can't believe you're getting so hung up over my using the term "MTV". If you can't understand why I drew this comparison then I guess all you have left is to continue to dwell in your unintelligence.

>this is what being influential is?
Well yes, when we're talking about libertarianism. Libertarians tend to read libertarian blogs more than they tend to read the fucking economist.

>then you wouldn't have included that adjective.
Yes I still would've. I'm sorry your command of the English language that basic punctuation still eludes you but don't project your own misunderstandings of the English language upon others.

>> No.8572002

I'm positive /pol/ users who also browse /lit/ are more intelligent simply because I'm sure most used to be lefty but came to a conclusion that right wing ideas make more sense. This along with them being /lit/ which shows a willingness to read whatever an author is trying to express shows the likelihood of intelligence because of the willing exposure to ideas.

Now compare that with someone that's done their own personal filter with ideas and ignore anything that's contrary.

>> No.8572006
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 544b7687d9c50b445a2b07712fafcc3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can only call out something if its true

You not being a 30 year old who's read thousands of books, is probably true.

I don't know, you could be. That would be sad though, if I were you I would just go along with saying I'm a teenager, it would look less sad. I'm giving you a way out.

If you're more than 16 but less than a man in your thirties, well that's just even more sad.

>> No.8572008

>Are you the same right wing poster who always gets involved in these arguments who stops being coherent and eventually boils it down to "Hey are you a foreign speaker, do you not speak English"
No, I very rarely post on /lit/

By the way, you didn't bother answering my post, like I said so.

This is true of pretty much any young person who is right wing. So to speak, the fact that you need to "swim against the current" makes you read far more and get acquainted with far more ideas than just repeating the slogans du jour.

>> No.8572011

>I'm positive /pol/ users who also browse /lit/ are more intelligent simply because I'm sure most used to be lefty but came to a conclusion that right wing ideas make more sense.

It's actually the opposite, most right wing people are either younger or extremely older

Also using the "older people just get wiser" meme, is nice. If you knew older people at this point are overwhelmingly leftist.

You're not 80, you're at most 27

>> No.8572012
File: 18 KB, 302x400, 6a00d8345374b869e200e5506b7ade8833-640wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're pre-maturely bald, you blame positive discrimination for why younger people have been constantly jumping you for promotions and blame feminism for why women don't find your attractive and call yourself an "autodidact" because you never had a proper formal education
You also smell bad and your neighbours think you're a pedophile

>> No.8572016

>No, I very rarely post on /lit/


>> No.8572024

You're free to believe in whatever you want. You're already a delusional moron so it's not like adding another delusion is gonna hurt much.

>> No.8572025

you include the word "failed" because you think it describes something that isnt included in "loser"
>if you can't understand the comparison
I understand it, it just makes you retarded because you seem to think all culture is some sort of monolith
>Well yes, when we're talking about libertarianism
and that just adds to the argument that its a meme ideology with a meme intellectual
>I'm sorry your command of the English language that basic punctuation still eludes you

>lectures me on bad grammar
>makes this sentence
Like I said previously I have a fine grasp of grammar and mechanics when it comes to the English language. I generally don't get so uptight about it because it's not necessary for this website.
>>8571920 and >>8571937 are rightist you moron

>> No.8572028

>You're free to believe in whatever you want

I'm going to be generous and not think you're in your 30's

>> No.8572031

>and that just adds to the argument that its a meme ideology with a meme intellectual
And now you're just switching the goalposts.

But I guess someone whose criteria for what to believe is whether it appears in the economist or not can't be too smart in the first place.

>Like I said previously I have a fine grasp of grammar and mechanics when it comes to the English language.
Sure bub.

>> No.8572035

How can you keep confusing me with the other guy? Is your brain so moronic you still haven't realized you were talking to two different people?

And still waiting for the answers to my post.

>> No.8572036

>And now you're just switching the goalposts.
>sure bub

>> No.8572039
File: 105 KB, 903x646, ClMv5UxVEAA8DxR.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses strawmen that makes the left look like its full of ugly people
>hey I could show you a bunch of people who are ugly on the right wing
>post obviously right wing people
>get into a long autistic debate
>lie that you're 30

>> No.8572042
File: 491 KB, 3800x2850, congr_s_des_JC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8572043

The original argument was about whether Hoppe was influential among libertarians, not whether libertarianism was a meme ideology.

