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/lit/ - Literature

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8550615 No.8550615 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite


Others judge.

>> No.8550630

Malleus Maleficarum
Witchfinder General
De Stijl

>> No.8550636 [DELETED] 

>says book, film, album
>pic is book, album, film

>> No.8550645

One Hundrex Years of Solitude
Godfather 2
On the Beach

>> No.8550649


>> No.8550653

I dont watch many films. Fight club I guess.
Modest mouse - lonesome crowded west

>> No.8550658

Hard to pick a favorite. I really don't know how to answer that
Uhh yeah, kind of hard to pick a favorite.. Current favorite would probably be Pink Moon by Nick Drake or Black Messiah by Dangelo

>> No.8550659

>To Kill Mockingbird
>Saving Private Ryan
>To Pimp A Butterfly

>> No.8550660

Moby Dick

>> No.8550663
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>> No.8550664

The Hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
Demon Days

I have the palate of a 12-year old, I know.

>> No.8550666


>> No.8550668

nice tastes Satan

>> No.8550669

>satan is more patrician than me

>> No.8550673

Infinite Jest
The Dark Knight
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

>> No.8550689
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You are welcome.


>> No.8550693

Get this /mu/ level shit off this board.

>> No.8550695

de stijl is great


>fight club

chill, but get it together



yes agreed




>> No.8550698

Why does everyone here have shit taste in movies and music?

>> No.8550704

post your shit pal

>> No.8550705

Straw Dogs (Peckinpah)
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

>> No.8550706

because they're barely adults

>> No.8550712

crime and punishment
i don't watch much film. the spongebob movie i guess. the original one.
analphabetapolothology (cap'n jazz)

>> No.8550713

Heart of darkness
Cujo: adventures in foam

>> No.8550715


I also love Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes by Bach.

>> No.8550717

Get this /mu/ level trash off this board.

>> No.8550719

because no one understood the movie or the book

>> No.8550725

The spongebob movie isnt that deep

>> No.8550732

I understand your viewpoint

>> No.8550734

Tale of Genji

>> No.8550736

>not apocolypse now and it aint me

>> No.8550737

book: J R
film: face/off or tennenbaums
album: (this is almost impossible to pick) exile on main street
video game: hot shots golf series or persona 3/4
tv show: curb your enthusiasm

>> No.8550738

guy who posted spongebob here
visual media is usually not very deep to begin with. spongebob at least doesn't pretend to offer anything other than innocent laughs

>> No.8550748

>face off
Wow anon is right, there is some turbo shit taste in movies in this thread.

I wonder if litizens are picking up super deep meaning from the screenplays the durectors used as toilet paper while making their movies.

>> No.8550750

How you bear Von Trier's self indulgence?

>> No.8550758

you shit talking the woo bro?

>> No.8550769

>Blood Meridian / Gravity's Rainbow
>Assassination of Jesse James / The Master
>Moon & Antartica / Einstein on the Beach

>Nietzsche / Heidegger / Derrida

>> No.8550775
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Visual media is deeper, but a lot more humble than literature. Cinema is the most truthful of art forms.

>> No.8550777

>he doesn't like face/off
What a fucking pleb

>> No.8550780

Some great discussion going on here

>> No.8550790

cinema sux

>> No.8550793

you just don't get it

von trier is the greatest living director in much the same way 4chan is the greatest living internet website. you either get it and you're in or you don't and you're out

>> No.8550796

Husbands (1970)
Music Has the Right to Children

>> No.8550801

Asturias' Mulata.
Iwai's All About Lily Chou Chou.
Midori's Shinsekai.

>> No.8550802

The Recognitions
The Double Life of Veronique
Right now is probably LP5

>> No.8550809

Oh god I hope I never get it, it was like I was watching a soap opera, so much melodrama and egotism all around.

>> No.8550810

Bridge of Birds
The Fountain

>> No.8550815

>Genres: Jazz Fusion, Hardcore Punk

Gotta admire the japanese.

>> No.8550819

>Grapes of Wrath
>Everybody Wants Some!!
>I'll just go with Modest Mouse

These lists are always fluctuating. It's hard condensing favorites into a top ten, let alone very favorite.

>> No.8550821

von Trier is a hack peddling base misanthropy passed off as profundity and try hards buy it up.

>> No.8550823

Speak English Ching Bong

>> No.8550843

Molloy Trilogy
American Graffiti
Hot Fuss

I don't have very nuanced film or musical opinions honestly.

>> No.8550845

Market research threads are just the best.

>> No.8550855

Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead


Déjà Vu

>> No.8550857

Autechre, mah nigga.

