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/lit/ - Literature

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8553731 No.8553731 [Reply] [Original]

Just out of curiosity, what do you folks use to write? Pen and paper? Computer? Typewriter? Any particular computer programs?

I use Pages on a Mac, personally, but I tend to scribble random notes and other bullshit into tiny notebooks.

>> No.8553789

I don't write physically in any form, but I form coherent, elaborate narratives and premises in my mind which I eventually hope to bring to paper one day. Sometimes I forget one, and then years later it pops up again randomly and I elaborate on it and it puzzles me to no end why I haven't yet published something so seemingly worthwhile. What I mean to say is, writing is a waste of time if you can't form it into words beforehand.

>> No.8553803

computer. Ms Word.

any other dumb faggot questions?

>> No.8553808

evernote, libreoffice, celtx

>> No.8553834


I write with pen and paper at first. It forces me to write slower and more deliberately. If I type the first draft, it tends to ramble and lose cohesion. The cliches also quadruple in number, which is bothersome.

When I am done physically writing for the day, I type up what I have written and edit along the way. The resulting words get added to the manuscript.

>> No.8553839

Google docs, black composition note books.
TLDR: you don't write

>> No.8553846

computer, it is just so much faster to type, and you don't have to put in any thought to the mechanics of handwriting
If im not at a computer then i will write down the lines on pen and whatever piece of paper, or if i have to as a note on my phone

>> No.8553847

All editing/revisions on the computer. Poetry is either pen + paper or computer. Prose is 90% of the time pen + paper.

>> No.8553956
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Laptop with vi. I might move to emacs or acme.

>> No.8553961

My blood.

>> No.8554122

Absolute nonsense.

>> No.8554387
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I have a fountain pen my grandmother gave me and a bottle of heart of darkness. I only ever use it when I wanna show off, though. Its filling mechanism doesn't work and I have to dip it to fill the reservoir every time. It feels smooth and nice on good paper, so it's kinda fun once in awhile.

>> No.8554565
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I've written more than one poem with my period blood.

>> No.8554571

This. Anybody who uses pen/paper or God forbid a typewriter in 2016 should reevaluate what an embarrassing, middle-class fraudulent life they lead

>> No.8554580

We're sorry for what we've done to you, precious Katie

>> No.8554593

Typewriters are for hipsters and psueds.

>> No.8554600

Sounds like most of /lit/

>> No.8554606

Using a word processor suite like MS Word for massive amounts of text is incredibly stupid. MS Word is for typesetting small documents like your resume. Learn how to use a simple text editor, and leave the typesetting to your publisher.