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8559966 No.8559966 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8559985

Start making threads solely about books you actually enjoy

>> No.8559993

There's probably going to be a flood of "why the fuck does this book exist" threads soon because Spielberg's spending $200 million adapting it

>> No.8559995

This reads like American Psycho.

>> No.8560000

His taste in music is a fucking joke.

>> No.8560003

The book originally was going to be called american autist, but he changed the title.

>> No.8560009

Dozens of people who never post here otherwise are gonna come to this board just to talk about it. It's gonna be The Martian part 2.

>> No.8560015

Which was also shit.

>> No.8560027

jesus hell /lit/ is difficult

>> No.8560029

how about no? fuck you


>> No.8560032

It's a shame how poorly this is written, because I actually sort of liked the concept of a dystopia where everyone was plugged into virtual reality and searching for a hidden easter egg that would grant them a fortune. The problem is whoever wrote this didn't give the dystopia he set it in a unique culture at all, by the looks of it. Why does the protagonist of this bizarre society talk like a 20 something redditor from the year 2016?
>I had a serious fetish for geeky girls playing ukele
Fucking really? What a wasted opportunity.

>> No.8560059
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Did someone say Ready Player One excerpts?

>> No.8560065
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>> No.8560071

>typical "God Isn't Real" teenage angst
wew lad

>> No.8560073
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>> No.8560079

this has a 4.3 on goodreads and wuthering heights has a 3.8

>> No.8560088
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>> No.8560089
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>thinkers, inventors and scientists are usually geeks
>knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom!
>a few protons
>hydrogen atom

>> No.8560092

The author literally does slam poetry.


>> No.8560102

He isn't, to be fair.

>> No.8560105


>> No.8560122

>bashes Nietzsche

and that's how you get labelled a pseud

>> No.8560129
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>> No.8560132

Oh wow it's a fat redditor, colour me surprised.
>being angry about god not being real and being "lied to" past age 16

>> No.8560133

I deleted this book off my phone after 80 or so iPhone pages. It was just a commute/work read but it was so shit I couldn't deal with it. Also

>> No.8560134

good catch

>> No.8560137
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>> No.8560159

>tfw good concept wasted on schlocky book

>> No.8560168
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If you get enough intellectual distance from how painfully garbage every moment of the book is, you start to notice the little things.

For instance:
All global commerce takes place in an MMORPG with open PVP and permanent character death - if you lag out and get killed by a kobold your real life bank account gets deleted

This VR simulation as replaced the Internet, as in people would rather get in their X-wing, fly to Planet eBay, walk in the eBay megatower, pick up an item and walk out, causing the real life item to be mailed to their house. Instead of, you know, typing in ebay.com and clicking a few times

The OASIS Corporation is worth $240 billion in spite of having over eight billion regular users and being the singular entertainment, education, news and finance center of the entire world (right now Apple is worth $600 billion, Google is worth $550 billion and Microsoft is worth $440 billion)

Read the enclosed excerpt and then remember that at this point in the story a murderous corporate raider is on the very brink of a successful hostile takeover

>> No.8560170
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haha DUDE stars haha DUDE fucking rednecks haha DUDE popscience lmao
This is how I feel also. Might have been good if someone other than fat redditor with entry tier pop culture obsession had written it.

>> No.8560182

same sort of disappointment i get when looking at attack on titan

>> No.8560186

I think attack on titan was okay for an anime/manga but a book would have been much better.

>> No.8560188

The funny part is that Vonnegut would've probably hated him.


>> No.8560205

the very poor characterization is what ruins it

>> No.8560209

So this is Reddit: The Book, is there a 4chan equivalent?

>> No.8560212

>The people in the field who can be charged fairly with tastelessness are 75 per cent of the writers and 95 per cent of the readers--or not so much tastelessness, really, as childishness.
"Hypersphere" by anonymous

>> No.8560225
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The stacked trailer thing is retarded. The United States doesn't have the population density to justify that kind of vertical living in the first place, in the second place even if it did it would be cheaper and easier to throw up concrete high-rises in the Soviet style than to build these intentionally murderous Jenga towers, and in the third place a current trailer park has a surprisingly large amount of land per trailer. So if you really needed to squeeze in a shitload more people, you could just set them out side-by side like rowhomes instead of leaving each one on a 80x200 lot.

>> No.8560228


Yeah I was going to say.... he could have at least picked carbon or oxygen. Oxygen has a nicer ring to it anyway. It's a cringeworthy joke either way but I honestly don't mind it.


See this guy is right but he writes so fucking terribly. he uses something like nine different masturbation euphemisms, it's not even clever or funny.

But the guy is right. If I didn't jack off I'd barely get anything done.

>> No.8560233


>Implying this isn't the Ulysses of our time

Ulysses is primarily about high-brow references. Ready Player One is primarily about low-brow references. Pynchon proved scientifically that low-brow and high-brow is a false distinction. Therefore, Ready Player One is the Ulysses of our time.

Go ahead, try to outwit this. I just read Aristotle. My syllogisms are perfect.

>> No.8560234

Diary of an Oxygen Thief
The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
Behead All Satans
The Magnificent Third Rail
Yurope and Yurope 2

>> No.8560241

So does he just reference things?