Gotta get on Confield's level now

>> No.8550863

They broke up in '10 though. After releasing their best album (in my opinion), that had reached a hell of a maturity.

The vocalist has released a few solo albums, but sadly, they're shit.

My top 5 books include Lolita, Paradise Lost and Animal Farm. The other two are a spic one (Mulata) and a jap one (1Q84).
As for my favorite records... although the second one has to be Shinsei Kamattechan's Tomodachi wo Koroshite Made, I think my third favorite record is Big Black's Songs About Fucking, so there's one in English.
And when it come to movies... my second favorite one is a jap one too, Confessions of a Dog, but my third and fourth ones are musicals in english, I believe. Tommy and Jesus Christ Superstar.

>> No.8550869

Ah, I had to quote this after the second line >>8550823

>> No.8550873

I dont know how von trier managed to make one beautiful film and then everything else be hot garbage.

>> No.8550875

I'm still trying to digest that one.

>> No.8550878

I know you guys feel left out, and you are, but it's nothing to be miserable or bitter about. There's a lot of other great films to watch in the world.

>> No.8550882

Thanks for not taking it personally, I guess.

>> No.8550892
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Fear and Loathing
Paris, Texas
Townes Van Zandt - st

>> No.8550893

Beckett's Trilogy
Neu! 75

Judge harshly.

Nice taste, if a bit obvious. Not hating though because I love all of those.


Would chill with.

>Molloy Trilogy
Nice taste, lol.

This anon knows what's up. Confield is the best AE.

>> No.8550898

>Beckett's Trilogy

great film

>Neu! 75
dumb repetitive music for dumb stoners

>> No.8550900

Can /mu/ please fuck off. Sage.

>> No.8550906

>don't know

the fountain is a little too jungian memey for my tastes



>> No.8550911

>Beckett's Trilogy

What do you make of the last book?

>> No.8550916

Against the Day
Synecdoche New York

>> No.8550943

The Man Without Qualities, or La invención de Morel
Boards of Canada - Geogaddi

>> No.8551024

The Sound and the Fury
Apocalypse Now
The Basement Tapes

>> No.8551030

a thousand plateaus
american graffiti
take offs and landings

>> No.8551095

You're a dumbass for thinking this is market research anon.

>> No.8551100


I've killed and eaten the flesh of a man from Williamsburg, I am not a hipster thank you.

>> No.8551137

Why did Kiefer kill himself in Melancholia?

>> No.8551141

Rules for Radicals
Full Metal Jacket
Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor

>> No.8551149

Don Quixote
Pulp Fiction
Wolf (by Tyler, the Creator)

(I expect to have a ton of hate thrown my way for the album bit, but meh)

>> No.8551157

Anna Karenina
Wild Strawberries
Not into music enough to have one

>> No.8551158

Haven't read that book. I do like your taste in music and film, though.

>> No.8551161
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>> No.8551169

Yo, I'm

Feel like we have similar tastes

>> No.8551173

cheeki breeki

>> No.8551178

It's not a very /lit/ book, if you're interested in politics it's a must-read though

>> No.8551182

Last Nights in Paris
Funeral Parade of Roses
Close to the Edge

>> No.8551187

Jeez im dumb

>> No.8551193

Norte, End Of History
Soundtracks for the Blind

>> No.8551196
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im new to lit, so i dont know what is good.

>> No.8551209

>Not goblin

>> No.8551215

>any ofwgkta in the first place
nigga pls

>> No.8551230

La Haine
Atomizer-Big Black

Much nigga

>> No.8551232


>> No.8551245

Don't worry, we'll tell you what your favorite things are.

>> No.8551259
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pls no bully

>> No.8551266

>La Haine
Atomizer-Big Black
mein negger

>> No.8551272
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triggered me too
yuck - 6/10, 7/10, 8/10
lol, comfy tho
meme connoisseur
good, overrated, OFWGKTA solo artist album tier list - Doris > chanel orange > IDLSIDGO > cherry bomb > wolf > goblin

Wolf as your favourite album is bleh

>> No.8551285

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
Freetown Sound (probably, I have a lot that I like similarly, depends on my mood)

>> No.8551303

Moby Dick
Armchair Apocrypha
I don't watch much film, but I was impressed with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

>> No.8551310
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>> No.8551314
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>> No.8551322

Taxi Driver
ITAOTS (unironically)

>> No.8551325

killer kill yourself, I meant
oh no
okay ...

>> No.8551334

top kek

>> No.8551337

Yeah, Pulp Fiction is way overrated. It's still a good film tho

I'd say OFWGKTA solo artist album tiers wold be this though.