You switched the goalposts.

But I guess that someone who typs lik dis must have trouble recognizing logical fallacies.

And yeah I doubt your prose is Shakespearean when you "apply yourself". You see the difference between a moron such as yourself and a normal person (because I don't even consider myself particularly smart) such as myself is that it doesn't take a lot of effort for a normal person to type correctly. It's just something which comes naturally, without requiring intense concentration.

>> No.8572044

>>How can you keep confusing me with the other guy? Is your brain so moronic you still haven't realized you were talking to two different people?

I keep assuming only one person can be this stupid, and since you're all on one another's nuts I just argue as if you're in the same 'group". If you know this you don't have to point it out, it leads to things being confused. Just use proper judgement to discriminate between when a point you're arguing for is being debated, you can debate, and when you can point out I made an identity mistake on an anonymous website.

Don't spell yourself out.

>And still waiting for the answers to my post.

Keep waiting because everyone already left you behind in this conversation

>> No.8572046

>doesn't even take the time to change the filename
y tho

>> No.8572050
File: 151 KB, 625x782, 13638159230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man I can keep going

>> No.8572052

Me on the Left

>> No.8572053

>Keep waiting because everyone already left you behind in this conversation
Damn to think I thought you'd at least be honest enough to answer my post.

I guess I really overestimated you.

I just have a question which is actually quite personal, but I'd like it if you could answer it. Are you black?

>> No.8572055

Repeating something doesn't make it true.

I'm actually thinking about shaving because of how much hair I have, I own my own business, and I don't care what women think about me. And yea, college brainwashes you.

No they aren't. Racism is leftist, its all about collectivism. Besides that, there is nothing in either of those pictures of a political nature. See my comment here: >>8571710 where I thoroughly explain how "fedora" is leftist.

>> No.8572056

me on the mic

>> No.8572059

That man's name, Albert Einstein.

>> No.8572063

>I'm a man in my thirties that has read thousands of books.
>I own my own business
> I don't care what women think about me. And yea, college brainwashes you.

Please stop


>> No.8572067

>The original argument was about whether Hoppe was influential among libertarians, not whether libertarianism was a meme ideology.
and you still have yet to show that, just saying some (unnamed) blogs cite him
and i had previously called him a meme man
>typs lik dis
I don't make spelling errors, I just don't capitalize and leave out commas and apostrophes.
> You see the difference between a moron such as yourself and a normal person (because I don't even consider myself particularly smart) such as myself is that it doesn't take a lot of effort for a normal person to type correctly. It's just something which comes naturally, without requiring intense concentration.
Or just that I'm doing other things (because I actually do have a life) and type very quickly, so it's simply faster for me not to use those grammatical marks when it's not necessary.

>> No.8572069

Do I need to post my driver's license? I mean, I won't.

Well, that's the only one so far. Great job. Rand was a statist, so not exactly right wing.

>> No.8572071

>racism is leftist
you arent even trying anymore
>see my comment
ive already disproved it

>> No.8572072

It can be used to anything from the phenomenon to the intensity of a dramatic situation but it still says nothing about the actual force of gravity.

Come on guys, this is pretty basic, the thing in itself yadda yadda

TBQH I'm not even a leftie and I'd make that same confusion based solely on the fact that /sci/ faggots bringe up MUH UNFALSIABILITY all the time, so you just get on automatic sometimes.

But yeah, both sides itt have been pretty shit, refusing to even actually try to engage with the other side's argument, only responding with the usual memes. I'm surprised death toll hasn't been bought up yet, actually.

>> No.8572075
File: 32 KB, 480x379, 1465657105886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, that's the only one so far. Great job. Rand was a statist, so not exactly right wing.

This is almost as good as Posadism

>> No.8572077

>rightism is ancapism

>> No.8572078

I will if people stop calling me a liar. Life isn't in any way what leftists have crammed down your throat.

