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8564507 No.8564507 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm missing something.

I loved Inherent Vice. It instantly became one of my favorite novels after I read it, but the ending keeps nagging at me. It's a little too neat. Everything wrapped up, good guys rewarded and bad guys punished. Doc continues to be Doc and Bigfoot continues to be Bigfoot.

And not like I was anticipating a downer ending or anything as it wouldn't be appropriate to the narrative, but it's the title that keeps catching me, that makes me wonder if I'm missing something.

>> No.8564550

The hippie ideals and hopes are on the recline and the happy ending is only happy from an individual petspective, structurally it's the same.

>> No.8565097
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Doc pulls through cuz he's aware of inherent vice. He even tells Denis at one point that it doesn't matter if he's dealing with good or bad people, they all can turn on you.

We never do find out why Delicato got axed, do we?

>> No.8565109

Doc gets a happy ending because he sticks to his ideals, but the novel is covering a time when the dream of the 60's for a better, happier, more just world is not only dying but its carcass is being worn by corporate interests to sell people a shittier life.

>> No.8565114

How's college?

>> No.8565138


>> No.8565139

ideological evil "The Man" drift aside, that is indeed what Pynchon says in the book

>> No.8565213

There's a bit of a wave when it comes to this stuff.
When you're uneducated you think these hippies are silly whiners
Then you get a bit older get used to the system and say man this is bullshit! Them hippies have a point!
Then you grow a little wiser and a little more learned and you realize we need society and all this and think these hippies are immature.
Then, if you continue learning which most people do not, you come to realize that things truly could be better and the death of the hippie cause, no matter how shallow many of its members, was a tragic loss to society.

>> No.8565223

Kek. Read gravity's rainbow if you want an absolutely devastating ending.

>> No.8565363

thread theme


>> No.8565374

But really, how's college?

>> No.8565384

Pynchon first wrote the words inherent and vice, associated, in Mason & Dixon, in reference to thishttps://www.google.pt/search?q=vice+glass&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=648&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6rrGM-7XPAhUTnRQKHSRCC5cQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=q1GLC3D2lTzEkM%3A

>> No.8565386

Would like to a hear a defense of the final wave

>> No.8565393

>I think I'm missing something.
yes listen to pet sounds helped me wrap my head around it

and the Pynchon in public podcast (it's so so at best ) did a few shows about it,

and reading up on charles manson and how connected he was

>> No.8565424
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Wouldn't it be nice if it was playing backwards

>> No.8565436

Read some Pynchon.

>> No.8565445


>> No.8566017


>We never do find out why Delicato got axed, do we?

That's Bigfoot's problem, not Doc's.

>> No.8566062

Pretty much the whole thing was hammering in the idea that the 60s hippie dream was dead, Doc and the rest were just dregs of it trying to stay afloat as the 70s moved in. Really, every pinecone is about the end of one era or another in its own way.

>> No.8566161
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Did anyone else imagine Doc like this?

>> No.8566671

Yes, read it at least twice. Look at the LAPD and Adrian Prussia.

Happy ending? He's cucked by Shasta and by the LAPD. He's literally doing their dirty work because he's predictably too sentimental.

> and the death of the hippie cause, no matter how shallow many of its members, was a tragic loss to society.

Moron. Inherent Vice is about the creation and death of that exact culture and if you understood it you'd only feel bad for those who took it seriously. Read Vineland

>> No.8566756
File: 27 KB, 236x328, 6a805a87a39e45b3b258edd98bdaec50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw him more as an older hyde form that 70's show

>> No.8566757

I don't know how well the actor would have done, but that would have been a perfect look for the movie.

>> No.8566764

I think the beauty in the ending is that it was ultimately pointless minus a few aspects,While alot of the book is focused on Docs work, doc ends up trying to solve his own case, before realizing there isnt really one and Learning nothing

>> No.8566771

he is an ok actor Joaquin Phoenix is a way better actor

he just has the look that was in my head.

>> No.8566780
File: 428 KB, 613x492, TheTruthSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagined him like this

>> No.8566782

Yeah Joaquin pheonix made a great Larry

>> No.8567195

thats zoyd in vineland

>> No.8567810

what was the deal with the nixonbucks