>Channel Orange
>Cherry Bomb

>> No.8551340

Different anon, but Blonde and IDLSIDGO are my faves, almost everything else is trash

>> No.8551341

Are you talking to me? You talking to me? You talking to me in the aeroplane over the sea? How strange it is to be talking to anyone at all.

>> No.8551343

I'm anon #3, dude.

>> No.8551344

catch 22
come and see
return to 36 chambers

>> No.8551348

Stop making us cringe.

>> No.8551349

oops fully forgot about blonde, not sure where I'd rate it atm, agree on pulp fiction

>> No.8551365

>Don Quixote
>The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
>Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs

>> No.8551384

Blood Meridian
Hard to say. I don't watch alot of movies. I guess The Godfather or Synecdoche, New York?
The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid. Really hard to pick, but I've been enjoying this alot recently.

>> No.8551396

Pulp FIction
In Utero

>> No.8551431

Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Léon the Professional
Pet Sounds

>> No.8551444

>anything before channel orange
Holy shit. Your taste is an embarrassment

>> No.8551447
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couldn't choose one of each

>> No.8551449

Trips confirm. Also meant to quote >>8551272

>> No.8551464

>im 17 and my taste is superior

>> No.8551479

what made you draw that conclusion

>> No.8551485

Naked Lunch
not too into films, probably Fantastic Mr Fox or Trainspotting
Age of Adz

>> No.8551492


Bastard is better than the rest of Tylers material aside from the original cuts of sandwiches and yonkers, regardless of the production getting tighter and the features coming from actual MCs

>> No.8551516


Please leave this board

>> No.8551523

Odyssey - Homer
Simón del Desierto - Buñuel
La Leyenda del Tiempo - Camarón

>> No.8551575

Excuse me? Who exactly are you to ask me to leave?

>> No.8551579

Someone with fucking taste. Through away your fucking meme rap and challenge yourself for once.

>> No.8551591

this is pretty safe but my favourite of the lists posted so far (other than my own)

>> No.8551593

He's too rich to relate to. Plays it safe.

>> No.8551594

>Through away

By the way, Frank Ocean is more of an r&b artist than a rapper. Your 'fucking taste' is not good for anything when you just label everything with some buzzword you found on 4chan instead of actually listening to it, and considering that, telling someone else to challenge himself is really hypocritical of you.

>> No.8551596


>> No.8551599

>not hating your own list


>> No.8551601
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The Red and the Black

>> No.8551605

Why do you ask such boring questions?

>> No.8551607

Probably m b v

>> No.8551608

Proof that "developing your own taste" is worthless.

>> No.8551626

Why? Eraserhead is pretty good

>> No.8551628
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catch 22

>> No.8551662
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>> No.8551728

Worthless doesn't mean bad, it means zero.

>> No.8551733

It's not worthless to me Anon

>> No.8551735

>everything is relative

no shit.

>> No.8551736

The Plague - Camus
Remission - Skinny puppy

>> No.8551740

fuck me

>> No.8551741

you wish

>> No.8551744

The Recognitions
Laughing Stock
Either Late Spring or Eternal Sunshine? idk

>> No.8551754
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beep beep. superior taste coming through

>> No.8551763

The Trial
Soundtracks for the Blind

Don't care what anyone says, Soundtracks is fucking great

>> No.8551765

It's great, even though you don't care what I say.

>> No.8551783

Gravity's rainbow
The big short
Salad days

>> No.8551865

Don Quixote (parts one and two)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Goonies, or The Princess Bride (please please don't make me choose one)
Shigesato Itoi - Penguinism

>> No.8551902

I know, I'm a pleb :)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Mirror
Dirty Three — Whatever You Love, You Are
Salad Days is shit
Bretty nice
Whatever you say buddy

>> No.8551903

The epic of gilgamesh
Faith by the cure
I dont watch enough movies to have a favorite

>> No.8551977
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I'm waiting for my copy of Ikiru to arrive soon, only other Kurosawa film I've seen is Dersu Uzala

>> No.8551985

The Bible
It's a Wonderful Life
Bach - Mass in B minor (ik it's not an album)

>> No.8552017
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based book

>> No.8552023
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Prometheus Rising
Kiss Land
Dark City

>> No.8552033

Gravity's Rainbow
Inland Empire

>> No.8552041


>Norte, End Of History

You should see if you can find a copy of Melancholia somewhere on the old internet. That's a great film.

Not even Filipino.

