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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 1049x192, rbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8560987 No.8560987 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8560998

Fucking nerds

>> No.8561005 [DELETED] 
File: 922 KB, 999x570, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally quit using reddit because I got so triggered by /r/books' adoration for that stupid fucking series. the shit they say about hitchhiker's guide... i'm a bitter person i'm gonna go kill myself

>> No.8561011

>i'm gonna go kill myself

>> No.8561016

>says this while posting an anime

>> No.8561024

Kill yourself anime pedophile

>> No.8561034

>one dead weeaboo
/r/books redeemed

>> No.8561037

first time on /lit/ in like 3 years. why is there a stigma for the japanese now

>> No.8561049

anime is for people who never emotionally matured

>> No.8561061

it really is impossible to leave for good

>> No.8561069
File: 13 KB, 961x100, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this fresh spicy post?

>> No.8561070

Posting anime is equivalent to posting ponies.

>> No.8561073
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>> No.8561074

haha Too True XD

>> No.8561091 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1224x979, gass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, that's so true! Hahaha, great insight! This is why I come to the internet, so I can talk to other geeks about stuff that most people are too busy watching sports to take an interest in!

Hermione Granger and Sherlock Holmes, what is it about the British tradition that consistently results in the production such captivating, intelligent characters? OH GOD I LOVE BOOKS XD

>> No.8561101

Who is Hermoine? Is that her new black name?

>> No.8561120

What is it about reddit and having that really stuffy, dull surface-level imitation of English humour? All that "sir" and "m'lady" and thinking that rephrasing things in purple prose is hilarious ("Greetings; my given name is Richard Harrison and the facility we have entered is a retail establishment that specializes in unredeemed goods.." and the like)

>> No.8561135

annoying pro-choice dweebs congregate there

>> No.8561174

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.8561234

I usually browse a few niche-interest subreddits and some of the serious askreddits. Haven't gone on neckbeard subreddits for a while, but it looks like reddit is the new tumblr.

>> No.8561239

4chan attracts nerds too, though. But the much cooler, more self aware kind. Reddit is just the worst type of people. They're not "normies" but they're insufferable for other reasons.

More than anything, I hate their constant and obnoxious faux optimism. They use way too many exclamation marks, and always act so over the top "friendly" and "tolerant" while also being passive aggresive weasels who viciously censor anything that goes against the image they want to give off. The sheer amount of deleted/removed posts on Reddit is terrifying. It's dystopian.

They're so fucking lame.

>> No.8561253

Idk but one time at the restaurant i work at this big group of redditors came in and i knew immediately what they were, fat, over weight, bearded, ugly button up shirts, nerd glasses. They all ordered bacon cheeseburgers and i was called "good sir" at least twice.
You can see them coming from a mile away

>> No.8561256

>used reddit, ever
we dont want you here

same for you op

>> No.8561272


>> No.8561277
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t. nerd
fuck you, im going to break ur glasses adnd take ur lunch money next time i see you just for posting on my website

>> No.8561287
File: 50 KB, 613x771, 1473564502071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just angry redditors.

>> No.8561290

literally wut

>> No.8561297

Most 4chan users outside of /b/, /pol/ & /r9k/ are the quiet guys who know a lot about niche interests. They can hold a conversation and are typically alright.

Most redditors are one bad breakup away from creating a suicide thread on /r9k/.

>> No.8561314
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1472872345878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undergrad kids who got into reading just a few months ago really want to fit in with the "smart pepulz". Liking anime is very antithetical to that, as it turns out.

>> No.8561336

Stop caring so much. Any reddit-hating thread is 10x worse than anything posted on there, at least what they post is interesting and not "omg look at reddit, fags".

>> No.8561393


>> No.8561409

I agree, being a pedophile is antithetical to being a smart person, as they have on average a significantly lower IQ than normal people.

>> No.8561413

Fair enough. Maybe you should go back there, then, and never post here again.

