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8556056 No.8556056 [Reply] [Original]

what's the point of reading if we're all going to die some day?

>> No.8556072

To pass the time.

>> No.8556076

Wants the point of me having sex last month if im just going to kill myself next week? Nothing. Just live day to day until you die from something.

>> No.8556077

Maybe you can learn something along the way.

also for fun

>> No.8556083

You really don't want to be illiterate, the pain is excruciating

>> No.8556091

I don't know. I can barely motivate myself to read anymore. Get through maybe 10 pages, then lose all focus and have to put it down.

>> No.8556106

Probably because you're trying to read to show off your "intellect".

>> No.8556109
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Whats the point of doing anything BUT read when we're going to die some day?

>> No.8556116

Epicurus already figured if out man.

>> No.8556146


>> No.8556151

You can read in the next one then.

>> No.8556156

why read? why not do something else?

>> No.8556167
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>he's in his 20s and STILL in the nihilism phase

>> No.8556180

Because its the most intellectually fulfilling project available to man

>> No.8556182

im just having crisis senpai.

>> No.8556194


are you a religious faggot?

anyway, the consciousness of our own mortality and the futility of every action is like a hole in the middle of our vision that we spend all our time trying not to see. but it's just a matter of time before this hole will swallow us all

>> No.8556203

You read in order to die before you die - and find that there is no death.

>> No.8556210
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>but it's just a matter of time before this hole will swallow us all

>> No.8556222

I think it has more to do with depression, but nice projection.

>> No.8556257
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>2016 and we still don't know why exist
Why do we do anything if we are going to die? Look at the damn Nazis; they could have pulled the trigger on themselves at any point if they wanted to, but alas, they didnt because of ambition which naturally exists within our consciousness. However, once they saw everything going to shit, they pulled that trigger because they had nothing to live for anymore.

TLDR; Just read faggot. Reading and gaining intellect gets you swift pussy.

>> No.8556275
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To affect our deeds which will echo in eternity.

>> No.8556330

not an argument

>> No.8556354

Shit, Al Swearengen used to be a fucking stud.

>> No.8556427

Because there are some things that we need in order to live and there are other things that make life worth living. Who cares if you're going to die someday. You're alive right now, might as well fill it with beautiful things (including beautiful literature).

>> No.8556431

>being too depressed to read a book

lmao give me a break

>> No.8556442

Shit, that really made me think. In fact, WTF, I think I hate books now!

>> No.8556451


>> No.8556454
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>implying old Al isn't a stud too

>> No.8556462

Being part of something larger than your little narcissistic "being towards death".

>> No.8556480

It's fun and passes the time until death.

>> No.8556539

Read some philosophy you fucking faggot.

>> No.8556573
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>> No.8556582

t. never struggled with depression

>> No.8556588

The greatest virtue is learning how to die.

>> No.8556594


>> No.8556605

Eternal return at a subjective ethereal point of view.
In a more realistic materialistic fact on the world point of view, well, i made a house and now people live there. And people will live there after my death.
Cmon, nihilism is for pusillanimous edgy kids

>> No.8556633

So you may live better in the time you're alive obviously. When you think back to your teens or whatever and think "oh man I wish I was more observant, I wish I knew how to figure certain things out, or knew what to do in some circumstances", reading gives you the tools to accelerate your means of perception. It's far more useful to learn a lesson early on so that you make the best use of it in the time you have available. The fact of your death doesnt negate the fact of your having lived, and if you live well then you'll be more satisfied and be ready to accept the inevitability of your death.

>> No.8556638


You retard, like death isn't a reality. I faced the death of my parents, and other people I loved. Nothing matters. No philoshopy, no fancy word can cover up the fact that we are meanigless in an universe that doesn't care a shit about you, me, people who will live after. But why argue with people who pretend to read books all day and know a shit about real life? It is pointless, like everything else. My point of view is pointless. The world I'm using are pointless.

>> No.8556641


Once you are dead it is as you have never lived - the very moment before you die, last thing you will think about is fucking printed paper. Moron

>> No.8556647

Except you did live. Your absence is proof of your presence. Your taking a shit doesn't erase the fact of your eating, it's proof of it.
Meaninglessness is meaningless. It serves no purpose other than to give you an excuse for living like a prick.

>> No.8556650


4chan will tell you all that matters is the acquisition of pussy and the accumulation of achievements.

>> No.8556658

You want to maximize your pleasure in the long term.
That can be achieved by just reading itself, enjoying whatever you learn from reading or just by showing off your knowledge to uneducated plebs

>> No.8556669


Your absence is proof of your presence (a memory corrupted, arbitrary interpreted and that will fade with time) in the mind of the people that knew you, wich are destined to die as you died until the day there won't be a single human on this planet. Nothing you could do can give real purposes to life is life is intrinsically without purpose, if "purpose" is just a world made up by us and not a factual reality. We have created a world inside the world with our words and concepts - but the reality is outside the human system, and the reality is that we are worth a shit, and that even the concept of "worth a shit" is a mental construction - we are and that's all, and one we won't be anymore. The last resort is truly spiritual revelations - but few elected can aspire to those

>> No.8556680

Why not?