>> No.8552047
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good taste but could just be forwarding memes
/mu/ tier taste all around
chill slightly more handsome older brother tier
muh england

>> No.8552062
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Master taste, although F#A#∞ is not GYBE's best

>> No.8552134

Lost in Translation
Women - Public Strain

>> No.8552139

Finnegans Wake
Trout Mask Replica
Mr. Robot

>> No.8552159

The Master and Margarita
The Third Man or Pi can't really choose
Floating World - Anathallo

>> No.8552170

Nine Stories
Seam - The Problem with Me or Sparks - Propaganda

nice men

>> No.8552184
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fite me

>> No.8552214
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>> No.8552230

Grave of the Fireflies
Soft Machine - Third

>> No.8552244

because muh cross posting is bad

>> No.8552263

youre a faggot

>> No.8552265

That film was just blue and pink. If the director could have gotten his style out of his ass it would have been a lot better.

>> No.8552289

The rules of attraction
Withnail and I
Surfer rosa

>> No.8552304

What's the point?

>> No.8552312

Kiki's delivery service
In the aeroplane over the sea

>> No.8552327
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>> No.8552361

My Ulysses and ghibli bro

>> No.8552466

The Sound and the Fury
The Last Picture Show
Soul Mining

>> No.8552471

>Inherent Vice
>The Tree of Life
>Black Sabbath - Sabotage

>> No.8552493

But it is their best

>> No.8552495

>salad days is shit
>I'm a pleb

I don't even have to reply

>> No.8552536

>the velvet underground & nico
I will never understand the love for this album

>> No.8552601
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>> No.8552626
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I wouldn't say I have a number one favorite in any of the categories that would top all the rest, but these are some of my absolute favorites. The album is Juurta jaksain by Mokoma.

>> No.8552665


>Multiple vowels in names
>That many umlauts

Get off my Anglo literature board, you filthy Finnish cumstain.

>> No.8552680

Based. How'd did you get into Derrida? I love Nietzsche and Heidegger, and of the French Continental school after the memes Derrida looks the most interesting, but I don't know where to start.

>> No.8552688
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>> No.8552693

literally one of godard's worst

>> No.8552700

watch more films





The Possessed
Weekend (Godard)
The Queen is Dead

>> No.8552715

Inglorious Bastards/Falling Down
Live at Siné

What's a good intro Skinny Puppy album?

>> No.8552720

No it is not, it is third best. Band of Outsider is number 2, and My Life to Life is his masterpiece

>> No.8552722

>Lost in Translation
>Women - Public Strain

>> No.8552724

The Sound and the Fury
Django Unchained
Jim Croce; Photographs and Memories.

>> No.8552725

Wildlife by La Dispute
Vivre Sa Vie

>> No.8552765
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>> No.8552797

>Velvet Underground and JLG

I think I'm gonna puke

>> No.8552807

Same brother, its not good and nico literally sounds like a man.

>> No.8552812

Tip top

>> No.8552818


>> No.8552822

Muuten kaunista mutta ootko ihan tosissas ton villagen kanssa?

>> No.8552841

Tiedän, että The Villagea ei yleisesti pidetä minään erityisen hyvänä elokuvana, mutta itse tykkään siitä kovasti, ja se on saanut etenkin lopun twistin takia paljon ansaitsematonta arvostelua. Mielestäni elokuvassa on kuitenkin kaikki kohdallaan: miljöö, tunnelma, näyttelysuoritukset, värimaailma, musiikki... oikeastaan siinä ei ole mitään, mistä en pitäisi. Se on se elokuva, jonka haluan joskus syksyisenä iltana katsoa viltin alle käärityneenä elämäni naisen kanssa. Oispa vaan se nainen.

>> No.8552849
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I don't read
I don't watch movies
I don't listen to music

>> No.8552872
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Ymmärrän, minulle vaan ei kovin moni uudempi (1990-eteenpäin) elokuva kolahda

Rate + no hate

>> No.8552878

>he didn't get it

>> No.8552880

Are you an only child or a lot younger than your siblings?

>> No.8552882

Jäniksen vuosi on kyllä hyvä. Fannyn ja Alexanderin seikkailuja en ole katsonut, joten en osaa sanoa juuta enkä jaata. Pink Floyd on melko suppean ja satunnaisen kuunteluni perusteella ihan jees.

>> No.8552885

la chute
le petit soldat
ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars


>> No.8552898


Seriously, I'm alright with a few frogs and the occasional German but who let these literal Mongoloid snowfuckers on this board? Please stop posting on a literature board until you can produce some authors at least on the level of your whiter, superior-gened neighbors in Norway, thanks.