>> No.8572079

Define a criteria for what influential means to you. Given we have never had a significant libertarian movement in recent history it's utterly pointless unless you specify what influence you're looking for

>> No.8572087

That they have an actual influence in national, statewide or even local politics in America. The Libertarian party has fielded a candidate for this election and I find it doubtful Mr. Johnson subscribes to Hoppe.

>> No.8572090

>Life isn't in any way what leftists have crammed down your throat.

I refuse to believe you're in your 30's who has reached a point where "I don't care about what women think of me and yea college brainwashes you" and "I've read thousands of books". I refuse to do that to you, I am an empathetic human being. I treat other human beings with decency, and respect. I refuse to do that to you, I won't. I can't.

>> No.8572091

Racism is collectivism. To be a racist one has to first identify with a group, then declare their group as being superior. Ie leftist.

Any degree of collectivism is leftist.


>> No.8572095
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1474838856370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (You)'s my friend

>> No.8572099
File: 74 KB, 615x663, CrFBObDWIAAWf4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Any degree of collectivism is leftist.

You were supposed to prove the strawmen of the population of the right were supposed to be wrong, not right

>> No.8572102
File: 13 KB, 184x233, foucault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This niggas going into some post-modern territory now

>> No.8572104

Even the creator of the "tragedy of the commons" notion rejected it in the end because its empirically wrong and rests on the stupid unhistorical notion that no enforcement would exist under some form of collective ownership


Ya that's the take away, if markets were really more efficient than enterprises would subcontract everything out instead of internally trying to take on a bunch of specialized tasks since it would just be inefficient and unnecessarily costly

>> No.8572114

Well, I don't care what anyone thinks about me, no matter the sex. Everything I read adds a little bit my understanding of how wrong the mainstream (ie college) is. I can't tell you how many of friends went in possessing rational thought, and left parroting the same silly bullshit.

If you're a leftist, you're not actually "an empathetic human being" and you don't "treat other human beings with decency, and respect", you demand they surrender their agency to the same nebulous nothing you're enslaved to.

>> No.8572116

gary johnson isn't really representative of right-libertarianism, in fact my understanding is most libertarians are pissed off with him. However, Hoppe literally influenced a tonne of intellectuals in the libertarian movement, even Ancaps like Rothbard, influential figureheads like Lew Rockwell and of course Ron Paul

>> No.8572123

>>Well, I don't care what anyone thinks about me, no matter the sex. Everything I read adds a little bit my understanding of how wrong the mainstream (ie college) is. I can't tell you how many of friends went in possessing rational thought, and left parroting the same silly bullshit.

I've never been to the place that reads, but many people who go to the place that reads, end up different and scary, they think weird things. I don't get it.

Why Dad, why?

>> No.8572125

He's literally the Libertarian Party's candidate. That's the influence they have

>> No.8572129

>gary johnson isn't really representative of right-libertarianism

If he was he would have lost sooner

>> No.8572133


>> No.8572136
File: 1.05 MB, 305x280, 1451543017382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8572150

What does that even mean?

How so?

When "enforcement" or regulation takes over, its no longer the commons. I've encountered this weak argument before. And I'm not talking about anything historical here. Individuals have to be responsible for their own actions, in order to make rational actions. Overfishing happens become the oceans are not owned. A farmer builds their farm for sustainability. Individuals under socialism would take from the community, without limit, because they would not have to pay the costs. The strong subsidizing the weak. Remember, socialism isn't about *some* people controlling common capital, but *everyone* controlling it. Its not that the tragedy of the commons applies to socialism, but rather that socialism IS the tragedy of the commons.

>> No.8572161

You were supposed to prove that the right wasn't full of the strawmen posted, neckbeard libertarian anti-feminists.

You proved them right. You weren't supposed to.

>> No.8572170

True, all learning is just read, but college is political driven reading. You have to read a set course of ideas, and all dissent is punished with alienation. Nothing is hidden.

I'm not a father, sadly, though I have taken care of friend's or neighbor's kids, from time to time.

>> No.8572174

>>True, all learning is just read, but college is political driven reading.