>> No.8556684

You're just spit balling nonsense. Death doesn't undo living, it's the end product. birth -> life-> death. You may shitpost, but you will never un-shitpost. That actually happened and just cause you're scared of your death like a pussy doesn't mean it isn't so. We strive to live well because that is what we have, that is what we are given. Do you cook with your ingredients or just eat them raw since they're just going to be shit anyway?

>> No.8556722


It is impossible not to be scared of death. Even Jesus was, and Socrates, well, Plato clearly embellished his last moments.

But that's not the point. Death can't be a factor that adds to the others IF there is nothing beyond the death and if isn't a mere passage - it is an erasing. You can't add nothingness to being. You cold answer, but now we are. Why? Well, philosophy have been searching for the answers for 4000 years. I don't know.

>> No.8556727

But why do anything else? Youre just going to die anyway.

>> No.8556732

nihilism =/= not acknowledging death

pointless to whom? were your relatives pointless? if they were pointless, then why bother getting into a fuss about it? they were pointless, no? pointless to whom? Listen to >>8556647 Anon.

> It serves no purpose other than to give you an excuse for living like a prick.

you don't need meaning to carry on your life, Anon. things still mean something to you, even if they don't mean anything to anyone or anything else.

>> No.8556766

What is this notion though that if something vanishes then it ceases to HAVE been, as well as just ceasing to be? Just because death may mean that we are no longer conscious of our consciousness doesn't mean the consciousness never occurred. It happened, everything you thought or felt, every shitpost you wrote, it doesn't get erased because it happened. "It'll be as if it never happened" is semantic excuse.

>> No.8556868

but if you're irrelevant nobody will remember you after a century or so, so it's practically the same as never existing. people remember people like Julius ceaser not some schmuck pleb

>> No.8556879
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This, life is a bus stop on the route to nothingness desu

>> No.8557017

I always like to fantasize, since I will never accomplish anything worthy, my corpse will somehow come in handy to generations far in the future. Like they'll dig me up my femur in this spot and find traces of me in my NEET-cave that offers tremendous insight in to science. That's how I keep myself from feeling like a total failure anyway

>> No.8557039

Because I enjoy reading

>> No.8557045

The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

>> No.8557093

Does anyone else see the increase in nihilism? I can't help but meet people that are really nihilistic these days. Every time I gain a new housemate or start a new job I've come to expect at least few suffering from nihilism or existential anxiety.

Obviously you never hear about it in the news or whatever, its like a silent death spreading throughout the developed world.

>> No.8557125

>there are people who don't want to read as many books as possible before committing suicide at 50

>> No.8557896

What's the point in that if you're going to die?

>> No.8557901

use helium and go in a pitiful peace so you can get off my fucking board, you phillistine

>> No.8557905
File: 60 KB, 550x531, nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The further away from childhood we get, the more nihilistic we become. Then, as death starts to approach, we slowly become idealistic again.

>> No.8558063

Nice job answering the question, faggot.

>> No.8558076

That's what happened to Crowley, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8558144


Disregard females, acqire currency.

>> No.8558151

Get treated you sumbitch

>> No.8558193

414 Troll.

"I haven't read any of them Star Wars books, or any books for that matter. And I ain't starting now"

Harry S. Plinkett, The seventy minutes Star Wars Review, RedLetterMedia - YouTube, 1974.

I share the belief (word with French origins) that trying to exterminate a hooker that is trying to escape from your crawl-space is a better way to spend your time.

>> No.8558204

You kids and yer god damn Plinkett reviews

>> No.8558210


I know, I know.
I made the mistake of meeting Stolklasa.
Now the whole thing is ruined for me. Forever.

>> No.8558469

There's a lot of factors that account for why people nowadays constantly say how depressed they are or how they have so much anxiety.

Most of it has to do with technology. Not saying we should all go back to shitting in the woods, but people are constantly, CONSTANTLY saturated with information. They no longer live in the present and constantly fret over what the future will bring, how to make everything more efficient for them, how the world owes them, what the world could bring, etc. etc.

The happiest people are the ones that don't care about the future and just think to themselves how lucky they are to live in the first place. They may not always be successful, or remembered, but they are always happy.

>> No.8558471


>> No.8558483

Is he really as drunk and depressed as he seems on TV?

>> No.8558499

Counter me.

>> No.8558506

whats the point in reading if you live forever

>> No.8558513

not an argument

>> No.8558515


That's a good point, eventually you will be every man that lived, lives or will live. And by that you will write everything that there is or will be to be read. I suppose you just need to wait, regardless.

>> No.8558523

Only when he gets drunk, that happens right away.

>> No.8559095

>what's the point of living if we're all going to die some day?
Books are just an alternative to movies, music and series, life is unhealthy, sorry mate

>> No.8559121

Then where does "health" exist, if not in life?

>> No.8559152

Not worth a proper argument

>> No.8559166

I love my life stop shitting up my board and my modern philosophy.

>> No.8559193

This is currently your life. Love it or get the fuck out.