>> No.8552904

Good old google translate.
>Fanny and Alexander's adventures I have not looked , so I can not say I am Jewish ice.

>> No.8552910

>203 replies
>1 mention of classical music and it's fucking Bach
what do you people listen to

>> No.8552913

Do you just post on 4chan and masturbate?

>> No.8552918

absalom absalom
wings of desire
bridge over troubled water

>> No.8552927

>le Finns are mongols maymay

As a /pol/ habitué I never thought I'd say this, but get back to /pol/.

>> No.8552943

no to both?

Fanny ja Alexander kannattaa ehdottomasti katsoa, jos Bergmanin filmeista tai taide-elokuvista pitää. Siinä kyllä käydään läpi kaikki tunteet, elämän vaiheet ja suuret kysymykset läpi viiden tunnin sisään + suomen ainoa Oscari Jörn Donnerille elokuvan tuottamisesta :-)

>He can't read the superior finnish literature since it is only reserved for the absolute elite
>Deluded, he comforts himself by repeating that the germanic ''''''''literature'''''''''' is even readable.
Even if you produced something worthwhile, it is because we have enrichened your people with our Uralic genes enough already :--)

>> No.8552944

>and it's fucking Bach

>> No.8552946

>no to both?
My psychoanalysis failed then. Your taste seemed a bit parentcore.

>> No.8552948

check this guy --> >>8551314

completely tiptop, RIP Rautavaara

>> No.8552950

>and it's fucking Bach

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8552966


I think there have been 4 or so. But yeah, I'm surprised. Maybe it's because 'album' isn't really the best way to classify classical music


Bogposters OUT

>> No.8552984


I don't even frequent /pol/ desu, all you really need to do is take a cursory glance at any Finn and it should be pretty self-evident that they're intermixed with the literal snowpeople in the Arctic region, who share genetic similarities to Asians. Either that or all Finns suffer from Down's Syndrome, which would actually be fittingly hilarious.


Nice memes kiddo. Now get back to collecting whale blubber so you can keep the lanterns lit over there another week. Also,

>My snowfucker literature is so """superior"""
>Has literally no examples to rival the likes of Hamsun, Ibsen, even Memegård for fuck's sake

Stop before you hurt yourself.

>> No.8552986

kek :D

It's a finnish idiom, literally translated as "I can't say juu or jaa" (both meaning "yes")
It has translated "juu" as "jew" ("juutalainen" in finnish) and "jaa" as "ice" ("jää" in finnish)

Yeah, it is a bit parentcore. I don't think there's any psychology behind my taste, its just great art that I picked for this one

>> No.8552991

Not even a Finn, but please don't imply that fucking Knausgård is better than Kalevala and Edith Södergran.

>> No.8553025


Just looked up Kalevala. Seems okay, but a country having to wait until the 19th century for their national epic does seem a little embarrassing, no? Virgil got that shit done for Rome before common era, the Finns had to wait until their people escaped the igloo in what I'm assuming was the late-eighteenth to early-nineteenth century.

Even if Knaus is a significantly less-interesting and less-important Proust, that's at least derivative of a work of a good canon within a little over a hundred years.

>Looks up Edith Södergran
>Born in St. Petersburg
>Wrote in Swedish

Real good example of a Finnish writer, kek.

>> No.8553042

Infinite Jest (sometimes Bleak House)

get better movie taste

good shit

some pretty bizarre choices but i think theyre all somewhat respectable

>> No.8553043


Sorry replied to the wrong person haha

>> No.8553046

Less embarrassing than your national epic not taking place in your country or not having one at all.

>> No.8553070

Moby Dick
Harmony In Ultraviolet
Synecdoche NY

>> No.8553084

Dude, pretty much every European country worth their salt has a national epic, and the ones I could list off are significantly more important in scope than Kalevala. If you extend the list to national prose 'epics', anything the Finns have written thus far gets even further buried.

I don't think Finns are horrible people. I love Teemu Selanne. But really, Finns should be sticking to what they are good at, and leave literature to countries that don't base themselves on an unaesthetic niche language.

>> No.8553086

Derrida is the thinker that follows Nietzsche and Heidegger. Foucault and the other french are too sociologist, Deleuze too pseudo-science, Agamben and stiegler are interesting but not as significant as Derrida. Derrida changed my thinking just as significantly as heidegger did.

Download all his stuff and secondary writing from libgen. Watch lectures on european graduate school by him, avital ronnell, diane davis.

The first thing that really clicked for me was Plato's Pharmacy. It carries Heidegger's thinking on Holderlin's "where the danger is grows also the saving".