>> No.8561422


>> No.8561424

Underage faggots started watching filthy frank and try to mimic everything he says and does.

>> No.8561425

There's a lot of hate for hitchhikers guide here. I read them when I was like 10, they aren't literary masterpieces but they were good books for a 10 year old me, and hold a special place in my heart.

>> No.8561431

>Someone liked this post so much they paid money to thank the poster

>> No.8561432


>> No.8561435

Damn, that's what the little star next to it means, doesn't it? That's fucked up.

>> No.8561443

kek, is this true?

>> No.8561453

>God of the OT

>> No.8561464
File: 626 KB, 574x590, 2354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reposting r/books comments on /lit/
hate to break it to you boys... nowhere is safe now.

>> No.8561465

yes (the money goes to reddit, not the poster)

>> No.8561471

yeah you can guild a post (for only $3.99), which puts a star next to the post and gives the poster access to an exclusive "gold only" subreddit for 1 month

>> No.8561477

that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard

>> No.8561479


>> No.8561480

you don't come here much?

>> No.8561488

4chan is bad, but reddit is worse.

>> No.8561507

why the fuck would you post reddit here you fucking shithead?
fuck's wrong with you?

>> No.8561525

i just got it, never mind. how do I delete this post?

>> No.8561635

your text combined with your image gave me a hearty laugh

>> No.8561650

Holy... I want more

>> No.8561660

Reddit. True patricians love anime, especially Utena.

>> No.8561661

This can't be true.
>google it
>it's actually true
God damn it. I used to mildly dislike reddit, but now I hate it with great passion.

>> No.8561675

anime website, you cucks.

>> No.8561687

A true patrician would never watch anime.

>> No.8561698
File: 123 KB, 785x757, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this!
Yeah, agreed. Redditors enable each other by encouraging weak behavior and complacence.
Holy... I want s'mores

>> No.8561706

Also quit Reddit because of that. They go on about how witty and funny it is and I read it and I didn't laugh once. I'm not surprised a suggestion like that comes from a forum that worships Deadpool though desu.

>> No.8561797

I think it's that pseudo-intellectualism as a whole is really noncommittal.

>> No.8561953

>But the much cooler, more self aware kind.

It's what you'd expect of a place what you say maters and who you are doesn't.

>> No.8562000

The truly sad gildings are in the deadbedrooms reddit. People have no one else to share their misery with so anyone slamming their frigid wife gets gold.

>> No.8562020

How much do they make from that? Meanwhile 4chan is basically impossible to monetize.

>> No.8562143
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>> No.8562151
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>> No.8562180 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 759x1168, 1475118389044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude why has nobody thought of writing a book that takes place in the span of a single day dude

>> No.8562181

This is the type of shit I thought about when I was ten, and I'm a fucking dunce. Who are these people and why can't they just stick to cable tv like the rest of the idiots?

>> No.8562196

You're definitely outnumbered and have been for years.

>> No.8562200

Could have just posted Ulysses

>> No.8562201

is that book any good? serious question

>> No.8562214

went and looked up that thread just to see if something that stupid could be real. reddit never disappoints. disappointed nobody tore him to shreds in the comments desu

>> No.8562227

i dont remember it being anything special. i preferred solar/enduring love

>> No.8562237

There's also Ulysses.

Travesty by Hawkes probably takes place over the course of an hour or two since the premise is just guy takes his daughter and her boyfriend on a drive with the intention of crashing the car and killing all of them, and it starts with them all already in the car.

Also Agapē Agape is just a rant so it could conceivably take place in an hour or less.

>> No.8562341

Only plebs give a shit about other plebs. This is on the same level as those manchildren complaining about their video game toys.