Dad, the political people who read, why do they change their opinions when they read? Dad?

>> No.8572184

How? And what is wrong with anti-feminism? feminism is a female inferiority movement, the bigotry of low expectations. You're either anti-feminist or you hate women.

>> No.8572189

>>How? And what is wrong with anti-feminism?

I was saying you were supposed to prove the strawmen wrong

>> No.8572196

Because if they don't they are cut off from economic opportunists. You're forced to take women's studies (marxist brainwashing) in order to get a stem degree. The left literally has complete control of the corporate economy.

>> No.8572197
File: 20 KB, 512x384, 1474829156065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of high quality social analysis i expect from 4chan

>> No.8572201

>You're forced to take women's studies (marxist brainwashing) in order to get a stem degree

Why don't you just

keep disagreeing with them

Have you been to college.

For someone who's 30 and read thousands of books and owns your own business, you would think you would have gone to college

>> No.8572202

Why do you type like you're documenting some tryhard orator? Do you think it makes up for your lack of substance?

Because it doesn't. It really doesn't.

>> No.8572206

>you're forced to take women's studies in order to get a stem degree

>> No.8572209

>>Why do you type like you're documenting some tryhard orator? Do you think it makes up for your lack of substance?

What are you saying of substance

>> No.8572222

You didn't answer my question. Here is the deal, anyone can believe the truth, because its true. Now lies require a certain kind of faith. Socially reinforced faith. Believing in a lie puts us on a team. And while this doesn't exactly logically follow, I would say that the inverse is true, that being on a team means you believe in a lie. Every sort of xism is a team, while being anti-xism means you're not on the team, you don't believe in the lie. In general I'm agnostic towards everything.

>> No.8572224

>Here is the deal, anyone can believe the truth, because its true. Now lies require a certain kind of faith. Socially reinforced faith. Believing in a lie puts us on a team. And while this doesn't exactly logically follow, I would say that the inverse is true, that being on a team means you believe in a lie. Every sort of xism is a team, while being anti-xism means you're not on the team, you don't believe in the lie. In general I'm agnostic towards everything.

mind = blown.........

>> No.8572225


>> No.8572228

Holy... I want more

>> No.8572229

Am i wrong?

No, I haven't. As I said before, I saw many a friend go in and their critical thinking sucked out of them. Direct experienced is not required to understand something, that is what reading is for. (Though through my friends I understand quite well how the institution operates.)


>> No.8572238

>No, I haven't

No one on this many levels of irony in their 30s whos read thousands of books hasn't been to college

>> No.8572242
File: 66 KB, 539x540, 2016-03-06 16.48.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i wrong
I dont think ive met someone quite like you before

>> No.8572243

How can I help you?

>> No.8572248

Better trust you, an uneducated genetic dead end, over my experience getting a stem degree. Guess you're right.

>> No.8572263

I am. There are plenty of examples. I know a gentlemen that didn't go to college and has translated the Bible, both New and Old Testament. Anyone can read, why pay hundreds of thousands for the privilege?

We haven't met.

>> No.8572271
File: 118 KB, 1600x900, 1473979522761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve still made a life changing impression on me

>> No.8572274


>> No.8572276

>I am.
So you admit you're operating on 80 different levels of irony, but you haven't gone to college? That's truly extreme.

>> No.8572284

I'm happy for you. The condescending, conformist attitude of this thread has confirmed my ideas. As does all interactions I have with leftists.

>> No.8572289
File: 80 KB, 996x981, 1473654353394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats pretty cool friend

>> No.8572292

>There is a real human being who wrote this and is angrily replying to almost every comment itt

>> No.8572295


pls take this discussion to pol

>> No.8572297

>Marxism is to the 19th century as a fish is to water: it can't survive beyond it.
Foucault died over 30 years ago.

>> No.8572306

What irony?

>> No.8572307

The Irony

>> No.8572322

Condescending appeal to conformity.

I'm not angry.

>> No.8572327
File: 64 KB, 284x261, 2015-08-30 20.57.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna call you coolfriend now

>> No.8572328

It's a shitpost not leftist propaganda you sperg