>> No.8553094

The runos of the epic are ancient, it was only in the 19th century that they were written down

>Has literally no examples to rival the likes of Hamsun, Ibsen, even Memegård for fuck's sake

Come back when you have literally even a single example to rival the likes of Sillanpää, Aho, Kivi, or even Canth for fucks sake

You can't stop now that you've already hurt yourself

>> No.8553126


>It took until the 19th century to write down some igloo moon runes

That's almost kind of worse. I was under the assumption that people around here believed that translations are shit tier, but I'll let it go. Kalevala still isn't matching up to any of the national epics of the major literary European countries.

>Come back when you have literally even a single example to rival the likes of Sillanpää, Aho, Kivi, or even Canth for fucks sake

One guy who won 'muh Nobel' and a bunch of literally who. Again, I'm picking on you with NORWEGIAN literature, which can't hold a candle up to any of France/Italy/Germany/England/Russia/Ireland, and you're still not matching up to Hamsun. Seriously, you ought to stop while you still can manage some dignity on this one.

>> No.8553130

>literally who
>quality is based on poularity

>> No.8553133


Tolkein did borrow a fair bit of the Kalevala in writing the LOTR universe to be fair. Turin is a very slightly altered version of Kullervo

>> No.8553135
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>when you witness someone spilling and slipping

>> No.8553137

>pretty much every European country worth their salt has a national epic
And England's takes place in Scandinavia.

>> No.8553150


No, quality is not based on popularity. But critical praise in conjunction with translation into other languages (as much as translation can fail) can be an indicator of a good work, and these are literally writers in some instances who I doubt have been translated at all out of their native Finnish. Add that Finnish is a niche language that is aesthetically displeasing and lacks no practical functions in the literary sense to begin with, and I begin to cast some doubt as to your claims. Again, I would still doubt that any of their works are better than Hamsun, and I seriously challenge you to bring up those authors in the same vein as Hamsun in front of more professional readers and critics. I'm guessing you'll get put down gently, at the very least.

That's a neat little factoid, but I don't think it means that the Kalevala is any better or worse because of it. Tolkien also borrowed straight from Beowulf in making The Hobbit, but I'm not any more impressed by Beowulf on those grounds either.

>> No.8553156


>In Scandanavia

Huh, that's strange.

>In Scandinavia

Well, if you're white...

>> No.8553168


>I samefag and post frog memes to make my shit points appear more legitimate

This was never even a fair argument to begin with. No right-minded non-snowfucker can honestly say that the Finns have a worthwhile literary canon in regards to the rest of Scandinavia, let alone Europe. It's pretty mad.

>> No.8553185

Another neat factoid: "The Song of Hiawatha" took its meter straight from Kalevala. The ancient meter is known as the Kalevala meter, but it was/is the standard for any finnic poetry.

He was talking about Beowulf

>> No.8553192
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>> No.8553207


Again, another neat factoid, but I'm not going to praise a work based on other works that derived some value or inspiration from it. Again, I've already conceded early on that the Kalevala seems okay, simply that it is not in any way comparable to some of the greater epics from the major canons of Europe. If someone is trying to persuade me to get into Finnish literature, or even go so far as to acknowledge its canon, one work is not going far to convince.

...And yeah, I know he was talking about Beowulf. It's called a joke. Like most of the igloo spearchucker Mongoloid shit. Stop being a dense cunt, you dense cunt.

>> No.8553211

That was my first post in this thread, I expected to see some serious discussion here but instead I get a norwegian burgering the whole fucking thread up

As a casual swiss I don't know much finnish lit, but I've read at least some of the Moomin books and I know that Kalavela is the national epic
For Norway I can say I know Ibsen, but I've never read any of his stuff. Iceland has Edda, but I can't name the national epic of Norway nor Sweden or actually even Denmark.

>> No.8553219
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>Finnish [...] is aesthetically displeasing
Say that to pic related's face.
>and lacks no practical functions in the literary sense
Sounds like a great language then kek.
>Again, I would still doubt that any of their works are better than Hamsun
Again, you are implying that your stupid hunch based on nothing but memes is of any interest to anyone. Kill yourself.

>> No.8553225


I'm not even Norwegian, I'm simply using a country with a moderately better canon (that's nowhere near the major literary powers of continental Europe, England and Potatoland) as an example of a proper literary canon against these Downie-looking Finncunts. All the posts have ended up being "b-but muh Kalevala" and a cadre of unknowns/pseudo-swedes.