>> No.8562343


>> No.8562359

>not posting Ulysses
I'm triggered

>> No.8562365

he says whilst giving a shit about other "plebs"

>> No.8562366
File: 84 KB, 1008x604, Screenshot_416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess /r/books is innocent enough, if a bit pseudo-

>> No.8562367
File: 100 KB, 730x596, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disappointed nobody tore him to shreds in the comments
Oh, I'm sure they did. I don't think you understand Reddit. You're absolutely not allowed to be "negative" at all. Even constructive criticism has to be prefaced with an apology, and then ended with another apology for daring to do anything but agree and say "good job :) "

The moderators almost certainly just removed every post that didn't jerk off the OP and stroke his ego. The posters were also probably banned immediately.

The only posts allowed in that cesspit of censorship are coddling comments. Also puns, but only completely PC, Pg-13 ones that couldn't potentially offend anyone.

Thats what's fucked up about Reddit. The reason users are all so faux upbeat all the time and tiptoe around each other's feelings so carefully is because if they don't, they'll be punished. Down votes, having posting rights removed, being banned, those are all the price for transgressions.

Every Reddit thread reads better if you imagine the posters sweatings profusely and while carefully, nervously avoiding saying anything mean or offensive. They all have forced smiles, straining. Their eyes reveal desperation and mortal terror. Silent but ever present moderators menace just behind them, watching. Waiting.

>> No.8562369

that's the joke isn't it

>> No.8562370
File: 17 KB, 250x241, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kid is an unrelatable character

>> No.8562377

You should take a look at Voat's books section.

I'm sure the mods there will appreciate the page views.

>> No.8562380

I'm fucking dying

>> No.8562395
File: 117 KB, 231x344, 1474595768986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says "pretentious" 4 times

>> No.8562440

Fucking hell, I never knew it could be this bad.

>> No.8562467

YeCarthy actually is a pretentious thesaurus thumping faggot though. This is one of the few times someone on plebbit was right.

>> No.8562476

>4chan is basically impossible to monetize
>he doesn't have a 4chan Gold Account

Fucking pleb.

>> No.8562496

That's reddit for you

>> No.8562497

This thread makes me so grateful that I have the privelege of browsing /lit/. For so many fucking plebs worldwide, reddit is all they know

>> No.8562510

>Which brings us to jeremy1122. The redditor—who did not respond to request for comment—first popped up in r/books one year ago to offer "An introduction to Infinite Jest." A trifle presumptuous, you might think: There are plenty of intros to this popular but intimidating book online.

>Then you read his actual post.

>I've read the book about eleven times, so I just want say a few words and address people who are thinking about reading it or are just beginning. Before you embark on your journey into the mind of a genius, you have to understand a few things that are very important. When we talk about David Foster Wallace, we’re talking about a man whose I.Q. could not be measured. Past 200, I.Q. tests get imprecise. We don’t know whether we’re dealing with a man with an I.Q. of 200 or 300 or what. We can’t measure it. When it comes to Wallace-tier geniuses, the standard tests simply don’t apply. You see, Wallace could have entered any field he wanted. He was a real-life Will Hunting.

>> No.8562516

Is he, dare I say...

our guy?

>> No.8562529

And he's still posting.
>Congratulations. You've broken your cherry, so to speak. Maybe you don't want to hear about this, but let's just say you're not the first person to soil their pants with poop or pee while reading Wallace, and if you stick with him and keep reading, this little incident isn't going to be your last. Among Wallace devotees, this is such a common occurrence that we consider it a sort of rite of passage. Some guys in the newsgroups even post pictures. Most of it's tame, but I have seen some unholy carnage.

A visit to r/games:
>I learned recently about a video-game term that teenagers these days throw around: "overpowered," or "OP" for short. If a character type in a competitive video game is inordinately more powerful than the others, then it is "overpowered"; the game as a result is deemed "unbalanced," and fans will complain on forums that the developers have delivered to them a swift "slap in the face." It's an interesting metaphor. Life, of course, is no game, and it's a truism that it isn't fair. But every once in a while we get a striking reminder of how unevenly Mother Nature distributes her gifts. Take the literary world for instance. By any measure, David Foster Wallace, the author of the acclaimed novel Infinite Jest, was overpowered. If he were a class in a role-playing game, then you wouldn't hear the end of the complaining. When it came to the writing of fiction, Wallace blew his competitors—historical and contemporary both—out of the water. To borrow another term from video gaming, it's fair to say that he "owned" them. When Infinite Jest hit book stores in February 1996, the title's two words were in the mouth of every serious reader in America; every living writer, however, was faced with a different pair of words: "Game Over."

