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/lit/ - Literature

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857004 No.857004 [Reply] [Original]

>get number of cute girl in park playing guitar
>get text from her
>"Your great"

>> No.857005

So? It's a text. Stop being a self-righteous prick and text/call her back.
This thread is pointless.

>> No.857006

Aw man... conflicted feelings right there.

>> No.857010
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>Contact cute girl
>Go to party with her
>Pig party

>> No.857008

look at it this way op, it's at least a step up from "ur gr8"

>> No.857013
File: 72 KB, 250x370, Horrified-woman-thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>text her back
>get immediate reply
>"I kno, rite?" and Twilight reference

>> No.857012
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>get number of cute girl in park playing guitar
>get text from her
>"Your great"
>mfw I made this up, and remember that girls don't actually talk to me.


>> No.857015

Funny, I've never heard of someone being made a eunuch by an apostrophe.

>> No.857019

Who was playing the guitar?


>> No.857020

>I did good on my literature test


>> No.857025
File: 19 KB, 360x453, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry saging on /lit/
>comma before an "and"

>> No.857029

ITT: Prescriptivist wannabe-grammarians

Guize, performing well on grammar tests in elementary school doesn't make you smart. Hating people who performed poorly does make you dumb.

>> No.857037
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>Implying that poor grammar isn't a sure sign of low education and intelligence

>> No.857042
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>anon acting down-to-earth and reasonable
>uses the word prescriptivist

>> No.857053
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>implying where you put your commas, apostrophes, and whether you use the right 'there/their/they're' has anything to do with how well you do at calculating in certain fields of thought besides grammar. Like mathematics, anthropology, theoretical physics.

>> No.857054
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>> No.857055
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>Go to 4chan
>Yet another pitiful attempt to get us to rage about hypothetical girls and twilight
>My face

>> No.857057

Low education, yes. Low intelligence, no.

>> No.857058


>implying you don't put a comma before a coordinating conjunction when it connects two clauses

>> No.857060

You're wrong and he's right.

>> No.857070
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>questions how relevant mathematics, anthropology, and theoretical physics are to OP's situation

>> No.857076


>Link main clauses with a coordinating conjunction AND A COMMA
>Main clause, (for, and, or, so, but, nor, yet) main clause.
>Example: Hybrid cars are popular with consumers, and automakers are releasing new models.

Source: The Little, Brown Handbook 11th Edition, page 338.

>> No.857092

Commas cause a pause in the sentence. Putting a comma in sentence "mfw I made this up, and remember that girls don't actually talk to me." creates an unnecessary and unsightly pause in the sentence. That sentence looks like shit with a comma.

>> No.857102


>> No.857099
File: 18 KB, 299x383, Chimpanzee_thinking_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"remember that girls don't actually talk to me."
>Doesn't know much, but questions the clause-ness of phrase

>> No.857106
File: 56 KB, 600x643, its-just-an-idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stumbles into /lit/ for first time
>reads thread
>concludes that /lit/ is an emotionless, middle-aged, asexual being
>will never make this mistake again

>> No.857109

Ahaha, have you tried talking?

>> No.857114
File: 263 KB, 324x354, roze ridder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well actually, yes

And by yes, I mean no.

>> No.857127

Oh yeah.
The Twilight movie actually came out recently, didn't it..
Did any of you guize go out to see it? Ya know, out of curiousity. Or to troll..

>> No.857129


I wasn't commenting on that specific sentence, I was commenting on the statement "comma before an "and"", which implies that it's never okay to put a comma before the word 'and'.

>> No.857137

Pretty sure the guy was going for the same thing I was saying and not that it's never okay to have a comma before and. The comma before and in this instance is just unsightly.

>> No.857140

by asking
they will give it to you if you do no not stare incessantly at her breasts and don't stink

>> No.857146


wow /lit/ is pretty gay

>> No.857147


Chances are they will instead give you the number for the pedophile hot-line or something. Because women think that shit is funny for some reason.

>> No.857150

it is
not their fault you look like a pedophile
maybe you should try asking women instead of little girls?

>> No.857155

>The comma before, and in this instance, is just unsightly.


>> No.857158


ahha ahha ahha. Such a clever response.

Stupid whore.

>> No.857162

>get number of cute girl in park playing guitar
>get text from her
>"Your great"
>she wants to fuck

>> No.857164

What did you play OP?

>> No.857167

I'm guessing Green Day or some hipster faggotry you made up yourself.

>> No.857168

male here, actually
go take a shower and shave, put on clean clothes, THEN ask for a girls number. Hygiene works wonders

>> No.857172

>get girl her nr
>go to party, have a good time, make out
>think she's immensely stupid, i can't date this girl very long
>she plans all sorts of things, let's do that, and that, and that, ...
>meet her next day
>"sorry, i don't have any feelings, let's be friends"

wtf just happened?

>> No.857176

>Girl says how I am doing
>I say I'm ok
>She wants to fuck

>> No.857178

>Pass a girl while entering a building
>She wants to fuck

>> No.857180


Misread. She was playing guitar!