>> No.8553228

>still thinking this is an argument

>> No.8553241


>The be-all-end-all of aesthetic prose

Truly, this is a time of memes.

I still can't believe you're trying to argue that the Finnish canon is worth anything to the major continentals. Like seriously, if you really believe that shit then go argue it where it matters and where the people will have read your Mong-lit.

And then proceed to be laughed at for your shit opinion.

>> No.8553246

Please stop missing the point all the time it's getting very annoying.
>I still can't believe you're trying to argue that the Finnish canon is worth anything to the major continentals.
Please quote me arguing that the Finnish canon is worth anything to the major continentals.

>> No.8553249
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Holy shit I had to check and as it turns out, Norway and Sweden don't even have national epics
And as you said in
>every European country worth their salt has a national epic
Norway and Sweden are confirmed pretty much non-lit countries with primitive scribblings and no traditions worth mentioning while Finnish literature is thus officially en par with Polish and Danish

>> No.8553286

>can't believe you're trying to argue that the Finnish canon is worth anything to the major continentals.

Then what the fuck are you going on about? Let the continental write literature, let the Finns play hockey and go spearfishing. Let everyone play to their strengths here ( I could go into why the actual language itself has to do with why some countries prosper in the literary sense while others struggle but it should be fairly self-evident, but also because calling Finns Mongs and shitting on the small amount of literature they do have seems to sperg them out and it's hilarious).

>Not considering Iceland a de facto part of Norwegian culture

And that's where you fucked up this day.

Also, why would I defend Sweden? They don't even want to defend themselves, I'm not bothering with that shit.

>> No.8553292


continentals*. And Brits, and Potatolanders*.

>> No.8553295

>Then what the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.8553349

>Implying analytical languages could possibly produce high literature

>> No.8553376
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>Not considering Iceland a de facto part of Norwegian culture
>Not considering Norwegian culture Danish
>Not considering Danish culture German
>Not considering German culture Roman
>Not considering Roman culture Greek
>Not considering Greek culture Mesopotamian
>Not considering Mesopotamian culture Egyptian
>Not considering Egyptian culture Kenyan

And that's where you fucked up this day

I'm going to sleep, I'll let you force your funny meme on this thread in peace

>> No.8553445
File: 99 KB, 920x310, book movie album.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanny & Alexander and Wish You Were Here - fucking nice.

Eyy, Bowie.

Really good memes and counter-memes happening in this thread. Kudos!

>> No.8554010

Thanks, will check it out

>> No.8554025

If you mention anything other than classical music as your favorite then you're a pleb. It's like saying your favorite author is John Green.

>> No.8554070
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I don't enjoy having to resort to pull the "fedora card", but this comment is either clever bait or cringy as shit.

>> No.8554073

The only cringy one here is yourself. Go back to /mu/.

>> No.8554082

I guess I shouldn't be surprised peopel here have shitty /mu/-tier taste in music, since you retards get all of your taste in things from 4chan

>> No.8554099

If at least 75% of what you listen to isn't classical then your'e blep and might as well DFW yourself

>> No.8554105

having 'favourite music' is pleb. patricians can appreciate any music because they are knowledgeable in the socio-historical and theoretical contexts of all styles and genres.

>> No.8554124

Wrong. People who are knowledgeable about a subject can separate the good from the bad. The canonical masterpieces, for example, are good, while almost all popular music is bad.

>> No.8554135

there is no good or bad to someone who is knowledgeable. there are only examples.

>> No.8554140
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>> No.8554145

Literally just watched The Double Life of Veronique, it was absolutely amazing

>> No.8554156
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I take it back, fdouglass rip

>> No.8554189

u can keep thinking that if u rly want 2stay a plen

>> No.8554198

Groundhog Day
The Avalanches- Since I Left You


>> No.8554204

have fun looking for times to argue over whether classical or pop is better, but when it hits you that this is all you do, don't think of me

>> No.8554226

most of the people that post in these threads will be the ones who like 4chan-recommended things. i wouldnt bother because its pointless and I'll likely be called a pleb for stepping outside of the hivemind

>> No.8554229

How many people come here to hate John Green, but don't actually read in their free time? It's almost as if they're here to voice some sense of betrayal at having read his works when they were younger.

>> No.8554315

Gravity's Rainbow
Being John Malkovich
Elliott Smith? Repeater?

>> No.8554340

you live in the past

>> No.8554345

wind-up bird chronicle
ys, joanna newsom
twin peaks: fire walk with me

>> No.8554351

what' the album yo?

>> No.8554374

I argue over other things too, like how Donald Trump is going to make America great again.