>> No.8562560

He's absolutely right.

>> No.8562566

Hitchhiker's Guide is actually really good though. Don't know why you lads hate it

>> No.8562650
File: 34 KB, 288x464, 9780451531049_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not knowing your postwar soviet classics.
>Or mrs Dalloway, or fucking Ulysses, etc..

That Redactor probably thinks he invented circadian novels.

>> No.8562672

>Some guys in the newsgroups

cover blown, like any David FRAUDSTER Wallace reading millennial even knows what a newsgroup is

>> No.8562730 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 620x370, tmp_30328-20160709_140638889008507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, that guy is a top Wallaceposter. Someone should invite him here.

>> No.8562733


>> No.8562773



>> No.8562812


The downvote system means negative shot rarely gets seen. In my brief foray into reddit a few years ago someone posted a thread asking what books would be considered 'classics' in 50 years. One popjlar post suggested Harry Potter. I made a comment along the lines of 'the most popular genre fiction of the day may still be read in 100 years or so, but that's not really what a classic is, I don't think Harry Potter should sit on the same shelf as Joyce, Proust, Conrad etc.'

I was absolutely crucified, three or four different people commented telling me to shut up and stop being such a pretentious asshole and that I didn't know what fun was and I got like 30 downvotes

>> No.8562821

Pseuds circlejerk about popular literature

>>Hahahhhahahahahjajhaahhahajajjajajajajajajajajajajjajhahahahahja HITCHIKERS GALAXY, HARRY POTTER, SHERLOCK HOLMES, such mindless rubbish am I right family?

Now shut your cunt mouths and give me (you)

>> No.8562880

make more videos demo you lazy fuck

>> No.8562893


I called Player One a childish plebeian book, I got banned.

>> No.8563137

This guy is a master

>> No.8563140

Not demo,
Wish I was though, since my work ethic is better than his I'd actually make videos at a reasonable rate.
Does Demo browse /lit/?

>> No.8563156

i think he said he does not sure

>> No.8563165

It's all the same. People want to feel well-read and educated while not actually doing anything hard.

>> No.8563422

Yeah I was very fond of them as a teenager. The hate is more that these are adults acting like they're part of some rarefied secret club since they all read an okay sci-fi parody series.

>> No.8563447

This is hilarious

>> No.8563483


>> No.8563541

Great comedy always stems from tragedy. What a sad, sad person

>> No.8564070

I'm going to visit r/WritingPrompts, wish me luck.

>> No.8564088
File: 13 KB, 620x465, elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess when I was around 12 or 15…I had an existential crisis, and I was reading various books on trying to figure out the meaning of life and what does it all mean? It all seemed quite meaningless and then we happened to have some books by Nietzsche and Schopenhauer in the house, which you should not read at age 14 (laughter). It is bad, it’s really negative. So then I read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which is quite positive I think and it highlighted an important point which is that a lot of times the question is harder than the answer.

Schopyfags BTFO

>> No.8564090

There is lots of things about Harry Potter.

>[WP] You're a 12 year-old in a world domintated by magic. A small, feeble man appears on your doorstep claiming: "You're a scientist, Henry"

>[EU] You've just been hired as the new sysadmin at Hogwarts.

>[EU] "Welcome to potions class here at hogwarts. I am new your new professor, Walter White".

>> No.8564099

Also lots of things from people who can only think about life in terms of video games.