>> No.857194

>stand in line after a girl
>she looks around, into my face
>she wants to fuck

>> No.857236

>girl tells me she wants to fuck
>sweat uncontrollably, then run home

>> No.857251
File: 422 KB, 708x932, 1239323867888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make eye contact with a girl
>She wants to fuck

>> No.857255

>Girl glances at me
>Bowel cramps, must find toilet.

>> No.857269
File: 117 KB, 353x370, 4298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK looking girl on MSN:
>"I'm board" (bored)
>Me: "I'm table"

>> No.857414
File: 18 KB, 400x300, barack-obama-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a text from cute girl I just met.
>"We should hang out at my house later"
>"My roomates will be out shooping for close"
>my face when I still go to her house and she rides me in her hot tub.

>> No.857419


>Implying this cool story has any basis in reality, bro.

Also, auto complete can fuck words up if you don't double check everything.

>> No.857424
File: 13 KB, 480x323, 1270930510469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I care if you believe me.

Also you could be write about auto complete.

>> No.857427


>also you could be write


>> No.857441


>> No.857457
File: 460 KB, 292x218, ahhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when every guy I have dated has had terrible grammar and thought that me reading was "cute"

I hate myself and want to die.

>> No.857480

Why do you have a man-face?

(not that there's anything wrong with that)

>> No.857485

Eh, I didn't feel like looking for a picture of a terrified female.

>> No.857487


>> No.857488


Tits or GTFO!

>> No.857504

whoa, i like nirvana too

>> No.857506


Hang out in the book store next to your favorite genre and talk to the guys that browse in the area.

Mission Accomplished.

>> No.857507
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>> No.857518

lol poland

>> No.857522
File: 69 KB, 400x300, ohmygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girlfriend suggests we take turns reading a book aloud to each other because it's cute
>She reads, only three words at a time, often repeating or mispronouncing words
>Book is "Through the Looking Glass"

>> No.857573

>"My roomates will be out shooping for close"

Fucking hell, took me 10 seconds to figure this out.

>> No.857579


>> No.857595

Enjoy being alone forever.

>> No.857608


Why would you agree to that? Seriously. Are you mentally retarded in some way?

>> No.857635


>> No.857640

Could be worse, she may have wanted to read Twilight.

>> No.857647

At least she capitalized the first letter of her sentence, OPrick.

>> No.857651

The question is why any of you have such low standards as to go out with an illiterate whore in the first place.

>> No.857652


Have fun being a whipped loser forever.

Jesus, what is wrong with you kids that you think you have to acquiesce to every whim a woman has to be in a relationship? There is this neat fucking word. It goes like this. "No."

Pretty neat huh.

>> No.857661


i tink e



h0w dey went.
kkkk brahzz?? rools rr stooooooopid rororofo
rofl cons

>> No.857663
File: 17 KB, 274x179, grammar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.857680



Just no.

Fucking hipsters.

>> No.857692



Hkleopa sdk
poerlet jgeuru shjdahsd weyuqywe asdjhaksd
amirite? lololol

>> No.857698

Survey says this guy cries sometime this week.

>> No.857762


Every time I fuck your mother. She squirts like a fire hose and it stings in the eyes.

>> No.857773


I think it's implied in that linguistically we require enough grammar to effectively communicate, even though it might not have to subscribe to certain outdated rules.

>> No.858184

Most girls I've known that considered reading a hobby usually stuck to the fantasy stuff, though I have one friend that I managed to get to try Lovecraft and some Dostoevsky. Now if I could meet someone that voluntarily read that stuff I would be all up ons.

Have her try some Nabokov for intensely hilarious results.

>> No.859368

my last girlfriend loved twilight, so I feel your pain. any advice on where to meet girls like you? (other than /lit/, that is)

>> No.859369

that's cute

>> No.859438

Right now, I'm in the middle of Pale Fire. I actually bought it while I was hanging out with a guy I was seeing at the time. He looked at the table of contents and told me it was a ripoff "because only the first 30 pages were the actual poem."

I honestly don't know if there's a particular place to "find" girls who like literature. I happen to be spending the summer with two other girls who are really into science and literature, and one sadvirgin guy. I mean, I go to bookstores and cafes occasionally, but most of the time I'm just around town, biking, shopping, just going about my usual business. Meh. Where are literary young men?

>> No.859513

pale fire is easily one of my favorite books ever. you're killing me here -__-

well, bookstores I guess. I'll occasionally read in coffeshops, although not that often. I was recently visiting a friend in NYC and in the midst of a book I couldn't put down, so I'd read it whenever I was on the subway or eating or whatever. so there's that.

>> No.859540

Ha ha, this gives me hope I might run into someone who has actually read Nabokov someday.

I also love art museums. My favorites are the American Folk Art museum in NYC and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. They're usually pretty empty when I end up going, though. But yeah, that's all the tips I can think of.

>> No.859592

art museums, that's a good idea. at the very least you could meet girls who value thinking. do you have AIM by any chance? I usually find myself asking that in cancerous narcissistic "rate me" threads, but you seem like you'd be interesting to talk to. mine's mogwaiinthesky if you wanna chat.

>> No.859663
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>Implying greentext

>> No.859683
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>girl wants your nuts
>you trifle over some stupid bullshit for no reason