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8570634 No.8570634 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much stigma surrounding suicide? And why is life so depressing?

>> No.8570646


Because it's a stupid solution to any problem. You could be seven years old and starving in africa but still devote all your time energy and resources to reading the twelve books your village possesses and one of them might be war and peace. Congratulations, your life is still amazing.

It's not. You're just a needy little cunt.

>> No.8570648

Women desu. Most women use the threat of suicide as a sword over the heads of their loved ones, but rarely succeed. Furthermore women tend to be bleeding hearts and the idea of it is super sad, so they rant about. Men are much much more statistically likely to carry through with it, and usually it is about a woman, thus taking back control over their lives for a brief moment. Furthermore the cattiness of women and their clawing ignorance causes depression for men in general, and for women who are trying to compete with other women.

>> No.8570657

>All those presuppositions of people being in general weak selfish and stupid.

>> No.8570659

>your life is still amazing
pure ideology

>> No.8570660


Bluepilled normie deluding himself that life is all Sunshines and Sparkles: The Post

>> No.8570670
File: 141 KB, 603x616, Intrigue Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your life is still amazing.

>> No.8570673
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you arent lithuanian are you

>> No.8570676


Women are the cause of all the worlds problems if there were no women the world would be a better place. We need to figure out how to make men reproduce (genetic engineering and synthetic biology fields will hopefully fix this).

>> No.8570680

Not him but:

Redpilled autist deluding himself that life is some divine suffering of unbearable magnitude: The Post

Both of your ideologies are primitive and unbased.

>> No.8570681





No, not even close sorry. Keep forcing the meme though

>> No.8570689
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1458023136828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is comedy gold desu, thx for the kek.

The perfect response.

>> No.8570694
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>> No.8570695

Every time I come here I'm reminded within five minutes that you people are all lonely shitheads. Life is amazing dipshit. The fact that we have a subjective experience of otherwise autonomous events is the most anomalous and enigmatic thing in the known universe. The "gift" of being able to contemplate it for a second is, i'll say it, sacred.

Ad hominem. Are you saying that anyone who isn't depressed is deluded, because depressed is the correct way to feel? Because that's not true. That's self serving hogwash that twenty-somethings tell themselves because they've never mustered up the balls to keep a full time job and be a productive person even if you don't like it.

>> No.8570698

>Because it's a stupid solution to any problem

It's literally a solution to all problems because you won't have any more problems after you've done it you moron.

>> No.8570706

Men are so weak.

>> No.8570709

Suicide has been and always will be the pussy's way out. Depression is a meme.

>> No.8570711

>omg im gonna kill muhself
>takes 2 tylenol
>makes herself vomit

>> No.8570712

>To be so autistic you think someone needs this explained to them.

>> No.8570713
File: 20 KB, 559x568, 1365285417543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because consciousness is a freak of nature it must be good

>> No.8570718

It isn't a freak of nature. It is our nature as rational beings. And therefore it is Good.

>> No.8570719

I hope you kids will be raped and killed in front of you.

>> No.8570722

>Ad hominem.

Why howdy reddit

>> No.8570723

>And therefore it is Good.
Nice non sequitur.

>> No.8570725

>Every time I come here I'm reminded within five minutes that you people are all lonely shitheads. Life is amazing dipshit.
>talking down to people on an anonymous Asian anime website pretending to be better than everyone

Yeah you're really hot shit, I bet you have a super interesting and awesome life

>> No.8570727

>if I say something that's obviously wrong I'm automatically profound and not just retarded

>> No.8570729

>he doesn't believe that fulfilling the final causes we are naturally ordered toward "just is" Good

Embarrassing and facile metaphysics you have there, good sir.

>> No.8570730


>Ad hominem.

Oh? And your first post wasn't? Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.8570733

Yes. It is amazing that I have enough free time in my life to talk to some frustrated little shit on the other side of the world for a second in between working, watching porn and reading through barnes and noble's scifi section. It's amazing that there's a barnes and noble scifi section.