>[WP] You just got fired, you're pretty sure your girlfriend is cheating on you, you're 75k in student loans debt, rent was due last week, and to top it all off? You're all out of beer. Oddly enough, you just got an email titled "Would you like to change the difficulty? Current setting: Very Hard."

>[WP] You are an alien playing a video game in which the goal is to help a species survive the longest time possible. Now you want to tackle the hardest mode in the game: human beings.

>[WP] It turns out everyone's playing Life on Normal Mode. You find the main menu and start playing on an entirely new difficulty setting.

>> No.8564104

This one is excellent.

>[WP] On this episode of Quantum Leap, Dr. Sam Beckett finds himself in what appears to be the cockpit of an airplane. He hears Arabic voices but understands them. A calendar shows the date as September 11th, 2001. It slowly dawns on him; the body he has found himself in is one of the hijackers.

>> No.8564123

Plenty of Batman and Time travel stuff, I think that people who visit reddit can only produce material if it is already established in popular culture. All of them are terrible, too.

>[WP] According to the Multiverse Theory, there is a universe where you are Batman. However, there is also a universe where everyone but you is Batman. What's life like in this universe?

>[EU] Batman is arrested. The day of his trial, the Joker shows up to defend him.

>[EU] Bruce Wayne is exposed as Batman through the Panama Papers leak.

>[WP] Only a time traveling Adolf Hitler dressed as Batman can unravel the dark and mysterious secret behind the numbers that appeared over everyone's heads at Hogwarts.

>[EU] The Joker travels back in time and prevents the mugging that kills Batman's parents.

>[WP] You time-travel back to 1348, accidentally bringing your phone. About to take a photo, you notice: "1 available wifi network".

>[WP] You've just invented time travel. You decide to go exactly 1 year into the future and speak to the first person you see, "Hey what day is it?" "364." "What do you mean 364?" "It's been 364 days since the incident.

>> No.8564128

This one has to be a troll.

>> No.8564166

pretty sure some of these are already BTAS episodes

>> No.8564234


>> No.8564260

but why?

>> No.8564525

Speaking of that, How is making Hermione black for the new thing ANYTHING else but tokenism? I thought we were past that. I think making a character black just so you have a black character is racist as fuck. Personally if I was black, I'd be more offended by this than by a complete lack of blacks. "Oh hey there are no decent black characters in this so we made this white girl black for you. You know, so you can have something good too."

I'd like to see more interesting black characters in media in all honestly. But the same rule applies as to any other character too: "Make it a good one" don't just put something in because you have a fucking checklist.

>> No.8564533

I'm 90% sure the guy just watched "crank" and thought: "What if this was a book?"

>> No.8565966
File: 963 KB, 500x375, hegel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left during the reddit invasion and board split. I occasionally come around to see if the board has improved, and it seems to only be getting worse

>> No.8566038
File: 57 KB, 512x687, 4L_d6D0yABj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon no. A place like that... changes a man.

>> No.8566074


I remember the first (and last) time I browsed /r9k/. It made me feel so sad.

>> No.8566238

>The best part could be that the surprise is that he says "All in a day's work" before going home, and the reader could be like "WAIT... THAT was one day!?"

>> No.8566770


>> No.8567524

pro-abortion people gather here tho. man I love me some stem cell research

>> No.8567538

What does /r/ mean? Is it some directory on Unix? Is it a subreddit signifier? Is it a request board? I don't understand these children lingo.

>> No.8567541

all subreddits (originally just called reddits) have the url reddit.com/r/subname

>> No.8568347
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>> No.8568447

Ignoring for a moment how shit reddit is, the Martian isn't half-bad for genre fiction. At least it was a fresh concept.

>> No.8568740


>> No.8568748

The movie was literally the worst film I've ever seen

Put me off the book a tad senpai

>> No.8568753


one of us

>> No.8568768

The film is way way better than the book.

>> No.8568937
File: 358 KB, 1348x1800, JJAbrams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Douglas Adams know ?