>> No.8554395

Why do people seem to think music is exempt from the rule that genreshit always sucks?

>> No.8554404

>it's literally all popular music
Fuck off back to /mu/ you teenagers.

>> No.8554425

Butcher's Crossing
The Outlaw Josey Wales

>> No.8554479

Not being sarcastic here, but what's your musical choice? Don't just say 'classical' because it's too broad.

>> No.8554511

is there another kind of music that produces 'albums'?

>> No.8554521

which film

>> No.8554550


>> No.8554554

Must be nice to really believe that narrowing your horizons is somehow impressive

>> No.8554558


>> No.8554608

In Search of Lost Time
Citizen Kane
A Dark Side of the Moon

>> No.8554621

its just lou reed doing a gay voice

>> No.8554622

One hundred years of solitude
The fall
The stone roses

Because he was wrong

>> No.8554630

Don Quijote
First Utterance

>> No.8554641

op said albums not symphonies or whatever

>> No.8554659

While You Were Out

>> No.8554662

Prince of Thorns
Valhalla Rising
Carnival is Forever

>> No.8554663

why is everyone such a special snowflake in this thread? everyone chose some obscure as fuck movie or album. kys

>> No.8554670


>Salem's lot
>The nightmare before Christmas
>Sempiternal by Bring me the Horizon

Judge me tender

>> No.8554674

Mah boi

>> No.8554675

turns out pretentious dicks are pretentious about everything

>> No.8554679

The inner scar

>> No.8554686

Because there is no point in posting ITT except to show off. Evidently it doesn't foster discussion

>> No.8554697

Oh, hey Dad.

>> No.8554730

>barsoom series
>the princess bride
>the fragile

>> No.8554755


Most of these movies are entry level as fuck and show /lit/ is too busy in books to watch good movies.

You just have shit taste and feel threatened

It's the same with the albums, most aren't "special snowflake" status just most popular albums of history.

>> No.8554798

>Could pick any classical to seem intelligent
>Dude Beethoven lmao


>> No.8554800

>White sound
>Drive or Lost in translation
>Tomorrow is nearly yesterday and everyday is stupid - Crywank

>> No.8554803

That wasn't just any Beethoven, though: that was the String Quartet No. 13 with the Grosse Fuge ending, perhaps the most avant-garde piece of music ever composed.

>> No.8554807

happy people cant face annihilation

it's pretty heavy-handed, confusing because it's unconvincing

>> No.8554808


>> No.8554809
File: 29 KB, 333x500, MV5BNDk2MTkyMTA1OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTc2Njk3OA@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen King fanboy here.

>> No.8554814

Are you looking at the same thread as me?

>> No.8554822


>> No.8554837

>/lit/ is too busy in books

I laughed. How are you liking your first day here?

>> No.8554859

>everyone chose some obscure as fuck movie or album
Empirically wrong.

>> No.8554892

Cat's Cradle

Barton Fink

Free Your Mind... And Your Ass Will Follow

>> No.8554909
File: 490 KB, 500x500, Audrey-Hepburn-Animated-GIFs-56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dance of Death & Other Plantation Favorites

>> No.8554922

I'll do four for each because saying something is my favourite never feels right

Genisis, Infinite Jest, The Metamorphosis, 100 years of solitude

Andrei Rublev, Eraserhead, Resevoir Dogs, Blue Velvet

Meat is Murder, White Light / White Heat, Generic Shostakovich Compilation album, Loveless.

>> No.8554928


he's lying to himself

>> No.8554941


Sorry i said that i was projecting. Koyaanisqatsi could very well be your favourite film. Way back when i had a tendency to name the most "patrician" things i could think of as my favourites rather than my actual favourite pieces, and surely at some point i said Koyaanisqatsi was my favourite film when it was not.

Obviously that doesn't mean it can't be or isn't your favourite. aplologies.

>> No.8554944

Picture of Dorian Gray
Niandre La Des and Maybe Just a T-shirt
Cloud Atlas

>> No.8554966

shut up you cunt

>> No.8554968

its ok dude

i have three favorite movies : The New World - Malick, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Koyaanisqatsi, I just chose one of the three for this thread but I consider them all equal. Albums I have even worse of a trouble but classical music doesn't go as much by album.

>> No.8554983
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Be gentle

>> No.8554987

>perhaps the most avant-garde piece of music ever composed

>> No.8555043
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I don't listen to music that often

>> No.8555122

>he thinks there was something to get

>> No.8555391

The Black Company
Apollo 11

>> No.8555613

Shakespeare was also the msot avant-garde playwright, btw.