>> No.8570735

>believing things for no fucking reason

Are you a Christian too?

>> No.8570739

>good sir
You've overstepped.

>> No.8570742

practically no relation between amount of male and amount of female suicides.

Very interesting.

>> No.8570746


You sound like a stupid, boring old fuck.

>> No.8570747

Is this an almost exact quote from tumblr with nothing changed but an added "wo" and another one moved around?

>> No.8570768
File: 51 KB, 292x315, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that word again

>> No.8570774

lithuanian females are pure horror

>> No.8570778

Quite accurate actually.

>> No.8570779

Life is depressing because you don't have the answer.


>> No.8570782


This is actually really true.

>> No.8570788

This is quite actually, actually.

>> No.8570792


well meme'd

>> No.8570820

Basically this. If life gives you lemons you better make lemonade, bitch. Or off yourself. Either way, humanity will be better off.

>> No.8570826

Humanity was better off 5000 years ago

>> No.8570828

>not appropriating and socializing the fruits of the the orange class

>> No.8570833


>When life gives you lemons


Can't believe you used this 2008 facebook meme is the year 2016. Fucking normie.

>> No.8570835
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, not_this_shit_again.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because fuck modern sanitary conditions and medicine.

>> No.8570838
File: 32 KB, 260x400, 91950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really should read this

>> No.8570839


>> No.8570841

>2008 facebook meme
>The phrase was initially coined by Christian anarchist writer Elbert Hubbard in a 1915 obituary he penned and published for dwarf actor Marshall P. Wilder.[1] The obituary, entitled The King of Jesters, praises Wilder's optimistic attitude and achievements in the face of his disabilities:

Fuck off, nigger.

>> No.8570852


It's still a fucking facebook meme you massive autistic faggot.

>when life gives you lemons you make grape juice and sit back while everyone wonders how you did that teeheeteeheee >-:)

>> No.8570853

It's pretty telling that this is a common complaint. People who are so pathetic that they feel stigmatized for wanting to kill themselves, and don't out of fear they'll be remembered as cowards.

Does it matter when you're dead?

>> No.8570860

I'm not sure but I'll take a stab at it. Christianity seems to have a number of rules that keep the birthrate up. I.e. no masturbation, no condoms, no sodomy, no abortion and so on. I think perhaps the suicide stigma could have to do with that. Also Christian doctrine would totally encourage you to commit suicide as a path to heaven and a way to avoid sin if suicide were not explicitly forbidden. Other cultures have historically included suicide in some form. I'm not sure if it was ever considered an acceptable response to depression.

>> No.8570861

They're actually working on the exact opposite. Chinese scientists recently announced they have successfully created mouse babies without males, injecting females with lab-made sperm. Won't be long until it's us that are obsolete, friendo.

>> No.8570863



>> No.8570870


>> No.8570883

5000 years ago people were ignorant of those things so it wouldn't matter.

>> No.8570914

this is the correct answer.
it's interesting because i think both extremes are generally held by people who are in similar situations. one chooses to give up and accept it and the other chooses to delude himself. neither tries to actually do anything about it.

life isn't anything, it's obviously different for everyone. we get joy where we can and everything else we deal with.
to say "i hate life" is acceptable. but to say "life is shit" is obviously bullshit because there are people who enjoy their lives.

intelligent people tend to downplay the effect that circumstance could have on their life.

>> No.8570916

>to say "rape is shit" is obviously bullshit because there are people who enjoy their rapes

>> No.8570940

so you think it's as likely to find someone who enjoys their life as it is to find a woman who enjoys getting raped?
dat 4chan worldview.

>> No.8570961

If suicide was socially acceptable, more people would do it, and there would be less people to work the shitty suicide-inducing jobs.

>> No.8570993

>And why is life so depressing?
Life is goat tbqh. Death is depressing because it means our blissful Arcadia must cease.