>> No.8568961

Better than Gravity 2bh pham

>> No.8568971
File: 50 KB, 400x254, LeyLines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...energy meridians flowing across the planet...

>> No.8569041

>(..I think he means like a train releasing its brakes which makes sense...)

He typed out the counter-arguement to his plebbery and still failed to see it.

>> No.8569061
File: 30 KB, 500x268, 1453059961212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>[WP] You're a 12 year-old in a world domintated by magic. A small, feeble man appears on your doorstep claiming: "You're a scientist, Henry"

They parody themselves.

>> No.8569066

Anything is better than Gravity 2bh pham

>> No.8569070
File: 171 KB, 640x640, 1447417927778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>[WP] Only a time traveling Adolf Hitler dressed as Batman can unravel the dark and mysterious secret behind the numbers that appeared over everyone's heads at Hogwarts.

I wonder what it's like being someone that only thinks in pop culture.

>> No.8569460

>implying 4chan isn't also shit

>> No.8569476
File: 15 KB, 818x82, Screenshot_417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me

>> No.8569516
File: 1.03 MB, 704x528, george_cheers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan /lit/
>Ten pages of threads
>Only thread with over 100 posts is a circlejerk of hate complaining about how reddit talks about books
Huh really makes you think....

>> No.8569597

You mean besides the eight other threads with more than a hundred posts?

>> No.8569642


>> No.8569678

I want to kill myself

>> No.8569680

Reddit is a lowest common denominator website for self-described "nerds". The easiest way for your posts to get upvoted is to make references to "nerdy" culture (i.e. what was socially unpopular 20 years ago).

>> No.8570349

Yes. They do. Pretty much everything we complain about them for -- they also complain about.

>> No.8570354

That's satirical you noodle.

But, in truth, not very far from reality.
>2 points
This is not very convincing.

>> No.8570748


>> No.8570837

Reddit is just a forum for recycled memes with a superiority complex. I guess it's what you get when you give a bunch of nobodies a pretend "reputation" to uphold.

>> No.8571916

get that hate speech out of here faggot

>> No.8572867

haha what a pleb should've named it The Wallace am i right my patricians

>> No.8572904

The characters were so flat and obnoxious I actually felt nauseous reading it

You can tell the author knows a lot about science but nothing about humans or how to write a book

>> No.8573175
File: 19 KB, 1590x219, plebandplebette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, guys...they're reproducing

>> No.8573225

should be named after roman mythology like literally everything else involving space

>> No.8573251

This should just be an inspirational story for all the self-hating /r9k/ type of ppl here to show them that literally anyone can find someone for them no matter how big a loser they are

>> No.8573259

/r9k/ is just as pleb as reddit, only with more ressentiment.

>> No.8573271

>/r9k/ is just as pleb as reddit
This. It's the most dogmatic and prejudiced board

>> No.8573293
File: 19 KB, 1831x812, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it's not as simple as that. see pic related.

>> No.8573303
File: 264 KB, 1772x985, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common trait of autistic people to think of real life as a video game, giving them a way to quantify everything happening to them or at least put things in more concrete terms. Reddit's diagnosis: assburgers.

>> No.8573383

>not realizing both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The circlejerk on 4chin is equal to leddit, reddit is less circlejerky but there's a disagree button. 4chin is way more circlejerky[this thread] but no disagree button.

>> No.8573394


>> No.8573403

>less circlejerky
what alternate universe's reddit are you browsing mane

>> No.8573470
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Calling bullshit on this kid actually getting anything out of Faulkner

>> No.8573481

false equivalency fallacy rrreeeeeee

but yeah, /lit/ has a circlejerk, but at least it's in a positive and actually literary direction. r/books is towards YA and YA for adults. I think it's because 4chan is inherently a counter-culture but it's pretty sad that reading real books is an edgy thing to do

>> No.8573496

The only thing in the top left is academic journals

>> No.8574342

>unironically posting the cuck king

>> No.8574347

>less circlejerky
You can literally make opinions that go against the hivemind disappear

>> No.8574361

i hope they're not in norway, otherwise who cares about the wifi

>> No.8574365

>You wake up one day and Batman is Norwegian. How does the Joker react to this?