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.8560256


Your post implies that "low-brow" and "high-brow" references are the only qualifier of a great novel.

It's like saying, "Eagles are light gray, elephants are dark-gray, scientists have proven the difference is irrelevant. Therefore eagles are the elephants of our time."

Except eagles have wings, elephants don't, etc etc.

>> No.8560265


If elephants and eagles lived at different times, it'd be totally valid to say elephants are the eagles of our time.

>> No.8560286

He could have picked Hydrogen because of it's association with Einstein and Bohr's atomic model, but yeah, you'd think this chubby fuck would have the decency to actually research what a proton is and how many of them are in a hydrogen atom before writing such utter trash. Not that it matters because the line would have been awful even if it was scientifically accurate.
I've read everything posted ITT and it seems to be nothing but references. Someone with sufficient time and autism should evaluate how much of the wordcount is spent making popculture references.

>> No.8560297


But Ulysses has merit beyond it's references. I didn't actually finish the book (it had to go back to the library and I haven't gotten it back out since), but I believe a big part of why it's recognized is all the existential and stream of consciousness stuff. Don't really see that in Ready Player One.

Also calling it "the" Ulysses of our time implies a one-to-one correspondence. What happens if I bring in another book with low-brow references? By the same logic, what differs that book and Ready Player One?

By the way, I totally see your point, and the scary part is I can actually see RPO becoming a "classic" in that it makes cultural references the same way Joyce did, and how it "preserves" culture or some shit. Like how people said Finnegan's Wake was brilliant cause it refers to Irish culture, and has a shitton of references to it, but I don't live in 1920s Ireland so I can't exactly appreciate that. But I can't hate a book that starts in the middle of a sentence.

>> No.8560318

Finnegans Wake doesn't just refer to Irish culture. It has bits and pieces of mythology, philosophy, theology, history, etc. from all over the world.

>> No.8560356
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>hydrogen atom
>a few protons

>> No.8560362


Oh. I knew it had some of that but I thought it was mostly Irish culture. Guess not.

All I've read of Joyce is the first 50 pages of Ulysses, the first two pages of Finnegan's Wake, half of Dubliners when I was 14 because I had to for English class (I remember nothing except the hyphen dialogue) and of course his love letters to Nora Barnacle which are a thing of beauty.


Wait he's fat? Shit...

> He could have picked Hydrogen because of it's association with Einstein and Bohr's atomic model

I think you're overestimating his intellect.

Honestly I could see someone writing it as he did to fuck with people, but unless he did something clever with it later it'd make no sense. Like he put it in specifically to piss off science people. But I highly doubt it. If he did, though, he's an absolute madman.

>> No.8560374

>I think you're overestimating his intellect.
I think I am. Given the MC gushes about Carl Sagan's Cosmos it's clear the writer is just an idiot.

>> No.8560383


> Cosmos

Cause it's Asimov-tier layman science explanation? Or cause it's actually bad? I've never seen it but the "wow omg science" xkcd-imgur-degrass-tyson attitude grates on my nerves. Although I do like reading Asimov science cause I'm too lazy to read real science books, I guess.

>> No.8560392

Yeah, because it's popsci. I don't even have a fundamental issue with popsci, it's more the fact that people like Cline claim they "love" science and that it's "fucking epic" but they never study it past watching television documentaries. It just irks me. It's actually a decent documentary if you're just wanting to kill time and learn a bit about the stars, as far as I remember.

>> No.8560399

He just read the Wikipedia article on Peak Oil

>> No.8560417


>> No.8560480


Yeah fair enough. I mean I'm no science major but I do try to actually read about the nitty-gritty of stuff and think about it. But people go whoa le science and it pisses me off. Then there are people like my mother who think science is a close-minded dogma instead of an occasionally-misused system of logic that is basically flawless when applied correctly (well I guess not really). I had to spend 3 hours explaining to her that proving something to be true requires a "why" and not a "why not." But that's another story.

Most popsci stuff is well below my interest though because I've already seen / read most of it, or it's something minor that doesn't really interest me. I still do like cool factoids like the black holes that at one point were orbiting each other 76 times a second, but you have to have s sense of the universe's scale (which isn't even really possible for us) to understand why that is so amazing.

I tried watching Tyson's Cosmos revival (dunno if it was the same name or not) but I got bored quickly. Yes, I know that galaxies are centered by supermassive black holes. Yes I have heard of Hawking radiation and know what it is. This is 7th grade planetarium visit stuff.

Ah well.

>> No.8560500

It's not even that bad. It's got some good parts aside from all the HEY GUYS THE 80s WERE COOL parts. It's especially got some enjoyable cyberpunk themes.

>> No.8560503

You sound like a le science redditor yourself
>No I don't actually study science
>my mother
>cosmos is so below me!

>> No.8560506

I mostly like Carl Sagans attitude

He just came off way better than NDT did in the remake

>> No.8560578
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Carl Sagan was an atheist

Yet he never gave the impression he fucking hated religious people the way Tyson does

Tyson managed to make 50% of every episode "CHRISTFAGS GET OUT REEEEE"