>> No.8574405

I don't know where you find all these cringe posts, I just went through the first three pages and all it had was very boring and polite conversations about books. It's not bad, i's just boring

>> No.8574780

Yeah, Viking and Voyager, two very famous Roman myths.

>> No.8574791
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That's the definition of normie dude...

>> No.8574799
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>> No.8574809
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>> No.8574826

I would actually put them right on the line between autistic and normie

>> No.8574837

>But the much cooler, more self aware kind.
That's some typical reddit syntax and wording, right there.

>> No.8575004


Actually that sounds okay. Plebs reading YA won't read good shit, so at least they might as well read genre fiction that's not written by middle class white people

>> No.8575015


Normie as fuck. The chances of meeting a girl in Melbourne who likes Kjell Askildsen as much as I do are pretty slim

>> No.8575084



>> No.8575238
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This is the problem with reddit. I got censored on a board for 8 fucking minutes because too many people disagreed with the things I said and I got a few down votes.

>> No.8575639

You really don't want to belong to a community of narcissists.

>> No.8575898


>The only posts allowed in that cesspit of censorship are coddling comments. Also puns, but only completely PC, Pg-13 ones that couldn't potentially offend anyone.

>Thats what's fucked up about Reddit. The reason users are all so faux upbeat all the time and tiptoe around each other's feelings so carefully is because if they don't, they'll be punished. Down votes, having posting rights removed, being banned, those are all the price for transgressions.

Pretty great analysis to be ech.

>> No.8576034

Holy... I want more

>> No.8576108

What is wrong what that website.

>> No.8576511

the goodreads one looks like a snail :)

>> No.8576973
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>> No.8577050
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not even /pol/ can agree on abortion though

>> No.8577062

Asking to be cucked.

>> No.8577067


i've seen that dino suit somewhere before..........


>> No.8577080


He's not wrong. McCunty is a hack.

>> No.8577142


>> No.8577754

If it weren't for 4chan's weird as fuck user base, there's a lot of things I wouldn't have experienced that are now intrinsic parts of my life, and it's only because anons are such cunts about everything that when they unilaterally agree something's good it often is. (certain boards excluded)

>> No.8577765

The guy watched 24 and "had" an "idea."

>> No.8577879
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>> No.8577880
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>> No.8577907

To be fair we get the same thread here all the time.

>> No.8577914

>the cooler kind
we're all friends here anon, there's no need to pretend.

>> No.8577926

I was debating whether to take a course that had hands on shit with ES cells, but I don't think I'm quite in the right spot career wise to benefit enough.

>> No.8577932

The science is also bad.

>> No.8577981

>that nose


>> No.8578015
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Her legs are more stout then those of an average male dwarf.

>> No.8578024


>> No.8578036

>le reddit reputation
>le reddit moderation
I think it's pretty obvious that most people here have never been to reddit.

I don't think that's a bad thing, per se.

>> No.8578556

Dostoevsky talks about and against the very positivist science that reddit loves, no surprise there.

>> No.8578610

>two joints up my nose

Stopped reading there

Nobody on planet earth could be so fucking impossibly stupid

I refuse to acknowledge any of this man's opinions

>> No.8578616

It's to keep them warm.

>> No.8578707


Is everything just a fucking reference to something else now? Fuck

>> No.8579056

Welcome to the age of the simulcra

>> No.8579385

4 days on and you still don't have a (You)

Until now

>> No.8579406

I'm top left

>> No.8579564


It'd be more interesting if they said Haraldr actually connected via Bluetooth and either did nothing, you could control him, or copy his knowledge. Something that is historical and slightly interesting that doesn't involve Batman.

>> No.8579745
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That's fucking gay.